Master of Fist

Chapter 179: Projectile talent

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Easily breaking off a flag next to a courtyard with one hand, the atmosphere of the Fu family gang is very strong, and there are many flags like this.

Picking up one at random, aiming at the woman in the distance while galloping at high speed.

Although he knows that his archery skills are really poisonous, but there is no other way right now, and he must not let this woman leave the Fu family alive!

This person is likely to be the confidant of the general, if he is allowed to escape, there will be endless troubles.

She must be kept here, and now Jiang Heng regrets why he didn't bring the demon bow when he came out earlier, although the demon bow has no room to play in the close combat. But in this helpless situation, at least shooting with a bow is better than throwing with your hands.

Finding the right timing, Jiang Heng even lowered his breathing a lot at this moment, exerted force on his wrist, and shot away with all his might.

There was a whistling sound for a while, the wooden stick that was originally used as a flagpole was very slender, and there was no wind at this time, and the flying path was very straight.

Hongsi glanced back, and his pupils shrank suddenly. He had the horrible experience of being blasted by the hammer before, and he was extra cautious about Jiang Heng's every shot. In desperation, his figure quickly twisted, and he swung to the left in a very twisted posture.



The front section of the flagpole, which was three to four meters long, was crushed inch by inch by the terrifying force, while the rest of the body pierced into the woman's lower abdomen. With the force of the forward rush, the red silk that was strung together flew tens of meters away, and finally was directly nailed to a fence. The fence was still shaking at this time.

Another mouthful of blood spewed out directly, and Hongsi only felt severe pain in all internal organs and the whole body, and the feeling of Yin Sha, who had a carrier, was no different from that of ordinary people, especially at this moment.

The baleful Yin-level Qi was only blocked for a moment before being penetrated directly.

Looking at the humanoid monster approaching at high speed, Hongsi was terrified, gritted his teeth, endured the severe pain, swung his right hand and shattered the wooden sticks behind and in front of him, twisted his body, flew out and jumped again.

The fear of Jiang Heng in his heart became even heavier.

"Obviously I have already dodged, but it's still..."

The flesh in the abdomen was wriggling rapidly to squeeze out the remaining wooden sticks, and at the same time healed the wound rapidly.

"That's fine too!"

Not only is Hongsi stunned, but Jiang Heng is also very puzzled, is it possible that my talents are all projected?

Looking at the women who were approaching quite a bit not far away, Jiang Heng was even more confident. This time he directly snatched a long spear from the corpse of a servant, and weighed it to make it from fine iron.

Still following the gourd painting, squinting his eyes slightly to find the right timing, his heart is full of confidence at this time, this situation is very similar to that of a student with poor grades who got full marks for the first time.

"Give it to me!"

Jiang Heng's qi and blood surged wildly, and the four-layered dragon strength burst out a huge amount of qi and blood in an instant. At the same time, the breathing method was fine-tuned to a certain extent, and the power was even more hit. With one shot, the bluestone slabs on the ground rolled up layer by layer, bringing out a sound barrier , drawing a straight line in the night sky.

The rate of fire was extremely fast, and the burst of screaming sound instantly overwhelmed the incomparably noisy sound of the Fu family at this time.


Thinking of the tragic situation just now, how could Hongsi dare to be careless, after suffering a loss once, he could still fail a second time, his figure quickly moved, and this time he swooped directly to the right and moved for about three or four meters.



The petite figure of the red silk was directly hit by the terrifying distance carried by the spear at this moment. Under the resistance of the evil spirit, it did not penetrate into the body immediately, but after being taken out several meters in an instant with the figure , the sharp spear tip pierced the abdomen again, but this time it pierced from the back to the front.


The red silk's petite and lovely body was nailed to the chopping board like a piece of bacon at this moment, and the pain was more severe, but this time it was more decisive, and she directly pulled out the spear, turned around and ran away.

"Hey! Don't cry without seeing the coffin!"

Jiang Heng is full of confidence at the moment, this time can only be explained as a coincidence, can the two times be a coincidence?

Then go ahead!

Grinning and walking quickly, eyes looked around again and finally locked on a weapon rack passing by on the way, and picked up a trident casually. I have to say that the Fu family is worthy of being the leader of the gang. The weapons of this family were the family's arms in the previous life. up.

Looking at the woman who was getting closer and closer in the distance, Jiang Heng grinned, could he shoot sideways at such a close distance?

"Give it to me!"

This time, there was no aiming at all. Jiang Heng, who was full of confidence, didn't care about it at all. He raised his right arm violently, and the layers of power burst out instantly. The trident seemed to be equipped with a propeller and shot through the air.

Hongsi has completely lost her position this time, and the shadow in her heart has been completely cast out for the second time in a row.

where to escape?


Not on the left!

Not even on the right!

It was just this time of thinking, the trident had already arrived at a high speed, and just as the red silk wanted to leap up to dodge this time, something flew out of the top of his head first, it was the ~ This scene frightened Hongsi to stop her jumping movements, at this moment she vaguely felt that something was wrong.

Was it really the opponent's extremely accurate projection the first two times?


But at this moment of delay, the burly figure behind him finally arrived, and without saying a word, he punched out directly, which was very reserved and avoided.

"not good!"

Just dodging the opponent's punch, his mind turned around like a paste of red silk.

But he saw a burly figure with his back facing the moon, his eyes and face were completely red. Although his figure was still burly, he had shrunk much faster than before, and his muscles fit perfectly.


Looking at the slow but close left palm out of the corner of his eye, he saw that the forearm of the left palm showed an extremely unnatural expansion. In the sight of the red silk, there was almost a dazzling blood red here, reflecting the blood red in front of his eyes.

"Covering the sea!!"

The incomparably rich blood was like a scorching sun. At this moment, a dazzling light seemed to burst out from the palm, like a white ball of light blasting forward suddenly.

At this moment, the blood was shot out instantly, and a roar shook his ears. Jiang Heng, who had exhausted his blood, was completely unable to resist the almost shock wave. He flew upside down and rolled weakly on the ground for a few times Can't stop.

The air seemed extremely hot at this moment, and there was still a faint humming in his ears.

The white light came and went quickly, but when he looked again, Jiang Heng was a little dazed.

I saw a huge pothole within seven meters in front of me, and there was originally a wing room seven meters away. At this time, a hole big enough to run two carriages appeared. The hole penetrated the opposite side, and the ground even plowed out a half arc.

And the Yin-level Yin Sha in the middle of the front door is probably dead at this moment...

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