Master of Fist

Chapter 153: Require

"Senior, I am also worried about this matter. Before that, I was thinking about finding a way for your Canglang Gang to escape!"

Since the other party was so open and honest, Jiang Heng naturally didn't treat the elder in front of him as an outsider, and said with a smile.

"Haha! Indeed, many people in the city have heard the news recently, and even many people in your township department have found my way. Don't worry, you have secretly sent all your family members here these days, old man Take care of it and send it to the Central Plains for proper settlement!" Fu Changsheng stroked his beard and smiled, but he didn't take this matter to heart.

"So, thank you, old man!" Hearing this, Jiang Heng was overjoyed, and now a stone in his heart had fallen to the ground. His family has always been something he can't let go of now. Once there is chaos in the city, it is not difficult to protect it with his own arrangements in the prefecture, but this is always a case in case. And if there is no waterway, it's really worrying to go by land without personal **** these days.

After all, those Yin evil things are not easy to deal with. Apart from his own strength, even if he is escorted by Zhou Yan, the only pulse-refining realm under his command, Jiang Heng is still a little worried. This is why Jiang Heng has not The reason for arranging for the family to go out of the city to leave this place.

Now that Fu Changsheng has promised so much, it may be a trivial matter to the other party, but it is a great kindness to Jiang Heng.

"Hey, don't be too happy too early. I will help you arrange your family properly, but you have to contribute to my side, right?" Fu Changsheng looked at Jiang Heng with a smile, looking at you like a kid. appearance.

"Naturally, I don't know if there is any junior who can help the old man?"

Nodding his head, Jiang Heng had anticipated this a long time ago. Since it is an alliance, there must be sacrifices, and it is impossible to unilaterally let others consider you.

"Okay! Little friend Jiang is a straightforward person! That being the case, I will also tell you about the current situation of our Canglang Gang." Fu Changsheng clapped his hands and smiled heartily, very satisfied with Jiang Heng's reaction.

Sipping a sip of tea, the old man looked slightly dignified and said: "My Canglang Gang family has a big business. As the saying goes, a big tree attracts the wind. Unlike Tiejianmen and those small fish and shrimps below, we can't move now. Don't look at Lu Zhi's opinion We are polite, but if the old man really packs up and leaves with this big family, do you believe that Lu Zhen will send someone to block the old man's door that night?"

Hearing this, Jiang Heng nodded slightly, deeply convinced that the Canglang Gang's current entangled forces in Cangzhou Prefecture can almost be said to represent the entire Jianghu forces in Cangzhou. If such a behemoth really wanted to leave, the imperial court would definitely not agree immediately.

But...Jiang Heng looked at Fu Changshengjing and waited for his next words. .

"Hey, if this is normal, even if Lu Zhi has a lot of pulse-refining and lower-rank martial artists under his command, the old man will do it! But it's different now, that Master Liu is still there, if the old man Do it, hehe, this old man's family will become a dish in someone else's pot, and no one can escape!"

Fu Changsheng's first line was very domineering, but the second half made Jiang Heng a little helpless.

It is true that the timing is not right now, as if the imperial court saw the situation in Liuzhou and deliberately did so.

"So, the old man has seen it through. Now those collateral lines can be sent away, and as for the direct line... it depends on fate! But your boy appeared in time, and the old man and the family will follow It depends on Jiang Xiaoyou how long he survives!" Looking at Jiang Heng, Fu Changsheng sighed and said solemnly.

Hearing this, Jiang Heng was stunned, and couldn't help but smiled wryly: "What's wrong with the seniors, the juniors can't protect themselves now. There are still people thinking about my body!"

"Haha, the old man didn't say that these little guys in my family can live. How many lives can be counted. And since that person didn't directly attack you, it doesn't mean that the other party doesn't want to, but that the other party doesn't want to for the time being. You can live more A day is a day."

Speaking of this, Fu Changsheng couldn't help chuckling, shook his head and said with a chuckle: "This old man is not wrong, you and my Fu family are exactly the same, you are the fish that was held in Cangzhou, waiting for those The big shots are going to kill us!"

Hearing this, Jiang Heng also burst out laughing in a rare way, and his hearty laughter diluted a lot of the haze just now.

Thinking about it this way, I am really like the Fu family, and I can't leave Cangzhou. Once I leave Cangzhou, that person will do it immediately after all. Don't think about leaving Cangzhou quietly, just think about it, maybe the other party has already been watched by the Zhen Fusi or the government office. Whenever there is a change in him, that person can't wait to do it.

The same goes for the Fu family. If they dare to leave, they will also be in danger of being destroyed. The two are exactly the same, and for a while there is a feeling of sympathy.

The old and the young looked at each other and saw the helplessness and bitterness in each other's eyes.

"Since that's the case, the juniors will ask the seniors to take care of them!" Jiang Heng clasped his hands and said solemnly.

"Haha, the same reason! Whether you and I can live in the future depends on the situation in Cangzhou! Now the old man is the key to breaking the situation!" Fu Changsheng stroked his beard and sighed softly. Jiang Heng nodded, and after thinking about it, he couldn't help being a little curious: "I don't know, Senior Fu, are you familiar with this general?"

Hearing this, Fu Changsheng shook his head and poured himself another cup of tea, but because of the long conversation, the tea in the teapot was a little cold, so he put it down again.

"The old man is not very familiar with this person, but I have learned a lot of news from the Central Plains and Liuzhou recently. This person is called Zhang Hu, but he is from the Central Plains, not a member of a family. Born as a martial artist, it is said that his strength was at the sixth-rank level five years ago. I don't know if he has improved recently.

However, this person is a good wine and a good woman, but this talent was wasted in vain. Moreover, this person's ability to command troops is not good. From the situation in Liuzhou, it can be seen that this person is an idiot. But the idiots with tens of thousands of soldiers under their hands are really not easy to mess with. Although they are all miscellaneous troops drawn from various state capitals, if they really fight with them with real swords and guns, the old man and these quacks under his hands are really not good. did it.

But don't worry, I'm in a hurry! He, Lu Jin, and the Jiang Fuzun were also in a hurry. Where are these two conspiring now? They don't want Fucheng to fall under the control of that ****.

As for the old man, heh, wait and see what happens, if the old man is really the first to do the surgery, my Fu family's accumulation over the years is not something that can be bullied casually. The old man has only one request for little friend Jiang, and that is when the city is in chaos, as long as you do your best to protect the little ones in my family. Others, if you want someone, I will give it to you, if you want money, you can take it at will, if you want martial arts cheats, medicine pills and weapons, you can also speak up!

It can be said that as long as you keep those kids in my family safe, everything else will be given to you! "

Fu Changsheng's speech was not fast, but he seemed to be on his deathbed, with a pair of cloudy eyes full of sincerity.

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