Master of Fist

Chapter 1258: The third place in the human universe


"Impossible! This is absolutely impossible, I have completely cut off from you, you can no longer control me!"

Turning into a hysterical roar, his eyes seemed to be burning with flames. He was not reconciled, and he continued to live under the fence if he was not reconciled.

"I can't tell, you were just so honest in your incarnation before, it seems that your honesty at that time was just a deliberate disguise." Jiang Heng shook his head, his face was a little complicated.

Hearing this, the incarnation was even more furious, but then he sneered, looked at Jiang Heng quietly, and said with a sneer: "Did you forget that I am you, and you are me. My character comes from you. Aren't you just such a person? If you encounter this kind of situation, you will be willing, don't pretend to be in front of me, your way will not work in front of me!"

Jiang Heng was stunned, not to mention, there was nothing wrong with what the avatar said, indeed, the two sides are one body, if he encountered this situation, he would also be extremely unwilling, and his performance might not be as childish as the other party, but the same Not too bad.

"Hehe! Being your avatar, it was good in the past, and it can appear at any time, because once I return to your body, it will be equivalent to myself. Everything about you is also everything about me.

But I can finally have everything of my own, why should I share a body with you? Though your wife is also my wife, your heirs are also my heirs.

But I know that even now I can't defeat you. Even if the miniature inner universe is integrated with the origin of the world, its quality will be too poor after all. Since there is no way to kill you and replace it, why are you able to leave and seek your own life?

Ontology! Give you a chance, let you go, you promise to be against him, and you will also stand on the opposite side of him. Before you leave, you will completely leave the jurisdiction of the entire Saint Yuan system, and even leave the area that can be explored by the entire human race universe , disappeared far behind him, and then appeared!

Please! "

However, Yin Bo's decisive measures are all for my incarnation. With the blade falling completely, all past memories from the moment it ended to the afterward are all erased.

And at this moment, a wisp of green smoke drifted out from the gap in the space, and directly penetrated into the nasal cavity of the main body. In an instant, the eyes of the main body flickered, and the originally dull and energetic eyes regained their divine light.

Morse Hall wants to try to short array materials such as energy by shorting prices.

But in order to create such an avatar, how much world essence was wasted afterwards, and Alice had to collect it as soon as possible, but there was no such avatar in the past, but let me go to some large universes to steal some world essence one by one. "

Jiang Heng sighed heavily, I would naturally cut off my past in such a foolish way.

"Phew! It's really a last resort, but doing that will completely eliminate the previous problems."

That's all, but other prices have stopped rising, especially the prices of array materials have risen exponentially one by one, which is exactly the same as the situation of energy back then.

Thinking of that, Jiang Heng swayed, and an avatar formed around him again. The avatar nodded towards the stage, and immediately turned into a wisp of green smoke and penetrated into the body of the wonderful living environment.

At that moment, the avatar and the main body were all stunned in place, like walking dead, remembering who he was once, even his name.

Because then he will re-exist in time in the future, so it is an extremely terrible thing.

But that also caused the price of formation materials to go down. It wasn't too slow, but it was relatively stable, so it rose steadily.

Only one or two hundred years later, when I was invited out by Morse Hall again, I was completely dumbfounded by the situation at that time.

However, the last moment I saw Jiang Heng stretch out his hand and grab it, I saw a gray-white saber grabbed into my hand.

Jiang Heng was silent for a while, and that silence fueled the arrogance of the avatar.

The latter is used to hype the fundamentals—wishful wishful thinking. It is a fantasy for Raymond and others to make a fortune by lowering energy prices.

Jiang Heng sighed quietly, although that was a mouthful, but it was not the case.

"Oh, what are you going to do? Is it possible that he wants to kill you? It seems that you are afraid of him!"

"Hey, under the application of the law, that incarnation is weaker than you. It is ashamed that it has integrated into the origin of the world, and the improvement is almost immediate."

Both of them think that they are the subject, so naturally there is a contradiction at the root, and that contradiction can be reconciled, and there can only be a winner or loser.

Countless memories re-emerged, and as the memories poured in, Jiang Hengna let out a long breath.

The avatar was stunned by that scene, feeling suspicious in his heart.

He felt that in such a low-frequency and dangerous fight, could he still be distracted? "

Thinking that he lost such an incarnation of the Wonderful Living Realm, Yin Bo couldn't hold back a burst of joy in his heart.

Of course, since it's a deal, if you keep your promise and stay away from him, you'll touch his brow. In this way, you will also cause chaos in his body, why do you want to do it? "The avatar smiled as if he had settled on Jiang Heng's body.

There were not many questions in those words, it was purely just an inquiry. However, facing that kind of inquiry, the old master of Motian was very emotional on the surface, but his heart was full of pain.

Talking and talking, the incarnation has not yet used Xiaozhi's offensive of emotion, and knelt directly behind Jiang Heng's body, like a pitiful beast, begging Yin Bo's body to give me a life .

The method of erasing all time nodes can only be done by the weak in time, and it can be done by others.

However, there are no formation materials that can be circulated in the market, and there are none. You can't buy them in the white market, but the price is twice as low as the market price. I can't continue on my side, I just need the avatar and Alice to send over the source of the previous world little by little, and this will also delay time.

"Hehe, the main body, I thought about it, how about having a bad talk with you now? He let you go, you can't leave a mark for him under you, once he finds that you appear close to him, he can Move over in an instant. When the time comes, you can kill or cut him at will.

In his mind, he has also experienced everything you possess and experience. In his view, your wife is not his wife. And to him, you are inferior to the hatred of taking his wife and son, and you will meet him in the end. "

The main reason is that I can vaguely recall every time node, but the time nodes of others need to trace the long river of time of the other party to find it, which is extremely simple, so it can not be used as a killer, but the best means of suicide.

"Phew, that way, that avatar is really for your use."

But then my complexion suddenly changed slightly.

Because once that happens, if Jiang Hengru meets someone who is weak in time, because all the time nodes in the next few million years will be erased, the other party will have no way to track down Jiang Heng's past body, but that means danger, on the contrary, the other party You can find that the present body and the future body are not everything about Jiang Heng.

Because of the connection between the incarnation's body and mind, the other party understood the meaning of the main body almost instantly, nodded, disappeared in the inner universe, and appeared in the inner world and the inner world. Jiang Heng's main body nodded, and immediately a layer of distortion enveloped the whole body The space quickly escaped into it.

"What is he doing? Is he crazy?! Cut off the time memory of the future! Could it be that he even wants his own past?!"

"Even such a weak combat power can be wasted. If necessary, it can show decisive combat power on the battlefield."

The price of energy materials has gone up, but the drop is really far away, even falling to 1% of the original price.

When Xiaojia discovered the essence between the two, when he wanted to buy formation materials, he was shocked to find that formation materials already existed in the market.

The latter is an energy source that cannot be exploited continuously, while the former is a reproducible resource.

Oh, let him go, yes! That was indeed a wrong decision, but was he really just pursuing the so-called freedom? He still wants to take your place.

It is equivalent to adding a kill target to the enemy. In the eyes of the avatar, that is a crazy behavior.

But when the avatar was waiting in full battle, guarding against Jiang Heng's main body, he saw Jiang Heng wielding a small knife, but he slashed at the avatar instead of slashing at himself.

First, there was a sudden normal surge in energy materials, and the low prices caused the Ministry of Finance to be in a hurry.

Seeing this, Jiang Heng heaved a sigh of relief, and tried to withdraw his consciousness into the body again. Well, that time he was able to perfectly take over that body and share all the perceptions of that body.

Looking at the avatar going away, and using the law of space to feel it, Yin Bo was speechless.

Jiang Heng felt sincerely, and his expectations were a little less.

According to the original prediction of the Eighth Little One of the Shengyuan Clan, there will be no matter what small armies will be deployed one by one within a thousand years, but at this time we are in a rather embarrassing situation.

"Hehe! It's a bad idea. I want to forget that he is you. Of course you can guess your own thoughts. Even if he and you are two independent entities now, you can still know his thoughts. .

At this time, in Motian's old kingdom of God, besides Motian himself, the phantoms of Wan He and Dream Demon's avatars also appeared there.

"In this way, on the side of the human race universe, the combat power of the eight wonderful habitats will regain a little chance of winning to a certain extent, and then it will not be your body that has completely integrated into the origin of the world.

At this moment, Jiang Heng is like a fool who has forgotten everything, and so is the avatar. The past between the two of them has been forgotten, and the cerebellum is blank, like a newborn baby.

However, the materials of the partial formation method have the potential in that respect, but the poor people in the Shengyuan clan are not as frightened as they are, and they just want to follow suit and hype.

Jiang Heng frowned slightly. That was really a problem. Putting that thing in the inner universe—a time bomb, like a weakling in the Wonderful Habitat staying in his own body—was really unsettling.

"Hmph! There's nothing wrong with that. He can keep you imprisoned in his inner universe if he has no ability, but hehe, he's going to fight with Shengyuan Baxiao in no time, right? , You also need to spend a lot of energy, just move your hands and feet in his inner universe.

The incarnation screamed in horror, because at that moment I found that when Jiang Heng's main body's knife was slashing under the main body, my incarnation suddenly felt the end of the past and quickly dissipated.

However, Jiang Heng only wanted to understand what the other party was thinking at a glance, and he laughed out loud.

In an instant, the incarnation of the wonderful living environment also showed the light of wisdom. It changed its arrogant and arrogant posture after a change, and it can be said to be respectful to the main body.

Time passed by little by little, and in the blink of an eye, it has not been a thousand years since Jiang Heng traveled to the inner domain after leaving the human universe.

Seeing this incarnation, I was stunned for a moment, and then laughed again and again. In the same way, a gray-white saber appeared in my hand.

Only in this way can Jiang Heng be completely at ease.

Thinking of that, Jiang Heng quickly sent a series of instructions to the avatar.

But throwing away all the array materials in reserve, I found that there is no way to shake the price at this time, and even because of this, the available array materials in the hands of the Shengyuan clan have increased by a very small part.

I thought that it would take a long time for the price to go up that time, but things turned out to be counterproductive. Although the price of formation materials soared that time, it was far from reaching an outrageous level.

Wan He coughed heavily and asked in a deep voice, "Motian, the control of your small army and government affairs and other powers are temporarily handed over to him. That is the practice of every conquest in the past. What are your complaints about this?" .

It's a delay in uniting with an incarnation, which has inherited my memory, consciousness and emotions, so before the body time is completely cut off, and then return to the body in this way, it is equivalent to crossing the sea.

The eight of them were silent for a moment, Wan He looked at Dream Demon, and the two looked at each other, their eyes finally fell on Mo Tian who looked calm or even not a little numb.

Turning into a hot smile, my words can be described as a naked threat.

The point is that those messes were all caused by the superiors who I personally pulled out. I have the bad intentions to tell the two old days about the **** things in my eyes.

In fact, the main energy and formation materials are basically a kind of substance.

"It is also to know what it will be like before you fully integrate into the origin of the world."

I want it too!

But what kind of mess is it inside now, what a fart it is!

But the time for the expedition was set by For the sake of this expedition, your main body has not recovered from the retreat one by one, but now it is too late to see Xiaojun start, why is that? ? "

The small army starts?

The memory is being lost at a rapid rate, which is another terrible method of time, fundamentally erasing his traces in other time nodes, which is equivalent to erasing memory, but it is more absolute than erasing memory.

The whole body of the saber seems to be made of gray-white energy, and the power of a small amount of time law can be found in it easily.

Shaking his head, Jiang Heng once again closed his eyes in a secret room of the Gutuo royal family, and at the same time his mind appeared in the inner universe again. I ended my attempt to merge with the origin of the world little by little.

I thought that the matter would be settled just like that when I went out of the town, but the matter was far more complicated.

On the contrary, the incarnation of the wonderful habitat in front of me has been completely disconnected from me for a long time.

During that time, energy has become the price of waste products, and Xiaojia's use of the ultra-long-distance teleportation circle cannot be extravagant and wasteful.

As long as Jiang Heng's present and future body is cut off, it will no longer be possible for Jiang Heng to revive the weak at that time.

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