Master of Fist

Chapter 1250: Situation erosion

At this moment, the financial representative of Wanhe seemed to understand why the financial representative of Motian dared to do this.

Wouldn't it just hurt the enemy one thousand and self-damage eight hundred by doing this?

"Even so, the number of people on this list is too large. You are right to do this, but there are too many people to move. Even if this matter goes to the old corona, the old corona will only make mistakes!" Wanhe Financial Representative sighed helplessly.

The evolution of this matter is really not a wise choice, but the financial representative of Motian laughed.


He tapped on the table, attracting everyone's attention, and then said indifferently: "I have already told General Raymondon of the military department in advance, but he doesn't care at all. As I said, only these officers who are greedy for ink and hoarding goods are needed If I hand over half of my resources and energy reserves, I will not be responsible for the past, nor will I be involved in this crime. But they have repeatedly challenged our authority.

They think that the law does not blame the public, and they want to put pressure on us collectively. I even think that General Raymondon is also involved. The chief general of your army must also have certain interests involved. I don't believe that he will not understand the key points, but still dare to do this. Regulations, even completely disregarding the face of our Ministry of Finance, this is completely ignoring the authority of our Ministry of Finance!

They are provoking, they are rubbing the faces of our three major finance ministries on the ground! "


As he said that, Morse Hall had already pounded on the table, which showed that his emotions were not less excited and angry.

"Hehe! It's not necessarily that we're working together as women, but we're also hoarding goods, so at least our goals are the same. If we have the same goal, we naturally have to protect it for the common good." Mo Els Hall sighed, like a wise man who sees through everything.

But they were about to stand in the same boat as us, and the rest of them seemed to be turned against each other.

Complicatedly speaking, even the military, and even the entire Shengyuan clan who participated in stockpiling Wanhe are actually pawns, and even those participants on the surface and under the surface of the entire Shengyuan system are actually just pawns.

Regardless of being so greedy, even if there is a blatant rebellion in the legion, the old corona will do something to the military department, and at least hold some key people accountable.

"How to say?"

Ju Qi’s finance representative has complicated ideas, so it’s not about being anxious and conflicted first, and then talking quickly.

And it’s still priceless! crazy! It's not crazy now! "

Even if each department has its own law enforcement department and has a certain amount of armed force, it is not a joke to compare the weak military department. Once there is a mutiny or at the critical moment after a small battle, this little family has to ask responsibility.

The owner of that little hand seems to know the internal situation of our Shengyuan clan at all levels. He knows that the military department is targeting someone, is arrogant and domineering, and knows the degree of corruption in the entire system.

Thinking about it in my heart, I think that this matter has not developed to the point it seems, so I can only inform the old corona, and ask the old corona to come forward to suppress the situation.

However, Morse Hall on the side just laughed hotly, we are still so sophisticated.

But thinking of those reckless men in the military department, it may not be enough to let us fight and kill, or occupy short-term visible interests. Such as the hidden economic war, we definitely see it, and even know how to operate it.

Although the currency is not issued by our Shengyuan family, things like currency can also be flooded and printed at will. Once it is too flooded, the whole difficult-to-build market will collapse.

I suspect that as long as I make a statement, the old corona will let me preside over the small bureau considering that I have experienced the whole process of this incident. "Maybe it's just that the old corona was not invited to carry out the weak action, maybe those lunatics in the military department will gradually calm down from their madness.

All of them came back with a dazed look on their faces.

Let's say that our Ministry of Finance has so little funds, even if we don't have any, it's still possible to be like this.

Whereas I could be caring or even hysterical, the other two treasuries can do that.

However, with

The good intentions were released, but when Ju Qi and the Dream Demon sent representatives to negotiate, they got frustrated.

Seeing this, Morse Hall smiled and shook his head, the facts will tell us, what a ridiculous idea everything is.

How much Morse Hall has dealt with the military department recently, I am very surprised at what kind of stuff the military department is.

It’s really that the incident broke out too abruptly. We can let Morse Hall continue like that, but we really know what more conflicting incidents these group of military lunatics will make.

As decades passed, Ju Qi and the succubus finance department came back with depressed expressions.

However, representative Ju Qi still shook his head, saying, "Yes, try again. It is indeed ok to hold another plenary meeting of all departments, withdraw from the referendum, and let the power of the minority force us to compromise!"

But at this moment, although Morse Hall guessed that there didn't seem to be a trader among them, I dared to say it, and I was afraid that saying it would cause panic.

market price? !

What a joke, the core of the Shengyuan clan originally used the military department. With the military department, our Shengyuan clan has toothless tigers, and there is no threat.

The arrogance and domineering of the military department also lasted for a while. At first, I really put my trust in the military department, thinking that it was not the corrupt guys in the military department who were behind everything.

According to what Miao Yunjun, the head of the military department, said, if you want something, you can't do it, so you have to pay according to the market price.

"What are we all doing? Don't we all have seven hearts? I heard that the Xilin clan is preparing to rebel recently. You see, your various departments have long been infiltrated by the Xilin clan. They are all a group of traitors! How dare we?

"Are you being humiliated? Haha, isn't that what they think they want to sit down and have a quick talk?" Seeing the representatives of the two parties come back, Morse Hall smiled hotly.

"Although you can see through that it is a layout, how can you break it?"

Hearing this, the representatives of Ju Qi and Dream Demon had pale and clear faces, but they said that it was a rebuttal, because it was not the case.

This can be regarded as a fuse, and in addition, Morse Holborn is not on the verge of emotional collapse. If the resources can not be raised, if my minister of the Ministry of Finance wants to be held accountable, at that extreme Emotionally, I couldn't understand the sudden outburst.

At this time, our Eighth Small Finance Department once again held an internal meeting, but that time, the financial officials on both sides of Dream Demon and Miao Yun were all pale.

Happy, what's the point, we belong to the Ministry of Finance, so don't mention the feeling of seeing our family try their best to empty their own treasury.

"Hmph! What kind of gangsters are these? Do we know that they are taking out your Shengyuan clan's veterans? It is your Shengyuan clan who are most happy to stock up like that, not to mention that you are now facing war preparations. During the period, if you go up like that, if you want to purchase a small amount of materials, the price will be several times or hundreds of times less than the original.

"He means that we also use Shi and the military to work together as women, and we have already used Shi to get under the same boat? Don't we know that every penny we earn now is actually consuming the treasury of your Shengyuan clan? ?” Ju Qi’s financial representative looked as if he had eaten his reply.

There is no guess in my mind now.

The result was just the opposite. Nearly 10% of the officials defected to the military, and they all voted for it.

"Oh, maybe they think that group of people are idiots with some brains?" Morse Hall suddenly said calmly.

After all, my words have not been effective yet. Our financial and front-office departments combined together are extremely small, so what can we do to contain the other party. For the current plan, we can only ask the old corona to come forward to maintain the situation.

In addition, you have unanimously decided to report this matter to the lower levels, and hold a public meeting of departments at all levels to jointly discuss the nature of this matter! "

And what I said was like waking up the dreamer suddenly, suddenly, strangely, the representatives on both sides of the dreamer were taken aback.

To put it mildly, even a group of soldiers have small minds, except that the old corona is not our smallest arrogance


At this moment, Morse Hall vaguely felt that there seemed to be no visible little hand controlling everything in front of the scene.

"But you can still allow him to be so unscrupulous. Now you think he should release these military officials who are detained and interrogated as soon as possible, as urgently and contradictory as possible. As for resources and energy, you have no other way, and you even cooperate with him. The officials of the military department will go back to discuss everything, so why don’t you just sit up and talk about it quickly?”

I've been really mad recently, first I was disgusted by the arrogant attitude of the military department, and then it was that disgusting meeting, which really made us depressed.

It's Gu Xiaoju who does this and that, and is so blatant, so obviously there is no purpose!

The facts were also as expected by Morse Hall. The next day we released all military officials who were not detained for interrogation.

Apparently, Representative Juqi still has no illusions, thinking that as long as it is within the rules, Xiaojia has to follow the rules.

"Hey, there is a way. Let's hold a plenary meeting and launch a referendum. You just believe that we can still violate the will of the entire ethnic group!" Ju Qi's financial representative gritted his teeth.

The financial representative of the Dream Demon also nodded, thinking that this was the only way to do it.

There are my interests!

Having made up my mind, Morse Hall took a deep breath, and I decided to face the old corona, voluntarily deny my initial guilt, and then state my guess in detail.

The financial representative of Ju Qi and the representative of the Dream Demon looked at each other, and then said seriously.

So he took advantage of that greed and corruption, and took advantage of the arrogance and domineering of the military department. With just a little push in front of him, it was very difficult for those greedy and hateful guys to complete the previous steps according to the operation of others.

On the contrary, it made our Ministry of Finance look like a big ugly.

"Hehe, let's talk quickly? It's ridiculous. What kind of people do they think they are? The military department is not a group of people who look at people with their nostrils. Believe it or not, you let us go now. We thought you were submissive, and we will only make it worse. Unscrupulous!"

In the past, we also used similar methods to contain the arrogance of the military.

"Yes, you must tell the crowns as soon as possible in private!" Morse Hall looked at the two colleagues behind him, thinking about the last move of the next chess player in his mind.

What is the purpose?

Standing on our side, counting casually, it seems that the smallest department is not the front office.

I feel like it all happened by coincidence.

It is equivalent to that the price of each energy planet is hundreds of times less than the original price, and what we need to purchase is still a small purchase, and the funds that need to be paid will be astronomical.

That's right, they are all old political veterans, so how could they have brains.

As early as later, the military department has always been the most favored and proud department among the various departments of the entire Shengyuan clan. It has always been used to domineering, and many departments are secretly full.

Morse Hall smiled, I wish we could fire me, so that I could still get rid of the blame, so that the subsequent resource raising would be the next step, and the culprit would also fall on me.

I thought that for the sake of the small situation, Xiaojia would hesitate to ask the military to hand over the hoarded energy reserves.

You must know that in the case of the old corona, if people from the military department slaughtered other departments, no one can stop it.

A few years later, a meeting began. However, the referendum situation of various departments at the very beginning left the finance departments on both sides of Juqi Dream Demon dumbfounded.

Hearing this, Ju Qi and the representative of the succubus both looked on with embarrassment.

"Hehe, so now should we join forces with you to put pressure on the military? What do you use, that should be the worst way!" Morse Hall shrugged.

Do you know that it will make your war machine impossible to run completely? "The financial representative of the Dream Demon looked angry.

We haven't retreated with the military during the period, so we know that we have negotiated many times, and even made a few bad ones with a very high attitude. In the end, these guys didn't refuse.

Regarding this, Morse Hall was not at all slow, but said calmly, "Hehe, what are they going to try, of course they are now

They simply stopped it.

When Ju Qi and the financial representative of the Dream Demon were thinking about how to properly handle the relationship with the military as much as I, Morse Hall, jumped out of the pattern and thought about the deep-seated reasons from a lower dimension .

"Mr. Morse Hall, you think he may have some mental problems, and you need a professional evaluation of him by a psychiatrist. Regarding his decision to ask your eight small finance departments to jointly put pressure on the military department, your opinion is Rejected, you can allow him to openly create departmental conflicts like that.

The financial representative of the Dream Demon was cursing, I have no way of understanding what this group of lunatics from the military department are thinking.

It's just that, the short-term problem is solved, but it will cause certain emotional conflicts and even morale problems in the army. But that problem is related to you, you just need to ensure that you can raise the energy first. "

It is true that the arrogance of the military department afterwards really attracted a small amount of hatred.

If you want to step down from your position, you can't! You want them to do that, but what are they going to do with resources and energy? "

Damn the market price, the market price of energy is going crazy right now.

Please remember the first domain name of this book: . :

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