Master of Fist

Chapter 634: behind the gourd

Not to mention, Jiang Heng almost forgot about everyone's competition that day.

Now that the other party delivered it in person, Jiang Heng was a little surprised, and his attitude towards the two of them was much better.

There are two things in front of you right now, a gourd that is one meter long and thirty meters wide. The whole body of the gourd is dark gold in color, and many complicated inscriptions are engraved on it.

Jiang Heng casually held it in his hand without being polite, but Jiang Heng only felt light in his hand.

There is no way, for Jiang Heng's physique, anything feels very light when held in his hand.

Unless it is similar to Wang Gan's Tibetan star stick, which accommodates a small constellation-level civilized small world, it is really using a world as a weapon.

"Jiang Xiaoyou might as well give it a try to recognize the owner with a drop of blood! If you recognize the owner of this thing, you can get a glimpse of it!" Wang Gan suggested, this thing is his bet.

In fact, he was not very optimistic about this object. It was said that the object bestowed by his master in the early years was also obtained by accidental contact with foreign forces in the early years.

As for the use, of course his master mentioned it, but after hearing about its efficacy, he completely accepted it and used it. For him, the benefit is not directly proportional to the cost, which is too bad.

It's better to find an opportunity to exchange for a treasure of the same level with others, but it's a pity that there are not many fools who have kept this one in their hands for so many years.

Right now, it wouldn't hurt to give it to Jiang Heng from the head.

Hearing that Jiang Heng didn't refuse, the weapon really needs blood to recognize its master, with a flick of his wrist, an incomparably solid cloud of energy burst out all over his body, like an extremely sharp sword aura, instantly drawing a trace of blood on his fingertips.

With a flick of the finger, blood drops fell on the surface of the dark gold gourd, and the moment the blood flowed out, the wound on the fingertip healed itself.

The blood on the surface of the gourd was shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye as if it had evaporated suddenly, and disappeared.

With the disappearance of the blood, Jiang Heng suddenly felt that he and the gourd in front of him had a kind of dark feeling.

Some unconscious consciousness and memory suddenly appeared in my mind. He has a general understanding of the Hulujiang Heng in front of him.

It turned out that this gourd was called the Zhanshen Gourd. The moment he knew the name, Jiang Heng thought it was the so-called Taoist Lu Ya's Zhanshen Gourd in his memory.

"Oh, let alone, there are really many similarities!"

Looking carefully at the introduction of this gourd from this memory, the more I look at it, the more pleasantly surprised I am, this thing is worthy of its name.

This thing was actually built by a demigod peak powerhouse of the Valkyrie system. Strictly speaking, it is a transcendent existence of a half-step pseudo-god realm.

This person is called Pingshan Old Man, who has lived for five million years, and belongs to the group of people who have lived a long time at the demigod level.

The demigod theory estimates how long they can live is not conclusive. After all, there are demigods who master the laws of life in the temples of the gods, and there are also some demigods of the martial arts system who are becoming demigods. The converted neuronal organs are very effective in prolonging lifespan, such as the heart and other major organs, so the increase in lifespan is also different.

According to common sense, for ordinary demigods, five million years is the limit. Some converted nervous organs are viscera, and the highest estimate is about tens of millions of years.

Therefore, the old man Pingshan lived to the limit for five million years.

This person spent 100,000 years to become a demigod, which is an example of a late bloomer. After all, before becoming a demigod, his longevity was not that exaggerated.

After that, Qi Yu Lian Lian only took less than 10,000 years to reach the peak of demigod.

It's just that he couldn't pass the step of stepping from the peak of demigod to false god. After that, he simply gave up the idea of ​​going further and began to seek ways to improve his own strength.

This god-slaying gourd is one of them, and it belongs to one of the many treasures of old man Pingshan.

This is a brief description of the owner of the object in this memory, and then there is the function of the treasure.

To put it bluntly, the biggest effect of this thing is that old man Pingshan created it to improve his strength in a short period of time.

It is to store qi energy, which of course not only includes the qi energy of the master of the galaxy, but also the star power of the domain master. The power of demigods can be stored and accommodated.

The old man Pingshan kept storing his divine power in the God-slaying gourd on weekdays, and he could temporarily transfer the divine power in it to achieve the purpose of battery life when he made a move.

The popular point will be the advanced charging treasure.

Of course, this is only the original idea of ​​the old man Pingshan. As time went on, his thoughts became more and more, and finally he went to the area controlled by the temples of the gods to absorb several domain masters of the temples of the gods and even the powerhouses of the temples of the demigod level. Work as a coolie.

There are space bloodlines, thunder bloodlines, storm bloodlines, flame bloodlines, metal bloodlines, green wood bloodlines, and thick earth bloodlines. The blood of several gods.

With the power of these people, the power of these laws was integrated into the god-killing gourd, so that it has several characteristics. First, it has a large capacity, and second, it has the power of gold, wood, water, fire and earth.

The integration of these makes the interior of this thing have the effect of containing all things. Of course, it is still not enough to contain living things. There are too many necessary laws in it, and the shallow metal, wood, water, fire, soil and space are still not enough.

However, it is enough to nourish things. For example, some treasures of the old man Pingshan, after infused with divine power, coupled with the special operation circle engraved inside, the laws inside can continue to operate, with divine power as the main and major laws as supplementary, constantly tempered and stored Divine power.

Once triggered, if it contains a set of blade treasures, it may indeed exert an effect similar to that of the Immortal Slashing Flying Knife.

Of course, because this thing is forged by the old man Pingshan, it cannot be used by non-war **** systems. That is to say, the strong man of the Valkyrie system must urge his own ability to activate its effect.

The power of the law of the pantheon is completely ineffective. This can also be regarded as the commonality of weapons.

Jiang Heng can be regarded as meeting the first condition, Huntian Qi is enough to meet the minimum requirements for activating this thing.

Secondly, it takes a lot of money to drive this thing, especially since this thing is a demigod-level weapon.

It is necessary to inject a large amount of energy for cultivation, especially if this object has been vacant for too long, the energy of the array inside has long been exhausted, and the energy required is unimaginable.

Looking carefully at the memory, Jiang Heng's fiery heart calmed down instantly. It even sank deeper and deeper into the abyss.

He finally knew why Wang Gan gave up such a treasure and didn't care about it. It turned out that the pit was waiting for him here,

This thing is simply a bottomless pit!

It was originally forged according to the specifications of the peak of the demigod, and the activation conditions of the magic circle required divine power. Although the strength was good, it was several levels behind.

This will cost several times or even dozens of times.

For the old man Pingshan, these energies are just a matter of exhaling and inhaling. However, at what level is old man Pingshan, any drop of divine power contained in his body is comparable to tens or hundreds of times of Jiang Heng's whole body's Huntian energy.

Jiang Heng silently estimated that to activate this thing every day, it would take him two or three full hours to meditate and practice the energy absorbed by the Beihe Xinggong.

The key is that this thing cannot be stopped. Once stopped, the magic circle inside will be closed again, and the utensils put in don't expect to have any nourishing effect, at most they will be used as a storage treasure.

Jiang Heng thinks that after he joined the Dao, the extremely vigorous energy in his body has already reached a level comparable to that of a senior Galaxy Lord.

Even if I am like this, the Lord of the Ordinary Galaxy has to meditate day and night to send energy to this thing?

No wonder Wang Gan didn't feel sad at all, this thing was useless to him at all.

The other party is the controller of the law of space, and the Taoist realm can open up a storage space at any time. The other party has not joined the Dao, and there is no vigorous energy.

Even the thin energy in the other party's body is estimated to be unable to reach the minimum level of activating the gourd.

"But this is barely usable for me!"

Thinking about it carefully, Jiang Heng secretly sighed in his heart. He guessed that even the master of the galaxy at the peak level would have to weigh it carefully when using this thing.

This thing is really time-consuming and labor-intensive. Of course, this is not a problem for Pingshan old man at all. To drive the magic circle here, one percent of the magic power injected into it by the opponent is enough to drive this thing for several years.

The other party can use this thing as an energy storage device leisurely, and at the same time take into account the treasure storage function. And the full power is activated, so that the power of law inside can assist the divine power to speed up the process of treasure accumulation.

Jiang Heng reckoned that if he didn't have a weird spherical energy absorber in his body, he really wouldn't dare to use it.

"In this way, do I have to carry a flag every day?" Jiang Heng thought about it carefully, and it seemed that the Regret Sky Flag was also useful.

Before, I thought that the Realm Realm of Regret Sky Banner would become more tasteless as it went forward. After all, in the fight, it is rare to encounter a protracted war of attrition, and it is often a life-and-death showdown between dangers.

It is really rare to have a ball in the body for energy consumption.

"Plant a flag all the time? In this way, the effect of the Regretful Sky Banner is continuously stimulated every day, and combined with the injection of Huntian energy, it should be almost enough to save an hour a day to inject Huntian energy."

Jiang Heng thought silently, of course this is just to maintain the minimum daily consumption. If you want to fully stimulate its effects, you probably have to wait until the domain master level.

Sighing helplessly, Jiang Heng sighed with emotion.

"Ahem, little friend Jiang, this thing does have some small flaws!"

As if seeing through Jiang Heng's depressed mood at the moment, Wang Gan said hastily.

Um... More than just a small flaw, of course, for Jiang Heng, the flaw can't hide the good!

"But little friend Jiang, this thing has a lot of background, as long as little friend Jiang steps into the demigod level, this thing will definitely become a great weapon!"

Wang Gan is purely an afterthought.

In fact, when his master got this thing in the early years, he was also embarrassed. His master was also the master of the space law of the temple system, which was particularly weak in vigor.

Even the strong man from outside the department transferred to his master is also a strong man in the temple system, but the other party can't use this thing.

"Senior Wang, since this object was given to me, I don't know if Senior Wang knows more about the past of the owner of this object, just a few words are fine, if you know more, it would be great."

After thinking about it, Jiang Heng still asked, he felt that Pingshan Demigod was a very good person, and he could imagine that the other party must have had a lot of treasures back then.

Especially when the other party forges artifacts such as the god-slaying gourd, it is equivalent to having a weapon enhancer, which can be stored for many years, and then it will be a top-notch demigod weapon.

So Jiang Heng is not interested in the old man Pingshan, but in the treasures of his past, to see if there is a chance to obtain treasures related to the other party in the future.

Judging from the other party's idea of ​​building this god-slaying gourd, the other party has a lot of ideas, and maybe they can encounter some magical treasures. It can also be regarded as setting a goal for the future.

"I've heard about this from my master back then. If little friend Jiang and brother Changchun don't feel bored, it's okay for me to talk about it!"

Seeing this, Changchun and Jiang Heng have no objection. With this level of strength, they no longer care about wasting a little time.

Wang Gan didn't shirk, so he recounted what his master told him back then.

It turned out that this object was 40,000 years ago, not long after the time and space demigod raided and killed.

At that time, most of the Dao realms in the Milky Way fell, and there were less than 50 remaining Dao realm powerhouses. Among them, there were some ancient Dao lineage faults. For example, there were three domain masters in the Dao lineage 100,000 years ago. .

Hearing this, Jiang Heng guessed in his heart that it might be Qingtian Qingyue's master's lineage, and of course the other two strong people's lineage. Didn't it mean that the three peak Taoist realms were sitting in the Milky Way at that time.

Among the three Dao realm peaks, Qingtian Qingyue and his master belonged to the leader. In the end, he sacrificed the lives of most of the Dao realm powerhouses to perform a blood sacrifice to forcefully surpass the domain master and become a demigod.

Listening to Wang Gan now, Jiang Heng has a more comprehensive understanding, and now it seems that the Milky Way has not produced superpowers in the early years.

At present, it seems that the domain master level existed 100,000 years ago. As for whether there is a demigod, it is estimated that there is no way to verify it. It may have appeared in millions of years. After all, tens of thousands of years are extremely long for many masters of the galaxy master level.

Hundreds of thousands of years and millions of years are too long. If there is no unchanging power to record history, many things that have happened will be covered up by the long river of history.

Listening to Wang Gan's next description, Jiang Heng knew that tens of thousands of years ago, especially before the battle with that demigod. The communication between the Milky Way and the outside world is extremely frequent.

At that time, there was actually an ultra-long-distance galaxy teleportation array in the Milky Way and neighboring galaxies, and it was said to have existed for a long, long time.

According to Wang Gan, his ancestor appeared in that era, and it is rumored that it was created by the domain owner.

At that time, with the help of the teleportation array, even if the Milky Way does not have the domain master level, it can communicate with the outside world without distance. And most of the products of external forces such as this gourd and those golden pages were living in the Milky Way during that period.

It's just that after the demigod war, the teleportation array was destroyed, and this channel that had lasted for an unknown number of years was interrupted.

In the past few years, Master Wang Gan had participated in a large-scale purchase by many Dao Realm groups in the Milky Way, and he met the master of the God-killing Gourd among them.

I heard that Fang’s ancestors participated in the siege of old man Old man Pingshan was alone in the past, and he belonged to a group of casual cultivators with no connection in the universe, and he was also the most arrogant group of casual cultivators people.

You said that casual cultivators are so arrogant without a backer behind them, how dare they provoke such powerful forces as the temples, even after all kinds of treasures have been successfully forged.

The old man Pingshan was stuck at the peak of the demigod, and he was a little crazy, and his style of acting became more and more unscrupulous. He simply bloodbathed a lot of demigod-level bosses who were not familiar with the temples, and directly regarded the other party as a breeding place for blood essence The supercluster of galaxies was packaged and sold to the Great Zhou Empire next door.

This directly stabbed the hornet's nest, and finally alarmed the descendants of the ancient true gods in the temples, mobilizing tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of demigod domain masters to round them up.

In the end, the old man Pingshan was still hard to beat with two fists and four hands.

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