Master of Fist

Chapter 787: Heavenly Dark Fire Broken Gold

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"It seems that brother Xingyun has an urgent military situation?" Siji demigod saw the particularity of this streamer at a glance.

This is obviously a method for the master-level powerhouse near the star gate to use the law method to urgently send messages, and this is not a physical Dao domain master, but a type of law that is good at delivering messages, like this small road domain master. The major forces will try their best to gather a few of them for emergencies.

Of course, these special talents are not needed under normal circumstances, but it is obvious that the news is not easy to use this method to communicate.

Seeing this scene, Nebula's demigod also became serious. He had allocated all these talents near the star gate where the second galaxy and the central region are now connected, and he was able to pass the news from there. Obviously, there was an accident on the front line.

"It can't be that the second batch just passed..." Siji Demigod thought of a terrible possibility, and couldn't help but become extremely serious.

After Liu Guang broke through the clouds, he reached the vicinity of the two at an extremely fast speed, and was quickly taken into the hands of Xing Yun's demigod.

When Liu Guang was pulled, he went directly into the body of the nebula demigod.

One after another messages were also passed into Xingyun's demigod's mind, and he opened his eyes a while ago and he couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

"But the front line is safe?" Seeing Xingyun's calm expression, the demigods were somewhat relieved.

"It's not about the front line, it's just that my direct disciple has some sect's private affairs to report, but he's getting so nervous, see if I turn around and not deal with this kid!" Xingyun half-god responded casually with a chuckle.

The four pole demigods nodded slightly when they heard the words, their eyes flickered slightly, and they obviously had some doubts, but they didn't ask any more questions.

The two chatted about their cultivation again, and the demigod Siji said goodbye and left.

Although they don't need their demigods to go off in person now, but the battle is imminent, and they also need to sit on their own forces to feel at ease.

It wasn't until Siji Demigod left the main planet where the Xingyun Sect's sect was resident, and felt that the other party's aura had completely disappeared within his perception range, that Xingyun Demigod showed a hint of thought.

"It's a bit interesting that there are such physical Tao wizards!"

Whispering alone, Xingyun's demigod face couldn't help showing interest.

"Look at this news, tell me whose descendant this person will be!" I saw the demigod Xingyun talking to himself, and then he flicked his fingers, and a ray of light shot straight behind him On a stone carving.

I saw that the surface of this stone sculpture looks ordinary, it is just an ordinary stone material, but its shape is a bit weird, it looks like a lion's head, but the whole body is a human body, and this lion's head has nine heads, Every lion is lifelike and opens its **** mouth as if it is about to eat people.

As the light entered its lion head, the stone sculpture waited for a moment and moved like a living thing. Its nine lion heads looked at the demigod Xingyun in front of it and nodded slightly.

"Master! Forgive me for not being able to see it because of my shallow knowledge. Speaking of it, the blood of the law is inherited in an orderly manner. Even if it seems that some Sanren's own blood can trace back to the ancient gods. Now the flesh body is the best. The Martial God lineage of my Great Zhou Empire is the current royal family.

However, the royal family has not heard any rumors of outflow of blood. The four major frontier kings attach great importance to their own blood. Even some princes and daughters of the central galaxy and even some marginal princes and princes are not allowed to have **** with people of other laws under the strict order of His Excellency the Valkyrie. Signs of blood coitus.

This is also the way to keep the royal blood pure. Therefore, the subordinates do not know! "

Xingyun half-god listened quietly, nodded in admiration after listening, and then couldn't help but feel a little distressed, "You are right! In terms of physical talent, my Great Zhou royal family is the strongest, followed by those of us who followed in the early years. A descendant of a general who fought in the Southern and Northern Wars of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

As for casual cultivators, who can match our talent in physical body and Taoism? If so, whose heir is this person? This kind of talent is comparable to some princes! "

Xingyun demigod sighed softly.

The Nine Heavens Demon Lion on the side had no choice but to shake his head. It was just a descendant of a war beast who followed the ancestor of the Nebula demigod in the early years. His ancestor was a follower of the Nebula demigod ancestor. Da Zhou's understanding is worse than Xing Yun's demigod.

"Could it be a descendant of a real **** in the flesh in ancient times?" Nine Heavens Demon Lion thought for a while and made a suggestion.

Hearing this, Xingyun demigod shook his head, and said very firmly: "Impossible! In ancient times, there was no real god-level powerhouse in the physical body! According to the records of the royal family of the Great Zhou, the Martial God is the second most powerful person since the one who opened up this universe. A true **** with a physical body who has achieved the realm of a true god!"

"I've also heard about this, but who else is this Jiang Heng's descendant? Could it be that he has the blood of my starry sky giant beast in his body?" Nine Heavens Demon Lion had to say after thinking about it.

"It's not entirely true. This universe is still too big. There are tens of thousands of powerful people in the world. You and I can't guarantee whether there are physical Taoist powerhouses in this world who are not my Da Zhou family. Maybe it is a certain physical body at the end of the ancient gods. The blood of the Dao demigod. After all, that period was the budding period of the Dao in the physical body.

It is precisely because of this that the old man Wushen created the strongest body way with his peerless posture. However, the Martial God can do it, and there may be some beings who are not as talented as the Martial God and have reached the high position of the physical body. "

Xingyun's demigod said that he couldn't help showing a look of thought on his face.

There are not many descriptions of the end of ancient times in the royal classics of the Great Zhou Dynasty. After all, the Great Zhou Dynasty in that period was still the old Great Zhou period, and the rulers were descendants of the gods.

That is to say, the historical records from the Old Great Zhou period to the present are extremely detailed, so the demigod Xingyun can't guarantee whether there are physical body Taoists in the Old Great Zhou period.

"Then master, how do you want to treat Jiang Heng?" Nine Heavens Demon Lion asked with a nod.

He reckoned that his master might be very interested in such a good seedling, especially from the information in the inside that described that Jiang Heng's net worth was quite innocent.

"You can put it in the door first. If there is a chance, I even want to introduce him to the prince in the future. Of course, I need to pay more attention to it. Although this person is innocent, he was born in the affiliated forces of my Great Zhou. Climb step by step from the humble land to the present situation. Looking at the past, there is nothing to say.

But it cannot be denied whether it is the layout arranged by the temples in advance, which must be investigated carefully! "

Demigod Xingyun is still very optimistic about this genius, but in his heart, he is more inclined to have no problem with him. After all, such a gifted physical body powerhouse cannot be achieved simply by training. The starting point of Xu's own blood talent is high enough.

With the ability of the temples, it is not difficult to find a seedling with good talent, but it is not so easy to find a seedling who is comparable to the son of the world.

"Okay, I'll trouble you to go through this matter!" Xing Yun looked at the Nine Heavens Demon Lion and ordered.

"Promise!" Hearing that the Nine Heavens Demon Lion nodded like a benevolent person, it should be yes.

He is at the pinnacle of the domain master level, and he will not be considered inappropriate by the hegemonic demigods if he goes to the central area this time.

Just after the second advance army caught Bayu by surprise with a surprise attack, Kui Jin, who returned to the temporary station, had a gloomy expression on his face.

This temporary station is a resource-rich star belt. They are not good at management, so the exploitation of this place is very rough, so you can see some domain masters directly extracting star energy everywhere.

This mining efficiency is the lowest, but there is no way.

The combat method of the Hegemony Star Alliance is generally that their combat units advance at an extremely fast speed, and then the support personnel will catch up with them.

As for the auxiliary personnel, they are also uneven, either some of the lowest-level slaves brought from their lairs, or the local aborigines captured along the way.

Because these people have no hope because of their low status, there is no need to consider the efficiency of these people's work. This also shows that the logistics of the Hegemony Star Alliance are extremely poor.

At this time, when he returned to the station and sat in the main flagship, he was questioned by the supervisors sent by the other two sects on the first step. Kui Jin felt ashamed.

The three major sects all restrict each other, for example, their Broken Golden Gate and the Broken Golden Empire will also be constrained by the other two major sects. This time, Kui Jin, as the highest officer of this team, has great autonomy, but the other two will also send supervisors to observe the situation at all times. Once the battle is unfavorable, the two will join forces.

Kui Jin knew that this was normal. All three wanted to occupy the command of the army, and there was competition for the command of each team.

However, right now they can't turn against each other, once they turn against each other, they will definitely bear huge pressure.

"You two, this matter is indeed due to me, but it is also due to yours. It's like that of the Underworld Fire Sect! You are responsible for intelligence collection. Why didn't you tell me about the sudden appearance of another support team from the enemy. Could it be that you want to pretend that the general will fall? Or are you a secret agent of the Hundred Kingdoms side, deliberately wanting to delay the war opportunity to create opportunities for the remaining evils of the Hundred Kingdoms?"

As soon as Kui Jin's words came out, the old supervisor of the Minghuo Sect was furious. They did infiltrate a lot of meticulous work into the Baiguo side, but they couldn't monitor it in real time. The key point is to put him on the fire and roast him, his heart can be punished!

"Kui Jin! Don't talk nonsense, you yellow-mouthed kid. I, Minghuo, am one of the three families, how can I do such things. Although I, Minghuo, collect information, I can't do everything. The key depends on you The commander reacted accordingly. And you didn’t retreat in time when the reinforcements arrived, wouldn’t you be entrapping your subordinates? The loss is all the power of our hegemony!” The old man was also not to be outdone, if Kui Jin’s fake words were true. He will die without redemption.

"Hmph! That's your responsibility too!"

"Okay!" Seeing that the dispute between the two families seemed to be escalating, another representative of the Tiancang faction who was the supervisor of the army said: "This time, I will write it down to Brother Kuijin once, and as for Brother Nightmare, I will verbally Once warned, it will not be reported. Next, everyone must work together! Otherwise, I will be turned over by Baiguo, and I will not be able to get rid of it!"

The middle-aged man's tone was serious.

His words also made Sui Jin and the patriarch surnamed Yan nod slightly. Although they are members of the three major forces, if something important happens, their own sect will not let them go after returning.

"Having said that, but Sui Jin's strength is not good. I think even if he makes another attack and the opponent is on guard, if he wants to gain something, I'm afraid we will lose a lot!" The old man surnamed Nightmare said in a bad tone.

Everyone, not a fool, can tell that this is an attempt to seize power.

"Hmph! Old man Yan, don't be so mean here. The appointment of me is an order personally issued by the headquarters. If you want to deprive me of my power with this small mistake, you still can't do it!" Sui Jin snorted coldly at this The people of Minghuozong seemed to be angry.

"Okay!" Seeing that Old Yan was about to speak, the middle-aged man hurriedly interrupted.

"Next, Mr. Yan, you and I will also personally take care of those little things!" The middle-aged man pointed.

Hearing this, Yan Lao was taken aback for a moment, and he thought for a while and coughed lightly, "Is this too early? I haven't completely tamed these things, once released, I'm afraid the enemy will be inseparable from me!"

"That's your dereliction of duty! You Minghuozong is good at seizing souls and confounding souls. These are all your housekeeping skills. If you can't even handle this small matter well, then I don't think you need to be here. Go back and bring your baby." Kui Jin never let go of suppressing his opponent.

He has always been at loggerheads with this old nightmare, and every time he makes a major decision, this old nightmare retorts. Every time it is the tip of the needle, the two sides have been unhappy for a long time. What's more, among the three families, the Minghuozong looked down on him and the Broken Gold Empire.

This stems from the fact that the Underworld Fire Sect belongs to the old royal family of the hegemony, and is very unhappy with the new royal family of Suijin.

Kui Jin was very aware of the twists and turns, and it was nothing more than that their broken gold power was the weakest on the hegemonic side, and Tiancang was the strongest, so Minghuo had no choice but to attack their broken gold.

Of course, the three families also have a tacit understanding, often when Suijin and Minghuo face each other, Tiancang is often the attitude of a peacemaker.

The attitude of the higher-ups has also affected the lower-level aspects, just like the current situation of the three of them.

"Kid, you should keep your mouth clean. I think you have never tasted the burning pain of my dark fire sect. Believe it or not, I will capture your soul and let you taste the burning pain of the soul?" The old man had a gloomy sneer.

"Everyone, please listen to me in detail!" The middle-aged man sighed, waved his hand and a picture suddenly appeared.

In the picture is a golden engraved with countless cumbersome formation inscriptions.

"Heavenly Curse!"

Seeing this, Kui Jin and Yan Lao both exclaimed in unison.

"I didn't expect Brother Canghai to even get such a good thing. Didn't you say that this is something that only your suzerain can refine? Why did he even give you one?" Seeing this, Elder Yan couldn't help but wondered softly.

Even Kui Jin couldn't help but cast a weird look at Brother Canghai of the Tiancang faction.

The middle-aged man named Cang Hai looked indifferent, and he was not surprised by everyone's reaction. He said softly: "Although the meaning of this battle base camp is to put us in a deep predicament, we want to give us a chance to break through. That demigod realm. But there are still some life-saving means. I think the two of you know it too, right?"

It is said that Kui Jin and Yan Lao have different expressions, this is true, the two of them do have life-saving treasures bestowed by their ancestors.


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