Master of Fist

Chapter 146: Hospitality

"Sit! Sit all!"

Fu Qingshui pressed his hand to signal everyone to sit down.

The four were all guests of the Fu family, but they looked at Jiang Heng with a slightly provocative expression at this moment.

Jiang Heng remained silent, and glanced at the few people lightly, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

Soon there were maidservants bringing cups of tea, pastries and fruits one after another. These maidservants all looked very good-looking.

"Master Jiang, you are a distinguished guest!"

After Fu Qingshui took his seat, the topic changed, and his tone became a bit strange, his eyes were smiling, and he looked at Jiang Heng with a faint smile.

As soon as the words came out, the hall fell into silence, and all the guests looked at Jiang Heng with a sneer, as if as long as Fu Qingshui said a word, they would swarm up and take Jiang Heng down.

Jiang Heng looked around at the few people, with a wider smile on his face, slightly playing with the two iron pellets with him, and said with a light smile, "Brother Fu San, do you have something in your words?"

Hearing this, Fu Qingshui narrowed his eyes slightly, and immediately burst out laughing.

"Master Jiang, you don't know why Fu invited you here, do you?"

"Oh? What's the reason?"

Jiang Heng looked surprised, as if he really didn't know why he was invited to this famous lair of the Canglang Gang.

Hearing this, Fu Qingshui's expression darkened instantly.

"Master Jiang, I call you Master Jiang. This is not for your face, but for the face of the Zhen Fusi! You say you don't know..." Fu Qingshui sneered again and again, looking directly at Jiang Heng and said: "Yes Think I, Fu, is a fool?"

"Brother Fu San, you have to be careful with what you say. Some words can't be taken back!" Jiang Heng paused when he was playing with Tie Wan, and looked at Fu Qingshui with a calm expression.


Accompanied by a snap, Fu Qingshui slapped the armrest suddenly, and stood up straight away.

"Jiang Heng! You just want to rely on the big boat of my Fu family! The Canglang Gang of your Jiang family has already found out. People from Hengjiang County entered Fucheng three months ago. They are working as an **** agency, but because The situation in the city is completely different from your small place in Hengjiang County, and your **** business has come to a standstill. But you joined the Zhenfu Division, and later climbed to the position of Xuanyiwei relying on Jiang Ting.

At such a young age, with a third-rank state, it is reasonable to say that he is a young hero. But this is in Cangzhou City, there are many young heroes. But there are only a handful of people who can really achieve the pulse refining state! Do you know why? "

Speaking of which, Fu Qingshui glanced at Jiang Heng sarcastically without thinking about Jiang Heng's answer, and continued on his own: "That's because the channel to the fourth-rank realm can only be controlled by us big forces forever. We will try our best to get the fourth-rank martial arts left outside.

It's understandable that you want to climb the ladder. You can join the Canglang Gang and become a dog of my Canglang Gang and my Fu family, so that the fourth-rank martial arts is not impossible to watch! But you just play these dirty tricks! Do you really think that my Canglang gang is a fool? "

As soon as these words came out, the complexions of several guest officials changed slightly, but that was all, and immediately they all looked at Jiang Heng fiercely.

"It seems that he said that you are dogs, and he is really right!"

"Hmph! Don't talk nonsense! The third master is full of dirty mouth, let me chop him up!" The ugliest Ke Qing beside him, with a beard and a face full of pustules, is a burly man. Immediately, he slapped the table and stared fiercely at Jiang Heng.

"How is it? Mr. Jiang... I will give you a chance. As long as you beat me, the guest, then Fu will not make things difficult for you today!"

Fu Qingshui was happy to see this, but the guests next to him all looked remorseful. They were all guests of the Fu family, but they were all **** off by the dog raised by the third master Fu just now. It's just that bearded man who reacts quickly, what's wrong with being a dog? It is better to be a dog in front of the Fu family than to be a dog in front of others. These days, as long as you are strong, even if you are a dog, other people still have to think highly of you.

Everyone looked at the bearded man with some envy. They were all masters at the fourth-grade pulse refining level.

The Fu family can only be regarded as an elite in the pulse refining state, and only when they really enter the Canglang Gang can they know how terrifying the Fu family's background is, the accumulation of nearly two hundred years. Passed down from the time of the old master, one can imagine the background accumulated in the gang.

The reason why the Canglang Gang suppressed Fusi was only on the bright side. Those who really understand know how huge the Canglang Gang is. As long as there is no fault in the middle of the faction that has been a master, then its terrifying extent can be imagined. What's more, the Canglang Gang occupies the Canglang River. Every year, only a steady stream of resources come in, and only a handful of people go out, even if they support a large number of guest officials.

The fifth-rank level and sixth-rank level are in the Canglang Gang, that is the high-end combat power!

"Haha! Third Master, don't worry, Tu promises to loosen the bones of this little brother!" The ugly bearded man with abscesses on his face laughed loudly, looking at Jiang Heng as if he were staring at a little white rabbit.

"It turns out that this is the Fu family's way of hospitality, Jiang has no choice but to be a bad guest!" Jiang Heng shook his head slightly, glanced at the covetous man next to him, and picked his mouth , chuckled and said: "Then you can start, brother, let me see how much you weigh!"

"Haha! It's been a long time since I've seen such an ignorant brat, just a third grade..."

The words hadn't finished yet, but the next moment the ugly man made a sudden attack. Obviously, he had rich experience in the world, and he was already in the pulse refining state, and he still habitually liked to sneak attack when facing the lower third rank.

"Haha, brat, you don't have any common sense in the world, so I'll ruin you!"

The ugly man looked big and thick, but his speed was extremely sensitive. He jumped up suddenly, and when his internal energy exploded, he was about to slap Jiang Heng directly with his palm.

The guest officials present were all in the pulse-refining realm and had been in business for many years. Seeing what the man surnamed Tu said just now, he knew that this guy was going to sneak attack.

As expected at first sight, this kid is finished!


However, when everyone held their breath and waited for the possible tragedy, the man surnamed Tu jumped back into his chair, and his heavy body directly caused the chair to be torn apart, and his buttocks fell heavily on the ground.

Everything happened so suddenly, and all the guests were a little bit surprised. In their view, Brother Tu just made a move and immediately took it back, as if time went backwards.

"Brother, you make a move as soon as you want, what's the matter? Are you afraid of hurting Jiang?"

Jiang Heng looked at the man surnamed Tu whose face was completely distorted when his **** was on the ground, and said with a smile.

And as soon as the words came out, everyone's eyes were attracted, and when they took a closer look, they were all startled into a cold sweat.

The two iron pellets in the hands of the young man in front of him unexpectedly lost one at some point!

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