Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 809: Clear the way (below)

Remember [New] in a second! "Well, I had some similar thoughts before, but my field of vision was limited, so I didn't think too much about it. What you said today can be regarded as a sudden enlightenment for me! It turns out that this world is so magnificent." Lu Yixin was filled with emotion. The original knot of time seemed to be opened.

However, he himself didn't notice anything, wisps of sword energy escaped from his body, just like the essence.

This is not driven by Qi Jin, but...a law!

"This is the law of the way of the sword!" Jiang Heng narrowed his eyes slightly, and began to carefully feel the still weak power of the law.

Hearing this, Lu Yixin was taken aback for a moment before he came to his senses, and he was also taken aback by seeing it.

"It turns out to be like this! It turns out to be like this! Haha!"

After carefully feeling that this is indeed the law of the sword, Lu Yixin swept away the depression these days and laughed up to the sky.

"I see, that's it! That's it!"

Lu Yixin was laughing maniacally, while Jiang Heng was a little confused, saying that he shouldn't lose his composure when he realizes the Dao, right? Or is there something special about this kendo?

Seemingly seeing the doubts on Jiang Heng's face, Lu Yixin said calmly after a while after his mood calmed down: "I just discovered that this way of swordsmanship is a way with a master."

"There is a master's way? Could it be..." Hearing this, Jiang Heng's expression suddenly became serious.

"That's right! This way already has a master. Just when I realized something in my heart, the other party seemed to be aware of it, and then allowed my existence. This made me feel his existence." Lu Yixin also nodded solemnly. , this has actually confirmed their guess just now.

"In this way, doesn't it prove that once a true **** appears on a certain avenue, then he has control over this avenue?" Jiang Heng asked back with a frown.

However, Lu Yixin recalled it for a moment and pondered: "That's not necessarily true. I feel that he hasn't completely mastered the way of swordsmanship. What he did to me was more like finding a like-minded companion, so kindly I mentioned it a bit, and this allowed me to step into the threshold of kendo in one fell swoop!"

"Is there still such a situation?" Listening to Lu Yixin's description of Jiang Heng felt quite novel.

Immediately, he was a little confused, "Does that mean that he has not yet become a god? He is just a pioneer like the ancient gods, so he has a stronger control over the way of the sword?"

"Perhaps, he doesn't seem to be hostile to me, and even has the intention of supporting me." Lu Yixin is not too clear about this. The gap between the two sides is too big. When the other party helps him, he can't perceive what the other party is. realm.

"In any case, discussing the Dao with seniors during this period of time has helped me a lot, maybe I can try it in the near future!"

Jiang Heng stood up and bowed to Lu Yixin, and Lu Yixin quickly got up to return the salute.

This discussion also allowed him to break through in one fell swoop and step into the threshold of the real swordsmanship, which is also a great favor.

The incarnation of Jiang Heng left soon.

But Lu Yixin just looked at Jiang Heng's leaving back, his eyes full of confidence.

kendo! I finally stepped into this path!

Maybe it won't be long before I will become a domain master with the way of swordsmanship!

On the contrary, Lu Yixin has calmed down at this moment, and everything may have been predestined.

As time passed day by day, many disciples on Xingyun suzerain star found that the Sutra Pavilion seemed to be a little different.

It is different, the air flow seems to have become a little chaotic, and there will be sudden strong winds in some closed places, which makes many disciples feel a little baffled.

Even some places have become chaotic. Some even blew up unknown hurricanes, and disciples had to take action to calm them down.

"What exactly happened here?"

"I don't know, is there a senior who has practiced some miraculous skills recently?"

Many disciples talked about it in private, and they were very confused about it. After all, they didn't feel the fluctuation of the law at all.

But there are also people who are aware of the source.

Some domain master-level true disciples can clearly feel that the source comes from the Sutra Pavilion.

"Is there any senior in the Cangjing Pavilion who failed to cultivate in it recently?" A disciple of the inner sect of the domain master frowned.

Another disciple smiled wryly and shook his head, "That's not clear. It stands to reason that no one is allowed to practice in the Sutra Pavilion, and those who can practice here are senior brothers and elders above the 80th floor."

At the same time, the three elders of the Nebula Sect were also gathering together. All three of them just lacked an opportunity to reach this level, so it doesn't make much sense to practice or not.

"Brother, which of your little disciples survived this catastrophe is really a blessing, I heard that he has touched the threshold of the peak realm?" Di Xingzi lightly sipped the tea cup in his hand and said with a smile.

The few of them often talked about their disciples to each other like this. They are all elders of one party, so naturally they often compete with their disciples.

Hearing this, the Great Elder Tian Xingzi stroked his beard and said with a smile: "Tian Xing is indeed a good kid, he has always been the best among several senior brothers. However, although he has touched the threshold of the peak right now, I am also worried that he is so young. It’s still too early to touch this level.”

These words obviously carried a hint of showing off, the corners of the mouths of Xingzi and Xuan Xingzi twitched.

Tian Xingcong is indeed Tian Xingzi's beloved disciple, and at the age of less than 5,000 years old, he is already in the late stage of the domain master. If he can break through to the peak state in the next few years, he will be able to step into the demigod state in the next few years. I'm afraid there is still some hope for the probability.

After all, the sooner a breakthrough is made, the sooner it can be consolidated, and there will be more time to seek that ray of breakthrough opportunity.

"Heh! Tian Xingcong is indeed a good kid, and we looked after Zhang Da. But he is still too young. And if you say his age, he can still be comparable to Master Jiang's uncle.

Besides, not everyone can be Master Jiang's Uncle. Although Master Jiang's Uncle is only in the later stages, his strength is not inferior to us. Therefore, it is most important to lay a solid foundation. "

Xuan Xingzi spoke in a sincere tone.

Tian Xingzi couldn't help but twitched, why couldn't these two juniors be convinced? Master Jiang's uncles are all elders, how many generations is this worse than that?


Just when Tian Xingzi was about to speak out to refute, Di Xingzi suddenly gasped and looked outside.

Hearing the sound, everyone looked outside one after another, only to see a gust of wind and clouds changing color over the Sutra Pavilion in the distance, and saw a huge funnel-shaped cloud whirlpool above the Sutra Pavilion.

"It seems that Grand Master Jiang is there. Could it be that Grand Master Jiang has made another breakthrough?" Di Xingzi frowned in confusion.

"Didn't you say that Uncle Jiang only broke through the late stages? After all, it's impossible to break through again, right?"

Tian Xingzi also wondered what happened.

The three of them had no intention of chatting at this meeting, and they all got up and flew in the direction of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion.

At the same time, all the disciples of the Nebula Sect on the main planet were shocked by these celestial phenomena, many of which were not actually seen or perceived by the naked eye.

Instead, it was discovered that a hurricane vortex seemed to appear somewhere, and the atmosphere on the planet's surface was continuously gathering towards a certain place.

This kind of change, as long as you feel it with your skin, you can find that the air in all places moves in the same direction.

"It seems that your apprentice has made some noise again."

The all-weather voice resounded in the empty cave where only Xingyun and the demigod Xingyun lived.

Hearing that Xingyun, who had just closed his eyes for recuperation, had no choice but to open his eyes again, his senses came out, and he immediately let out a small gasp.

"Did you find it weird? This situation is very rare for your apprentice. Do you know what he is doing?"

"I have never seen such a strange scene. The gas of the entire planet seems to be rhythmic with his breathing. The key is that he did not feel the fluctuation of the law. It does not seem to be driven by the law. As for the normal breathing of the physical body It also mainly absorbs energy, so what is the use of gas?"

The demigod Xingyun shook his head slightly, he didn't know the meaning of this strange situation.

"Did you really not notice anything?" Tong Tianhou continued to ask.

Now Xingyun half-god raised his brows slightly, couldn't help but look at the broken arm, and said in a deep voice, "Does Lord Hou know anything?"

"You are from the Southern King, so have you seen the painting that hangs in the palaces of the Four Kings?"

Hanging paintings?

Hearing that Xingyun Demigod can't help but fall into memory, because his position is actually not qualified to go to Nanwang Palace to meet Nanwang. But he still entered the palace once.

"It's a black painting with only one white line in it. I've always been curious about what it means?" Thinking back to the contents of the painting, Xingyun shook his head incessantly.

"Hehe, what do you know, this is the painting made by the Martial God when he became a god. It was originally in the imperial palace, and the four kings' palaces are all copied by the four kings after seeing the original."

Tong Tianhou's words shocked the demigod Xingyun.

"Are you still saying that this painting is nothing?" Tong Tianhou sneered.

"Then what does this painting have to do with my apprentice's current situation?" Xing Yun was even more confused.

"Does it matter? Listen to me first, the painting was originally called Kaitiantu!"

"The map of opening the sky is said to be drawn by the old man of the Martial God who imagined the scene of the strongest man opening up this universe. The painting is all-encompassing, and it is an infinite treasure for anyone."

Hearing this, Demigod Xingyun was still a little confused.

It is true that he was born in the Great Zhou Empire, but he is only one of the many demigod generals, and he is just inconspicuous in the eyes of the great empire.

"Don't you understand? Although your apprentice is not opening up the universe like the strongest, but he is opening the way!"

"Clear the way?!"

At this moment, Xingyun half-consciously understands, and he still understands the way. He couldn't help but look at Jiang Heng again.

"Is this the way to clear the way? Why doesn't there seem to be much movement?"

Indeed, this movement is limited to the surface of one planet. However, the breakthroughs of ordinary galaxy masters often affect several planets.

"What do you know? Have you ever seen Kaidao?" Tong Tianhou snapped angrily.

Hearing that the demigod Xingyun was a little embarrassed, he couldn't help asking: "Master Hou, I remember that the period with the most enlightened people was the period of the ancient gods, so you haven't seen it before?"

indeed so!

At the beginning, the most powerful person opened up the universe, but the universe was empty, only some primitive creatures, and it was those primitive creatures who opened up avenues that created the colorful universe today.

"Heh! I haven't seen anything before? You are talking about the first pioneers of the Dao. What I have seen are some trailblazers!"

"Master Hou, have you really seen it?"

The demigod Xingyun suddenly became nervous. Could it be that the scene in front of him is really a harbinger of the opening of the way?

"Naturally!" Tong Tianhou was unavoidably complacent with his words.

"There are thousands of ways, and every one who pioneered the way is some extraordinary people. I think the future of your apprentice is really hard to say."

"Haha! Never mind him, the one who opened the way! I didn't expect that one day I would be able to accept a person who opened the way as an apprentice."

The demigod Xingyun is already enjoying this meeting.

Opening the way is not an ordinary person. It means that this person has a deep understanding in a certain way, and even becoming a **** is a matter of course if time allows.

"Haha! Doesn't this mean that my disciple's future achievements can even reach the level of the ancient gods?" The demigod Xingyun laughed from ear to ear.

However, Tong Tianhou interrupted his fantasy without hesitation and said: "Oh, the ancient gods opened a great way, and your apprentice is at most a pretty good trail.

And how can it be compared to ancient times now? Nowadays, the avenues in the universe are complicated, and they are not as pure as they were when the universe was created. It is not so easy to become a true **** by opening the way like the ancient gods. "

"Is that so?" Demigod Xing Yun couldn't help feeling a little angry when he heard this, he really didn't know much about this.

"That's the case, not only are you opening the path now, but if you take this path in the future, you can indeed improve by leaps and bounds because of a deep understanding of it. You can even step into a demigod for a short time, and there is no risk."

Tong Tianhou changed the subject suddenly, and said in a deep voice: "But you also know the prospect of the path, just like the twin demigods, isn't he just walking a path? Look at his current state, just I’m afraid it’s already stalled.”


Hearing that Xingyun demigod gradually regained his composure, it really doesn't do much good to open the way, especially the trail.

There is no need to choose which path is more important than the path of the body or the avenue of the Among the same level, the path of the body can even compete with the powerhouses of the path of a higher level. Small paths can borrow less power from avenues and long rivers, especially in the demigod realm.

"Then do I need to interrupt him to clear the way?"

"That's not necessary, just clearing the way and letting him drive it can be regarded as increasing his understanding. It's just that after clearing the way, it's enough to give advice, don't go astray and take a small path." Tong Tianhou kindly reminded him.

Hearing that Xingyun demigod also nodded slightly, he stopped paying so much attention to the outside world Jiang Heng's commotion.

At the same time, the outside movement has been getting louder and louder, and brilliant lights like auroras have appeared above the Sutra Pavilion, which dazzled all the disciples below.

"What the **** is going on here?"

"What is that? Is it the great river descending?"

At this moment, amidst the patches of aurora, a long and narrow river hangs down from nothingness, like a galaxy falling to the ground.

No one has seen this kind of situation before. It looks like a demigod leading a long river to come down, but it doesn't have such a terrifying power. It's really strange.

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