Master of Fist

Chapter 178: hunt down

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At this time, Hongsiu's head was back to normal again, but she didn't reshape her hair at the same time. In order to prevent being entangled, she had to save as much blood as possible in her body.

Hongsi is not very confident in her feelings now, and she had a deviation from that powerful archer before. And although the old man in front of him looked weaker than a first-rank martial artist, and his aura was like an ordinary old man, but it was weird to have such an old man standing in front of him in the middle of the night.

Looking at the old man in front of him, he didn't answer at all, and turned around directly, dozens of red tentacles attacked Fu Changsheng like a tide.

And the body shape completely disregarded the distortion of the body shape and flew towards the other side of the eaves.

"Grand Yin Sha! Haha! Well done!"

Fu Changsheng saw countless tentacles attacking him, and he could clearly feel a very strong evil spirit above them.

Just now when Hongsi faced Jiang Heng, he also used the evil spirit to make his attack more aggressive, but when facing Jiang Heng, even the poisonous gas condensed by that strong evil spirit was useless, let alone Those evil spirits that have always been attached to the tentacles, often hitting Jiang Heng's body, are like mud cows entering the sea without the slightest wave.

Of course, the red silk never imagined that there was a black ball in Jiang Heng's body that could absorb internal energy and evil energy.

And this kind of evil spirit, especially the evil level of evil spirit, is very powerful for internal martial arts practitioners.

Seeing this, Fu Changsheng advanced instead of retreating, raised his head and screamed.

"Well done!"

The rotten palm, which was as thin as a dead branch, snapped lightly, and the blade flew out of its sheath in an instant and flew into the air. Fu Changsheng jumped up and held it in his hand.

"The water of the waves is like the sea~"

In just a moment, a majestic inner energy suddenly solidified rapidly, like a big wave gathering momentum, one wave after another!

At this moment, the long knife burst into a dazzling white light, and Fu Changsheng's face flushed as he raised the knife.


The breeze seemed to have weakened a lot, but the next moment a gust of wind howled, starting from where Fu Changsheng was, the rubble on the eaves was instantly smashed into pieces, and countless swords with solid internal energy swept away densely.

The scarlet tentacles were able to move forward with difficulty in the storm of knife energy at first, but then the evil spirit was broken by layers of knife energy, and finally the sky was filled with blood.

The saber energy still rushed towards the red silk, and the countless rubble on the eaves were all turned into pieces. Seeing this, the red silk was slightly startled, but did not panic. She shook her body, and dozens of tentacles sprang out from under her skirt , but this time the tentacles are wrapped in layers of white bone spurs, like white joints whipping rapidly.

The red silk used all four limbs but directly changed direction and flew towards the old man in front of him.

She could clearly feel the power of this knife. It has the level of a martial arts master, but it doesn't look like it, because this saber energy is too scattered!

Martial arts masters often don't use such flashy moves, which are much weaker and consume too much of their own energy.

And this is not as strong as the martial arts master's qi, weak! Too weak!

"Old man, since you want to die, then I will help you!"

At this moment, the red silk with a gray nose touched his nose and rushed towards Mr. Fu like a madman. The heavy saber aura was blocked under the white bone tentacles, and it was getting closer and closer! Getting closer!

Ten steps!

Five steps!

Three steps!

Just three steps forward, she can directly use her tentacles to attack and kill the old man in front of her!

Suddenly, Hongsiu's complexion changed drastically, and she hurriedly rolled to the side, bang!

A burly figure rushed straight up and swooped down through the roof, causing the entire room to shake.

The red silk rolled directly down the eaves, and before it landed, the tentacles were used continuously, and quickly rolled towards the nearby borrowing point and swung outward at high speed.

Fu Changsheng stroked his beard and gently landed on the eaves, his face was calm and breezy, and the meaning of being out of the world was even more obvious. Those who didn't know thought it was an old god.

But the slightly trembling legs completely exposed his true heart at this time.

Fu Changsheng was also very depressed, he just wanted to kill the thief who sneaked into Fu's house with one blow, good guy, he didn't expect that he was directly comparable to a grand master!

Now the fragile old heart still beats.


The door was shattered, sawdust flew across, and a burly figure suddenly jumped, directly killing the red figure fleeing in the distance.

Looking at the fierce and domineering Jiang Heng, Fu Changsheng sighed slightly: "It's always too late to be dissatisfied. The saber energy displayed by relying on the old man's saber is still more than a star and a half behind the grand master! But... now I am a Yin Sha Have you all come to be thieves?"

Jiang Heng was now furious, and the Man of Steel ignored all obstacles along the way. The wall was smashed directly, and the roaring sound continued.

At this time, the entire Fu family was already noisy, countless people lit candles and came out to check, densely packed footsteps were already heard everywhere.

The red silk had directly entered the hinterland of the Fu family before, and it would take a lot of time to get out now.

Some Fu's guests were startled when they saw the red phantom approaching, and they subconsciously drew their swords to face each other in a panic.

"Get out of here!!"

And farther away, Jiang Heng's violent drinking came from Before the guests could react, the red tentacles pierced through them all, and the blood was also sucked away, and they continued to move Leap away.

Not even two or three breaths during the period. Hongsi's complexion was somewhat ruddy, and she turned her head and glanced at Jiang Heng with her narrow and beautiful eyes, with a hint of sarcasm.

Jiang Heng cursed secretly, the opponent's speed was too fast, and he was inferior to using the breathing method to adjust the speed of Qi and blood improvement. The gap in close combat is nothing at all, but for this kind of pursuit right now, a star and a half is a gap.

The two galloped all the way, chasing and fleeing, and all Ke Qing and Fu's guards who were confronted by the red silk along the way would be raped in an instant. And Jiang Heng didn't care about other things, he gritted his teeth and chased wildly.

Gradually, Hongsi's momentum became much better than at the beginning, and she even had time to use her tentacles to twitch the stone pier next to her and hit Jiang Heng.

Jiang Heng's chest heaved violently, and his anger kept rising.

At this time, the fourth layer of Die Long Jin was fully erupted, but there was still a lot of difference. The opponent seemed to be playing, but he didn't dare to attack Jiang Heng directly with his tentacles, for fear of being caught and pulled over.

I know that if this goes on like this, let alone catching up with the opponent, maybe I will be played to death by the opponent!

While chasing wildly, he usually took out four or five red pills and swallowed them directly. Under the absorption feedback of the black ball, his vitality and blood increased a lot again.

"It can't go on like this!"

There are many thoughts in my heart, and I want to think about the way to deal with this situation. Jiang Heng now regrets not practicing agility. Even if he has improved breathing techniques, if he has an external kung fu level agility, then it is not a problem at all.

what to do?

what to do?

Soon his eyes locked on something out of the corner of his eye, and his right hand quickly stretched out.

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