Master of Fist

Chapter 620: Ji Wuchang and the Secret Treasure Pavilion

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After chatting again, Jiang Heng left this physical body, wandered around in the hall in his soul state, and at the same time received many complicated and rich information around him, and could even listen to the thoughts of the people around him one by one.

"I heard that there will be Xuanxin Good Fortune Pill in this auction?"

"What is the Xuanxin Good Fortune Pill?"

"This is a good thing. I heard that persuading this medicine can increase the chance of breaking through the half-step Dao Realm by 30% for the top-ranking peaks. One step to the sky!"

"I don't care about the Xuanxin Good Fortune Pill. Don't talk about the high-level peak, let's talk about it when you can step into the high-level late stage. I'm interested in the five ancient family classics in this auction. I heard that one of the Secret Treasure Pavilion was once a The direct descendant of one of the five great families is this person who has obtained many classics of the five great families, including some Dao realm martial arts of this ancient family!

Maybe we will have the opportunity to experience the legendary Taoist martial arts! "

"There are such good things, real or fake? Can this kind of unique knowledge be sold at will?"

"That's right. Didn't you say that the unique knowledge of the ancient families in the alliance is kept privately? How can it be sold so casually if non-direct descendants are not allowed to teach it?"

"That's why I said that there is a chance. What kind of realm is the Dao Realm? Just think about it. If there is, it will be a big luck."

"Yeah, yeah, guys, I'm just waiting to think about how to step into the upper middle stage. The half-step Dao realm is too far away from me."

Jiang Heng listened to the conversations of the people around him, because it was the auction, most of them were talking about the secret treasure pavilion of the auction.

It was only after hearing this that Jiang Heng felt that he was a little interested in the things that would be auctioned in the Secret Treasure Pavilion before, but now it seems that this kind of auction is a bit too low-level for him.

After all, Jiang Heng's current strength is here. In his opinion, the only ones who can barely be regarded as masters are the Dao Realm level. At present, there are only so many people in the Milky Way.

It is this group of people who can be regarded as a ladder for Jiang Heng. As for the auction for high-level warriors, there are really few things that catch his eyes.

Shaking his head and sighing, he didn't bother anymore, just when Jiang Heng was about to return to Langmu's body, some voices came from his perception again.

These voices were not talking voices but thoughts in his mind. They were a group of people discussing something, probably through sound transmission, but sound transmission also required brain thinking, so the voices of the other party's conversation entered his ears verbatim.

In the side hall of the auction house, there is an independent space where antique decorations can be seen everywhere. It is completely in the style of the alliance, with many calligraphy, paintings and porcelain decorations.

A dozen or so people were sitting in two rows, and in the first seat was an old man in gray robe with a majestic expression, who seemed to be the person in charge. It seemed that a private exchange meeting was going on here.

"You are all the remaining strongmen of the alliance. In my opinion, lingering in this abandoned land is not a long-term solution. I want to counterattack the alliance to seize the lost land!"

The gray-robed old man was the first to transmit the voice to everyone.

It may be because there is only a thin line away from the auction house, in order to prevent people from being aware of the content of the conversation, all their speech is replaced by voice transmission.

"It's too difficult. Senior, there are only fifteen of us right now. Excluding us high-level warriors, there are less than 50,000 middle-level fighters. With this strength, let alone counterattack, we can barely stand firm in this abandoned land." Just feet."

Someone sighed and said, extremely dislike what the gray-robed old man said.

"That's right! Senior Ji, you are an old senior. Of course we will listen to what you say, but we must do what we can. We really can't stand the trouble."

"That's right! Senior Ji think twice!"

A group of people spoke fiercely, one of them was the master of the gymnasium in the alliance before, and he could be regarded as a hero who dominated one side. Coming to this deserted place because they all came from the same source and integrated together can be regarded as a group report to keep warm.

Originally like a bereaved dog with no fighting spirit, he only wanted to settle down here and take every step. But not long ago, a senior surnamed Ji who claimed to be the ancestor of the Ji family suddenly came to visit, and he entered the Secret Treasure Pavilion with a strong force. Suspect.

It's just that the other party has entered the Secret Treasure Pavilion and wants to counterattack the Federation forcefully, which naturally caused great controversy.

"Don't you all want to retreat, the alliance is our ancestral land, and you are indifferent to the loss of the ancestral land?" The senior surnamed Ji looked displeased.

"Or are you afraid of death?"

"of course not!"

Hearing this, everyone quickly argued that the opponent's strength was unfathomable, even if more than a dozen of them joined forces, they were not opponents, so naturally they dared not touch each other's brows.

"It's just that this counterattack against the Federation will not happen overnight. This matter has to be considered in the long run, yes! Long-term plan!"

Someone took the lead and a group of people nodded again and again.

Seeing everyone's attitude, the gray-robed old man also frowned, and after a moment of silence, he sighed: "Actually, I don't want you to die. In fact, this birthday of the son of the beast race is my chance!"


Hearing this, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, not understanding what this so-called opportunity was for a while.

"Senior, what does the orc clan's birthday have to do with us? Could it be possible to use this to persuade the orc clan to send troops?" Someone asked back, everyone was confused, the orc clan is not a fool, and now the nobles of the orc clan are also very smart. I know that the fight between the Federation and the Empire is in full swing.

Simply, the Orcs also began to shrink their territory and began to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight. Let the Federation and the Empire bite dogs there, and they started to watch the show instead.

"Who said it was time to persuade the orcs to send troops?" The old man surnamed Ji sneered again and again.

"Look at this!"

As he said that, he saw the old man surnamed Ji stretch out his hand and grab a... golden page from the void? !

Sensing the existence of Jin Ye, Jiang Heng's mental body suddenly became a little excited.

"Could it be that this old man surnamed Ji is the Daoist Patriarch of the Ji family who escaped from the alliance?!"

The other party even has demigod martial arts? !

Jiang Heng was a little surprised, but he didn't find it strange when he thought about it. The other party was a member of the Ji family. According to Qingyue, the old woman went to the alliance without hesitation, and it seemed that there was a reason for one of the three major domain masters to inherit.

The winner, Ji's family, has the inheritance of a former domain lord, and it doesn't seem strange to have a golden page. With such thoughts in his heart, Jiang Heng began to listen and perceive the reaction more wholeheartedly.

"This...this is..."

When a group of people browsed through the content contained in it, everyone's expressions were extremely exciting, and there was even a kind of disbelief.

"Senior, is the record here true? How can it be so..."

"This is the secret method of the slave seal of the ancient Great Zhou Empire. With this secret method, we can enslave existences whose strength is lower than our own. With this seal, why do we need to borrow troops from the beast race? We can easily call hundreds of millions of beast race troops at will!"

The old man surnamed Ji smiled lightly, his face full of complacency.

This page of secret technique was discovered by chance when he was looking for the inheritance of his ancestors recently. It seems that this thing has disappeared outside the system and is listed as a forbidden technique. There is even a special method that can detect whether someone is enslaved. Fa will be listed as the public enemy of the entire universe.

This was originally the method of the ancient Great Zhou Empire. With the rise of subsequent heroes, this method has also been attacked by many forces, and it is considered to be the most inhuman method in the universe.

It's just that this place is not outside the department, who would know after closing the door?

What's more, Ji Wuchang didn't have the slightest psychological burden to use it on the orcs, and at this moment, he had completely lost his mind because of the heavy losses of the Ji family and the fall of the alliance, and his actions were even more extreme.

Hearing this, the expressions on the faces of all the people became even more excited. If this method is really as Senior Ji said, it really has a lot to do.

Of course, they don't have the grand idea of ​​Ji Wuchang's Restoration Alliance. They only care about whether they can live freely in this abandoned land. Right now, this method gives them hope.

With this method, they can quickly enslave a large number of loyal minions. Why worry about being uncomfortable here?

"Senior, junior, as a member of the alliance, now that the alliance has been destroyed, as a member of the alliance, it is duty-bound to restore the alliance as a junior!"

"Yes! Me too!"

All the people responded one after another, each with a happy face.

"Very good, since that's the case, then naturally we have to prepare a generous gift for this invitation from the beast clan. You go back and prepare for it. By the way, spread the news that you got recently, so as to wake up the mob outside."

Ji Wuchang thought for a while and ordered.

Hearing this, everyone laughed.

"Senior Ji, but the spies from the orc clan have heard that the orc clan may raise taxes?"

Someone clapped their hands and laughed.

"That's right! The orcs may have a big move recently, so we have to hurry up!"

Ji Wuchang nodded. Like the Empire, the Alliance has already placed spies in the orcs and other hostile forces. It's just that it is more difficult to install spies there, so most of the spies placed by the Alliance and the Empire are just some non-staff personnel, and even these spies have no chance. Going to the ancestral land of the orcs, they naturally don't know where the ancestral land of the orcs is.

But those people are more sensitive to the news than the great kings of the abandoned land. Those spies are all high-level warriors who deliberately surrendered to the past from the alliance and the empire, and they usually serve as slaves by the side of some high-level bloodline nobles.

The status is actually higher than that of ordinary orcs. Those people are often humiliated because of their different races, but it is all worth it.

For example, according to the information recently obtained by the alliance, it is said that the recent actions of the orcs are not small, and it seems that they intend to increase the demand for blood food supply in recent years. One hundred million people become one hundred million people.

It is equal to the need to hand over one million people every year, and this burden is likely to directly affect the population balance of the abandoned land.

It is certain that once this policy is implemented, the life of these kings in the abandoned land will definitely not be easy, and they may even need to go to the border of the empire to beat the autumn wind to engulf the population.

"Haha, seniors have the behavior of the orcs. I believe that when the time comes, we just need to preach a few words and these rabble will lean towards us. Great things will happen!"

"Don't pay too much attention to this group of guys, they are just a bunch of mobs." Ji Wuchang shook his head and chuckled, "I think these guys have been enslaved too deeply. They see that the bones of the orcs are soft."

Speaking of this, Ji Wuchang looked down with disdain, and looked down on these so-called kings very much.

It's just a bunch of chickens and dogs, how dare they call themselves kings? It's just ridiculous!

"By the way, senior Ji came into contact with a senior who is also in our alliance a few days ago, senior Ji, do you think it is necessary to pull him into us?"

At this time, someone thought about the voice transmission.

"Also an old friend of the alliance? What's his name?" Ji Wuchang frowned slightly, as if he was very surprised. It stands to reason that those who could escape from the alliance escaped a year or two ago, that is, the first group of people in the Secret Treasure Pavilion.

Ji Wuchang himself escaped recently, but what state is he in? But a senior Taoist, even if the entire galaxy is captured by the Federation, he can still feel at ease.

"It seems to be called Yingchun? Yes, it is the name. He is said to be a winner. Although this person is a bit older, his ability is at least half-step Dao, very powerful."

The man thought for a moment and then said excitedly.

Hearing this, the rest of the people couldn't help but also looked at each other in blank dismay. At the half-step Dao Realm, besides Senior Ji, there is only one of them in the Secret Treasure Pavilion, who was forcibly promoted by Senior Jiu using pills.

Now there is another half-step Taoist companion, how can we not cheer everyone up.

"Yingchun? Are you still very old?" Ji Wuchang frowned and kept thinking about whether there was any relevant information about this person in his mind and whether he could be seated correctly, but no matter how he thought, he never thought of this person.

Of course, he didn't doubt the identity of the opponent's winner. After all, Ji Wuchang was originally a member of the Yin family of the Ji family, and he had been sleeping all year round and had never received much information from the outside world. Now that tens of thousands of years have passed, what kind of strong man has the winner produced? It's so dark.

"Then make an appointment after the auction for him to have a good chat with me."

After Ji Wuchang said this, their impromptu conversation was over. In Jiang Heng's perception, these people entered from different entrances of the auction house at the same time, and they were just distributed in every corner of the venue to observe the surrounding situation.

Even that Ji Wuchang took a seat in a private room with a better view as usual.

Jiang Heng found that this person's eyes glanced around, but finally fell on his side.


Feeling so far, Jiang Heng only felt that something was wrong. After observing carefully, the other party frowned and moved away.

"This guy is stronger than Brother Changchun?!"

Jiang Heng was secretly The other party was able to detect his side at the first time. Although he didn't seem to find anything, this insight was much stronger than that of Changchun brother.

"Is there something wrong with the old ancestor?" The younger generation of the Ji family who had been following him all this time asked a little puzzled.

Since Qingyue broke into the secret realm of Yinmen Cave, there are less than a few hundred surviving members of the Ji family who were brought out by Ji Wuchang. They are all around the middle level and there are two high-level ones, as if they have also joined the Secret Treasure Pavilion.

"It's nothing, it might be my illusion." Ji Wuchang waved his hand, he did feel something strange just now, but no matter how vigorously he probed or even sensed the space, he didn't notice anything wrong.

His vigor once again enveloped the entire auction room, this time looking very precisely at one of the private rooms.

"Who is in that private room?" Suddenly Ji Wuchang pointed to a private room in front and said in a deep voice.

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