Master of Fist

Chapter 671: Various trends

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"The domain master level seems to be a bit weak!" Jiang Heng pondered for a while but his eyes moved slightly, and his figure shrank rapidly, and his figure recovered after a flash of golden light.

Immediately afterwards, the figure flickered quickly, and the next moment Jiang Heng was already floating on one side, and there were a few more things in his hand

But there are a few things, one is the familiar Wanbao Ling, the other is a glove-like thing, and there is a ring and a faint blue spar.

"The glove is a domain master-level weapon. It seems to carry the power of thunder. Is it because of this thing that the power of thunder is amplified?"

Jiang Heng looked at it casually and lost interest. This item is of average grade and useless to him. Instead, you can trade with people in exchange for something.

In addition, this ring is a storage ring, Jiang Heng probed into his mind and glanced carefully.

"Tch, is there only so much space?"

Jiang Heng was very contemptuous of the size of the space on the front at first. The space here is only a thousand cubic meters, which is not small, but this is actually a storage ring of a domain master-level power, which is a bit unreasonable.

However, Jiang Heng didn't know that this was the normal state of the universe. He had to know that storage rings were still a rare commodity in most places in the universe. After all, there were too few people who mastered the laws of space, and not everyone could refine storage rings.

In addition, there are some storage creations made by the super-dimensional kingdom of God, which are said to be made with a kind of super-dimensional compressed space technology, and the price is not low.

Such a secret place like the Jade Jade World in Jiang Heng's hands can often be exchanged for one or even several demigod weapons, and it is not an exaggeration to say that its value is immeasurable.

You must know that many demigods do not have such a huge secret cave.

There are not many things in the storage ring, but everything is pretty good.

There are a few things that attracted Jiang Heng more, including three master-level martial arts, one secret technique, two blueprints and five alchemy recipes.

Among them, the main martial arts of the three domains are Thunder Cloud Grab, Thunder God's Body, and Nebula Palm.

"The first two are useless to me, but this Xingyun Palm is not bad. The palm strength inspired by the pure physical body? The stronger the physical body is, the stronger the palm force is. The increase of the physical body to the palm force is 1*3."

Jiang Heng is very satisfied with this, but the cultivation of this thing seems to be quite troublesome, and the palm needs to be further tempered until it is several times stronger than the body as a whole. Only in this way can the palm of the hand withstand the bombardment of the palm force.

"However, a lot of materials have been refined into the palm of the hand. Fortunately, this person has collected a lot of materials. After they are integrated into the palm, they have to find one or two."

Jiang Heng glanced at the materials on the side and nodded. He must have retreated again after that, and he didn't know how long the sacrifice would take.

"The secret technique is called Xingyun Explosive Qijue? The name is similar to Xingyun Palm. Could it be from the same source?"

Jiang Heng was a little surprised. This nebula explosion is definitely a secret technique. It is a secret technique that fully consumes energy and spirit and produces an extreme increase in the physical body.

The physical body can be increased dozens of times in an instant, and this method has a terrifying effect on the physical body.

Jiang Heng frowned at this point, Jiang Heng knew how strong his physical body was, not to mention hundreds of times stronger than ordinary domain masters in the early stage, that's for sure dozens of times stronger.

It is almost the same as the middle stage of the domain master level.

It was so terrifying, Jiang Heng didn't have the confidence to bear the level mentioned by this secret method.

"Could it be that the Nebula Explosive Qi Art has a body method that matches it, otherwise, how can ordinary people practice this method? It is simply a secret suicide technique!"

Jiang Heng frowned, but it's not that it can't be used now, but the price is too high even for him.

"Forget it, I will use it as my hole card in the future, and I will never use it unless it is absolutely necessary."

"However, this method can complement Xingyun Palm!"

Jiang Heng thought of a possibility. The Xingyun Blast Art uses the overall consumption of energy to increase the strength of the physical body, and the Xingyun Palm is judged by the strength of the physical body.

Another thing that he looked at not far away were two blueprints, which were two sets of domain master-level weapons named Tianshuang Armor and Tianshuang Knife.

"It turns out that this is a creation of the Tianshuang Empire!"

Jiang Heng looked at the introduction in the blueprint. This is the armor and weapon of Tianshuangwei. It is said that Tianshuangwei is the personal guard of the emperor of Tianshuang Empire. Each of them is a domain master-level powerhouse, usually appearing in five people In the eyes of the world. Every time the emperor of Tianshuang Empire showed up, there were five Tianshuang guards standing beside him.

"The Sanhua Chamber of Commerce can still get the standard blueprint of Tianshuangwei?...uh..."

It was only at the end that Jiang Heng understood that this thing is an imitation, and the real Tianshuangwei set is said to be a treasure in the quality of domain master-level weapons, and its quality will be improved by half a rank after the set is assembled.

It belongs to the integrated set of weapons, and in addition to the Tianshuang armor and Tianshuang knife, the suit also includes Tianshuang helmet, Tianshuang feet and Tianshuang hand. This kind of integration is considered as a whole, and in the end, the power of the domain master's late-stage weapons can be brought into play.

"This item can be given to Brother Changchun to have a look. If I have time, I can study it."

Jiang Heng shook his head, not very interested in this thing for the time being, as for the other few are pill recipes, they are all domain master-level pills, namely Yulu Dan, Luo Tian Dan, and Fuyue Pill.

The effects are healing, short-term increase in qi and blood, and increase in speed.

Other than that, the only thing Jiang Heng cared more about was the faint blue spar.

"This thing seems to be made of pure thunder, is it transformed by that guy's thunder star?"

He narrowed his eyes and looked at this thing carefully, Jiang Heng raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Is this the power of divinity?"

It can be felt that there seems to be a lot of divine power in it, and it should be all the divine power in the body of this domain master level powerhouse.

"There is still the power of distortion?"

"I don't know if it can be absorbed?" Jiang Heng looked at the blue spar that had been taken out.

As soon as his thoughts moved, a force of suction erupted, and the blue spar in Jiang Heng's hand trembled continuously, and wisps of distortion force poured into the ball first, which made the spar in the ball a bit more, good Soon, with the energy consumption in the body, it will return to its original state again.

Immediately afterwards is the power of divinity in his body. The power of divinity is a kind of aggregation and comprehension after the law is absorbed into the body of the domain master.

As the power of divinity entered his body, Jiang Heng actually felt a strange energy gathering in his body within the sphere.

"Is this the law of no attributes?"

For some reason, this word came to Jiang Heng's mind immediately, just because he could feel that this thing could be directly used by him to convert it into the law of space he needed.

With a thought in Jiang Heng's mind, this ray of non-attributed abnormal energy fed back into his body.

"Is this Dao Realm?"

A look of joy flashed across Jiang Heng's face, he stretched out his hand, and soon a familiar space channel appeared in front of him.

Jiang Heng lifted his legs and stepped into it, and he could clearly feel the power of the surrounding space have a sense of joy for him, as if welcoming him to enter.

"This is the Dao realm. The means of mastering space seems to be innate. No wonder you can play with space wantonly!"

Jiang Heng sighed softly, but stepped out of shape again and appeared in the General's Mansion.

As for the so-called Mr. Jin, he has escaped beyond the range of perception, so he can only give up.

At the same time, Mr. Jin, who was already extremely far away from the central star field, slowly stopped his escape speed and felt that there was no trace of aura coming from behind him. He couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

"Fortunately, this person doesn't have the method of tracking, but how can there be such an existence here? So powerful and so young, could it be that he is a direct descendant of a certain powerful force?"

Mr. Jin sighed, "But no matter what, we can't stay here for long."

Mr. Jin's figure flickered quickly and disappeared in this star field.

At the same time, tens of thousands of light-years away from the Milky Way, a huge fleet is galloping at high speed.

And inside one of the main ships, several people were playing an unknown card in boredom.

Several people were wearing the relatively simple women's combat skirts in the Tianshuang Empire. The women's combat skirts were relatively close-fitting and almost perfectly showed the bumpy figures of these people, and they looked extremely slim and beautiful.

These people seem to be very extraordinary and have outstanding temperament. There are hidden stars surrounding them, and there are different translucent illusory stars floating behind their heads.

And at this moment, beside the table where several people were playing cards, there was a set of green glass beads floating, like lighting.


But at this moment, one of the green glass beads shattered into pieces and fell to the ground.

"Oh, that guy Lei Bao looks dead?"

A red-haired, red-skinned woman with a strong figure and a fiery red star floating behind her murmured softly.

"Well, this guy is really dead. He said before that Mr. Jin led the transaction. It seems that he has fallen, and the risk of fighting Mr. Jin is not small!"

Another black-haired woman who was almost human-like shook her head helplessly. What floated behind her was an ordinary planet, but the surface of the planet seemed to exude a metallic luster.

"If you die, you will die. Lei Bao has become more and more unruly recently. Especially after he stepped into the domain master, he became more and more arrogant, and he became a little unscrupulous. If this continues, we don't know whether we are a chamber of commerce or an interstellar Robbers."

Another enchanting woman with a cyan poisonous snake sneered. This woman's eyes exude a strange white light, which is the embodiment of some kind of pupil technique. If you feel carefully, you can find that most of the divine power in her body All gathered in her pair of eyes that were as bright as diamonds.

It's just that she is wearing a pair of blackout goggles to hide this beauty under the goggles.

And what floated behind her was a planet full of rocks.

"President, do you think we still have to go?" The enchanting woman with a poisonous snake raised her eyebrows and looked at the red-haired woman opposite.

Another dark-haired woman also looked over.

The red-haired, red-skinned woman had faint red streamers appearing all over her body, but the terrifying high temperature in her body was restrained by her so that nothing leaked out.

She is the president of the Sanhua Chamber of Commerce, Patriarch Lie Yan, Hong Guang!

The reason for such a name is that the Sanhua Chamber of Commerce has always appeared in the image of women outside, and moreover, the Chamber of Commerce is mostly women, which leads to the fact that although the Sanhua Chamber of Commerce has a good reputation, because there are many women in the Chamber of Commerce, often some transport None of the entrusted tasks will be given to them.

In contrast, the name Lieyan Patriarch obviously sounds a bit similar to the very powerful domain master old ghost.

In addition, the chairman of the Sanhua Chamber of Commerce has always been relatively low-key, which adds a bit of mystery.

"Go! Of course we have to go! Since we made a mistake this time, we should come to the door to apologize. Maybe this will add a potential customer to us, right?"

The red-haired woman smiled. She looked at the big trump card in her hand representing the great elder of the Tianshuang Empire and smiled.

"I won this game!"

"President, are you out of luck again? Why do you always get the big trump card?" the snake-haired girl complained.

"Anyway, we can't see that it will grow a thousand. The speed of the mid-term domain master level is too fast." The black-haired woman spread her hands.

"Okay, it's only half a year before we arrive again, it's not bad to sleep first!"

The president, Patriarch Lie Yan, waved his hand.

What Jiang Heng didn't know was that almost at the same time, several forces galloped towards the Milky Way because of him.

In addition to the Sanhua Chamber of Commerce, at the same time, another fleet is using some ancient teleportation arrays built in the Tianshuang Empire in the early years to quickly shuttle through the major galaxies to the Milky Way.

Not only that, the speed of the fleet is almost several times that of light years.

"Your Highness Sixth Prince, you don't need to bother His Highness to come to see an indigenous domain owner this time!"

An old man bowed to the handsome young man in front of him. The handsome young man has the unique aqua blue eyes of the Tianshuang Empire and hair made of frost all over his body. There are faint blue ice crystals emerging from his skin. Once became synonymous with the nobility of Tianshuang Empire.

At this time, the young man looked down at the domain master level old man in front of him and sighed softly.

"Old Su! There are no outsiders here, and you don't know the situation of the prince!"

The sixth prince shook his head with a worried expression.

"Your Highness, this..."

The old man named Su also frowned slightly. He came from the Obscure Moon Galaxy, the hometown of His Royal Highness's biological mother in the early years, and he was considered to be a descendant of the Sixth Highness. However, the factions of the empire now make him dare not go too far with it on the face of it. Get close, now I don't have that scruple.

"Your Highness, if you want to recruit a native domain master, you don't need to. The native domain masters are all average in strength, which is useless." Elder Su sighed helplessly.

"It's all a matter of strength. It would be even worse if you were trapped in the Virgo galaxy. It's like a trapped beast, a prison."

His Highness the Sixth Highness sighed, that kind of life is actually quite boring, the crown prince dispute is like a **** meat grinder full of **** smell.

And now there are many domain masters standing behind each prince. In comparison, the sixth prince who is supported by only one elderly domain master seems to be abandoned.

"And Mr. Su, who didn't come from the indigenous galaxy? Now most of the Virgo galaxy is from the natives, but after a few generations of domain masters, these people can be regarded as some people who follow the big forces. The strength of the domain master is much stronger than that of the rootless."

"That's true!" Elder Su nodded. There are many factions in the empire, including the factions among the princes and the indigenous factions.

Indigenous faction is actually a galaxy with only one and the galaxy where there is no domain master-level power registered for a long time. That is, existence without root or background. This type has almost broken the inheritance, and they have been cultivated all the way, even if they have cultivated to the domain master level, they are still at the bottom of the existence.

After all, inheritance and no inheritance are definitely two concepts.

In contrast, those domain masters with heels are considered domain masters in the eyes of those powerful domain masters in the Virgo galaxy, while the native domain masters without heels are the weak at the bottom.

To have a foothold means to have inheritance, and to be led by seniors. Naturally, there is no room for training before stepping into the domain master. Compared with the natives relying on themselves, the probability of better talent is much stronger.

"Then Sixth Highness, this old servant should do it, otherwise this native domain master has never seen the market and bumped into you!"

Elder Su still wanted His Highness the Sixth Prince to go back first, otherwise if something went wrong, His Majesty would not spare him lightly even if he didn't pay much attention to the Sixth Prince.

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