Master of Fist

Chapter 1326: Repression!

Jiang Heng looked at it, and sat in the leader's position very freely. The Lord Luo Sheng at the side very consciously gave up his seat, which showed his respect.

"Senior Jiang Heng, it's like this. It won't be long before the envoys of the Zijin clan will come, so I ask the senior to be the master!"

Lord Luo Sheng paused for a moment before continuing, "Senior, regarding this matter, the main thing you need to make up your mind about is how to deal with that envoy!"

"Tell me about the envoy's situation!" Jiang Heng said lightly, if there were trivial matters, he wouldn't bother to bother.

The two were mutual before, they were using him to calm things down, and he also needed this side as a disguise.

As for Jiang Heng absorbing so much local energy at the beginning, is it his fault? This is the law of the jungle, and they didn't find out in time, so it's no wonder he Jiang Heng.

And they are also plundered from others, which means that every drink and peck has its own cause and effect.

"Senior, it's like this. The emissary's name is Doro, and he is a strong man at the peak of the Wonderful Life Realm. This person has a very good background, and his ancestor is a strong man in the Creation Realm, and he is still alive.

This person is the most rebellious. I guess the Lord Baron sent this person here for two purposes. First, it is naturally for rewards. The younger generation has already reported that our Luo Tian clan has younger generations who have tried to set foot in the Creation Realm. I believe it will soon Able to break through to the Creation Realm.

Such a major event, whether it is for our Luotian universe or their Zijin clan, is a first-class event, so there must be rewards and encouragements.

Of course, all these juniors will be handed over to the seniors for disposal.

Second, it naturally means that there is a beating. After all, we are a vassal group, and now the vassal group is big. For suzerain countries like the Zijin clan, although it is only a good fortune, it is far from the possibility of creating threats, but There will still be the necessary beating.


Speaking of which, Lord Luo Sheng glanced at Jiang Heng in some embarrassment, seeing that Jiang Heng's expression remained unchanged, he said, "Senior, please bear with me when the time comes, this person has a deep background, if he does something out of line I hope I can endure it for a while!"

Lord Luo Sheng lowered his head and bowed to Jiang very sincerely.


Jiang Heng stroked his chin, pretending to be a grandson. It’s not impossible for him, but he has to figure out the specific meaning of the other party. If you are too cowardly, that’s not okay. It’s easy to expose many problems, and people will only think you have no confidence.

"It's okay, when the messenger comes over, I'll meet him personally!"

Jiang Heng smiled and waved his hands, disapproving of this.

Lord Luo Sheng heaved a sigh of relief seeing this, and immediately bowed deeply to Jiang Heng.

Next, Jiang Heng simply practiced in the lord's mansion, and now is the stage of closing the acupoints.

This must be the best combination of pills. If you rely on energy to flush it out, it will take a lot of time.

Jiang Heng swallowed energy silently, but this time he won't absorb it all at once, because absorbing energy doesn't mean much to him now.

To swallow these energies is mainly to go through a cutscene in Zhou Tian, ​​and then press the acupoints in the body to start merging with each other.

Not long after Jiang Heng hesitated, and the time was almost up, Lord Luo Sheng sent someone to say that the messenger had come.

Jiang Heng had sensed this a long time ago, and the other party's aura was so arrogant that it was fully displayed.

This person seems to be cultivating first-class laws, which should belong to the Tao of strength.

The other party is simply unscrupulous, and this hidden thing is actually shown without reservation.

Jiang Heng rubbed his chin, but laughed, he is easy to deal with this kind of person.

With a flash of his figure, he followed this person and appeared outside the lord's mansion. When he looked again, he saw, as expected, on a gorgeous starship, a burly heroic man with purple and gold horns on his head was embracing his hands. Like a lofty angel looking down on Lord Luo Sheng and his party.

"You are Jiang Heng?"

The envoy looked at Jiang Heng who suddenly appeared. Lord Luo Sheng had reported his name to him before, so he knew Jiang Heng's name.

"That's right! You are the messenger?" Jiang Heng smiled lightly.

Hearing this, the envoy's expression froze, and he said in a deep voice, "Why don't you worship the envoy when you see him?!"

This person's voice was like thunder rolling, and it seemed that the power of heaven and earth was covering him, which suddenly made everyone present feel great pressure.


Seeing that Jiang Heng still showed no sign of kneeling, while Lord Luo Sheng beside him had already knelt down in unison, the special envoy immediately felt that his majesty had been challenged.

Lord Luo Sheng was already a little flustered, his eyes frantically winked at Jiang Heng, and at the same time he kept transmitting sound.

"Senior! What did you say earlier?"



Lord Luo Sheng kept asking, but his response was always nothing.

Jiang Heng just glanced at him lightly, and immediately returned a reassuring look.

However, at this moment Lord Luo Sheng can't feel at ease, this is a special envoy from the Zijin clan, this kind of person, according to the rules, they, the vassal clan, have to be honest.

"How courageous! You still not kneeling? Are you underestimating my Zijin clan, or thinking that breaking through the realm of good fortune is imminent, so you intend to disobey my Zijin clan?"

The special envoy's voice was extremely loud, like a **** looking up from a high mountain, which made people unable to look directly at it.

At this time, Jiang Heng was as calm as water, and all the coercion dissipated with a light wave of his hand.

This made the special envoy's expression condense.

Duo Luo looked at Jiang Heng solemnly, he was very clear about the level of strength at the stage of closing the acupoints, and it was beyond his expectation that he could eliminate his pressure so easily.

Thinking of this, a jade pendant quietly appeared in his hand. This jade pendant was a gift from his great-grandfather, and it contained the coercion of a strong man in the Creation Realm.

"Kneel down!"

Accompanied by his sudden activation of the jade pendant, the majestic coercion of the Creation Realm began to crush towards Jiang Heng crazily.

The terrifying coercion was like a universe that was really pressing on Jiang Heng's body, and Jiang Heng's expression froze for a moment.

Looking at the other party quietly, he didn't expect that this strong man in the wonderful life environment would burst out with a pressure that is not inferior to that of the strong man in the good fortune state.

The waist began to bend a little bit, and one spine began to creak and creak, Jiang Heng's expression gradually became serious, and the universe in his body began to run crazily.

"Still kneeling!!"

Doro shouted again, this time he had stimulated the power of the jade pendant to the limit, and the result of this was that the coercion was doubled again, like a heavy hammer hitting Jiang Heng directly.


At this moment, Lord Luo Sheng and the others retreated one after another. Although the coercion did not act on them, the aftermath still made them feel that their breathing was stagnant, and even the internal laws seemed to be at a standstill.

Seeing that Jiang Heng's legs were already trembling at this time, his teeth were clenched tightly, and the bones all over his body were making thunderous sounds like thunder.

"what is happening?"

Seeing this scene, Duo Luo was even more horrified. This is the coercion of the Creation Realm. If he hadn't experienced the coercion of his ancestor before, he would have doubted whether it was the jade pendant of his ancestor.

The energy was stimulated to the limit, and cracks began to appear on the surface of the jade pendant, which was the situation where the coercion inside was rapidly consumed.

"Don't kneel down for me yet!"

Doro started to drink loudly, while Lord Luo Sheng at the side hurriedly transmitted the sound.

"Senior! Let's kneel down!"

"This is a special envoy, once you offend him! I can't afford to offend you!"

Lord Luo Sheng can be said to be earnest, and at the same time, he is also regretful in his heart. If he had known about Jiang Heng's situation earlier, he would not have chosen to cooperate with Jiang Heng at all.

However, it was too late at this time. He was in the same boat as Jiang Heng in front of the special envoy Doro, and the two of them could only go to Hei by the same way.

"Get out of here!!"

A sudden bang came from Jiang Heng's throat, like a long dragon bursting violently, and exploded towards the surrounding area.

Terrifying coercion and high energy burst into the universe inside Jiang Heng's body at the same time.

And for a moment, everyone seemed to see the phantoms of countless avenues and long rivers in the sky, and they suddenly saw that they were all the evolution of the laws of Jiang Heng's universe. The local law of the road has been suppressed.

"This...this this..."

Doro looked at the jade pendant in his hand in shock, and saw that it was instantly covered with dense spider webs, and then fell to the ground with a click.

The jade pendant bestowed by my great-grandfather is so useless! Gone!

Doro's eyes were a little red, and he felt a little scared in his heart, because it was bestowed by Gaozu, and if he knew that the jade pendant was not used to save his life and then disappeared, he would have to be beaten to death.

"How dare you destroy my treasure!"

Dorob was used to being arrogant, almost the kind of pampered aristocratic class, very arrogant and superior.

But at this time, he couldn't control Jiang Heng's behavior anymore, and rushed towards Jiang Heng in anger.


As this person flew out of the starship, a three-headed and six-armed phantom began to appear behind him, his muscles began to bulge, and he turned into a devil with swollen muscles in a short moment, and his divine body swelled rapidly , suddenly turned into a terrifying giant with tens of thousands of feet.

As soon as he took a step, he looked like a terrifying moving giant celestial body, surrounded by a terrifying qi and blood scorching sun, burning the surrounding free energy, and the surroundings seemed to be boiling like a frying pan.

"Die to me!"

He punched Jiang Heng directly. Although he was furious, he was not completely crazy, but took out a small jade pendant again.

This jade pendant was also a gift from his great-grandfather, but it was condensed by the great-grandfather's input of a ray of fleshly Taoism, and it possessed part of the power of the half-step good luck realm.

This punch was earth-shattering, as if it was going to blow through this universe.

Lord Luo Sheng was completely stunned by this scene. He didn't understand how it turned out like this after talking about things properly!

"Special envoy! My lord special envoy, please be merciful!"

Lord Luo Sheng kept begging through sound transmission, and even knelt on the ground and kowtowed.

"Be merciful! Die for me! Die for everyone! Hahahahaha!"

Doro was completely insane. In his opinion, killing a vassal lord was nothing at all.

So his punch was not only aimed at him, Jiang Heng, but Lord Luo Sheng as well, vowing to kill these two.

Looking at this scene, Jiang Heng looked as usual, his eyes narrowed slightly, but his back and spine began to crackle, and the long roads transformed into long roads and long rivers were constantly surging!

The muscles and bones are stretched out little by little, and you can see wandering dragons appearing on Jiang Heng's skin, and each dragon is a surging law of the Dao.

Jiang Heng took a deep breath, took another breath, raised his breath again, and let out a loud shout.

The fist was raised violently, and there was not much momentum, but seeing his fist smashing, the next moment, boom!

I saw Jiang Heng's fist touching Doro's fist. Obviously the size of the fists was very different, but in the next moment, Doro, who was like a giant celestial body, began to scream.

This scene instantly freezes the scene.

Lord Luo Sheng stared blankly at this scene, feeling a little at a loss for a moment.

However, Jiang Heng showed no mercy at all, and suddenly appeared above Doro's head in a flash, with an indifferent expression, and slapped him down with a wave of his hand.


Hearing Doro's wailing, and accompanied by the sound of skull shattering, Doro's seven orifices immediately flowed out golden blood, and he continued to wail, holding his head, as if this person collapsed.

The phantom of his soul was flickering, it was obvious that this blow not only shocked the body, but also seriously injured the soul.

For Doro, who was at the peak of the Wonderful Life Realm, he was about to break through the half-step Good Fortune Realm and started to seal the acupuncture points. Jiang Heng's slap was no less than directly reducing the opponent's lifespan and even seriously injuring the opponent's Taoism.

However, Jiang Heng didn't give up, UU reading www. patted down again, this palm directly slapped Doro's head into fine pieces, a large number of golden flesh exploded, golden blood flowed, and the whole headless corpse began to unconsciously struggle in the void.

So Jiang Heng put his hands behind his back and stood suspended in the air and shouted in a cold voice, "This is just a small lesson. If you still dare to be crazy, I will kill you! Don't say that there is a strong man standing behind you, even if you are in the good fortune realm." Even if the strong come to this seat in person, they will still be able to fight!"

The recovery of Doro's head was very slow, perhaps because of the heavy damage to his soul, even if he is a strong physical body, he is still powerless at this time.

It took dozens of breaths of effort before Doro's head grew back. He looked at Jiang Heng with horror on his face. The first hit just now shattered his self-esteem, and the second almost stood on his side. face dancing.

It was simply Feilong riding his face and doing output crazily, but at this time he didn't dare to say a cruel word, and he hated Jiang Heng to the bone in his heart.

He wants to endure, but if he can't bear it, he will make a big conspiracy. As long as he returns to the ethnic group, he can ask Gaozu for help and complain!

"Okay! Today's matter will be kept in my heart, so I will leave!"

Doro snorted coldly, but in the end he still didn't dare to speak out, he was already afraid.

Looking at Jiang Heng, there was fear in the depths of his eyes.

Meanwhile, Lord Luo Sheng was completely stunned.


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