Master of Fist

Chapter 737: Gold and Music (Part 1)

"Your Highness! My patience is limited. You keep bluffing me again and again. In fact, I often turn a blind eye to it. As I said at the beginning, you and I are partners and friends. .And my attitude towards friends is very friendly.

It is my duty to my friends to be in trouble, but if they are so secretive among friends, then they don’t regard me as a friend, Jiang Mou. If it is not a friend, it is an enemy.

And your Highness, you know so many secrets about Jiang, so your Highness, if you don’t spit out something today, can you be good? "

Jiang Heng's tone was unusually cold at the moment, completely different from his previous attitude towards Le.

Lele's heart skipped a beat when he heard these words. He had no doubt that as long as he persisted, the other party would kill an imperial prince!

Le never believed that others would do such a thing that was almost an enemy of the entire empire, because it was a way to kill, but no one in the empire had the guts to do so.

But Jiang Heng was different, he had seen Jiang Heng's bold actions not long ago.

Attacking and killing the chief servant under the command of the eldest prince is even more directly an enemy of the eldest prince. This though has Le himself endorsing it.

Coke also knows that the secret of the Milky Way drives Jiang Heng and even the Milky Way behind Jiang Heng into a state of extreme madness.

The people of the Milky Way are a group of lunatics, who have the blood of one of the most powerful ways in the universe, making this group already on the verge of death.

Le had no doubt that the other party would not dare to kill him.

"Senior, you are a sensible person, so why bother to force you? Some things will naturally be known when the time comes, and this also helpless!" Le tried to continue to persuade Jiang Heng.

"Your Highness still didn't understand what Jiang said." Jiang Heng was unmoved.

His aura became more violent, and the squeezed Le Quo joints in the center burst directly, and the surrounding space glowed with a strange refraction luster. This is because the power of space has been exerted, directly pulling this small gazebo into a space In the cracks.

At this time, don't say that Elder Su outside is only at the beginning of the domain master level, even if Mr. Su is at the late domain master level. Under the circumstances that Jiang Heng's own breath is covered and he is in the cracks of the space, it is impossible to detect what happened here at this time.

Seeing this scene, a bitterness appeared on the corner of Le's mouth.

"Kim, come out!"

Le sighed softly, and as soon as the words fell, he saw a golden ornament on his chest began to squirm strangely.

Like a liquid quickly falling to the side, followed by a twist, it turned into a figure sitting cross-legged beside the Sixth Prince Le.

The visitor looked at the Sixth Prince Le, then looked at Jiang Heng, cupped his hands and said with a smile, "Long time no see, little friend Jiang!"

Jiang Heng was slightly taken aback, he hadn't expected it. His Highness the Sixth Prince's backhand is actually an acquaintance!

The man who appeared suddenly, Jiang Heng, was very familiar to him. It turned out to be that golden Mr. Jin who was full of nouveau riche atmosphere!

Mr. Jin is naturally the guy who left an avatar in the Milky Way a long time ago, and even after the avatar awakened, he directly set off the rebellion in the eastern border of the Luohui Empire and the person behind the control of the entire Seiya Federation.

I can't say how much hatred Jiang Heng has for this guy, I can only say that this guy is a bit mysterious, and he has been thinking about digging out this guy since he stepped into the domain master level.

Because this guy had devoured the power of the old man's law in Ten Thousand Beasts City, and he still had some thoughts about Jiang Heng, the space law on Jin's body.

It's just that after the search was fruitless, I gave up. I didn't expect to see the other party again under such circumstances.

"Should Jiang be called Mr. Jin or what?" Jiang Heng smiled, and his breath began to envelope Mr. Jin to the maximum extent.

This guy is very weird, the other party has an avatar on Le's body, but he has never been able to notice it.

"Hehe, the name is just a title. Little friend Jiang should call me Mr. Jin." Mr. Jin waved his hand, his current appearance may be his real appearance.

The whole is a fat bald man, sitting cross-legged like a Maitreya Buddha, and he is always smiling.

The aura emanating from him is not strong, it is only at the initial level of domain master level, but Jiang Heng dare not underestimate this guy.

Looking at the two people in front of him, Jiang Heng seemed to have thought of a lot.

For example, when he first stepped into the domain master level, when he fought Leibao, Mr. Jin fled without a fight. Not long after that, the sixth prince followed the envoys and came over.

All of this was not so strange at the time, but now it seems to be a coincidence, and this coincidence can explain the relationship between the two.

"Mr. Jin is very conscientious in order to deploy the forces under the Sixth Highness!" Jiang Heng said with a smile.

"At the time when His Royal Highness the Sixth Prince was sent to the Milky Way, Mr. Jin must have resorted to it."

Hearing Jiang Heng's seemingly inexplicable words, Mr. Jin was not surprised at all, he kept smiling all the time.

"Jiang Xiaoyou, Jin is a picker. I don't want to waste this effort on ordinary people."

"So I have to thank Mr. Jin for looking up to Jiang?" Jiang Heng asked.

"Hehe, Xiaoyou Jiang was just joking. I can't talk about it. I can only say that you, Xiaoyou Jiang, are worthy of my attention in terms of strength and courage." Mr. Jin shrugged.

"Actually, I'm very curious about what kind of strength Mr. Jin is. A mere incarnation has such strength. Should I say Mr. Jin, your avatar is very capable, or is your own strength unfathomable?"

Jiang Heng has always been a mystery to Mr. Jin's strength.

This guy is too mysterious. He also asked the Sanhua Chamber of Commerce for specific information about this person before, but the answer given by Lieyan Patriarch was also ambiguous. He only said that this person is suspected to be in the late stage of the domain master level or even the peak, with thousands of incarnations.

And it is a very active category at the domain master level. Its footprints are spread all over dozens of super galaxy cluster forces around it, and they are doing business on the surface of reselling galaxies or the blood of the law.

All they do is big business, which is why the Sanhua Chamber of Commerce itself has a lot of power in the Tianshuang Empire, otherwise it would really be impossible to get in touch with such people.

No one thinks that this guy is a demigod-level powerhouse. The main reason is that although Mr. Jin is famous, he never confronts the demigod head-on, and often does things secretly, almost silently.

Many people suspect that this person has practiced a strange skill, which should be a kind of skill that is matched with the method of incarnation, allowing the incarnation to practice on its own.

This is also the reason why this incarnation can also grow to the domain master level. After all, there are many indications that the initial strength of Mr. Jin's avatar is not strong, and it may only be in the upper realm at first.

Often when an avatar enters a galaxy, they first dormant in a low-key manner, and then continue to grow in strength before attacking in one fell swoop.

This news is not a secret. Many big chambers of commerce know Mr. Jin's style of doing things.

"Actually, I don't know what strength it is. I have to recall all the avatars to find out!" Mr. Jin responded with a smile, scratching his head as if he really didn't know.

Jiang Heng was not surprised at this answer, and his eyes lingered on Le and Mr. Jin for a while.

"Then I wonder if you can answer my other question. How did Your Highness meet Mr. Jin?" This question is what Jiang Heng wants to ask the most. He doesn't pay much attention to Mr. Jin's specific strength. He is more curious about Mr. Jin's kind How did people get together with the sixth prince.

The two should be at odds with each other!

"Jiang Xiaoyou, you know, I'm a businessman, and businessmen like to bet. And the sixth prince is a very suitable bettor, isn't he? It's just a relatively big bet. If I win, I can get what the sixth prince promised. many things."

"Then lose?" Jiang Heng smiled and said.

Hearing this, Mr. Jin spread his hands, "I haven't thought about this yet, maybe I can answer Jiang Xiaoyou after thinking about it!"

This answer was a fool, Jiang Heng nodded and didn't bother to ask.

"Okay, since His Highness has Mr. Jin as his helper, then Jiang has a bottom line!" Jiang Heng waved his hand to disperse the atmosphere around him, and the space returned to normal.

It seemed that there was a tacit understanding, Mr. Jin also nodded towards Jiang Heng with a smile, and immediately turned into a liquid again and re-evolved into the jewelry on the chest of the Sixth Prince Le.

"Thank you, senior!" Yue Jiang bowed his hands respectfully, even though he had just suffered some injuries, he still showed good self-cultivation, as if everything that just happened didn't exist.

Jiang Heng waved his hand indifferently, flicked his fingers, and stepped into Le's body with a breath. With the influx of pure power, Le's injuries quickly healed. You can't see the slightest difference in the blink of an eye.

"Okay, Jiang, thank you for reminding Your Highness today, I hope you don't mind how offended I was just now!" Jiang Heng bowed his hands politely.

The sixth prince also bowed his hands and returned the salute, and the atmosphere returned to normal again, as if the unhappiness just now was just vain.

After chatting for a while, Jiang Heng sent Le all the way to the entrance of the star gate.

"Your Highness, this is an incarnation of Jiang. If there is any trouble with my avatar, I will know immediately. But just in case, please make more preparations, Your Highness!"

Jiang Heng spat out an avatar casually, the strength of this avatar was only at the initial level of the Lord of the Galaxy, there was nothing unusual about it, and it was more for sending messages.

Now that Jiang Heng has broken through again, his sensitivity to the avatar has also expanded a lot. Not to mention the communication of forces across super galaxy clusters. But at least in the Tianshuang Empire, some simple consciousness transmission is still possible.

Of course, those verbal communication is impossible, and it can only be a warning through self-explosion of the avatar.

Although he didn't know why Mr. Jin chose the sixth prince, Jiang Heng felt that he could only choose the sixth prince at the moment.

To be honest, he regretted choosing the sixth prince, but now he has been labeled as the sixth prince in the eyes of many forces in Tianshuang Empire.

But if he could choose again, Jiang Heng would prefer to choose a prince with better control, rather than the sixth prince in front of him who was already somewhat incomprehensible to him.

"Thank you for your care, senior. Once the emperor makes trouble, it will definitely be a thunderbolt. I will be careful. I won't return to the imperial city in the near future, but maybe I can communicate with my brothers. It is better to unite than to break down one by one!

The situation is not right, the junior may ask the senior for help, and I hope the senior will not be worried because of the previous care. "The sixth prince bowed his hands respectfully again as he spoke, his courtesy was very sufficient.

Jiang Heng nodded and watched the sixth prince and his party leave.

Until the starship completely disappeared on the side of the stargate, and the moment the starship disappeared, Jiang Heng's figure also rushed directly into another stargate and disappeared.

The Sanhua star system has long been the largest trading port of the Tianshuang Empire. The number of star gates opened is hundreds of times that of hundreds of years ago. The densely packed star gates represent the trade of each galaxy.

Today, as usual, there are densely packed starships passing through the stargate, and the patrol ships in charge of inspection are also diligently checking the starship information before allowing them to pass.

As the center of the current silver flow, although the Sanhua Chamber of Commerce endorses it, but also because there are too many goods traded here, it needs to be strictly checked, otherwise, if there are star thieves flooding here, it will inevitably cause great trouble.

Therefore, each star gate has a lot of strong people who are responsible for the investigation, and at the same time, at least one domain master-level strong man from the Sanhua Chamber of Commerce sits near the star gate to maintain law and order.

A high-ranking fighter is checking a starship that has just passed through the stargate and arrived in the Sanhua galaxy, and when he is busy checking the starship member information and cargo information, an undetectable energy fluctuation directly penetrates the stargate Disappear.

The inspector was slightly taken aback, and glanced at the star gate with some doubts. If it wasn't for the slight undetectable fluctuation in the star gate just now, he would have wondered if he felt wrong just now. But take a closer look to see if you find anything unusual.

Could it be that the stargate is malfunctioning? Maybe a technician should come over and check it out. If there is really something wrong, it would be bad if it caused serious space turbulence.

Different from this frightened inspector, Poison Jade, the snake-haired girl who was in charge of guarding the star gate today, was startled suddenly, her eyes burst into horror, and she was about to burst out her majestic aura to warn her sisters.

"it's me!"

Following the voice that suddenly appeared in his mind, Du Yu was startled for a moment, then quickly restrained his breath, his eyes began to scan around, and finally converged on a figure not far away.

The place where the master-level powerhouses are on duty is in the tallest metal building above a star port where many star gates meet, and there are portholes where you can see the space scene.

And in front of a porthole, there is a figure with his back facing Du Yu, who seems to be looking down on the lush scene of the entire Sanhua galaxy through this excellent field of This scene shocked Du Yu, but she didn't notice anything just now The fluctuation of breath approaching, if it wasn't for the abnormal fluctuation of one of the star gates, she would not even know that the other party was standing not far from her.

His strength is even more unfathomable!

There is deep fear in Poison Jade's eyes, even if the other party has his back turned to her defenselessly, she does not doubt that it only takes one thought for the other party to kill her, and the speed is even so fast that she cannot use any countermeasures.

But at this moment, two auras approached quickly, and soon entered the huge metal building through the hatch, and the people who came were the Patriarch Lieyang and the black-haired girl who had just received the poisonous jade sound transmission.

The two first looked at the poisonous jade, and then their eyes fell on the figure beside the porthole.

"Senior, why are you here?"

This was the first time the three girls had seen Jiang Heng's real body after hundreds of years, and the feeling this time was completely different from the last time.

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