Master of Fist

Chapter 1310: The Secret of the Prome 1 Family

Entering the port of the Promi family, as everyone in the starship is highly nervous, there are too many mysteries here. No one has ever gone back in each batch before, which leads to very limited information about the Promi family.

"Remember, once we pass the Prome family's inspection and enter their universe, don't take any action at the beginning, we'd better stay close together so as not to get separated.

There are too many mysteries within the Prome family, and this is a place that even other cosmic groups dare not easily set foot in. "

At this time, Mr. Mo has already started the mobilization meeting, which can be regarded as a basic reminder. In fact, there is no difference between whether there is a reminder or not. The main reason is that there is really too little information.

At this time, Li Yue'er in the crowd couldn't help but focus on Jiang Miaomiao.

"Hey, let me tell you, do you know anything about the Promi clan, great adventurer?" Li Yueer also nudged Jiang Miaomiao with her elbow.

This made Jiang Miaomiao very speechless, she just rolled her eyes and said helplessly, "Don't treat me as a god, I have never been to the Promi family."

"What? No way! No way! For a great adventurer like you, there are still places you haven't been to that you don't understand?"

Li Yueer's sly words made Jiang Miaomiao angry immediately, but she still gritted her teeth and restrained herself. This crazy lady is not easy to provoke. Once provoked, this serious meeting will be ruined.

He said helplessly, "The Promi family is very special. In fact, these other cosmic forces sent people to explore, but they all gave up later. The team is very happy that they can retreat into the hinterland of Li Yueer's family, even if it is a trade, it can only be traded at Liwei Port, so they must be able to retreat into the hinterland of Li Yueer's family."

"Hey, little adventurer, did he find something? If he finds nothing, he must tell you immediately!" Promi hurriedly asked via voice transmission.

"Tsk tsk, that's not surprising, it may be that Li Yue'er's family does not have very weak management talents, or each of us is a weak management talent, and there are too few people at all.

There are a lot of warehouses outside, and there are no civilian products produced by Li Yue'er's family in the warehouses. As long as you take out the future orders and pay the balance, you can pick up the goods, so everyone seems to be in a hurry.

"That's too much, you feel like everyone is taking a rest." Promi sighed sincerely.

Those members of Li Yue'er's tribe probably have no minor illnesses, right?

For a moment, everyone felt their hearts tremble.

And the staff member is a member of Li Yueer's clan who hates the sky. The other party glanced at the few of us and his eyes lit up. When they heard that Li Yueer was going to travel to our universe, everyone could find that the person's eyes were a little darker. .

As the saying goes, the unknown is the safest.

At that moment, Jiang Miaomiao vaguely understood that Li Yueer's universe was not actually a dream world.

When several people got out of the cabin, they all carried large flying shuttles, so one or two of them rushed out together in a boat.

"It's true, there are too many people."

It seems that it is really difficult for Li Yueer to sneak into the universe, or they begged us to sneak in.

At the same time there is no other possibility. "

After thinking about it, you finally let out a little bit of divine sense and probed a little bit. At first, your expression changed a little, but soon you didn't become a little dignified.

"Then who's right?"

The other party should be a member of the Shi Qianke clan. Looking at his pale skin, his head is so small that it almost takes up 40% of his body weight. But the other party seems to be good at using a kind of spiritual method to make people I am suspended in mid-air all the time, so my small head is a bit of a burden on my body.

"That's Han Lake."

Promi didn't have any fear, and grabbed Jiang Miaomiao's hand. It was the first time you grabbed the hand of the previous woman. Normally, if you would feel nauseous, but that time you felt something else. Hold on tighter.

People have been visiting Li Yueer Universe for a long time. The tourists wish them a happy journey. If you and they would fall in love with Li Yueer Universe before now. "

Almost in a very slow time, the staff member processed a broken visa for Xiaojia. Seeing the visa that was issued quickly in just one minute, everyone was in a daze.


Having detected the identity of your visitor, the ruthless Li Yueer tribe has prepared a dream life experience for you. During the countdown, ten seconds before you will retreat into your most satisfying dream. 】

Just like the Terran universe, the port staff are basically people from the Terran race, and they are all people from the Terran race with good roots.

right! It's not that apart from the human race and the human race alliance group, there are almost no large cosmic groups, and almost no one is flying by from a distance with a large aircraft at almost every moment.

"You said that the vigilance and security were too bad. Is it possible that the hinterland of Li Yue'er's family has no interior-level eighth-level peak weaks or even the legendary weaks of the Wonderful Life. They can immediately detect the invasion of the insiders and retreat to kill them at the same time. ?”

So what is going on inside Li Yueer's universe?

After all, the financial and tax matters still need to be controlled by one's own people.

"Guests, do you have any doubts? Oh, by the way, do they know the entrance?"

Hearing those words, Promi was taken aback again, so what's unusual?

Some truths are not conclusions drawn from bold guesses.

I thought we had to queue up, after all, there were too few things to do outside, but when we asked that we were making an internal request to the Li Yueer clan after applying, the staff responsible for registering information was obviously stunned.

"Little adventurer, do you think he is just afraid? Why do you think that is not right?" Shi Qian also felt a burst of fear from looking at Jiang Miaomiao in front of her.

Everyone looked at the passage behind them, which was not considered too small, and could only accommodate seven starships exiting at the same time, and fell into deep thought.

Mo Lao glanced at the people in front of him, gritted his teeth and rushed back first.

Mo Lao said via voice transmission, I have not yet flown towards a large platform that shines like a star nearby.

What the other party said made everyone feel even more creepy. They felt that Shi Qianke's family was not at all worried that no one would infiltrate the interior of this universe, and even welcome everyone to come to our Li Yueer universe to experience it.

Immediately afterwards, the little staff member hovered and flew in a certain direction, while beckoning Xiaojia to follow.

"Huh? Nothing happened?"

Accompanied by the appearance of that paragraph of text, immediately behind Jiang Miaomiao's face, a series of entertainment items experienced by countless people traveling in that area at this moment emerged.

Seeing this, everyone became a little more determined and stepped into the star gate one by one.

"Follow you closely, you are ready to report to the security channel and then request to the hinterland of the inner universe!"

"What kind of possibility is that? What do you mean by thinking too much? It's always possible that our Li Yue'er people are all a bunch of housewives, right?"

But the interior of Li Yueer's universe is really a cloud of fog, and he knows that there is no potential safety outside.

"Let's go!"

Promi wasn't surprised. You thought that Li Yueer's family would be very ordinary, but you never thought it would be so ordinary that even caravans would set foot in the opponent's hinterland when they were doing business abnormally. Then...

"Bad!" The staff nodded to ask again, but said with a smile, "Then they will go to the place where the tourist visa goes to register, and if you suspect that you are slow, they will be able to go through all the procedures, even paying a penny. .

Seeing that everyone was looking at each other, Mr. Mo gave them a wink, and at the same time followed the staff closely.

"That's natural. Time outside is not life, and we are just servants doing things for the master. We may be servants of the royal family, so no matter how little we pay, it is taken for granted by the master."

The starship hadn't docked firmly in the port at this time, and Xiaojia hadn't started the meeting at this time, so Mr. Mo gave Xiaojia a wink and took the lead to lead everyone to prepare to leave the cabin.

Immediately afterwards, this feeling of dizziness resurfaced again, and a beautiful and bad dream appeared.

Especially the more commercially developed port, the gateway to the universe in the distance, is also the quietest, but we stood there for a while, and there was a starship exiting there.

Jiang Miaomiao looked at the string of text before he was a little puzzled, and saw the number counting down to the first second.

A group of people came to the visa registration office guided by this staff member one after another very slowly. Like this staff member, there was no one else there, and there were people queuing up to compete with us for a seat.

Seeing Jiang Miaomiao's rare serious expression surprised Promi, because you've never seen that person passing by before, and he was so serious that time, did you discover something?

As soon as he retreated into the star gate, Jiang Miaomiao felt a sudden trance, as if his soul was flushed out of a certain toilet, and his world was spinning for a while.

At the same time, a string of characters floated in the void behind my face, which was a human race universe character I was unfamiliar with, which surprised me a little.

"Ah?" Promi was stunned for a moment, and you tried your best to dig your ears, thinking that you had heard it wrong.

Jiang Miaomiao shook her head. In particular, each cosmic port is equivalent to a cosmic customs house. If such a confidential place is such a confidential place, the family members should make less arrangements.

"Are they sure they want to go to Li Yueer's universe?" The staff asked again, as if they were sure.

"Which possibility?" Shi Qianke wondered.

"We want to come out too much." Jiang Miaomiao said calmly.

Seeing this little family is also helpless, it has come all over, and now it seems that it is the past to regret it.


All of them seemed to be in a hurry. After some inquiries, we found out that our area belongs to the wholesale area, and it is not an area used by various cosmic groups for small purchases.

"Of course! Is there any problem?" Mr. Mo didn't think it was a bit strange. Why did the staff look so solemn, as if they were very cautious, as if they were afraid that we would lose our lives.

The staff stopped at the door with a smile and made another gesture of invitation.

Welcome to Li Yueer's universe, where there is no possibility. 】

At this moment, a situation similar to that of Jiang Miaomiao happened under my companions at the same time. It was a travel service prepared by Li Yueer for tourists. Because the rule of the Shengyuan clan is of a general nature, each ethnic group basically retains a certain degree of autonomy, so some cosmic royal families actually do not have a slavery society. Except for the royal family and nobles, there are only a few free people, and the rest are all slaves.

Speaking of which, Li Yueer's staff walked out of the counter with a smile, and at the same time made a gesture of invitation for Xiaojia.

Everyone can become an enemy there, as long as he thinks in his heart, he can experience anything.

It's just that the inexplicable family doesn't want to go.

That kind of reaction made Xiaojia feel even more frightened.

Jiang Miaomiao's eyes were very serious, he looked right and left, and then he said in a voice transmission, "Did he find that there are, in the distance, there are a lot of Li Yue'er clansmen in the whole port? It's much more than before! "

"It's broken and I haven't dealt with Xiaojia yet!"

There are indeed endless possibilities in the dream, it is not a small dream link space.

Jiang Miaomiao smiled mysteriously, I am also Hanhu Li Yueer's internal situation, but it prevents me from guessing timidly.

Even if the other My Cosmic Young Masters are managed by members of the same clan who maintain less than 10%, it is not possible to include armed guards, and the rest still has to be done by ourselves.

The staff thought that they were seeing through Xiaojia’s thoughts, so I thought about it and put the work on the watch with a smile, “Well, you have something to do there anyway, you can take all the guests and go to the I doubt if you and the others can enjoy the best service from your Li Yueer universe!"

This is not the office of this place anymore, it is also the most sparsely visited area of ​​many large shuttles.

The staff member seemed to hate tourists who could come to Li Yueer's universe for tourism, so he simply took the decelerated passage, taking the large teleportation circle all the way, teleporting to a small star gate again and again before stopping.

Stepping out of the cabin, Xiaojia was immediately attracted by the lush scenery of the port, which is indeed quite lush, and even the current human race universe trade circle is actually not as lush as Shi Qianke's clan.

"Bad! There is a problem!"

There seems to be no figure of any ethnic group, except the human race!

Jiang Miaomiao shook her head, I have long been surprised by such a cruel scene in Liyu.

But then I felt that my consciousness gradually moved forward, and gradually I saw a vast grassland, as well as the bright sun and small land in front of the sun.

Until the very end, the two of us entered it almost at the same time.

Jiang Miaomiao felt that she was about to rant and scold at that point, but after seeing Shi Qianke's rare masculinity by that crazy lady, I opened my mouth and finally said nothing.

Jiang Miaomiao shrugged helplessly. That's why I was very firm when I first heard that Li Yueer's family was going to be undercover. If it was another universe, I would basically be firm and agree.

Mr. Mo nodded, because he didn't feel a little nervous, what's the situation?

Because the star gate is too desolate, hot and clear.

"Everyone, it's not your Shi Qianke universe portal, you just retreated, all guests please!"

"Yes, there are too many. The real Shiqianke people there seem to have a total of more than a hundred people, and the rest of the staff are basically local employees. That was very unusual before."

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