Master of Fist

Chapter 184: parting

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"Your family is also a local wealthy family, why are there only a few people?"

Looking at the four unfamiliar faces brought by Su Yu, Jiang Heng said in surprise.

"Master, this... this... is really because the elders of the family are more stubborn, but... but..." Speaking of this, Su Yu seemed very embarrassed, embarrassed and helpless.

"Okay, I see. Who are these people?"

Waved his hand, just in case Jiang Heng still wanted to confirm the identity of the other party.

"It's all from my family, and my mother is here too!" Su Yu pointed at one of the women. Although the woman looked old, she could vaguely tell that she wanted to be a beautiful woman when she was young. mother.

Seeing this, Jiang Heng nodded, Su Yu's family was run by his mother alone, and those few were somewhat similar to Su Yu, presumably it would not be bad.

"Okay, I see. I will take care of those of your clansmen who are still in Cangzhou City."

Hearing that Su Yu bowed respectfully again, he has always been extremely respectful to this master, and he is very grateful. It is really rare to be able to do this for himself. Before coming here, he was prepared to be scolded by Master.

There was a lot of chatter in the hall, and everyone was silent when they saw Jiang Heng appearing at this time. As Jiang Heng's strength and status gradually increased, his right to speak in the Jiang family could be said to have overwhelmed the head of the family, Jiang Erhai. Of course, this is not awe, more of trust.

"Xiao Heng, we can do whatever you want us to do! My aunt, your uncles, and your grandfather all listen to you!" An aunt who was good at talking directly said.

Jiang Heng nodded with a smile, pressed his hands and then smiled and said: "Elders, it is my honor to trust me. Please rest assured, all elders, I have arranged everything properly. I will catch up with you at midnight tonight." When we go to the south of the city, we will be escorted by the masters of the Canglang Gang all the way, and we will go straight down the river to the Central Plains state capital, to Bazhou!"

This is the destination that Jiang Heng negotiated with Mr. Fu. Although Bazhou is located in the Central Plains, it is separated from the capital by a state capital, and the Canglang Gang also has a sub-helm in Bazhou, where Jiang Heng's family can be protected.

Hearing the words, everyone was chattering, there were ups and downs, excitement, and reluctance, and most of them were asking how Bazhou was.

Jiang Heng answered one by one with a smile, and told him some things about the customs and customs of Bazhou and the division of the Canglang Gang that Mr. Fu told him. This gradually reassured the relatives and elders who hadn't traveled much.

"Xiao Heng... what about you? Are you going with us too?"

At this moment, a different and slightly abrupt voice came from the crowd, but I saw my mother, Dou Shi, squeezed through the crowd and came to Jiang Heng with a look of hope, her eyes fixed on Jiang Heng.

Seeing this, Jiang Heng lowered his head slightly, opened his mouth and was speechless for a while.

"I think Heng'er has her own plans, she's so big. She has her own ideas!" Seeing this, his father, Jiang Erhai, hurried forward to hold Dou Shi back.

"What do you know! Why don't you come with us if you have your own opinion? It's said that Cangzhou is about to fall into chaos, Xiao Heng, you will come with me, right?" Mother Dou grabbed Jiang Heng's hand this time. Arms shake slightly.

"You woman, don't make trouble for the child!" Jiang's father grabbed Dou's arm and was about to pull it there. He knew that Jiang Heng would stay alone in Cangzhou, and he persuaded and chatted with him. In the end, I had to agree.

He didn't know why his child was like this, but he knew there must be his reasons.

"Let go! This is the meat that fell from my body, of course you don't feel bad!" Dou shook off Father Jiang's big hand and began to shake Jiang Heng vigorously.

"elder brother!"

At this time, the younger sister Yuyin also came and tugged at Jiang Heng's sleeves, her big eyes were already full of tears.

Jiang Heng rubbed the little girl's head, this time the little girl didn't dodge, but stared at Jiang Heng with teary eyes.

"Don't worry, when you settle down there, brother will come find you!"

It took a full hour to comfort the old and the young after a lot of talking and talking. After taking a deep breath, Jiang Heng sighed slightly in his heart. I don't know if we can see each other again this time.

But he couldn't tell his family these things.

When the time came to Zishi, following Jiang Heng's yelling, a group of people left Jiang's mansion in a mighty way, there were more than ten carriages from the Canglang Gang waiting outside, and there were some former escorts who couldn't fit The master here can only squeeze.

Jiang Heng rode the black wind in front, heading towards the southern pier in a mighty manner.

Such a big momentum, if it was in the past, the Zhen Fusi and the government office would definitely be alarmed, but as the situation in the city has become more and more unstable recently, people are going out of the city almost every day these days under the panic. It's nothing. Even some policemen from the Zhenfu Division are trying to find a way out for their own families.

It is foreseeable that the chaos in the city will only become more obvious in the future.

Although there is no need to overestimate it right now, we can't relax our vigilance. Jiang Heng is on guard all the way, and there are dead men from the Canglang Gang on both sides to help **** him. Fortunately, there is no accident when he reaches the pier.

On the other side of the pier, Fu Qingshui greeted him early. He directed a group of Canglang to help his disciples carry some daily necessities onto the boat, and at the same time brought a few men towards Jiangheng.

"Brother Jiang! Don't worry, everything has been prepared. Not long ago, a clipper of our Canglang gang had already set off ahead of schedule, and let the sub-helm arrange the layout in advance!"

"Brother Qingshui has a heart!" Jiang Heng bowed his hands! Little things, little things! "Fu Qingshui waved his hand, then poked his head and whispered: "Brother Jiang, don't you consider accepting disciples?" "

Wen Yanjiang Heng's mouth twitched, and a sentence came out of his mouth: "I already have an apprentice!"

Unexpectedly, there was even more joy on this guy's face, and he quickly said: "That's a good relationship, why don't you accept me, brother Jiang! You will definitely not suffer if you accept my apprentice, I will serve tea, pour water, massage and keep it carefully." I will serve you comfortably!"

Jiang Heng shook his head helplessly, looked at this guy and said softly: "You... are too old."

Hearing this, Fu Qingshui was dumb for a while, and looked at Jiang Heng with some resentment for a while.

With the help of the disciples of the Canglang Gang, some of the Jiang family’s salutary belongings were quickly moved there. There were three big boats in total, except for the elders and relatives that Jiang Heng wanted to send out, and the thirty or so members of the Canglang Gang who accompanied him. Entry-level fighters and three pulse-refining masters each sitting on a boat.

At first, Jiang Heng planned to let Zhou Yan **** him directly. After all, although this person is ambitious, after several beatings, he is now completely honest. Even if I identified myself with him, I couldn't make trouble.

But since the current relationship with the Fu family, and the Fu family being so righteous, they did not move Zhou Yan for the time being. This person lives in the west of the city, and now he seems to be the biggest force in the city, and there are already two or three thousand people under his command. It is indeed inconvenient for him to escort, and he will be needed in the next tough battle.

In addition, the three brothers of the Yang family did not leave either, and they had nothing to worry about, but they were willing to stay. Jiang Heng had no choice but to let them continue to recruit people.

Waving his hands and looking at the distant shadow of the boat, Jiang Heng felt sad for a while, but at this moment there was a commotion behind him.

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