Master of Fist

Chapter 382: surprise attack

Indeed, the sudden appearance of the orcs here is obviously a bit weird.

Naturally, Jiang Heng and the others couldn't follow the crowd, and those who ran away in disorder were the most dangerous at this time. Once the team is broken up, it's all over.

Jiang Heng could get away with his own strength, but they, the disciples of Chongyun Gymnasium, would suffer.


Jiang Heng raised his head and looked at the top of his head. At this time, warriors roared past from time to time, flying directly from above, preparing to escape directly from the place of right and wrong by flying.

"It's really bad luck, the orcs are here at this time. I just negotiated a deal."

The martial artist who set up a stall shook his head, and saw that he quickly packed up the things on the stall and carried them on his back, and jumped up directly, and his figure went straight up and quickly lifted into the air.

But before he could fly far, he suddenly saw a small black spot appearing in the distance, and the black spot enlarged rapidly, almost in the blink of an eye.


With a scream, a headless corpse fell directly, and the head disappeared. Jiang Heng fixed his eyes, but saw in the distance a giant eagle-like bird with a wingspan of 20 meters was holding a **** head in its mouth.

Its feathers are like metal, exuding a metallic luster in the sun, and its sharp claws are even more radiant with a cold light.

The most chilling thing was the opponent's speed, which was as fast as lightning.

Jiang Heng reckoned that this speed was comparable to the flying shuttle he encountered back then. Even vaguely one point faster. This is obviously an inspector-level orc.

With such a fierce creature entrenched above his head, many people who were thinking of fleeing in the air stopped for a while. But those already in the air were out of luck. The screams continued, and at this time, not only the eagle bird was in the air, but there were nearly a hundred birds of various types raging in the air.

The size and speed of these birds may not be comparable to that of eagles, but the strength that warriors can display in the air is simply not comparable to these birds and beasts who have been flying in the sky since birth.

"Oops!" Looking at this scene, Shui Zhi's expression became extremely ugly.

"Brother Jiang, what should we do now?"

Shui Zhi also lost his mind at this time, Jiang Heng is the strongest here, and his previous decisions were very correct, so he wanted to ask Jiang Heng for his opinion.

"Find a commanding height first, see the situation clearly before we talk!"

Jiang Heng looked around. He didn't want to run away aimlessly. Before he knew the exact number and location of the enemies, running around would only speed up his death.

Hearing that everyone had no objection, they followed everyone to look around, and soon found the fifth floor of a restaurant, which was considered the tallest building in the town.

Jiang Heng took the lead, followed by a group of people. There are many obstacles ahead, but under Jiang Heng's terrifying strength, they are all pushed away by him.

Quickly went up to the fifth floor, and the vision was completely widened. Through the window, everyone's complexion has completely changed at this moment.

" did this happen?!"

Shui Zhi muttered to himself, and unconsciously stepped back a few steps.

At this moment, he couldn't believe his eyes, the town was not big, and he could see directly outside the town at a glance.

It's just that outside the small town that was originally covered with yellow sand, it has been completely occupied by the black army of orcs.

Jiang Heng's expression was also extremely ugly, the whole town was surrounded by heavy siege, it was simply a desperate place.

Jiang Heng secretly cursed bad luck, this is the biggest drawback of lax organization. With so many people gathered here, they didn't have the power to set up a warning point around them, and they didn't even know they were surrounded by so many orcs.

Faced with this situation, Jiang Heng didn't have much confidence to get out of the way at this moment, even if he trusted him.

At a glance, the number of orcs this time was hardly less than a thousand. If there were nearly ten thousand, Jiang Heng would believe it.

"No, we must find a way to break through!"

Jiang Heng looked at the group of Chongyun disciples and said solemnly.

"Breakthrough?" Hearing this, Shuizhi's spirits lifted, and he hurriedly asked: "How will Senior Brother Jiang break through, we will follow to the death!"

Shui Zhi is also very clear that this is not a promise to die. It's a question of being able to survive.

"Take out all the treasures you exchanged, this is not the time to be stingy." Jiang Heng thought for a while and said: "I will launch a breakout at the weakest place over there later. You just follow Behind me, the strong will follow behind me to act as vanguards! Of course, I will wait until the other party enters the town to make it more chaotic."

This was the only way Jiang Heng could think of. He couldn't reason with the orcs when he met the orcs. Now there are only two ways to fight to the death and break through.

Some warriors in small towns who understand this reason also gathered together at this time. Everyone is very clear about the behavior style of the orcs, and now they can only fight with their backs.

In this way, at least I can die with dignity.

At the same time, among the orc army, two orcs each riding a huge wolf four or five meters tall were talking in an extremely relaxed tone.

The clothes on both of them seemed to be a bit out of place with the orc warriors beside them. The two orcs were more like the high-level or even the actual power holders of this orc army.

"Haha, Brother Niu, you are not righteous. You want my sons and daughters to take the lead, and you are here to watch the show?"

A middle-aged man with a slender figure like a monkey was looking at the burly orc beside him with displeasure.

"Brother Yuan, you can wait first, but I want my sons to do it first. Why don't I let my sons do it like this."

"Hehe! Brother Niu was joking."

The skinny man surnamed Yuan waved his hands again and again, this round of siege and raid on this human garrison is still somewhat risky. But it's not big. But the harvest is not small. These are all living human beings, and he doesn't want to miss them all because of their delicious meat.

"Well then, Brother Yuan, I'll wait for your good news."

The Beast Clan with the surname Niu grinned. Their division of labor has long been clear. The Bai family is responsible for airspace suppression, the Yuan family is responsible for close-up raids, and the Niu family is the blockade area.

Nodding his head, the leader surnamed Yuan looked in the direction of the distant town.

"Haha! You kill me!"

The leader surnamed Yuan waved his hand, and at the same time he was the first to go in. With a kick of his legs, his figure shot straight away like a cannonball. In mid-air, his figure rapidly inflated like a balloon that inflates against the wind.

When he came to the sky above the town, his size had swelled to about 100 meters.

The gigantic giant ape, whose body was like a small hill, slapped it with a big hand, grinning grinningly, and slapped it directly down!


In an instant, the air was oppressed and there was a humming sound, and many warriors in the town looked at this scene in horror.


There was a sudden explosion in the town.

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