Master of Fist

Chapter 147: attack


Deathly silence!


At this moment, the man surnamed Tu could no longer restrain his screams. He hugged his right leg and his knee hurt so much that the pustules on his face burst open.

Fu Qingshui's face was gloomy, and he admitted that he was a little bit mistaken.

"Go together!"

Following Fu Qingshui's cold words, all the guests came back to their senses, not daring to be careless, one by one drew out their weapons and was about to step forward and chop up the young man in front of them.

"Sometimes I really want to reason, after all, I always like to convince people with virtue!"

But before Jiang Heng finished speaking, a knife blade slashed down from top to bottom angrily.

The first one to rush forward was the only female guest among the four. She was approaching middle age. Although her skin was a bit rough due to frequent wind and sun exposure, she was slender and strong, and this knife was really ruthless!

Li Hongyue is a woman from the Central Plains. She has practiced martial arts for 20 years, and she has been in the pulse refining state for five years. She is even more confident in the saber technique that she has practiced hard for nearly 20 years!

Not to mention the ordinary pulse refining state, even those fourth-rank warriors of the older generation can't fault it.

But at the next moment, she only felt a numbness in her ankle, and then a huge force hit her, and her eyes spun.


He hit the ground heavily on his back, and then saw a huge fist coming directly towards his abdomen.


what! ~

Li Hongyue only felt heart-piercing cramps from her abdomen and internal organs.


The cold voice rang in Fu Qingshui's ears, and he looked at the young man not far away. Only at this moment did he seriously look at the young man in front of him.

Very tall!

Very big!

Even the few guests from the Fu family who came from Yunzhou in the north did not have such amazing physique!

The most important thing is that he never expected that the young man in front of him would have dealt with a pulse-refining realm guest minister in a few clicks!

At this time, the remaining two guest ministers all looked shocked. They knew Li Hongyue's strength. They definitely had the second strength among the four, not to mention the first, but after only two strokes, they completely fell down.

The remaining two were wearing Taoist robes, but they had a shaved head and a fleshy face. While the other is wearing a white Confucian shirt, holding a folding fan, and his outfit is full of the image of a young man, but he looks rather rough, second only to the previous man with the surname Tu with abscesses.

The two looked at each other, and immediately outflanked left and right. One drew a long sword from his waist, and the inner energy on the blade was wanton, while the other waved his palm, and the inner energy burst out with great momentum.

Both of them showed their ability to press the bottom of the box. With this sword falling, even a huge boulder with a thickness of several meters has to dig a hole!

But the young man in front of him didn't see his extra movements, he just threw two punches in quick succession, but these seemingly ordinary punches didn't see the slightest flow of internal energy, but directly entered the abdomen of the two of them, protecting the internal energy. The body is not hindered at all under this punch.

The two of them stared wide-eyed, and their bodies froze in place.

Jiang Heng pushed lightly, and the two of them fell to the ground straight.


Jiang Heng shook his head with some exclamation. It's different. After being able to use the third layer of Dragon Strength, even if he doesn't use Dragon Strength, as long as he tries his best in normal state, it is enough to make the Pulse Refining Realm lose the power of action with one blow!

Now if you don't use the stacking dragon strength, you still have nearly 20 ox strength!

This kind of Wei Li is all piled up with a lot of silver. At the beginning, there were more than 10 million taels, but now there are only 8 million taels left, and the rest have been turned into medicinal materials and swallowed by themselves.

Eighty percent of the medicinal herbs in circulation in Cangzhou City have already been purchased. It can be said that those medicinal herb farmers were almost starved to death, but Jiang Heng, with only one person, directly heated up the entire medicinal herb market. Now even the common angelica The price of those medicinal materials has also tripled.

Many merchants have even started to contact channels from other state capitals, intending to purchase large quantities of medicinal materials to Cangzhou for reselling.

"Brother Fu San, can we have a good talk now?"

Jiang Heng casually pulled a chair to the center of the hall, and just sat there among a group of mourning guests, smiling at Fu Qingshui.

"Good! Good!" Fu Qingshui said a few good words, but his face became more and more gloomy. He stared at Jiang Heng and sneered: "Today I really missed my point! But my old man Fu keeps his word, you can go Already!"

Hearing this, Jiang Heng laughed, plucked his ears, blew, glanced at Fu Qingshui who was gnashing his teeth and wanted to tear himself apart, and said with a light smile, "But when did I say I was leaving? Brother Fu, what is this?" You Fu's family invited me here, and you were the one who would make people do anything without saying anything, and now you are the one who drove me away! Feelings..."

Speaking of this, Jiang Heng paused slightly, lowered his body slightly, raised his head and said coldly, "Are you playing me like a monkey?"

"You! What do you mean?" Fu Qingshui's face was already as dark as charcoal, and he also looked directly at Jiang Heng and said coldly: "Are you serious that I have nothing to do with you?"

"Oh? I want to see you... What can you do with me?"

With every word Jiang Heng uttered, Jiang Heng stood up slowly, and as he got up, the muscles all over his body began to swell suddenly, and the clothes on his body were scattered like confetti.

Muscles are surging rapidly, and they can't wait to open each It's like a surging wave one after another, each time it surges, it expands outward, and the hot air flows from the body surface. Slowly transpiration.

Stars began to spread from the heart, an air wave erupted, the chair under him exploded, and several guests lying around were thrown several meters away and fell to the ground.

"This... this... this... you..."

Fu Qingshui was a little dumbfounded looking at this scene. He traveled along the Canglang River all year round and saw all sorts of strange people and things, but what is this now?

At the same time, the inner hall of Fu's residence—

At this time, the old ancestor of the Fu family is enjoying the gentle pressure of the maidservant. When people are old, their bodies are not as good as those of young people. Aging cannot be rejuvenated by this.

He is the pillar of the Fu family, even if he is not in the realm of a master, his descendants do not live up to expectations. Although there are quite a few of the Keqing who are not bad, outsiders are outsiders after all. The old father of the master realm!


At this moment, the old ancestor of the Fu family suddenly opened his cloudy eyes, waved his hands to signal the maidservants on both sides to step back, and his wrinkled brows huddled together.

"It's amazing blood! I didn't expect someone to go that way after so many years!"

The old man looked outside the house, as if he saw the extraordinary body that was almost a demon through many obstacles!

"Hey! The old man is almost buried in the ground and he still won't let me live! That's all, this kind of strange person should be seen!"

The old man sat up slowly, and his rotten palm, as dry as a branch, slapped the armrest suddenly, and an astonishing aura suddenly burst out from this old, decayed body that was almost buried in the ground.

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