Master of Fist

Chapter 738: Gold and Music (Part 2)

"I don't know why senior came here...what's the matter?" Seeing that Jiang Heng hadn't said a word, Lieyan Patriarch hesitated for a moment before asking.

She respects and fears the person in front of her from the bottom of her heart. What she respects is that when she first dealt with the opponent, she was able to smile generously when she was defeated by the opponent, and even sent a silver stream later. This huge opportunity.

It is no exaggeration to say that since the emergence of Yinliu, although the three sisters have put in a lot of energy for it, they have also received real benefits.

The profits obtained in these hundreds of years are almost equivalent to the income of the Sanhua Chamber of Commerce for nearly 10,000 years of operation, and with these resources, the three sisters have made a very obvious improvement in strength.

Just like herself, although there is still a big gap from the later stage, she has obviously made a lot of progress in the middle stage.

As for fear, it is naturally the other party's desperate strength. As early as the first meeting, Lieyan Patriarch felt that there was a gap in strength, but it seemed that it had not yet reached the point of despair. But now there is no despair, it is completely unfathomable like an abyss.

"The three-digit strength has not been seen in a hundred years, but it has improved a lot. I see that your star system is also running very well, not bad! Very good!" Jiang Heng said slowly, obviously admiring, but the three sisters of Sanhua Don't dare to breathe.

"I don't have anything else to do here today, but I need to bother you to check some things. It's about the Sixth Prince Le. It's not convenient for me to come forward for such things. Your connections should be wider than mine."

"His Highness Cha Liu?" Patriarch Lieyan was stunned when she heard this, and she even suspected that she had heard it wrong.

"The Sixth Highness is not..."

"What's the problem again?" Jiang Heng turned his head to look at the three of them and said in a deep voice before Lie Yan Patriarch could ask.

"No... no problem!" Patriarch Lie Yan was terrified suddenly, and a cold sweat appeared on his back. She just wanted to ask if the sixth highness is not one of her own? Now it seems that the inside story is beyond her imagination.

"In addition, you should carefully check the details of that Mr. Jin before, and find out any news about him!" Jiang Heng continued to order.

For this task, Lie Yan Patriarch didn't dare to ask any more questions, and nodded his head in a good manner.

Time was running out, and the three of them left quickly after bidding farewell to Jiang Heng. The time Jiang Heng gave them was only one month, and they would dig out as much as possible within one month.

Feeling the figures of the three people disappearing quickly, Jiang Heng took a deep breath, looking at the lush scene outside the window, a little lost in thought.

"Sixth Prince Le! You are really not a simple guy, why do you always surprise me?"

Thinking back now, Jiang Heng found that his first impression of Sixth Prince Le was quite good. Perhaps because of the identity of the other party, the crown prince of a super galaxy cluster force came here in person.

At that time, it was because of this action that my first impression of Sixth Prince Le was good.

"Sure enough, the first impression still has a great influence on a person's judgment. Is this Le's idea or Mr. Jin's?"

Before he knew it, Jiang Heng thought of the mysterious Mr. Jin again. The other party seemed to have mastered the law of the golden movement. Judging from the golden state of the other party, the power of the law in the other party's body was definitely not weak.

Maybe he really is a domain master level peak powerhouse.

As for the demigod...Jiang Heng didn't think so much, if it was a demigod, there was no need to hide it like this.

Although the Five Elements Law is not bad, it also belongs to the more conventional avenues of the universe. Any one of the five rules is just mediocre and not very strong.

However, it is said that five strong men of the same realm who have mastered different laws of the Five Elements join forces to perform a five-element secret technique, which can explode with incomparably terrifying strength. more difficult.

Moreover, it is still doubtful whether that special five-element secret technique really exists.

Now that they have already left the closed door, Jiang Heng didn't plan to continue the closed door. After thinking about it, his mind immediately sank into the golden jewelry.

In the past hundred years of retreat, I haven't paid much attention to the world of accessories, but after a hundred years, the speed of cultivation has increased to a state comparable to that of an early-stage master of domain master level practicing for him.

This change made Jiang Heng very happy, although adding a domain master level initial unit to the cultivation speed is just a drop in the bucket for him right now. But don't forget that this is only a hundred years!

What would it be like if thousands of years passed?

The scene on the side of the accessories is imprinted in my mind again, and the familiar cabin is still imprinted in my eyes. After a hundred years, there is almost no change, and the cabin is still clean and clean. It seems that there is some kind of cleaning system to maintain the dust. clean up.

"Hey! Is this the end?"

Looking at Alto, who was obviously much stronger inside, Jiang Heng couldn't help but let out an exclamation in his heart.

Immediately after scanning around again, Jiang Heng was even more surprised that there were more than a thousand middle-level warriors. Not only that, the number of bloodline traction has reached a total of nearly hundreds of thousands.

These bloodlines pass through this cabin one by one and link to the bodies of other Alto's people in other cabins. Jiang Heng didn't know how many people like Alto existed in this building.

But it is certain that this seems to be a huge amount, but it is a pity that this layer of barriers cuts off Jiang Heng's conscious exploration, otherwise he really wants to investigate what the so-called 78 Heavy Industry Group is like.

In this way, I can somewhat understand the structure of the omnic civilization, but unfortunately the accessories are a bit weak.

"However, this previous barrier has been reduced so much this time!" Jiang Heng felt silently. The strength of this barrier has reached the peak level of domain masters. It is estimated that an increase of about one million bloodlines is enough for him to borrow space The power passed through.

Alto practiced as before, and the daily work was a little impatient for him now, which made him very depressed when he thought that he would spend a lot of time on work every day and could not practice. Because it would make him feel like his life was wasted.

"I don't know how strong I am now, can I beat those mechanical soldiers?"

Silently muttering in his heart, Alto still indulged in the practice as if enjoying himself.

"Forget it!"

Suddenly, a familiar voice sounded in his mind. Hearing this voice, Orto almost jumped up excitedly, but he calmed down quickly for fear of triggering the alarm of the loyalty system.

"The Great Creator..."

"Tell me about your situation! The key point is about the 78 Heavy Industry Group!" Jiang Heng said quickly, he had to interrupt this kid's flamboyant flattery, it was too embarrassing.

"You want to know about the 78 Heavy Industry Group?" A look of disappointment flashed across Alto's face when he heard that the great **** just wanted to know about the Heavy Industry Group, but he quickly realized it.

The great **** has given himself and his people too much help, and this is the time for him to serve the god.

Orto didn't hide anything, and began to explain the situation on his side in detail, in detail for three hours.

Jiang Heng also listened silently, and occasionally asked for confirmation, and he didn't think about it until Olto finished speaking.

"It turns out that the 78 Heavy Industry Group did not refer to a certain force, but a military enterprise in the Chaowei Empire!"

When he heard the news from Alto, Jiang Heng was extremely shocked.

It never occurred to him that the place he randomly saw with the accessories turned out to be the area controlled by the Chaodimensional Empire.

Jiang Heng couldn't help being shocked by this news, and he also knew some general conditions of the ultra-dimensional empire system from Orto's other narrations.

78 Heavy Industry Group, the reason why it is called so is not because the founder likes the number 78. But because this number is very considerate.

This number actually represents the ranking of this military industrial enterprise among nearly one hundred military industrial enterprises in the super-dimensional empire.

For example, the 78 Heavy Industry Group is a military enterprise ranked 78.

Further up, there are 77 military industrial groups that are much stronger than 78 in terms of scale and production specifications.

These are actually what Orto heard from the sidelines when he recently established a good relationship with the management robot.

According to his explanation, the arsenal he works in is actually just one of many arsenals under the name of 78 Heavy Industry Group.

Every military industrial group means a huge warlord force under the super-dimensional empire. Because each group represents a huge group army of the Chaodimensional Empire, and this kind of group army is a ruthless character that can compete with any main army of the Great Zhou Empire.

For example, the main function of the arsenal where Orto is located is to mass-produce the existence of ordinary arms for the 78th Army. Jiang Heng reckons it is cannon fodder!

Jiang Heng only felt a little scary to use mechanical soldiers comparable to fake domain masters as cannon fodder. These were just cannon fodder. How strong was the main force of that group army?

Regarding the information provided by Orto, Jiang Heng can only say that it was an eye-opener. For the first time, he had a rough impression of the strength of the Ultra-Dimensional Empire, and this impression is powerful!

After chatting for a while, Jiang Heng wanted to know about the recent military actions of the 78th Army from Orto, but it was a pity, not to mention that he couldn't get in touch, not even the division president with the highest authority in the arsenal where he worked. This permission is known.

It is said that only the members of the board of directors can know the movements of the army group. As for the rank of the board members, this is beyond what Alto can know.

He also taught Alto some tips on cultivation, and after solving some difficult problems in cultivation, Jiang Heng broke away from perception.

This time the harvest is already great, Jiang Heng is somewhat looking forward to entering the opponent's world.

According to Orto, the arsenal where he works seems to be extremely far away from the headquarters of the group. The group's sphere of influence generally covers thousands of super galaxy clusters.

This is because the group needs a large amount of resources to produce strategic resources, so each arsenal does not overlap, and is very clearly arranged separately for each galaxy, so that the arsenal can fully exploit the resources of their respective galaxies. ,

But this gave Jiang Heng the hope of killing him.

"With my current strength, it may not be enough to wipe out this arsenal in one fell swoop. Wait..."

The reason why he wanted to kill the past and rescue this group of good people who contributed to his own cultivation was that Jiang Heng was interested in the technology and various manufacturing drawings of the arsenal.

Jiang Heng is not that kind of traditional warrior. With his previous life experience, he is not too repulsed by technological creations, even if the technological creations in this world really have autonomous consciousness.

But from the information revealed by Alto, Jiang Heng keenly noticed that only the management robots in the arsenal have autonomous consciousness, and the mass-produced mechanical soldiers are completely controlled by commands.

This also means that only administrative robots belong to omnivorous life forms, and all he needs is the blueprints for ordinary mechanical soldiers in the arsenal.

It is definitely a huge wealth for Jiang Heng to be able to mass-produce soldiers at the level of pseudo domain masters.

He can decipher the blueprint through the research institute of the Luohui Empire, so that it can be put into production quickly. At that time, it is no joke that the Milky Way will become the number one force in the Tianshuang Empire. At least no one can do anything to the Milky Way when they are half-conscious.

And these have to wait, Jiang Heng calmed down and began to wait quietly.

I thought that the three sisters of Sanhua would probably come back in a hurry, but I never thought that the three of them would bring back news of their respective investigations one after another in just half a month.

The four of them are domain master-level powerhouses, and they communicated extremely quickly. In just a few breaths, the three sisters have already explained everything they investigated in detail.

Jiang Heng's brows also changed from calm at first to frowning.

It's not that the three of them didn't find out anything, on the contrary, they all investigated a lot.

For example, Mr. Jin was active for the first time 30,000 years ago. At that time, he was famous in the circle of interstellar merchants for selling a galaxy with extremely rich resources.

After that, he began to sell galaxies frantically one after another. Of course, his sales speed was not fast, and he often had to rest for a while after a wave. After all, he placed an avatar, and it would take some time for the avatar to cultivate to the level where he could destroy the indigenous powerhouses in the galaxies.

But even so, according to incomplete statistics, there are already hundreds of galaxies traded under Mr. Jin.

Because of this, Mr. Jin has been wanted by the Alliance of Hundred Nations and several nearby cosmic-level forces. No cosmic-level force will allow someone under its command to sell the galaxies under its rule without permission. This is completely slapping them in the However, after so many years, these forces have not even scratched the other side's body been.

Most of the people who are beheaded are incarnations.

There is no other specific news about Mr. Jin, such as where Mr. Jin was born. It is a mystery what kind of martial arts he has practiced and what he has learned from his master.

The sixth prince is a bit more interesting. The mother and concubine of the sixth prince is a direct member of a domain master-level galaxy force. His mother's family is a sect named Mingzong, and his mother and concubine are the seventy-eighth head of the sect. generation granddaughter,

What's more interesting is that not long after the birth of the sixth prince, the previous head teacher, a grandfather who was suspected to be in the late stage of domain master level, died of old age.

However, the Ming Sect is still weak, and the current head teacher is just a strong fake domain master. The domain master formed by sacrificing meteors is comparable to the pseudo domain master.

It is hard not to guess that there are other reasons for this change.


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