Master of Fist

Chapter 381: confusion

This time it was indeed a big gain. This is also thanks to the land of war being rich in such mineral veins. Coupled with the suddenness of the orc's raid, many of the mined ores have not been transferred, but it is cheaper for these warriors who participated in the war.

Jiang Heng tried to absorb a few blood crystals, and sure enough, directly using the ball's ability to absorb blood crystals can also increase the power of the totem.

After absorbing tens of thousands of blood crystals in a row, the crushed blood crystal remains in the room piled up into hills. Jiang Heng gradually stopped the speed of absorption, frowning.

"No! Although it can indeed increase the power of the totem, the difference in the increase ratio is too great!"

Jiang Heng can clearly feel that the benefits of absorbing the energy in the blood crystals and feeding them back to the totem are obviously not proportional. Before absorbing the energy of the blood crystals, Jiang Heng's ability to deter the spirit of actual combat with all his strength can make his head half breathless. After absorbing tens of thousands of blood crystals, the half-breath increased by about 20 to 30 percent.

This amount of time added up to less than one breath.

It seems a bit too bad to go on like this.

Jiang Heng rubbed his chin, this totem is simply a big crystal swallower, and he doesn't treat his blood crystals as blood crystals at all.


Jiang Heng looked down at the nine ferocious monster totems on his body, and after looking at them, he found that this thing was more lifelike than before. It seems that the next moment is about to pounce on the phagocytosis.

"So it is!"

Once he tried his ability, Jiang Heng realized that the increase was limited. It's not that the blood crystals are not absorbed enough. It seems that this thing has some kind of upper limit.

It may be related to the amount of energy absorbed by the domino at the beginning. If I absorbed a lot of similar energy at that time, I believe this ability can be greatly improved.

In addition, the absorbed blood crystal energy is stored by the totem, which is used as the consumption of each subsequent ability. The use of the power of the totem needs to be driven by blood crystals. This Jiang Heng has just been verified.

Jiang Heng thought for a while and absorbed all the remaining blood crystals into the totem first. The power of the totem is now one of his trump cards, and using all his spiritual means can turn the tide of the battle at a critical moment.

As for the other abilities, Jiang Heng felt that it would not be that simple, and there must be other magical uses.

Speechless all night, the town is located in a desert oasis, and the desert coverage rate of Fusha Star is extremely high, almost reaching 80% of the entire land.

There are not even oases near many mines, so that in those difficult places, some warriors are responsible for mining. Of course, they will earn more. They only need to hand over a small amount of harvest to the top, and the rest can be attributed to themselves.

Disciple Chongyun and Jiang Heng came downstairs to eat early in the morning. The food here is relatively simple, just some oasis specialties, mostly melons and fruits and some exotic animals from Fusha Star.

"Senior Brother Jiang, this is something we bought for you. This is a little thought from us. Please accept it!"

Just as Jiang Heng took his seat, the disciples of Chongyun Gym who had been waiting for a long time stood up in unison. Shui Zhi took the lead in bowing heavily to Jiang Heng, bowing to ninety degrees very respectfully.

At this time, Jiang Heng also saw what appeared in the hands of each disciple, and it was impressive that each of them held a booklet in their hands.

"You are here."

"I heard from senior brother that senior brother Jiang is very obsessed with martial arts, and he is especially keen on martial arts secret books. We thought about it and didn't know what to give. We just gave each of you a copy of martial arts cheats that you can get your hands on!" Shui Zhi said honestly, with a sincere face.


Jiang Heng felt a little emotional, without thinking about it, he knew it must be Shui Zhi's attention. Through this journey, Jiang Heng can be considered to have some understanding of this group of guys.

If you want the disciples from gymnasiums to know how to understand the world, you will embarrass them. In fact, Jiang Heng agreed to let them exchange for treasures at will, which is also a test. If he knows how to be grateful, Jiang Heng will be more attentive in the future. It doesn’t matter if you don’t know how to be grateful, you have to help, you should still be saved.

According to Jiang Heng's speculation, there is a high probability that these guys don't understand this kind of human relationship. In this way, it seems that Shuizhi has made a name for himself.

This Shui Zhi's temperament is very similar to that of Yang Jia Dalang in Qinglanjie.

He is very thoughtful and knows how to read words and expressions.

"Intentional!" Opened his mouth, Jiang Heng still accepted the cheats. First of all, he really likes to read various martial arts to learn from each other's strengths. Of course, this is also because after having the ability of the ball, he has a much deeper understanding of martial arts.

In that sentence, it means entering the profession, and it is easy to see through martial arts, and can continuously absorb the essence of martial arts.

Second, it can be regarded as an expression of goodwill.

"Why are you still standing there in a daze? You'll be cold if you don't eat!" Seeing Jiang Heng sitting down, and all the senior brothers still standing there in a daze, Shui Zhi hurriedly greeted him.

After hearing the words, everyone took their seats one after another, and the dinner table fell into silence for a while.

"By the way, I heard that the alliance sent a group of people over a few days ago, but this time they were not recruited like us, but were used by the alliance to come here to dig mines urgently." It was still Shui Zhi who noticed that the atmosphere was a little bit Dull, they quickly picked up the topic and chatted.

"Senior Brother Shuizhi, there are still many orcs in this place, aren't these miners afraid of death?" Someone was curious.

"Of course I am afraid of death, but this is the order of the alliance. Even if they are allowed to die, they must die obediently. What's more, in such a critical moment, you and I are forced to join this war. Aren't you afraid of death?"

Mizushi joked with a smile.

Jiang Heng listened while eating. He didn't go shopping much yesterday.

"I don't know if the actions of the alliance will affect us." Shui Zhi shook his head, this is what they should worry about. As for how many people the alliance sends to come, they don't really care much.

Clang, clang!

At this moment, there were bursts of piercing knocking sounds from far and near outside.

"It's not good! It's not good! Orcs invade! A large number of orcs invade!"

Some people shouted outside, and then the small town that was originally quiet in the early morning erupted in an instant. It was as if a nuclear bomb was thrown into a flat lake and exploded instantly.

"Beast invasion?"

Hearing this, everyone's expressions changed, and Jiang Heng also put down the bowls and chopsticks, but he couldn't help muttering in his heart.

The power of the orcs in Fusha Star is actually not that It stands to reason that they should wait for the opportunity to find a single warrior team, why would they go crazy and raid a warrior town with a large number of people?

"Go out and have a look!"

Jiang Heng waved his big hand and went out first.

It was indeed chaotic outside. Most of the people gathered here were warriors without courage. It was okay to ask them to hide, but it was more difficult to let them face the beasts directly than to kill them.

At least Jiang Heng and his party walked forward, while most of them ran backwards, as if there was some scourge behind them.

"A bunch of idiots!" Seeing this, Shui Zhi couldn't help scolding.

"The orcs suddenly appeared at this time, and they were obviously well prepared. Rather than fleeing in confusion, they should act together as a group!"

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