Master of Fist

Chapter 619: camouflage

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If we compare these great kings to lords, then the orcs are the kings and have absolute power over everything under their command. Here, all the middle-blooded orcs are nobles that many warriors need to respect and treat with care. Not to mention the superior bloodline, it is definitely a model of great nobles.

Here, if a great king collides with a high-ranking orc, it would be a minor embarrassment to be killed. .

As for the identity of the King Langmu, Liu Tingting actually didn't know much about it. All she knew was the rumors about the King Langmu.

In general, Langmu is a lecherous and irritable guy. The three generals under him are all at the middle and late stages, while he himself is at the early stage of the upper stage, and belongs to a kind of king who is relatively weak. The key is that there have long been rumors that King Langmu's breakthrough was due to a chance to swallow some kind of big medicine, which can be regarded as exchanging the future for the present.

Hearing these words, Jiang Heng had a rough definition of Langmu. To put it bluntly, he was the weakest of the group of great kings. At best, his strength can be regarded as top-class, but in actual fights, he might not even be able to beat the first-timers. The foundation is too weak.

"By the way, Your Majesty, I heard that there was an auction recently, which seemed to be held by the owner of the Secret Treasure Pavilion. According to the past practice, the owner of the Secret Treasure Pavilion will send invitation letters to every king. I believe this time should be no exception. .”

"The owner of the Secret Treasure Pavilion?"

Jiang Heng was a little surprised.

"Oh, this seems to be a big chamber of commerce on the side of the alliance. Didn't I hear that the alliance is over recently? Many members of the alliance have come here. This Secret Treasure Pavilion is the remnant of the alliance led by that chamber of commerce.

I heard that there are many masters in the Secret Treasure Pavilion, and there are even a group of superior beings, all of whom are refugees from the Alliance. "

Liu Tingting thought about it.

"So many people from the alliance are hiding here? Don't you care about the orcs?"

Jiang Heng really didn't expect that group of fellows from the alliance to hide here.

Thinking about the Federation's offensive against the Alliance back then, it could be described as lightning-fast, coupled with the inconvenient communication of the Alliance, the strength of being able to escape here should not be underestimated, and it is estimated that there are not many weak people.

I don't know if there are any acquaintances in there.

"It's not that I don't care, it's just that some things within the Beast Clan have been delayed recently. The Beast Clan has sent people to negotiate with the people in the Secret Treasure Pavilion before, and it is estimated that more power will be given to the Secret Treasure Pavilion. The Beast Clan doesn't care who takes refuge in them. The strong They will not be stingy with power, they just need to be obedient."

Liu Tingting spoke softly.

"In other words, the Secret Treasure Pavilion is considered a special place in the abandoned land?" Jiang Heng thought for a while.

Isn't it a special place, those great kings are a group of mobs, how can they compare to the elites from the Secret Treasure Pavilion who have come out of the alliance?

Even if the total amount is not as good as the other party, the alliance is an alliance after all. Even if the alliance is dead, their spines are still intact. At least facing the orcs, they will not be imprinted with fear like the upper class here.

"I don't know if these guys can win over one or two?"

For a moment, Jiang Heng was full of thoughts.

"Do you know when and where the auction in the Secret Treasure Pavilion will be held?"

"I don't know about this. Your Majesty has an invitation letter from the Secret Treasure Pavilion, maybe you can take a look at his storage ring." Liu Tingting reminded at the right time.

Hearing that Jiang Heng nodded, he just looked at the ring on his hand and was speechless, Nima, is this showing off your wealth?

All ten fingers are covered with rings, which look like jewels. If you wear a big gold chain, gold teeth and gold watch, you look like a nouveau riche in the previous life.

However, when Qi Jin penetrated into it and glanced at them one by one, the corner of Jiang Heng's mouth couldn't help twitching, what the **** is half of women's clothing?

At this moment, Jiang Heng felt that he had entered the Women's Clothing Museum, where there was a dazzling array of women's clothing in Empire style, Alliance style, Orc style, and various styles of unknown civilizations.

I can't tell that Langmu, who has thick eyebrows and big eyes, likes this thing.

Ignoring these, Jiang Heng quickly locked on a jade tablet after scanning quickly.

There is a treasure character printed on it, and there is a line of boys engraved inside, this is the invitation letter.

One month later, in front of a giant alliance-style airship near the port of this super ruined fortress, many people have already boarded the airship one after another.

Seeing this original flying boat again, Jiang Heng couldn't help feeling a little bit embarrassed.

"I don't know if the people in Chongyun Gym are still alive?"

Sighing inwardly, Jiang Heng was about to step forward.

"You guys wait outside!" Jiang Heng paused and turned around, telling the three people behind him.

The three of them are naturally the three warriors with Langmu's body. The three warriors are called Goumo, Chief Wolf, and Golden Dragon respectively.

Dog head gold? !

"My lord..."

The dog demon was hesitant to speak. Before the auction of the Secret Treasure Pavilion, they also followed the king into it. Usually, they are allowed to bring less than five followers. Today this is...

"No need, it's enough to be accompanied by Liu Ji, you can just wait outside."

Hearing that the three of them didn't know what was going on, all of them looked fiercely at Liu Tingting who was being held in his arms by his king.



Damn it!

The three of them were extremely annoyed, since the profiteer recommended this woman, the king seemed to be deeply involved in it, he was obsessed with this woman every day and never went out, and he seldom summoned them.

The three people's eyes met, and they secretly planned in their hearts that they must kill this **** quietly when they find a chance in the future.

Liu Tingting glanced at the three of them with her beautiful eyes, she couldn't understand why she was a smart person, she couldn't help leaning closer to Jiang Heng.

"My lord~ let's go in quickly, the auction will start soon."

Liu Tingting's sweet voice sounded, Jiang Heng nodded pretending to enjoy, waved his hands at the three of them, and hugged Liu Tingting affectionately, and walked towards the boarding port.

The two guards at the boarding gate checked the invitation letter Jiang Heng handed over, nodded and let them go.

Jiang Heng took a second look at these two people. The two gatekeepers are middle-level warriors. It seems that the aggregation of the remaining forces of the alliance in the Secret Treasure Pavilion is all elites.

As soon as he got on the deck, he saw that there were also some guards patrolling in three steps, and these guards were also medium warriors.

At the same time, seeing Jiang Heng coming up, a waiter greeted him.

"My lord, your private room is No. 8 in the fourth row. The auction is about to start. Let me take you there."

Jiang Heng nodded. He had already detected with his soul perception that a huge trapezoidal meeting room on the middle floor of the flying boat was the auction venue.

She didn't refuse either, and took Liu Tingting down the stairs, walked through a cabin aisle and opened the door to enter.

Jiang Heng came relatively late, and at this time there were already many people sitting inside, at least close to a hundred people.

Of course, these people are not all high-ranking kings. Among them are some powerful and influential leaders in the ruins. These people are probably at the middle peak. To be eligible to be seated.

"Isn't this Brother Langmu? Why? Are you going to buy a treasure here to congratulate the son of the orc god?"

Just when Jiang Heng was about to take Liu Tingting to his private room, he saw a middle-aged man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks walking towards him.

Jiang Heng frowned, he didn't know the person in front of him, and the opponent's strength was also at the early stage of the upper stage, but judging from the fact that the opponent's foundation was still solid, it was probably a normal advancement.

"Well, I have this idea, just come here to try my luck." Jiang Heng nodded, because he was a little uncertain and his tone was lukewarm.

"Then you have to prepare for bleeding. Many people here today have this kind of thinking. After all, the birthday of the Son of God is only half a year away. Time is tight and our place is poor, so this group of alliances are here I have a lot of good things on hand. It depends on how many things they want to auction today."

Speaking of which, the other party patted Jiang Heng's shoulder intimately and said with a smile: "Don't worry, if you don't have enough energy crystals on you, brother, I can lend you temporarily after buying one. But... if I If energy crystals are not enough, you have to..."

'Even if this trash took good things to celebrate the birthday of His Royal Highness, it would be a waste, but this guy is hopeless, and he should have saved most of his wealth. I think there are quite a few. Let me see if I can get some out of him. '

While listening to the other party's thoughts, Jiang Heng's face was expressionless.

"The auction will start immediately, let's talk after the end if there is anything to do!"

Then, without waiting for the other party's reaction, Jiang Heng waved his hand lightly, and the middle-aged man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks who was about to reach out to stop him suddenly paused.

When he was able to move again, he scratched his head.


Why did I have cramps in my hands and feet just now?

Shaking his head and seeing that Jiang Heng had gone far away, he sighed secretly and had no choice but to turn his head and enter his private room.

"Brother Jiang, you are here."

Entering the private room, before Jiang Heng was seated, a familiar voice suddenly came from his ear.

"Brother Changchun? Why did you come in?"

Jiang Heng quickly released his perception, and quickly locked Changchun's location in many private rooms, but the other party was still sitting in the first row of private rooms.

"Is it difficult to come in here?" Changchun smiled and explained: "The people in the Secret Treasure Pavilion saw a flying boat with the same style as the Alliance parked in the port, so they contacted me and gave me an invitation letter , I was thinking that you should come too, and you might as well come together."

"Just to give you an invitation letter? Didn't tell you anything else? For example, to win you over?"

"Oh, how do you know?" Changchun's slightly surprised voice came from over there.

"Nonsense, behind the Secret Treasure Pavilion is the place where the remaining warriors of the alliance gather. You will naturally not let go of recruiting people who may also be members of the alliance," Jiang Heng said.

"They did intend to win me over, but they didn't expect them to be the survivors of the alliance. My brother, I see their posture, as if they are going to accumulate strength here and wait for the restoration of the country." Changchun nodded and shook his head for a while.

Rejuvenation? Didn't wake up!

Jiang Heng is not optimistic about their so-called restoration of the country. A group of people who are already bereaved are still gathered in this abandoned land with poor resources. It is almost wishful thinking to want to restore the country.

If this group of people fled to the empire, surrendered on the surface, and secretly accumulated strength, he still felt that there was some hope. As for now, it is estimated that a bunch of **** happened.

Jiang Heng sneered secretly in his heart, of course he didn't bother to pay attention to this group of people, they were just making trouble.

After feeling the surrounding situation carefully, Jiang Heng looked at Liu Tingting beside him and said via voice transmission: "I have something to leave later, you stay here honestly."

Hearing that Liu Tingting didn't understand why she had to leave when the auction was about to start, but she didn't dare to say anything, just nodded.

After giving the order, Jiang Heng just lay down in the reclining chair placed in the private room, lying in the most comfortable posture, as if he was sleeping comfortably.

When Liu Tingting saw that the other party had just said that he was going to leave, and was sleeping again this time, something suddenly came to her mind, and she stepped forward to carefully look at King Langmu with her eyes closed.



Seeing this, Liu Tingting pondered for a while and then stretched out her hand to sniff, she was horrified.

Because the fingers did not feel any breath.

"What kind of method is this? Could it be that he used this strange method to forcibly occupy this body?"

Liu Tingting was horrified, she was a smart person. From the first discovery, she vaguely felt that this strong man's ability was a bit unusual, and now it seems that it is more than ordinary, this kind of thing involving the soul level is unheard of.

After thinking about it, she still didn't dare to do more transgressive actions, but just glanced around in the private room. For some reason, she felt that the room was suddenly chilly.

"Brother Jiang, your skills amaze me." Seeing the sudden change in temperament of the waiter beside him, Changchun stroked his beard and smiled lightly.

"Hehe, this trick is not enough in front of Brother Changchun."

Jiang Heng said modestly, and then said in a deep voice: "Brother, the Secret Treasure Pavilion has been in contact with you recently, and you should also walk around with them a little bit more, maybe you can get some information about the orcs."

"But I don't think those guys seem to have access to the high-level orcs?" Chang Chun wondered.

"The fact that they can't get in touch now doesn't mean they won't be able to do so in half a year. They must have been invited, and the Secret Treasure Pavilion is still a defector to the alliance. And according to the news I got recently, the Secret Treasure Pavilion is now strongly stationed in the abandoned land. In the eyes of the orcs, the Secret Treasure Pavilion is far more important than all the kings.

Just in case~ My brother, you are in charge of contacting this line of Secret Treasure Pavilion. "Jiang Heng kept talking.

The situation in the ancestral land of the orcs is unknown, and the specific situation there has always been a mystery in the entire galaxy. The main reason is that the orcs have extremely strict control over their ancestral land.

Although judging from the orcs I have seen in the past, the strongest master of the orcs going out is the nine-headed mysterious wonder at best.

But Jiang Heng didn't think that the orc race had such a little background. After all, this was a race transformed after the death of a demigod, and the essence of a demigod's whole body gathered in the ancestral land of the orc race.

With his half-step domain master's strength, the fate of this trip is still unknown.

"Well, I see." After thinking about it, Changchun felt that Jiang Heng's words were justified, "By the way, you won't kill him like you killed the king by occupying his body?"

"No, it's just that his soul is forcibly bound, and the control of his body is temporarily handed over to me. His consciousness has no impression of the outside world, and he won't notice that his body has been occupied after I leave."

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