Master of Fist

Chapter 633: Keep your word

The General's Mansion has now officially spread on the mother planet of the imperial capital.

Every day, the General's Mansion is full of voices, and there is an endless stream of people who want to visit the General.

Hou Yue, as a wandering martial artist who has been following Jiang Heng since the early years of the Alliance Iron Ring Starfield, now only feels that following his master is the most correct choice in life.

Oh, right. It should be called the General now.

As Jiang Heng's entourage in the early years, Hou Yue was appointed as the commander of the gate guard of the General's Mansion at this time.

In layman's terms, it is the gatekeeper, but for other gatekeepers, it is just the gatekeeper. But guarding the door for the general is like a door god.

These days Hou Yue has seen countless ministers of the empire who wanted to visit the general but failed. In order to meet the general, these high-ranking officials and nobles almost confessed to Hou Yue, the guard in front of the gate, as their ancestors.

"Commander Hou, let me wait to see the general! I have something to ask to see the general!"

A minister of the Ministry of Finance pleaded bitterly, and now His Majesty is liquidating officials who have something to do with Mr. Yang. He did a lot of things to restrain His Majesty for Old Yang because he obeyed his immediate superior. Right now, he sees his colleagues dismissed every day, and he has long been extremely anxious.

He can imagine that what he has done for Mr. Yang in his current official position will definitely be wiped out.

Maybe even the citizenship level will be reduced to a second-level citizen. Not only that, as an official of the Ministry of Finance, he has been in cahoots with the minister these years, although Old Yang has not been greedy for money. But their family knows their own affairs, and they have been greedy for property in recent years.

Under all kinds of crimes, he is not only dismissed and dismissed to lower the citizen's rank, maybe he will be sent to the front line to become a soldier who charges the front line.

This is simply killing him!

Big fish tend to stay at the end. Right now, those who are less greedy, or those who are not greedy are all dismissed, dismissed, and demoted. Only he and the minister have not moved. Right now, the minister has completely given up resistance, but he is not reconciled.

"The general is busy with business and has no time to see you!" Hou Yue waved his hands angrily. He will not be used to this group of people. These days he has long been tired of this group of people.

The general had already ordered, unless His Majesty came in person, you have to go as far as you want!

"Me! I also have important matters to ask the general here!" Another administrative official begged. He was similar to the finance official, except that he used administrative power to help Mr. Yang with work and at the same time did some power-seeking for personal gain. things.

"The general is not free! If anyone dares to bother me again, don't blame me for taking action!" Hou Yue's forehead was full of veins, and he was really not afraid of hitting these ministers.

The general said that officials above the 20th rank can be beaten casually as long as they don't kill anyone, and those below the 20th rank can be stalked and stalked.

Of course, Jiang Heng didn't say anything else. In fact, even if Hou Yue accepted the bribe from the other party, Jiang Heng wouldn't care. As long as you don't eat inside and out, take money and don't do things, it's the ability of the people under your hands.

If eating inside and out, Jiang Heng has no tolerance for it.

But Hou Yue didn't even dare to accept bribes, not to mention eating inside and outside. Firstly, the rewards from the master in normal times are enough, and now that one of them has attained Taoism and ascended to heaven, those of them who followed Jiang Heng in the early years also have official titles in the empire.

Now Hou Yue's military rank is major, which belongs to the twelfth-level official position, and is a middle-level military official of the empire.

On the one hand, the wages in the empire can be rewarded by the general, and at the same time, His Majesty also specially allocated funds to all of them who followed the general in this reward ceremony, and rewarded a lot of things.

What's more, following the general is a status symbol, and Hou Yue even looked down on these ministers.

So what if you are ministers, you have to lower your head and laugh when you meet me, the gatekeeper?

Hearing what Hou Yue said, the surrounding officials were still a little bit unwilling to give up and still surrounded the gate and refused to disperse.

Hou Yue was cursing, and simply didn't bother to pay attention to this group of people.

However, at this moment, he caught a glimpse of something out of the corner of his eye.

"Go away! Go away!"

Hou Yue suddenly rushed into the crowd with dozens of burly gate guards behind him and rushed up to beat and kick a group of ministers in front of him.

This group of ministers was stupefied, and there were many mid-level fighters among them, but how dare they fight back, the general's people dared to hurt a finger. It is estimated that the whole family will have to be buried with him.

Just when the ministers were puzzled why the commander suddenly lost his temper at this time.

"Madam! Miss! Are you back?" Hou Yue stepped forward and greeted with a smile.

Seeing Hou Yue's dog-legged appearance in a blink of an eye, the ministers felt very shameless, but when they heard the other party address the pair of beautiful mother and daughter who came towards this side, their expressions changed suddenly.

"Hello madam! I am..."

"Ma'am, you are really temperament..."

All the ministers immediately complimented the mother and daughter, perfectly explaining what true fragrance is.

"Mom, why do these people praise me?"

After entering the General's Mansion and isolating the noisy environment outside, the little princess Jiang Yanwei tilted her head and said in confusion.

Hearing this, Lin Yanwei laughed, and said softly: "Because they are all bad guys, and bad guys always like to lie!"

Jiang Yanwei nodded half-understood, and immediately became more confused, "But Dad often praises me for being cute? Is Dad also a bad person?"

Hearing this, Lin Yanwei's pretty face suddenly turned bright red for some reason, and she spat softly, "That's right, your father is a bad person!"

Lin Yanwei left in a hurry after speaking, leaving Jiang Yanwei in the same place, extremely confused, "How could dad be a bad person? Dad loves me so much."

Passing through the long corridor, guards kept saluting and greeting Lin Yanwei along the way, and Lin Yanwei nodded.

"This yard is nice, but it's too big!" Lin Yanwei muttered to herself in distress.

As a high-class warrior, she can quickly walk through the entire mansion in one breath, but she still likes to live as an ordinary person on weekdays.

It was from a distance that she could see a sky-reaching beam of light above the backyard that continued as if it had never stopped.

After walking for about a cup of tea, I finally got close to the courtyard where the light beam is located. A small garden in the backyard has now been transformed into an open-air training site by Jiang Heng.

Walking into the courtyard, the material of the ground is completely different from that of the corridor outside. It is all made of a special dark gold superalloy material, which is generally used by empires to make weapons for high-level warriors.

Now it is completely treated as floor tiles.

At this moment, Jiang Heng could be seen in the middle not far away, with his hands on the ground and his back facing the sky, receiving the energy beam from the distant sky.

From far away, Lin Yanwei could also feel the terrifying and dense energy contained in that light beam.

"You're back."

Feeling the approach of his wife Lin Yanwei, Jiang Heng slowly restrained his mind and quickly dissipated Beihe Da Zhou Tianxing's magical power. The beam of light in the sky is rapidly dissipating.

When the light dissipated, it revealed an acupoint on the back that was still as bright as a star, like a deep blue bright gemstone inlaid behind Jiang Heng.

Now the first orifice point of the Great Zhou Tianxing Magical Art, one of the seven constellations of the Eastern Qinglong, is gradually getting better, but it will take half a year to fully open it up and light it up.

Once the first star lights up, Jiang Heng estimates that the strength of his physical body will increase by about 10%. With Jiang Heng's physique at this level, every improvement is a huge leap.

The total lighting up of the Eastern Qisu is a 70% improvement, but what Jiang Heng is more concerned about is the beginning of the Northern Qisu. According to the Beihe Dazhou Tianxing Magic Art, the Northern Qisu will gradually open some of the human body. The mystical place will gradually unlock the true mystery of the physical body.

The seven hosts in the north will kill, and the first star star will open the mystery of life and death. That will also be the moment when the realm of the master of the galaxy enters the next realm, and it will be accompanied by repeated challenges of long physical vitality and death.

It is also the key to unlocking divinity. Dousu can explode several times his own power when he activates the surge of combat power. However, during this period, every time he makes a move, his vitality will be consumed at a rate of hundreds of times.

The fighters in the Dou Su Realm fluctuate in combat strength. When they are strong, they can rival the pseudo demigods. The strong can even stand shoulder to shoulder with the demigods, but when they are weak, they are at the lowest level of the master of the galaxy.

Once through, the vitality surge will officially reach the level of the divine creature, and will officially step over the level of the Lord of the Galaxy.

Once you have not crossed over, if you have been in this state, even if you don't use force, the speed of life consumption will still be several times faster than normal, until you die.

Moreover, the passage of vitality at this level is accelerating, and the physical body seems to have opened a leak. If you want to pass through, you have to make your cultivation speed several times faster than usual.

Often warriors who have passed this level, some use extremely precious medicines, supplemented by medicines, to make up for the passing shortfalls before practicing.

Jiang Heng has no idea about this for the time being. The kind of medicine that can exert great effects at that level has no way at all right now.

At least for the time being, Jiang Heng has not seen that kind of drug in this galaxy, and he may need to go to an outer galaxy to find a way.

Of course, these are temporarily ignored. There is still some distance from that period, so let's put it aside for now, and there is still time.

"What's going on over there?"

With a flip of Jiang Heng's hand, a black robe instantly appeared and was put on directly.

"Well. Today I took Xiao Yanwei to go shopping there. Xiao Zhou has already selected the address there, and it is estimated that next year he will be able to produce what my husband wants."

"Well, I can rest assured that he will handle the matter."

Jiang Heng nodded, today he asked Lin Yanwei to check the third breakthrough of the tyrant body.

Breaking through the third layer of the Hegemony requires a lot of preparations. First of all, it must not break through in the imperial capital, and the momentum generated by then may be no less than that of Hedao. For this reason, Li Yu directly prepared a barren area far away from the imperial capital.

It was a barren planet several light years away from the imperial capital. Right now, his apprentice was leading a group of people to build a giant furnace there, and for this he had to rely on some imperial construction teams.

To create a stellar tractor, he must use extremely high temperatures to melt the core of the small starry space behemoth.

The core of the starry sky behemoth is originally derived from high temperature, and the ordinary high temperature will definitely not be able to melt it, so it needs to rely on the high temperature of dozens of stars to continuously smelt it.

The time required during this period may be several years, of course he can also not rely on the core of the starry sky behemoth, but even if the breakthrough effect is too poor.

There is also a compromise method, which is to swallow the core directly, but he is really afraid that he won't be able to digest that stuff. At that time, it is impossible to become a starry sky behemoth.

There is a high-temperature seed in the body all the time, and he has to bear the pain of high temperature all the time.

After dissolving, add some auxiliary means, which is relatively mild.

Jiang Heng reckoned that it would be ready to start after five years.

He can still wait for this time.

"By the way, those people outside my husband haven't given up yet, so it's not a problem to keep them stuck..." Lin Yanwei was a little annoyed.

Hearing the words, Jiang Heng was taken aback for a moment, and for a moment he didn't understand what he was referring to, and then he realized it after a little perception.

"Don't worry about it. Since you don't like it, I'll let Li Yu act faster. It's also bad for a group of bugs to hang around in front of you all the time." Jiang Heng shrugged. Since his wife doesn't like it, let them Just disappear.

Soon the next day, all the officials who wandered around the General's Mansion that day were dispatched to the front line.

This news shocked the imperial capital, and all the officials who had been to the General's Mansion were shocked. They were glad that they didn't go crazy like that group of people yesterday.

I also guessed that this might be the meaning of the general, and all those who wanted to cling to the general died down for a while. I was even afraid that if I wandered around some time ago, I would be liquidated.

Fortunately, after Li Yu struck out with this iron fist, there was no follow-up action, so everyone heaved a sigh of relief.

Jiang Heng doesn't know this, he just needs to know that there is no group of people at the door.

He didn't care how Li Yu flexed his muscles in the imperial capital, as long as Li Yu didn't bother him, he wouldn't care so much.

He is really not interested in power or something.

It's just that within a few days, there was still a visitor from the General's Mansion. It wasn't that Hou Yue, the commander of the guards in front of the gate, didn't stop him, but that the two of them didn't go through the main entrance at all.

"Jiang Xiaoyou, I can't wait to come to visit, you really won't come!"

The two who appeared out of nowhere to the space passage were Wang Gan and Changchun. It has been a month since the award ceremony, and they were still waiting for Jiang Heng to come to the door to drink and talk together.

But waited and waited, and finally decided to come together.

"Since the two old seniors are here, it's the same."

Jiang Heng smiled and welcomed the two of them into the hall of the back room.

The two were a little surprised and opened their mouths to ask something. It seemed like I saw something incredible just now.

"Jiang Xiaoyou, what you just practiced is..."

Wang Gan didn't hold back and said Oh, it was the Northern River Great Zhou Tianxing Magic Art that His Majesty asked me to borrow, and I haven't started it yet! "Jiang Heng smiled and cupped tea for the two of them, not hiding anything.

"So that's how it is! This martial art is a marvelous skill outside, and we have also read it, but..." Changchun was a little speechless, and they, the pillars of the town, had seen it.

It was only after seeing it that I was surprised, that thing can really cultivate? That perverted condition.....

The two carefully recalled the physique that Jiang Hengyue showed before, and they might not be able to do it. Otherwise, how do you cultivate now?

"The two of you came to visit to talk about this with me, right?" Jiang Heng smiled as he handed over the teacups.

"It's like this, we're here to give away the bets for that day's gambling fight!" After receiving the teacup Changchun and Wang Gan looked at each other and smiled at Jiang Heng.

The two were also unambiguous, and they took out the two treasures that were used as bets that day from the void.

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