Master of Fist

Chapter 670: die!

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The terrifying momentum is like a terrible cosmic storm sweeping everything around. The sea of ​​thunder that was originally filled within a light-year radius is now in danger like a candle flickering in the wind, as if it will be extinguished in the next moment.

"This is a star?!"

Golden rings emerged around Mr. Jin's body to resist the terrible storm, but he didn't know how the so-called stars he merged into could compare with the current one?

"Stellar? Since you say it is a star, it must be a star!"

Hearing this, Jiang Heng was taken aback, what kind of star did he integrate into, what is this ball?

Definitely nothing stellar. God knows what this thing is.

"What should Mr. Jin do now? You didn't tell me about this beforehand!"

Lei Bao sent a voice transmission, but there was no response for a long time, and he glanced behind him, where he could still see Mr. Jin's figure.

"Damn it!"

At this time, Mr. Jin had already fled away, cursing inwardly, how could he encounter such a monster here.

He recognized Jiang Heng, but he never thought that Jiang Heng, who was only possessed by a soul, would be so powerful.

"Almost as powerful as the domain master in the mid-term, what can you do with such strength?"

Mr. Jin didn't sell his teammates' awareness, but felt that he had made the most sensible decision. As a domain master, he knew very well that every realm at this level represented the difference between heaven and earth.

As for the new domain master, although the quality of the integration into the stars can be superior at the beginning, he still cannot fight across the realm. Today, he was unlucky to encounter a monster whose aura was the same as that of the domain master in the middle stage.

Jiang Heng didn't know what they were thinking, his figure swelled rapidly, almost turned around and burst into golden light, turning into a giant ape the size of a planet.

It's just that there is a difference between heaven and earth when the domain master realm exerts its power at this time and before.

The Sky Ape, like a mobile battle star, is not as bulky as imagined, but the speed is the same as Jiang Heng's before, and even slightly faster.

But at this time, as Mr. Jin took the lead to escape, Lei Bao dared not stay, his whole body turned into a thunderbolt, and it turned into a thunderbolt that flew across the vacuum of space.

"Where to escape!"

At this moment, there was a loud shout from above his head, and a huge golden palm was slammed down, and the space became extremely solid in an instant.

After stepping into the domain master, the power of the originally thin law of space is also slightly strengthened. Although Qingyue and others can't travel through the space at will, they can barely restrain the opponent's speed a little.

Immediately afterwards, a burst of golden light shrouded, and at the same time, the effect of the Xuanxu plate was also enhanced. With the blessing of the hatchback, the slight obstruction to Leibao was aggravated.

It is this point that is the difference between life and death.


Seeing that he was locked on by the opponent's breath, Lei Bao gritted his teeth, and saw a round of thunder and stars suddenly rising behind him.

"Thunder field opened!"

With Leibao's roar, the entire area was filled with thunder instantly, and the speed of the golden giant ape couldn't help being slightly sluggish.

This is something that will be realized after stepping into the domain master for a period of time. It is called a domain, but it is actually a manifestation of one's own force field.

The state of one's own side in the field has soared, and the means of display and the field are originally from the same source of natural power, which has also been greatly enhanced. Also due to the expansion of the field, the power of other laws of the universe will be slightly weakened.

Of course, if two domain masters fight, the domain will be the first to compare. If one domain is so strong that it directly crushes the opponent's domain, then the battle will be won by half.

However... this is based on the same realm, and although Jiang Heng's realm is only at the early stage of the domain master level, his spirit seems to have reached the middle stage of the domain master level.

I saw countless thunders entangled on the surface of the giant ape, like vines entangled and restrained him.

But when the giant ape moved slightly, the thunderbolts immediately shattered, unable to restrain him at all.

"Thundercloud Spear! Die!"

With the expansion of the field, Leibao's confidence increased, and the power of thunder poured into its hands like countless tumbling dragons. It is formed instantly.

The thunder giant looked down at the giant ape in the distance, with a blank expression on his face, he swung his arm vigorously, and the thunder gun in his hand instantly turned into a beam of thunder and shot towards the giant ape.

Boom boom boom!

Where the thunder gun passed, thunder roared loudly, as if the world was falling apart.

This kind of momentum has long attracted the attention of countless people, especially the nearest Imperial Capital home planet. With the opening of the Thunder field, all the power facilities of the entire Imperial Capital home planet failed or even scrapped at the same time, causing countless losses.

In particular, the starships guarding the mother star were in a panic, and the power failure was fatal to many ordinary people in these starships.

Fortunately, some emergency equipment in the starship was urgently blocked and repaired, and the most basic internal ecological environment was maintained.

The mother planet of the imperial capital originally looked like the most dazzling pearl of the empire from a distance, but at this moment it was pitch black.

Even so, at this moment, the mother planet of the imperial capital is illuminated like daylight by the dazzling light in the distance.

A white majestic light streaked across the sky from one end of the sky to a golden star that had just appeared in the distance of the ray.

As the white light touched the golden stars, everyone's field of vision was instantly enveloped by the white light.

Qingyue, who was floating in mid-air in the imperial capital, had closed her eyes and was constantly perceiving everything that was happening in the distance. Unfortunately, the energy was too rich and chaotic, which completely confused her perception.

The white glow lasted for dozens of breaths, and when everything subsided, the golden star still existed and shone brighter and brighter.

“The taste is not bad!”

The giant ape was chewing something, and at the same time, it punched heavily on the thunder giant, and the thunder that hit the opponent kept flying out.

"No! No! I was wrong! I am the vice president of the Sanhua Chamber of Commerce. Killing me is not good for you. I can give you wealth, whether it is a domain master level weapon or a demigod level weapon. I can find a way to get it. you!"

Lei Bao howled miserably. The Thunder Giant he transformed was the result of using the power of his source. Unlike Jiang Heng's physical martial arts, the source was easily damaged.

But there is no way, except for this move, Lei Bao is also depressed, he has stepped into the domain master level not long ago but only less than a thousand years ago.

As far as the domain master level is concerned, the millennium is just the foundation of the domain master level. Often stepping into a domain master with ten thousand years of domain master's power is considered frequent means.

And only a thousand years is not enough to practice a powerful secret technique.

In contrast, Jiang Heng is a weirdo. With his strong foundation in his body, he can practice Sanqinghua Qi completely recklessly. The more he tries, the faster he will naturally cultivate.

It's just that although Lei Bao doesn't want to admit it, he has indeed been crushed.

"Treasure? Sanhua Chamber of Commerce?" Jiang Heng tore off the opponent's arm while talking, and the power of massive thunder continued to dissipate as the source was damaged.

"Ah! ~ Stop, stop! Stop hitting!"

Lei Bao howled miserably, at this time he didn't have the perverse and arrogant expression before, but only begged.

Cultivation is not easy, he does not want to die!

A domain master level power can be called a god-like existence in any galaxy, so why would he want to die after finally climbing to this step.

"Tell me everything about the Sanhua Chamber of Commerce, if you dare lie to me!"

The giant ape growled lowly, but the movements of his hands stopped, and he only pinched the thunder giant's head with one hand so that he could not move.

Lei Bao was panting heavily. The Law of Thunder is famous for attacking and killing, and its speed is also extremely strong, but it has no choice but to be suppressed by the realm, and it is not like the law of space. , must use the secret technique that is good at speed.

"I... am Lei Bao, the vice president of the Sanhua Chamber of Commerce! I..."

"Get to the point!"


There was another miserable howl, and a punch hit him hard in the face, and he was a little dazed by the solid power of the domain master level.

"The chamber of commerce is based on the Virgo supercluster of galaxies. It is active in several superclusters of galaxies in and around the galaxy all year round, and is placed in the largest inter-galactic group chambers of galaxies in this galaxy cluster."

"Tell me about the strength of your chamber of commerce, and what is the purpose of coming here? And what is the origin of the person who came with you!"

After Jiang Heng's series of inquiries, Lei Bao also accepted his fate and said, "Besides me, the chamber of commerce also has two domain master-level vice presidents and the president.

The strength of the two vice presidents is almost the same as mine, and both of them are in the early stage of the domain master level, while the president has entered the middle stage of the domain master level not long ago. As for that man, we all call him Mr. Jin. In fact, our chamber of commerce doesn't know much about him.

This person's body strength is close to the peak of the late domain master level, and he has already begun to try to explore the demigod domain. He practiced a very mysterious method of avatars, which are divided into thousands, and there are avatars of this person in many galaxies.

He relied on exploring the galaxy with his avatar, and then contacted the nearby local chamber of commerce for sale. With this method, he amassed a lot of money, and many chambers of commerce were willing to cooperate with this person, and knowing his strength but not knowing where he was located, no one dared to trouble him. "

Lei Bao said in a nutshell, these things are not secrets, it doesn't matter if you tell them.

"As for the purpose of my coming here, the members of the chamber of commerce under my command received the special transaction signal of the universe sent here during the exploration.

This kind of signal in the universe represents the search for business association transactions, and we often send members of the chamber of commerce to negotiate on such matters.

It was also a few years ago that members of our chamber of commerce contacted Mr. Jin. He said that there was a big deal, that besides selling the galaxy, he also sold demigods and some other benefits.

It's just that he said that there are some troubles here that we need to deal with by ourselves, and he will charge less money accordingly. That's why I was tricked by him. "

Speaking of this, he paused and begged immediately: "Senior! This... This is really a misunderstanding. If I knew this was the senior dojo, I would not come back!"

What Lei Bao said is true, not to mention him, even the president of his family will not easily provoke anyone who knows that there is a domain master-level mid-term power in the Milky Way.

Even if the president of the Sanhua Chamber of Commerce is a mid-level domain master, they will not provoke a strong man of the same realm for nothing. destroyed,

This is also the reason why many chambers of commerce are more willing to trade with people rather than looting and raiding galaxies. This time it was also because the temptation Mr. Jin said was too great.

In addition, I have never heard of a powerful domain master in the Milky Way, that is, a person who has nothing to say, so if he is bullied, he will be bullied.

It turned out that they were the ones being bullied.

"Hehe, if I don't exist here, I'm afraid I've already been bloodbathed by you, right?

Could it be that the Chamber of Commerce is actually an interstellar robber? "

Jiang Heng sneered.

"No no no! I was also deceived by Mr. Jin this time. And if the president finds out what I did this time, I will not escape a heavy punishment," Lei Bao said with a mournful face.

This transaction was discussed by him and several vice presidents. But according to the rules set by the president, the things he has done now are enough for the president to expel him from the chamber of commerce. Even the group of people involved in this matter with him were not spared.

But now I don't think about these things at all, I think about how to survive first.

"Heavy punishment? Let me do it for you. I'm afraid your president will show mercy to you!"

The giant ape tilted its head and grinned grinningly, and Leibao's heart trembled as he looked at it with scarlet eyes.

"No no no! According to the rules of the Tianshuang Empire, you can pay the ransom for committing crimes. I am willing to pay the ransom for my life!"

What he said was half true and half false. It is true that Tianshuang Empire has this rule, but the premise is that both parties agree. After all, it is impossible for the Tianshuang Empire to force this.

"Sky Frost Empire?"

On the contrary, Jiang Heng was more interested in this.

"The Tianshuang Empire is the ruler of the Virgo supercluster, and the empire is located within the Virgo galaxy of this supercluster." Lei Bao said quickly, for fear that he would be slaughtered by the other party if he spoke too slowly.

"Tell me that you know everything about the Tianshuang Empire."

Jiang Heng easily crushed the opponent's left palm again, and the opponent screamed in pain.

"Sky...Sky Frost Empire is the same as other super galaxy clusters, but they are a civilized country, similar to the Luohui Empire in the Milky Way, but there are masters gathered in it, and they belong to quite powerful existences in the nearby super galaxy clusters.

According to... It is said that there is a demigod in the empire, but it has not been seen for hundreds of thousands of years. I don't know if it is true or not. But it is certain that the royal family of Tianshuang Empire has the power of digital domain masters. I heard that the current monarch of the Tianshuang Empire is a late-stage peak of the domain master level. "

Listening to these Jiang Heng thought, he knew the Virgo supercluster, because this galaxy is a member of it.

"It seems that there is at least one leader in these super galaxy clusters, and the Tianshuang Empire is the leader of this super galaxy cluster. Now it seems that this boss is quite careless!"

Jiang Heng thought about it, since the Milky Way has not heard of the existence of the Tianshuang Empire for a long Maybe he has been in contact with it, but the time span may be tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years.

"Then...that...Senior, I can tell you whatever you want to ask, can you let me go now?" Lei Bao asked cautiously.

However, the golden giant ape just grinned, and the big hand that clasped his head gradually increased its strength.

"No, no! You can't kill me, the president won't let me go if you kill me..."


With a bang, the entire head exploded, and the surrounding thunder field quickly dissipated, and a green figure that only Jiang Heng could see turned into a green light and fled quickly.


Following Jiang Heng's soft shout, a translucent sharp blade rushed out from between Jiang Heng's eyebrows, turning into a stream of light and piercing through the green figure's body in an instant.

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