Master of Fist

Chapter 1259: war begins


Forget it, Morse Hall can bear this, but when he used the appropriation from the Ministry of Finance, he was shocked to find that there was a large deficit in the inventory funds.

After a careful investigation, he was almost **** off. It turned out that many people from the Ministry of Finance participated in the previous crazy hype and joined Raymonton's group. As a result, most of the people involved in the Ministry of Finance lost their money. , and even used a large amount of inventory funds.

This is the funds of the entire ethnic group. In fact, this is nothing. After all, the Shengyuan clan has had a lot of funds in stock for so many years. These behaviors of fleece are nothing, and they can be tolerated. After punishing a large number of officials, he is in a hurry Started to purchase formation materials.

However, after this acquisition, it was discovered that there are almost no array materials that can be circulated on the market, and this time it once again fell into the same problem as before.

However, there is nothing to do at this time, even if the former Lord of the Demon Sky is moved out, it will not help, because this time the internal officials of Shengyuan did not participate in the hype at all, and there is no way to squeeze this group of corrupt officials.

Things froze all of a sudden, but the troubles continued. The Old Lord of the Demon Heaven also found that there had been an endless stream of letters from various places recently, all of which were reporting that officials from various places were crazily amassing money, and internal officials were even more aggressive. wool.

In just a few hundred years, this group of guys have been greedy for money like starving ghosts.

The reason is very simple, all of these noble families of the Shengyuan family have lost everything because of the energy hype incident not long ago, so they can't make up for it now?

Morse Hall hoped that the Old Lord of the Demon Heaven would punish those officials severely, and return justice to these vassal groups who were oppressed by greed.

However, the former Lord of the Demon Heaven doesn't care about this at all. I only care about the internal stability of the group.

Recently, the attitude towards those vassal groups is iron and blood policy, so that there is no way to reconcile the contradictions. I am afraid that if I start again, when those guys have a small conflict, and then the Xilin clan jumps out to rebel, this matter will happen. It can be taken care of, and my face in front of Wan He and Meng Mo, my two colleagues, is gone.

"What happened?"

The old master of Motian took a deep breath, and said with a fierce expression, "Wanhe, Mengmo, you have summoned you this time to explain this matter.

After all, when the Xiao family surrendered, their Shengyuan clan kept saying that they would build a relatively fair environment. Their Shengyuan clan was just an image of an overall planner. However, at that moment, the Shengyuan clan became a terrible force of dictatorship.

Hearing Alice's inquiry, Jiang Heng just shook his head.

These vassal groups ended up trusting our Saint Yuan coins. According to Morse Hall's report, our Saint Yuan coins were abandoned in many Shaobai markets, and the group of vassal groups who replaced them ended up using their own group's currency to replace it. My vassal group retreats from trading.

Hearing those words, Jiang Heng reacted instantly, his eyes narrowed slightly for a safe slit, and a murderous intent flickered and boiled in the slit.

But considering that it was the minimum order, which represented the joint signing of the Eight Little Brothers in the past, everyone took action.

With such a small number of manpower, Jiang Heng still thinks it's time to go. The key point is that I plan to launch a surprise attack this time. The number should be too small, but it must be the low hand of the low hand.

Alice is not at ease. After all, compared to the strategic alliance between the Xilin clan and the human universe, it seems that our Gutuo clan can bring little help to the human universe, which makes you feel a little bit of a sense of crisis. In my opinion, as long as our Shengyuan family maintains weak strength and the law of the small way controls those vassal groups, then our Shengyuan family is not the only ruler of those hundreds of cosmic forces.

Of course, the main thing is that I only have a chance to make a shot. Once I can eliminate this human Jiang Heng, the injuries all over my body will explode completely if I want to make a shot. At that time, I will have to retreat weakly, or unless I want to die on the spot.

For war, even if they are so lazy, the Shengyuan clan still maintains extremely low efficiency within the Shengyuan clan. In the face of the conquest, every citizen of the Shengyuan clan maintains a fairly low fighting spirit.

Almost at the same moment when the Shengyuan clan made a small amount of movement, Jiang Heng, who was retreating in a quiet room of the Gutuo clan, heard the sound transmission of Alice inside, and suddenly opened his eyes from the retreat, and disappeared in a flash. in place.

"That's a problem, but did he say later that the growth potential of the human universe is extremely small? Did you send a vanguard army to test it first?" Wan He asked indifferently. I have a so-called war strategy. As long as I can win, I can't be cautious.

Jiang Heng just heard that You Haiqing was not anxious, and now seeing Alice's anxious mood, he secretly thought that it was wonderful.

After all, Motian has participated in or indirectly participated in two conquests of the human universe, so he knows everything about his old opponent. As the so-called professional people have to be handled by professional people, we naturally rely on Motian to make decisions.

"Naturally, the elite army has long been assembled and is on standby!" said the former Lord of the Demon Sky proudly

"Is that planning to attack the human universe?!"

As a result, the formation materials were scrapped and broken, and the production of the Promi family's formation disks also ended on the right track, but gradually the entire Saint Yuan system was completely broken, not only the currency system, but also the economic system.

Jiang Heng looked at Alice with a smile and ordered.

Because we found that the target of this conquest is obviously not the human race universe that has been raging for a long time.

Hearing this, You Haiqing was not in a daze, but nodded after thinking about it, "Your younger generation, you know, you have nothing else to ask for help from your Gutuo clan, please do bring it up. At that time, you must do your best to help. go."

"Well, when is the departure date?" Wan He and Meng Mo looked at Mo Tian in unison.

"Things have not changed. There is news from the Shengyuan family that a small number of legions have assembled. The elite legion has completed the assembly and reorganization within a day, and hastened to the nearest ultra-long-distance teleportation circle. The other end of the teleportation circle is not Qingheng. The world!" Alice said slowly and quickly.

A crisis of confidence erupted quietly at this moment,

Alice had never seen a junior with such an expression before. She felt like she was falling into an ice cellar for a while, but she still tremblingly said, "Yes... yes junior, our speed is very slow, and it is estimated that we will successfully arrive in eight years. The Qingheng world will go straight to the distance of the human universe in seventy years and launch a retreat.

"Now? Are you all ready?"

The words of the Lord of the Old Days of the Demon Heaven are false. If the fusion of the origin of the world is really so complicated, then our Shengyuan clan will not only have eight old days, but seven!

I don't care about that, as long as we can completely take over the human universe, then our Shengyuan clan can sweep away all the flat voices with weak force. As for the Xilin clan who are dancing more and more happily now, I don't care at all.

And according to the feedback from the military department, the legion composed of the vassal groups within the entire Saint Yuan Legion is now even more passive in preparing for war, and is struggling. I really want him to be against the weak bandits of the Shengyuan clan.

"Brother Wanhe, worry, it's been a thousand years, and our human race universe has improved too much. As for this human race, Jiang Heng, it is even more worrying. Think about the time you spent trying to integrate the origin of the world, you just believe it." How can I, Jiang Heng, be so talented that I can pass this threshold in a thousand years."

They opened up the seventh battlefield in the way of dreaming. They are good at killing enemies in dreams. They are best at the confrontation between the levels of spirit and soul. Moreover, the current barriers of the human universe are useless to them, and they cannot sneak into it perfectly.

There are ways to do that. After all, the Gutuo clan is the same as the Yuhai clan. Our clan has been controlled by the Shengyuan clan for a long time, and the degree of control is far greater than that of the special vassal clan.

When she reappeared, she hadn't appeared beside Alice yet.

However, no matter how safe it is, Xiaojia can only bite the bullet and end the assembly. The bad thing is that this assembly is only a multi-part elite army, and the number is only 80 million.

That was also the result of word of mouth passed down by a small number of Saint Yuan Army soldiers who fled with the Old Lord of the Demon Heaven before the next conquest against the human universe failed.

Moreover, in the confrontation between the two small ethnic groups, the real key to the outcome has always been the weak at the bottom, but the confrontation between the weak in our wonderful habitat.

"It's bad too! Make a quick decision. If you can make a final decision, I can enter the Creation Realm earlier!" Wan Hedan nodded with a smile.

Whether it is strategic materials or not, I can only arrange it in this way.

Those who have participated in the next operation are also anxious and panic. Our teenagers have never conquered the land, and we lived a comfortable and comfortable life. It turned out that the battle was not to attack such a huge cosmic group, so why did it make us anxious? It's Ann.

I was seriously injured, and every moment of exiting the customs was consuming my energy, and I also wanted to continue to drag on. As for the Nightmare Lord, he simply has a so-called mentality.

Regarding this, the Old Lord of the Demon Heaven directly issued an order to end the use of legions to recruit formation materials and strategic materials from various vassal groups. My thoughts are very complicated. Since they want to hoard the goods, since they want to continue to use your Shengyuan clan If you want to get currency, don't blame you for using weak and hard methods.

Accompanied by the conversation of the eight old days, all the lower levels of Shengyuan suddenly received a war order from the lowest will, and they were not a little confused for a while.

Morse Hall, of course, gave his weak approval, but there was nothing I could do about it. After the face of the old master of the devil sky, I am not a body of guilt, so I have no right to speak at this time.

Of course, that fighting spirit was only temporary, and as less will came up, the boy's coldness was quickly extinguished.

This group of people was already terrified of being beaten, and the description of the human race universe is even more exaggerated, describing the human race universe as a murderous and violent demon image in the blink of an eye.

In the past 100 years, I have frequently appeared in the military and other inner circles, allowing my prestige to suppress these dissatisfied voices. After all, nearly 40% of the Saint Yuan Army is composed of weak vassals.

At this time, I heard that this time they are not going to attack the Human Race universe, but the soldiers of many Saint Yuan Corps are feeling restless or at ease.

And the reason is not because of the successive stupid tricks, the frequent stupid tricks later, so that the vassals have no deep understanding of the cute faces of the Shengyuan clan. Xiaojia knows that if we let it like that, our wealth will be destroyed by the saints The weak members of the Yuan family were divided up.

"Send a message to the Xilin clan to let our patriarch Xiyuan rush to the Qingheng world. If I refuse, you will send someone to pick me up. At that time, we will delay fighting with the Shengyuan clan, and we will see if I dare to come! "

This is of course true in fact, but I am afraid of procrastinating further, let alone conquest of the human universe, I have to suppress the rebellion in hand again first.

For a while, many vassal groups showed panic towards the Shengyuan clan, and according to the descriptions of guards in various places, it was the royal family members of many vassal groups who deliberately avoided my guard when they talked with each other.

For the human universe, the inside may still know a lot, but the inside of the Saint Yuan Army is very full.

It is really easy to cultivate an army of less than seven million people under the opponent's nose.

Junior, do you need the assistance of your Gu Tuo clan to participate in the battle? You have not reorganized the army recently, expanded the number of troops, and still have no strength to fight. "

For various reasons, that slowed down the conquest of the Shengyuan clan against the human universe at this time, but the old masters of the demon sky were weakly suppressed, and used their weak power to suppress the legions composed of these vassal groups.

Secondly, you will also lead tens of millions of elite troops to the back line. As for Brother Wanhe, he will fight with you, and the previous troops will be on standby for the time being, which can also deter the Xilin clan by the way. "


The original plan was to mobilize the entire army this year, but there was a big surprise, which did not hinder your conquest of the human universe. In that case, you have to make perfect plans, first of all, the succubus army under the command of the succubus brother retreats the dream attack.

I am very concerned about the situation of the Gu Tuo In retreat there, as long as I sweep my spiritual thoughts, I can see the internal situation of the Gu Tuo Clan at a glance.

Therefore, no matter how procrastinated, the speed and efficiency are still surprisingly slow.

The so-called Gu Tuo Legion is actually not a grassroots team. The total number of the Legion is more than seven million people, and the cultivation base is only at the level of a semi-god. That alone emptied all the combatable soldiers that the Gu Tuo family could use.

The old master of Motian decided to change the timing of the decisive battle. As for why a small part of the combat power was left behind to guard against the Xilin clan, it was pure nonsense.

The direct result is that the monetary system of the Shengyuan family has completely lost its credibility. It is a question of whether things can be bought or not, but the money outside the hand can buy anything at all.

Of course, from the beginning to the end, the Shengyuan clan was not that kind of force. It was just that in those years, for worse conquests, those vassal groups were needed to provide weak front-line support for the Shengyuan clan, so the Shengyuan clan also took this The sharp fangs are hidden inside.

I also held that kind of thinking, and as things progressed, I found that it was right.

To be complex, instead of leaving aside the Shengyuan clan, our suzerain country, our vassal clans ended up playing their own way.

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