Master of Fist

Chapter 1325: cooperate

Lieutenant Yang on the side was completely dumbfounded, this lord of his family is going to sell his territory to this outsider, and then everyone has to obey the order of this outsider?

But right now he can't speak at all, since his lord speaks, there is no chance for him to speak here.

Jiang Heng stroked his chin. The sincerity of the other party was not too good. After thinking about it, he said suspiciously,

"This allowed me to meet your baron. If I'm not wrong, your baron should be a strong man in the Good Fortune Realm? And there should be other strong men around the baron, right? It's not an exaggeration to say that the entire baron's territory is full of strong men. You This is sending me into the fire pit!"

Jiang Heng's speech was not fast, but it was definitely a little frightening.

Hearing this, Lord Luo Sheng hurriedly said, "Senior, you are worrying too much. I have no other intentions. I just want to ask you to stand up for us. You also know that you have drained so much energy. It is hard for us to explain it. ah.

So I really have no choice but to invite senior to join us. If senior is a member of our Luotian universe, then everything can be explained. Senior is our own. If we want to break through the realm of good fortune, we must do our best as the suzerain supported.

Otherwise, it is difficult to explain your identity, senior, and we cannot absolve ourselves of the blame, so this is actually a win-win situation.

As for what the seniors were worried about, it was actually not a problem. If you are really worried, senior, you can wait until you break through to the Creation Realm before meeting the baron, or if I apply to the higher authorities, I will say that your old cultivation base has just broken through, and this realm is not yet stable. You are still in retreat, and the time can be whatever you want dragged on.

But you must join our Luotian universe, otherwise we will all be doomed! Lord Luo Sheng explained quickly.

Jiang Heng stroked his chin and smiled, "Hehe, you are threatening me!"

"The junior dare not! The junior is just stating the facts, the senior can make his own decision, and we have no possibility of intervening."

Even though he said so, the attitude expressed by Lord Luo Sheng was obvious, that is, this was the only way to do this, otherwise he would have to report to the baron and ask the baron to make a decision.

Jiang Heng carefully surveyed the other party, and also observed the other party's thinking and emotional state, feeling that the other party should not lie.

The other party's proposal was also very shrewd, it could be said to be ingenious, and it just solved the biggest problem of the two of them.

He, Jiang Heng, needs a temporary identity, and they also need an excuse, an excuse to say the past.

The two hit it off right away, Jiang Heng didn't hesitate much, and nodded in agreement after a little thought.

"Okay! I agree to this matter. You can leave and I still have to devour energy. I still need a lot of energy to break through the Creation Realm." Jiang Heng waved his hand and planned to chase away the guests.

However, the other party still didn't move, and it looked like he still had something to say.

"Is there anything else?"

"Hey, senior, your eyes are as bright as a torch, and you really can't hide from seniors. That's it, how much energy do you need, senior? Right now, our energy consumption is too much, why don't you take it easy? Otherwise, we really can't do it if we go on like this." explained."

Lord Luo Sheng still reminded that he was already borrowing the energy reserves of the Zijin clan. If the energy reserves of the suzerain country were also wiped out, there would be no way to explain it afterwards, and the trouble would be serious.

"Don't worry, I won't need it soon, just a little short is enough."

Jiang Heng waved his hand, this time without waiting for the other party to continue to speak, his figure flashed into the void and began to devour again frantically.

Seeing this, Lord Luo Sheng and Adjutant Yang looked at each other, and finally said nothing, leaving here until they reached the valve area before opening their mouths.

"My lord, it's not an option to go on like this. If Jiang Heng continues to devour it, we really can't explain it. The suzerain country's inventory is not so easy to use, and their energy prices are extremely expensive. If you use too much If it is not guaranteed, we will have to bear huge debts in the future.

And these debts belong to the suzerain country, and it is impossible for us not to repay them. In this way, we will definitely be regarded as the elite for the main attack in the next foreign war, and the loss will be too great. "

Adjutant Yang looked worried, and Lord Luo Sheng was also bored for a while, cursing, "Nonsense, can I not know what you are talking about? What can I do now?

As long as this person pays attention to credit, then in the future we will have a strong man in the Creation Realm to rely on, so what if it is the main attack? With the support of the strong in the Good Fortune Realm, we will have countless opportunities to make meritorious deeds, and the looted materials will be dozens of times more than before. Soon we will be able to make up for the shortfall and even become strong quickly.

Such a strong fortune-telling man cannot be exchanged for any resources. In the past, there were so many vassal groups under the Baron's command. Can you see which of them has a strong fortune-telling realm?

This is the reason for the lack of talent in the ethnic group itself. If such a genius appears in the ethnic group, no one will go crazy and cultivate it regardless of the cost. "

Lord Luo Sheng hated that iron could not be made into steel. In his opinion, what is the payment of energy and materials? As long as a strong man can emerge, then no matter how much he has paid before, it will be worth it.

"I hope so!" Hearing this, Adjutant Yang could only nod like this.

At this time, since he had agreed to cooperate, Jiang Heng did not gobble it up crazily, but began to control the progress of the gobble up, and began to take the long-term route.

Anyway, there are only forty acupoints that have not yet been sealed. Jiang Heng can slowly use time to grind, and soon he will be able to seal all the acupoints.

One hundred thousand years later, Jiang Heng finally blocked all the orifices, and the energy consumed this time was far lower than before. This made Lord Luo Sheng heave a sigh of relief, and the big stomach king was finally over.

On the other side, Elder Guo, who was guarding the energy stockpile, also let out a long sigh, and it was finally over. According to the breakthrough process of the Good Fortune Realm, the next step should be the time to reconnect.

Thinking of this, he didn't dare to neglect and hurried to the baron's mansion, he wanted to report the matter.

After a while, he described the previous situation in the baron's mansion.

"Breakthrough of the Good Fortune Realm requires Acuity Acuity, which is water-milled kung fu. In this way, there are still ten Apotheosis Pills in my mansion, and you can take these Apotheosis Pills to Luotian Universe, and take a look at the situation over there."

As he spoke, he saw a small and delicate wooden box flying out of the baron's mansion.

After receiving the box, Elder Guo bowed respectfully, feeling in his heart that his lord Baron knew how to be a man, and left in a hurry. Next, he will represent the Zijin clan to visit Luotian Universe, a vassal clan.

This attitude has to be well prepared in terms of etiquette.

At this time, the first time Jiang Heng completely blocked all the acupoints, Lord Luo Sheng arrived first to meet Jiang Heng.

"I've seen Senior Jiang Heng!"

"What is it?"

Jiang Heng suddenly appeared in front of Lord Luo Sheng and asked lightly.

"Senior! You sealed all the acupoints, and I came here specially to present a congratulatory gift!"

As he spoke, Lord Luo Sheng took out ten small and delicate porcelain bottles from the storage ring.

"Senior, here are ten Aperture Gathering Pills. The effect may not be as good as the Aperture Pill, but it is still good for Aperture. This is the savings of our Luotian Universe over the years, but it has not been able to use it. It is simply this time. All are given to the elders.

In addition, the juniors have already sent envoys to visit various ethnic groups. Our Luotian universe has these savings, and other universes believe that they also have a lot of savings. We are willing to buy these Juqiao Pills at a high price.

These elixirs are just a thought for them, after all, not just any universe can give birth to a strong person in the realm of good fortune, it is only reasonable that this kind of elixir should be used by the seniors! "

Speaking of which, Lord Luo Sheng has gently pushed these porcelain bottles towards Jiang Heng.

This sudden situation made Jiang Heng a little surprised, he didn't expect Lord Luo Sheng to be so capable.

Does this mean that he is affixed to a name and then casually supported by others?

Originally, he was worried that it would be a waste of too much time to get together next time, but now it seems that these dog legs are much more convenient to do things, saving him a lot of time.

Looking slightly thoughtful, Jiang Heng said with a smile.

"I appreciate your kindness. If you have any troubles in the future, you can tell me. I will definitely not be stingy if I can do it!"

Jiang Heng was making a promise. Although there was suspicion of a bad promise, Lord Luo Sheng wanted to hear this kind of promise right now.

Hearing this, he was also relieved, and hurriedly saluted again, "I will thank you, senior!"

"By the way, senior, you can't hide the fact that you blocked all the acupoints from the Zijin clan. They are the suzerain country, and as the suzerain country, they will definitely come to visit one or two in the future."

"No problem!" Jiang Heng smiled, and the other party began to give away all kinds of gifts. With such generosity, he naturally can't be ambiguous and can help to settle the matter. After all, it is a win-win cooperation. Let's work together How good it is to fool the suzerain and the baron.

"When they come, you can tell me, and I will cooperate as much as you need!"

Jiang Heng smiled lightly, he didn't care about it very much, he didn't know the customs here, naturally he would do what others did.

After Lord Luo Sheng left, Jiang Heng began to practice in seclusion. Now all the acupoints have been blocked, and the avatars will return to their bodies one by one.

With all the avatars entering the main body, Jiang Heng only now knew how strong he was.

"Probably about ten times stronger than before. Sure enough, the increase in strength is not obvious enough to block the orifice, but after closing the orifice, the combat power begins to enter a high-speed climbing stage."

Jiang Heng smiled slightly, but he was very confident about it. Right now, his ten times combat power is actually equivalent to some weak first-line fortune-tellers. After all, the mastery of laws is very strong.

It is said that some weak first-line fortune-tellers practice ordinary avenues, how can it be like that?

What he practiced like this was a top-level avenue, and ordinary avenues were regarded as vassals.

The degree of luxury is evident.

Jiang Heng smiled and began to try to take the first Juqiao Dan. The effect of the pill was very good. Just after taking it, Jiang Heng felt a sense of firmness, as if two acupuncture points began to wriggle and merge regularly. .

However, this process is very slow and needs to be practiced.

Without much thought, Jiang Heng entered the retreat, time passed little by little, and soon a hundred years passed, the first acupoint was merged, and Jiang Heng's combat power doubled again.

Opening his eyes again and clenching his fists, Jiang Heng's eyes widened.

"So that's the case. I was talking nonsense before. It turns out that ten times the sealing point is nothing at all. The opening point is the key. This point is doubled from the original basis, not the original basis.

That is to say, if before the benchmark, then my strength has almost increased by 20 times! Ha ha! Hahaha! When all the acupoints are merged, the increase in strength is simply unimaginable.

No wonder it is said that the acupoints of the Good Fortune Realm are different, and the strength is an earth-shaking gap. "

Jiang Heng is very confident about this, with seven hundred and twenty acupoints, how much must the combat power be increased.

It's no wonder that ordinary fortune-tellers can only be reduced to the status of thugs and vassals in the Iron Buddha Alliance.

"As for being able to become a baron, perhaps the racial talent of the Zijin clan is good. There may be as many as three or four hundred orifices. I don't know what the level of talent here is. I need to see it with my own eyes. Know."

At present, Jiang Heng has not seen any members of the Zijin clan. UU reading

The rule here is very different from that of the Shengyuan clan. The Shengyuan clan has placed guards in each vassal group to monitor and manage each vassal group.

But here, they are all governed by local lords. I don't know if it is more convenient to manage or because the Zijin clan is too powerful, and they don't care about the slightest dissent from the people below.

Jiang Heng is more inclined to the latter. After all, the Zijin family has a strong fortune-telling realm, and there must be more than one. Such a powerful group really doesn't necessarily care whether this group of vassal groups will jump up and down.

Because the opponent can destroy these vassal groups with one finger.

Just when Jiang Heng was about to retreat again and continue to reconnect, suddenly Lord Luo Sheng's voice transmission came from his mind.

"Senior, do you have time? Recently, the Zijin Clan's special envoy will come. Can you come to the Lord's Mansion if you have time?"

"Oh, this is it! The reaction is really slow!"

Jiang Heng smiled slightly, his figure flashed, and he appeared in the lord's mansion in the next moment. Looking around, he found that the place was full of people, all of whom were strong in the Wonderful Life. Including Lord Luo Sheng, there were ten people in total. Ten people saw Jiang Heng The complexion changed drastically from time to time, but under Lord Luo Sheng's scolding, everyone calmed down.

"Stop it all! This is my family's guest minister, Senior Jiang Heng! From now on, you will respectfully address Senior Jiang Heng as an elder!" Lord Luo Sheng fully demonstrated what a qualified dog leg looks like.

"I met Elder Jiang Heng!"

"Meet the elder!"

Hearing the words, everyone saluted respectfully, but they didn't expect that this rumored newcomer to the ethnic group would be so young.

Seeing that everyone was very respectful, and their emotions didn't look like they were pretending, Jiang Heng nodded secretly. It seemed that Lord Luo Sheng had a strong professional ability, and he had already done ideological work for everyone before.


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