Master of Fist

Chapter 788: 9 magic lion

"Although this old man has the means to save his life, it is still incomparable to the Heavenly Cang Curse in Brother Canghai's hands." Lao Yan said in a strange way.

On the contrary, there is an unconcealable envy and longing for the floating mid-air charm between his brows.

"Old Nightmare is wonderful. Although my family's ancestor's things are powerful, each of the three families has their own strengths, just like the Yan Luo Purgatory of your Underworld Fire Sect, which is even more vicious." Cang Hai ignored Old Nightmare's expression as usual. Weird compliments.

"Hey, there's the Heavenly Cang Curse in Brother Canghai's hands. Those little things can only be weird to listen to orders." Kui Jin chuckled, speaking highly of the Heavenly Cang Curse.

The three of them were bragging to each other here, and at this moment, an erratic and distant voice came into the minds of the three of them far away.

"Haha! I didn't expect the progress of the Western Front to be so gratifying. People in the Western District of the Hundred Kingdoms seem to be no better than the Eastern District!" Old Nightmare was the first to let out a hearty laugh, very happy.

Just now, the three of them received news from the Western Front at the same time, and learned that the Allied Forces of the Western Region of the Hundred Nations were defeated one after another and killed nearly a hundred domain lords at once. This news really lifted the spirits of the three of them.

But the joy quickly dissipated, and the expressions of the three of them sank at the same time.

"I'm afraid it's not a good thing for me to wait!" Cang Hai sighed in a low voice with a gloomy expression.

"The progress on the western front is gratifying, but if the base camp learns that we have suffered setbacks here, this matter is afraid of comparison!"

Hearing that Yan Lao and Kui Jin had different expressions, they also came to their senses.

"It seems that we can only join hands together. Everyone, I will prepare again in the near future. At that time, I hope that the two elder brothers will not shirk. Only when we win the battle can we talk about it here. Otherwise, if something goes wrong, I will wait for the three of us." Can’t get away with it either.”

Kui Jin looked at the other two with gloomy eyes, and the warning in his words was self-evident.

"Go all out!" Hearing this, both of them nodded.

Although the two of them are in charge of supervisory duties, if something goes wrong, although Kui Jin is mainly responsible, the two of them are also jointly and severally liable.

"Brother Kui Jin, please rest assured, the laws of the hegemony are strict, and we all know it well!"

It has been half a month since the second advance army arrived in the central area, and today the fortress ushered in a different guest.

I saw the star gate trembling slightly, and the platforms around the star gate were already full of many master-level powerhouses of the second advance army, and many people were curious.

The commander-in-chief ordered everyone to welcome a senior, which made many people curious and puzzled.

You must know that the army's expedition is a one-off, and the main defense is that there will be enemy spies in the two ends. Whether it is a temporary withdrawal of people from the Central District to the Eastern District, or a temporary dispatch of personnel from the Eastern District to the Central District, most of these situations are not allowed. of.

After all, once someone from the Hegemony side who is good at disguising takes advantage of such loopholes to sneak into the Eastern District, it will be quite troublesome. Although it is now during the war, on the surface, the fighting area of ​​both sides is limited to the central area.

It is unavoidable and cannot be restricted to sneak into hostile areas alone or in a small group of strong people.

Similarly, if a Hegemony spy had infiltrated the Eastern Region long ago, and then temporarily dispatched to the Central Fortress during this period, and if he cooperated with the Hegemony side, it would easily cause the entire Central Fortress to collapse instantly.

Don't underestimate the fine work, once the opponent sneaks into the inside of the fortress, under the surprise attack, it is very easy to destroy the main formation hub of the fortress from the inside with the strength of a domain master-level powerhouse.

Therefore, it is normal for everyone to be confused. At such an important pass, if there are no necessary circumstances, personnel transfers between the eastern and central districts are not allowed. ,

It's just that all the domain master level powerhouses present are not stupid, and they are very clear that they are still qualified to come and go freely under such circumstances. That either means that the identity of the person who came here is not ordinary, or the wealth is extremely reliable, and he may be the confidant or direct descendant of a certain demigod powerhouse.

"Brother Jiang, my senior brother invites you!"

Just when Jiang Heng was also standing aside, a little confused, a Nebula Sect disciple came over and cupped his hands to invite him.

"Brother Tian looking for me?"

Hearing this, Jiang Heng had a faint guess, so he didn't dare to neglect and quickly got up and followed this person all the way to Tianxingcong.

"Uncle Jiang Master!"

Seeing Jiang Heng, Tianxing almost made Jiang Heng's eyes round from the first sentence, but he quickly realized that his heart beat a lot faster.

"Brother Tian, ​​why did you say that? I can't bear this title!" Jiang Heng said hastily.

"Hey! The sect has just received news that the suzerain master is willing to accept Master Jiang's uncle into the gate wall, which means that you will be the sixth personal disciple of the suzerain master and uncle Jiang in the future!

With the seniority of the suzerain, his disciples and even my master can be regarded as elders, so Master Jiang's uncle should not refuse, our Xingyun sect pays great attention to etiquette, these are necessary. "Tianxing's attitude is respectful, and he doesn't have the aloof attitude of being a commander before. He is completely humble like a junior.

"This..." Jiang Heng pretended to be embarrassed, but he couldn't help muttering in his heart.

Although Tian Xing had mentioned before that he might be favored by that demigod, Jiang Heng didn't hold much hope for it, after all, he was not a native of the Nebula Sect.

Such an outsider, the other party actually accepted him as a disciple, which made Jiang Heng a little flattered.

But Jiang Heng didn't know that his current talent could no longer be justified by simply being strong.

You must know that all races and even every creature in the universe have their own blood talent that is destined long ago. Maybe some races are more fortunate and have inherited most of the blood of a certain ancient true god. Estimate.

Similarly, if one is unlucky and only inherits the meager bloodline of a strong demigod, then the talent of this family is extremely poor, and it is completely unpopular among all the families in the universe.

The strength of talent among them can be said to have been determined for a long time. Similarly, a dark horse like Jiang Heng is actually very unusual. It is easy to be suspected of being a descendant of a certain ancient true god, and there are quite a few bloodlines.

But Jiang Heng only knows that his talent is completely derived from the ball and golden ornaments. In the early days, he relied on **** to lay a solid foundation, but now he relies on golden jewelry to increase his physical talent with millions or even hundreds of millions of physical warriors.

With the superposition of the two, Jiang Heng's talent stood out from the Milky Way group that was not particularly special about the physical body, and even emerged in the entire Tianshuang and even the Hundred Nations Alliance.

And this cannot be reproduced by others, nor can it be reproduced.

But no matter how unresponsive Jiang Heng is at the moment, he still vaguely feels that his current physical talent is a bit unusual. Maybe it's not just the past that can be said honestly.

Jiang Heng has also seen some martial arts in the physical body, such as the elders who have always been friends with him.

The talent of the veteran is not bad, it can be said that he can be regarded as an extremely eye-catching evildoer among the scattered people, and he can step by step step by step among the scattered people who are not from the native land of the Great Zhou. Relying on his blood of the Starry Sky Clan, which is different from ordinary people.

It is also because of this that his performance is not inferior to that of the ordinary Xingyun sect disciples among the scattered people.

In Jiang Heng's view, the disciples of the Xingyun sect surpassed many other undisciplined martial artists of the same level at any level.

Jiang Heng could clearly feel this point after seeing some members of the Vajra Sect. The members of the Vajra Sect were not bad among the scattered people, but they were obviously not as good as the disciples of the Xingyun Sect.

"That is to say, my talent can no longer be fooled by a simple chance, it can only show that I have a lot of background behind it?" Jiang Heng's thoughts turned.

For a moment, I felt the joy of being accepted into the door wall by a demigod powerhouse, but also a little bit of worry.

"It looks like you have to think of a plausible reason."

Jiang Heng's brain was thinking quickly, "If the Milky Way is the reason, it must not work, then we can only use vague concepts to prevaricate."

Jiang Heng is naturally aware of the details of his Milky Way group, and he should inherit the blood of a certain ancient space true god, which may not be hidden from that demigod's personal investigation.

This point also made Jiang Heng feel worried, but he had already considered this point. After all, if you want to investigate in person, you have to go to the Milky Way in person for the Nebula demigod.

But at present, the opponent is limited to fighting with the hegemony and can't do it at all. This is what Jiang Heng is happy to see. He didn't think so far. He only hoped to be close to a demigod as a backer. During the war, he would not be treated as cannon fodder and die under the hands of demigods.

With Xingyun demigod as his backer, at least he is somewhat safe.

As for what happened next, Jiang Heng didn't think so far. After all, this time the Hegemony side clearly had the absolute upper hand, and Jiang Heng only hoped to survive first.

As for whether the other party will covet the news that his family masters the top law of the universe such as the law of space, Jiang Heng doesn't think about it.

For the time being, he can't think so far. As for the time when he can really survive this dead situation, he can only hope that the other party is a pure physical martial artist, and he can't look down on these precious lumps of his apprentice.

With these thoughts, Jiang Heng's restless heart quickly calmed down.

I don't care if he is falling apart or not, I only look at the moment!

Thinking about this, Jiang Heng couldn't help but look at the star gate.

"Brother Tian, ​​I don't know if the big man who came this time is the old suzerain?" Jiang Heng asked curiously.

Hearing this, Tian Xingcong hurriedly said: "Uncle Jiang, don't treat me like a brother in the future, but now Master Jiang's status is not ordinary, if you can look up to the younger generation, just call me Xiaotian. As for Brother Tian, ​​don't Let me mention it again, if my master or even the suzerain hears about this, he will definitely expel me from the sect!"

Seeing Tian Xing's earnest face and not seeming to be joking, this made Jiang Heng realize once again how much the Nebula Sect attaches importance to seniority.

"In this case, I can only be respectful rather than obedient!" Jiang Heng smiled wryly and cupped his hands.

"That's right. From now on, it's okay for Master Uncle to speak up whenever he is driven. As a junior, Xiaotian is obliged to do many things." As he said that, Tian Xingcong pointed to Xingmen and smiled: "Master Uncle is now participating in the war. The suzerain is not allowed to come to the central area because of his status as an old man, but the person who came this time has a close relationship with the suzerain."

"Oh! I don't know who it is?" Jiang Heng showed curiosity.

Judging from Tian Xing's tone, the people who are closely related are not the three disciples of the demigod Xingyun.

"This time, the sect only said that it is an elder who has a close relationship with the suzerain. In this way, the only person who can meet the requirements is the nine-day old senior!"

"Nine days? I don't know if this is that senior again."

"Master and uncle, you may not understand that when you first entered the sect, at the age of the suzerain, even us disciples and grandchildren are mostly disciples and grandchildren, and it is difficult to accompany the suzerain for a long time. But the nine-day old senior is different.

Senior Nine Heavens is not an ordinary group of creatures like me, but a starry sky behemoth whose strength is at the peak level of the domain master.

It is said that this senior Jiutian was the suzerain's mount very early on, and now most of them also sit in the sect as the sect's guardian beast. It's just that I didn't expect the suzerain to let this senior come here. It seems that our second advance army is safe and sound this time. "

Tian Xingcong was also happy, he didn't expect to introduce such an unexpected joy to the suzerain and his old man.

When the Nine Heavens Demon Lion arrived in the central area, Xing Cong estimated that even Senior Nine Heavens alone could keep the entire fortress safe.

Wen Yan Jiang Heng nodded slightly, but felt a little horrified in his heart.

"If I remember correctly, the Starry Sky Clan is powerful. I heard that a peak-level Starry Sky Clan is comparable to ordinary low-ranking first-order demigods. So, isn't this senior Nine Heavens equivalent to a demigod descending in person?"

"Hehe, although there are some differences, they are similar." Hearing that Tian Xingcong nodded, there was unstoppable pride on his face, as if boasting about the Nine Heavens Demon Lion was boasting about himself.

"However, there are still some differences. Master Uncle, you are talking about beings with the royal blood of the Starry Sky Clan. These are all outstanding members of the Starry Sky Clan. Senior Jiutian is not from the royal family, but if you want to compare with some beings who have just entered the demigod level It's nothing to worry about."

Just when the two were talking to each other The fluctuations in the distant star gate reached a peak.

In fact, the star gate also has a capacity limit. If the mass itself is too large, it will also be a great burden on the star gate. Just like the preparation time for the star gate to send this nine-day senior is obviously much longer than usual. Rao In this way, the star gate is still shaking and faintly showing signs of collapse.

Fortunately, when the star gate particles trembled, a burly man with a figure of nine meters and wearing a golden iron stupa armor stepped out of the star gate.

He could feel the monstrous energy and blood in the opponent's body, and his burly body expanded his armor even more. This is a middle-aged man who looks very rough and wild.

A head of golden curly hair scattered freely, a pair of eyes full of barbaric atmosphere, the whole face can be seen the outline of a liger, and must have a very thick golden beard.

It looks like an angry lion's head on the outside, it looks majestic and majestic, but when you walk, you can feel a barbaric air rushing towards your face, making you feel a little heavy when you breathe.

"Welcome Uncle Nine Heavens Master!" The moment the other party stepped out of the star gate, all the disciples of the Xing Yun Sect present clasped their hands together and saluted and shouted in unison.

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