Master of Fist

: Testimonials

call! It's finally on sale! Available this Friday!

It’s okay to post the testimonials in advance, so let’s talk about the feelings first according to the practice of colleagues.

This book has gone through ups and downs for almost three months. It was published in September, and now it has about 330,000 words. This number of words can be regarded as quite conscientious.

Then I went through a lot during the period. After all, the popularity is not good, and there are some black history of cutting books before. Everyone is in a wait-and-see state, and there is no way. So at the beginning, the data was miserable. When the first recommendation was made, it seemed that the collection could exceed a thousand.

This kind of data is fantasy, which is equivalent to a death sentence. After that, there was a test of Q reading and there was no increase, and then it was a long stand-alone time. Thanks to the continuous support of some friends, I gradually persevered, and then gradually improved, and my confidence returned.

This week's score should be the third recommendation of this book, here it comes, I can finally take a breather. After looking at the books of the same period, the data is still in the middle and lower levels. There are many reasons for this. The quality of some books is not hard enough. After all, the writing is immature and inexperienced. Secondly, I personally think it has something to do with the title of the book. It was randomly chosen when it was created, which made the title look very retro, but I am a bad namer, so I have been procrastinating and not changing it.

So for now, it is still worrying to put this kind of data on the shelves. It is estimated that it will cost seven or eight thousand. It is certain that it will be put on the shelves, but it is acceptable. After all, the support from everyone has been really strong recently. There are complaints and praises in the book review area. As long as the complaints are pertinent, I will find a way to improve in the future. This is the motivation. The praise is also the recognition of the book, and it is even more motivation!

For example, the book friend international little star who has given me a lot of support recently and has always cared about my status, can give me a one-off reward to the hall master, which really gave me great confidence.

Looking at your comments, it seems that I am afraid that I will not be able to persist. Don't worry, the reason why the recent update speed is mediocre is because it is about to be put on the shelves. Now there are too many words, so I have to control it. There will be 10 changes on the first day of listing, and 4D changes every day thereafter. If there are special circumstances, please explain.

I have to work hard, otherwise I'm like this, my own grades are not good, and the update is slow, I will really suffer.

Of course, there are many friends who have been supporting silently, such as Uncle, Yinghuang, Shuyou 20180918, Shuyou 111224, Xiaolou Yunyan, la`la``, yuanqing515, wonderful alone, chasing my tomorrow, etc. There are many more, time is limited so the long story short.

In addition, I would like to thank the editor-in-charge Tian Qi, a kind and generous beauty editor who is both beautiful and wise, for her careful guidance to the author. Some revisions to the recent writing are patiently explained to me. I really appreciate taking the time to help me , not much to say, thanks to the super beauty Tian Qi!

Well, let’s be honest in the end. I’m a working party, and I have encountered some difficulties recently, so I will work very hard to code, and I want to make some achievements.

That's what I just said, the five-update 4D is stable on the shelves, and there will be a ten-day series on the first day to repay everyone's support recently, and then press rewards and subscriptions to add more updates!

The first order breaks 500, plus one change, breaks 1,000 plus one change, after that, I don't think it's extravagant, and I don't think it's too generous.

In fact, I expect that the first order may only be around 200. If there is a reward, the rudder master will change, the hall master will change, and the first alliance leader will appear in ten companies. This is not an extravagant hope for the time being.

White...err.... forget about this, even if you think about it, if you really want to, I'll ask for leave and double rest.

Well, that's all. I hope everyone can support me a lot. It's up to you to eat dirt next month. Then those who haven’t joined the group and want to add it can add it. The group name: Qiu Mingshan Speeding Party is a stable group of old drivers. If I don’t chat, I’m either working or coding. It's best to change the group ID when you go in.

Finally, I would like to say that the update is forced out, please force me! (laughing and crying)

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