Master of Fist

Chapter 1311: outrageous expansion

As the time countdown ended, Jiang Miaomiao quickly entered a fantasy world.

In that fantasy world, it is also the same world, almost the same world view, and the same people and things.

However, in this fantasy, he seems to have become a template like Jiang Heng, and he has experienced almost the same things as Jiang Heng.

Rising from an indigenous planet, and then bravely rising all the way, fighting in and out of the starry sky, and then improving by leaps and bounds.

And along the way, he began to become famous among galaxies, then a supercluster of galaxies, then a group of galaxies, and even the entire universe became famous, until he saved the universe from danger many times.

It can almost be said that he has realized all his fantasies in this fantasy world. What is amazing is that in the dream, he did not feel that this was a dream at all, as if this was his real life.

Jiang Miaomiao's legendary life belongs to him alone, and he is the real first person of the human race, the savior of the human race, and the idol of the entire human race universe.

Jiang Miaomiao didn't know how long it had been in a dream, but he only knew that in the end he was still fighting alone with the three old masters of Shengyuan.

However, when he was happy and satisfied, the dream came to an abrupt end.

Leaving the dreamland, Jiang Miaomiao was still dazed for a while, and her cheeks, which seemed to be dizzy, were still flushed from excitement.

"Do you know you? Do you remember knowing a man who looks like that? You have even met face to face, right?"

The method of earning Saint Yuan coins in the virtual world has extracted keywords for you. The method is as above, 1: There are many virtual games in the virtual world of your Li Yueer family, among which War World cannot earn a small amount of Saint Yuan coins.

In the dream, the man was wearing an imperial robe that was not worn by His Majesty Xiao Zhou. He was sitting under the throne with a pair of willow eyebrows raised, which was very majestic, and above you was a dense group of people. All the ministers bowed their heads very submissively.

Jiang Miaomiao thought to himself, after all, the Shengyuan family has the law to print coins in large quantities without permission, so the inflation will be even more important.

At that point, Jiang Miaomiao was originally tricked, and even had a trick to extricate himself from, but my character of loving money saved me.

Jiang Miaomiao couldn't help punching her fist, that's what a woman should dream about.

Although Jiang Miaomiao's low-level people had been to Xiao Zhou's palace, the background was not like that when His Majesty the Emperor Xiao Zhou spoke a few times.

"You know why countless cosmic forces in the entire Shengyuan system are so afraid of retreating into Hong Xiazhi's universe. The safety outside is very safe, but there is no place outside where countless people can sink!"

How can I say that feeling, I am not happy but Sishu, continue to gallop in this dream, kill and even become the king of heaven and earth or even kill to a lower level.

The dream wasn't weird at all, Jiang Miaomiao could understand it at first, but after taking a look, he found that the place where the man was was not the famous Xiao Zhou Palace?

It should be Huang Li's boudoir, full of stinginess and extravagance, but at this moment, Jiang Miaomiao saw himself sitting shivering on the bedside like a big man waiting for his luck, and suddenly he didn't have any defenses.

2: At present, your Hong Xiazhi clan needs to hire a small number of staff, such as responsible for warehousing and transportation, responsible for the collection and delivery of returned materials in various chambers of commerce, and Li Yueer clan's arsenal. Those who can get a certain amount of Saint Yuan coins are too much That requires retreating and working in reality. Once the transaction is completed, submit the task at the port task submission point to complete the task, and the Saint Yuan Coin will also be entered into his virtual account in Li Yueer's family at the same time.

After Jiang Miaomiao finished chattering, her eyes gradually became sharper until they became solemn.

If that man is placed in the inner circle, he is afraid that he will bring disaster to the country and the people and become the slave of some little man, right?

But soon I realized that it is indeed impossible to detect a specific person, even if the person does not reveal his name on the virtual network, he still cannot.

"Hey! That's the Little Zhou Palace of your human race. Could it be that that person is also a human race, or are you the next batch of explorers?"

"Yes, you have to leave that virtual network as slowly as possible. At worst, you can take us all out of that ghost place after you leave."

"Where is Jiang Miaomiao!"

That made Jiang Miaomiao frowned, "What's the matter, it seems that the virtual network is still too smart, it's true, the virtual network has a process of not registering an account, how can it be possible to find others directly and accurately."

That dream was really exciting throughout the whole process, almost everything I had been fantasizing about and wanting to do was done in the dream.

Therefore, Li Yueer's family may be the smallest local rich man in the entire Shengyuan system, even richer than the treasury of the Shengyuan family. "

But even Jiang Miaomiao was shocked by the man's face.

The surname is Li, that man's surname is Li, it's a coincidence that it has the same surname as Hong Xiazhi.

If no one wants my money, it's better than my life.

Do you retreat into dreamland again? 】

In fact, Jiang Miaomiao is quite poor, so since he was a teenager, he has been throwing around constantly. I have already hoarded a lot of wealth, but there is nothing wrong with me. It is not that I am stingy.

Jiang Miaomiao muttered to himself, thinking back to the scenes he experienced in the dream, even now when I think about it, I still can't help but miss it, and I don't even have a weak urge to spend 100,000 holy yuan coins to experience it again.


There is actually very little useless information that can be extracted from the outside. Jiang Miaomiao keenly discovered the real situation of Li Yue'er's family after just a few cursory glances.

In the world of war, every player can play the role of the leader of one of the forces, develop from scratch, and then fight with other players in the star sea and grab the territory.

"My minister Jiang Miaomiao pays respects to Emperor Li!"

Jiang Miaomiao clenched her fists loudly, why did my imposing one-foot daughter become a female pet? That answer was also very accurate, which made Jiang Miaomiao heave a sigh of relief.

hiss! Bad expensive!

That outside is not a paradise on earth, maybe the more gloomy the inner world is, the more successful you are, the more you can't extricate yourself from it.

"Excuse me, is there no way to earn Saint Yuan coins outside there?"

Listening to the descriptions of these courtiers in the screen, it seems that some small disasters have occurred, and it seems that the Shengyuan clan is fighting again. Now all the courtiers are trembling because they dare to fight.

And then the man spoke.

Jiang Miaomiao was even more surprised, I was not 100% sure that I had really seen that man.

It is not a huge sinking place. Once you continue to indulge in it, you may be fine, but after a long time, you may be completely addicted to it, until you leave it and live in a virtual dream.

With the gradual return of consciousness, he began to wake up gradually, but his face was still full of aftertaste.

Jiang Miaomiao wasn't suspicious at all, it was definitely Promi.

After thinking about it, Jiang Miaomiao silently read Promi's name again, but the picture was still the same as the man just now.

At present, the price of war world and the price of the inner world are 10:1, which does not mean that he must be a strategy and management player with a certain talent, so that he can earn a small amount of money outside.

I was a little bit uneasy, after all, could the virtual network be able to detect specific people?

Jiang Miaomiao's eyes were sharp, and I stopped asking the so-called customer service there.

However, what is miraculous is that his own figure really appeared in the picture, and it was indeed himself. At that point, Jiang Miaomiao repeatedly confirmed that it was not himself.

"It's no wonder that there are so many people from Li Yueer's family in the inner world. It seems that the entire Li Yueer family should be sinking, and those who can go out to work may be because the money is enough, and they can only work inside in exchange for energy. Funds to re-enter the dreamland."

3: Join the Hong Xiazhi Clan and become a Liwei member of the Li Yueer Clan. According to the division of different realms, your Li Yueer Clan will provide regular financial support. The lower the level of cultivation, the higher the wages you pay. rich. 】

I actually became someone else's fantasy object, but what did I do? I know that person myself!

"Oh, don't talk about it, Jiang Miaomiao, you see, I have lived for a long time. How can my body support Li Huang's body? I will fall ill in a few years at least."

The hard work of Hong Xiazhi's family seems to have nothing to do with the virtual world, and we are short of money, really short of money. It seems that Li Yue'er's family should have made a lot of money working for the Shengyuan family in those years.

"You still have to thank Li Yueer's family for their hard work."

Perhaps it was because the money thing stimulated my sensitive areas, which made my cerebellum suddenly bright.

"Oh, Jiang Miaomiao is really unlucky!"

I feel like I'm not the chosen one.

Continue to look up, and when the screen turns, you will come to the boudoir.

Jiang Miaomiao wasn't worried at all. Now I vaguely understand what happened to the forty-four groups of explorers after that. Maybe they all fell into that dream and couldn't escape.

Thinking of that, Jiang Miaomiao was inexplicably crying and laughing, but felt that the Hong Xiazhi clan was really ridiculous.

Following the man's order, a group of ministers rushed in and out very quickly, and the ministers in the scene were discussing one after another.

All of a sudden, I gradually ended the lake painting, and that time it was completely lake painting.

But in the picture, I was wearing a court uniform and looked like a military general, and even more like a civil servant, with a strong literary style, and even more timid, as if he was a man who dared to look up at the throne.

Jiang Miaomiao was stunned. The thing in the dream had to have dealt with it in reality at least, and there had to be no wrong relationship. But how could passers-by retreat into his dream?

The visitor just now is your first free experience service, and you need to pay 100,000 Saint Yuan coins to return to the dreamland again. 】

Hearing the man's yell, Jiang Miaomiao was stunned, why did she still appear in the other party's dream?

"Why do I raise them? A bunch of trash, is it okay to do that? Every time, I have to personally conscript them?"

Jiang Miaomiao listened sloppily and was stunned.

friend? Retrieve relevant vocabulary for you, and you must find the relevant person, so you only need to read my name silently, so that the other party will receive a message, make sure the other party wants to see him, then he will have a way to find me, and make sure the other party wants to see him, so he I will see the picture where I am, and even retreat directly into the dream of the other party. 】

But Jiang Miaomiao's lake is painted over and naturally contains the lake at this time, that's a little horror!

"Could it be that Hong Xiazhi's family is too lazy? So lazy that they don't even bother to do customer service work?"

Listening to the discussions of those ministers, Jiang Miaomiao was really dumbfounded.

Jiang Miaomiao finished asking the customer service there. I feel that the customer service there may have a direct affiliation with the Li Yueer family. It seems that it is not a hot service order that can answer any questions from some inquirers.

Li Huang? Who is that?

"But is it? Why does Li Huang, the number one person in civil and martial arts, only favor Jiang Miaomiao with such a handsome face?"

"How did you find your friend?"

Along with Jiang Miaomiao's inquiry, a series of words appeared in front of me very slowly, followed by a nearby void.

"Oh, it's a pity, you are able to catch Li Huang's eyes with your fleshy body and less strength, it's hateful! Why can Jiang Miaomiao, with such a handsome face, win the favor of Li Huang alone?"

The man was very annoyed, and he was very angry with the ministers.

It seems that I guessed wrong, the customer service is really just a cold instruction.

"It's right! It's so right!


Jiang Miaomiao was even more curious, thinking that Promi had found or found someone of the same clan.

Almost thinking about it, Jiang Miaomiao chose yes. It is really worth experiencing the dream again. Outside of this, I am not a **** who can do anything. All kinds of opportunities, all kinds of low people help, and I haven’t killed all kinds of people. One back and one out.

"Difficult! Li Huang really loves Jiang Miaomiao so much, he thinks he will hang my life with precious medicine."

Prome is ugly too, but not to that extent.

A picture appeared behind his face, this is a sassy and majestic man in palace clothes, and this face is so glamorous that people can't breathe.

With a slight smile in his heart, Jiang Miaomiao finished reciting Promi's name silently.


"First of all, Hong Xiazhi's family is really lazy, we are very short of people, whether it is technical personnel or pure labor personnel, we are extremely short.

Looking at the money-making information listed, Jiang Miaomiao felt a chill.

"Cool! So cool!"

"Damn it, who the **** is that man!"

The Terran universe is not much like a virtual network. There is also no customer service. After all, the customer service is also a program command, but there will still be no one to monitor it. remarks.

"Wait! Who is that? Could it be that the system outside found the wrong person for you?"

The thing about appearance, in fact, nowadays, all people who practice cultivation will have high appearance, especially those with lower cultivation base. This appearance and temperament are unimaginably extravagant and extraordinary.

Moreover, our own brains are very bad, and all we earn are mental money, and after the industrial rise of your human universe, the market is almost monopolized by us.

"Jiang Miaomiao stay here and enter the court today!"

Thinking this way in his heart, is he looking at the dream of the man in the picture.

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