Master of Fist

Chapter 183: Confront each other

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"And part of the family advocates the breeding system, that is, we don't let our human race go. Instead, they use their direct lineage to manage us, just like real herding, so that we can harvest every year.

Others are on the side of the royal family, hoping to maintain the status quo, and some are neutral.

On the surface it is so...

In fact, this is not the case. In fact, this is just a power game between the ambitious people in the family and the royal family.

Hundreds of years have passed, and the royal family that used to occupy this big piece of cake in Kyushu is not as good as before. Naturally, subtle changes have taken place in the relationship between top and bottom.

And my human race is in it, just playing the piece of cake they are fighting for. "

Speaking of this, Fu Changsheng paused, and said with some amusement: "To be honest, my human race can still live happily in the original homeland.

It's just that others have been fighting inside.

The mutual restraint between the royal family and the aristocratic family, as well as the open and secret struggles within the royal family. "

"Forget it, I'm old! Don't talk, don't talk! When this person gets old, he's easy to think about it. You kid, don't blame the old man for nagging."

Fu Changsheng waved his hands with emotion and self-mockery.

Jiang Heng was a little silent, but what Mr. Fu said just now answered the questions that had puzzled him for a long time.

"The only thing I can't let go of now is Wu Yatou, the younger generation, but I can't control those anymore. In this world, human lives are worthless, and I am worthy of them for giving them so many years of rich life. When the time comes, we can escape separately. One counts one."

Hearing this, Jiang Heng looked at the future aunt who was waiting next to him, and the expression on the other side was as usual, not even the slightest abnormality.

It seems that Mr. Fu has already explained these words to them a long time ago.

Withdrawing his gaze, Jiang Heng felt that the pressure on his body was getting bigger and bigger.

Tens of thousands of lives of the Canglang gang and the Fu family. At this moment, it was as if all the bets were on him, and the weight was simply incalculable.


The tall and strong man bowed to salute, General Zhang waved his hand and asked softly, "The red silk hasn't returned all night, do you know where she went?"

Tie Bi, who was relatively silent, bowed slightly and shook his head for a while when he heard the words.

"Hongsi went to track down the archer last night, but for some reason he hasn't come back yet."

"En." General Zhang got up slightly, came to the window, looked at Cangzhou City, where the crowds were obviously sparse, and said softly: "Red silk is very measured, and this never happens. It's noon, I want to come to the red silk It's gone."

"General! Could it be that the archer did this...?"

"Eight or nine is not far from ten!"

Master Zhang sighed, and looked up at the blue sky and white clouds in the distance.

"My lord, why don't you let the humble officer immediately go outside the city to mobilize soldiers into the city, turn the entire Cangzhou city upside down, and see who has eaten the bear's heart and the leopard's guts!" Tie Bi clasped his hands and said in a deep voice.

Wen Yanzhang turned around slowly, and looked at the tall and strong man bowing in front of him with indifferent eyes.

"Are you teaching Ben how to do things?"

"This... I don't dare to work in a lowly position!" Seeing this iron wall, he once again returned to his usual low-speaking appearance.

"Okay! Be careful in the future, and next time, I wouldn't mind turning your head into a chamber pot!" Zhang Jiang waved his hand and his face was still very rigid.

"By the way, you also went out last night, what did you gain?"

"Xiaozhi found that Cangzhou City is indeed a little different from other cities." Tiebi rubbed his hands and said in a deep voice.


"I found out that more than 30 people died at once in the city last night, but the strange thing is that these people didn't die from ordinary injuries, but because their internal organs were all wrapped up. Without exception, these people's internal organs were all is missing.

Such a situation makes the humble staff feel that this matter is somewhat familiar..."

"What the **** is going on, don't play tricks on me, otherwise Ben will directly screw your head off"!

Zhang Jiangzhu's complexion suddenly froze, and the sharp-edged and handsome face was suddenly full of evil spirits. He looked at the tall man in front of him and said coldly.

"'s a monster! I saw this kind of monster before I fled from the frontier army at the end of the early years. It looks like a fox, has a ghostly body, is good at camouflage, and eats people's internal organs.

No... But the monster that Mo Jiang saw back then has extremely treacherous abilities, within a hundred feet, all living beings will cut open their abdomens and take out their internal organs.

But the remains seen last night were dug up by others, which is slightly different! "

The burly man, as tall and strong as an iron tower, put his posture extremely low, and his attitude was extremely respectful.

"Oh? You should not go out for a while, and be careful in everything. This Cangzhou, this general looks very weird. Three days later, when the army enters the city, I will conduct a careful investigation!"

Hearing the words, General Zhang was slightly surprised, nodded and ordered softly.

"Yes!" The tall man nodded quickly in response.

"Go, remember your identity!"

Hearing this, the tall man trembled all over, nodded quickly, and retreated respectfully.

There was only Zhang Jiangzhu in the room, and he sat back on the chair and sank like Tapping his thigh with one hand, he looked out the window and thought for a while.

After a while, there was a light knock on the door.


The door was pushed open, only to see a thin face, but a broad frame, the key is that the pair of arms are very different, more than one section longer than ordinary people.

It looks like a lean gibbon monkey. This person was wearing a very loose robe, with four long faces on his back, and he made a lot of clanking noises when he walked.

The eye sockets are slightly sunken, and he is almost middle-aged, but the beard on his face is very clean, and he has a pair of sword eyebrows, which makes him look upright and heroic.

"Caomin Iron Sword Sect Master Liu Jiantang has met the general!"

This person took a few steps forward and knelt down on one knee to salute very respectfully.

"Iron Sword Gate?" For the middle-aged man in front of him who hastily reported his family, Zhang Jiangzhu showed surprise, and was immediately happy when he saw the other party's expression.

"Why does Master Liu need to be like this, sit down quickly! Sit down quickly!"

Liu Jiantang, the master of the Iron Sword Gate, also stood up when he heard the words, but he just sat on his buttocks, and looked at the handsome general in front of him with some restraint.

"I don't know why Sect Master Liu came here this time?"

When we returned to Jiangfu, it was already evening, but the courtyard was brightly lit.

Today, everyone in the Jiang family has packed up and is ready to discuss the time and details to leave the city overnight.

When he came back, Fu Changsheng had already taken care of him, the boat and carriage were ready, and the people responsible for protection along the way were also ready.

All the way into the hall, all members of the Jiang family had gathered together, even Su Yu had arrived, and there were several new faces behind him, some of whom were somewhat similar to Su Yu.


Su Yu stepped forward first, looking at Jiang Heng with embarrassment.

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