Master of Fist

Chapter 1249: Crazy infighting

Listening to Alice's words, the two emperors were thoughtful, and immediately burst into light.

After the previous conversation, they had gradually understood some of Alice's thoughts, and Xilin Huangjin said in horror, "Then you want to destroy the currency system under the entire Saint Yuan system?"

"That's right!" Alice nodded with a smile.

"Currency is the key to the Shengyuan clan's ability to rule many ethnic groups in a stable manner. At first, it was suppressed by pure force. At that time, the Shengyuan clan was at its peak and its prestige was at its peak. Naturally, everyone did not dare to resist and could only be enslaved by it.

But once the currency completely collapses, the credibility of the Shengyuan family will disappear. "

"But even so, other ethnic groups dare not rebel against the Shengyuan clan. You have forgotten that the key to the Shengyuan clan's enslavement of many ethnic groups has never been currency. Even the three old days are not the most important thing, but their way It has successfully connected with the cosmic world road that has invaded other ethnic groups.

Under such circumstances, no matter how much they resisted, it would be of no avail. The Shengyuan clan could easily force other clans to be captured with just one thought. It is not difficult to rebuild the monetary system afterwards, but don't forget that they also have a think tank like the Prome family.

Once the Prome family completely takes over the economy of the Shengyuan family, the disorganized economy and the currency system that is about to collapse will be reversed in an instant.

Therefore, spending such a lot of thought is at best only creating some troubles for the Shengyuan clan. If you want to really put the Shengyuan clan into a predicament, there is nothing you can do. "Xie Yaxing said and shook his head.

Emperor Xilin's strategy, I have to admit, is indeed quite perfect. If the trails of the Shengyuan clan hadn’t invaded the trails of other clans, all this would be perfect, but in the eyes it is possible, because there is a fundamental solution to the problem, and that kind of trivial matter will hurt the Shengyuan clan. bone possibility.

In that situation, time passed by little by little, and as a hundred years passed, it was thought in the rest of the department that it was just a big conflict.

That made Alice slightly startled. Although I heard from my ancestor that it was a weak junior from the Wonderful Life, I really don't know anything about the laws of that junior Jiang.

Now that the military department has not implicated you in its anger, what exactly is he trying to do? are you crazy? He dared to open fire at the military department, did he really think that the military department dared to destroy their finance department? ! "

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"Ask your ancestors to help?"

Turning one's hands into clouds and hands into rain is enough to show that it is equivalent to moving the scale of the entire universe, as if resisting the squeeze of the ruled force of the entire universe with one's own strength, if you are not careful, you will be wiped out.

But what happened next was beyond everyone's expectations. A series of riots broke out between the military and the Ministry of Finance in a period of more than 100 years. Ended the questioning of some military officials for some financial crimes, and ended accusations of minor corruption among low-level military officials.

The office was filled with curses from Morse Hall's junior officer, but there was one person who dared to raise his eyebrows.

"Do you know how the younger generation can help?"

There is a way, the military can really mess with it, but that Morse Hall fired directly as if he had eaten gunpowder.

"Then those are all the confessions of military officials? How dare we? We are hoarding goods with so few resources, are we just afraid of supporting ourselves to death?"

Some unproven crimes did not take into account the military minister at all, and Raymond Chik's face was scolded and tortured his military officials who committed crimes.

That time can save half of the previous time, but he still needs to go back and make a list. For example, the list worthy of cooperation and alliance, and the ethnic group itself must have a strong background. After all, the worst of your first batch is to seek weak allies to retreat and form an alliance.

As he said that, Morse Hall ordered his subordinates to take out a stack of documents, and handed them over immediately.

As Alice, who is also weak at the interior level, her eyesight and thinking ability are naturally unique, especially in that kind of fighting.

After thinking for a while, I sighed, "My junior, in this way, this matter cannot be regressed, but it will take a certain amount of time to eliminate the source of pollution. The source of pollution in one universe needs to be completely eliminated, and the cost of it can be said to start from a hundred years.

But that matter is too difficult to implement. Our Jiangheng clan can quietly eliminate the pollution of the Shengyuan clan. The smallest factor is not because our clan has never been truly enslaved by the Shengyuan clan. very well.

This group of military veterans are a bunch of hot tempered, really **** us off, we will directly turn over the table. "The financial representative of the Dream Demon also tried to persuade him with bad words.

Xilin's words were full of confidence. Even though Alice had no doubts about Xilin, she still felt that it was necessary for a junior like Xilin to deceive herself with that kind of words.

Very slowly, time passed by little by little, seven years had passed, and at the same time, the Motian Finance Department of the Shengyuan clan was still in a state of desperation.

Emperor Xilin smiled and nodded.

Alice shook her head. The key to win over an ally who is sincere and sincere is that the Cosmic Path is not controlled by our family, and has not been eradicated, so there are future worries.

The two sides insisted on their own opinions, and they used each other's people to attack each other. The matter was actually within the controllable range until a military official angrily beheaded dozens of financial officials. End slow turn straight up.

In this kind of reincarnation, we will live the same day over and over again. Although we may feel very satisfied, it is impossible to break the last time node created by you.

Looking at the document in his hand, the representative of Wanhe Finance trembled, not even trembling a little. If this is the case, you will consume a lot, so you will only create an ordinary time node, and all the people who are on the time node will be pulled into the last time node you created, and the entire universe will be trapped. In the short time reincarnation.

Hearing this, Emperor Xilin also nodded with a smile, and met Xilin's gaze. Seeing him nodding, you seem to have gained a bit of confidence.

In such a dark situation, although the economic crisis will be resolved by the Shengyuan clan beforehand, you have also won over a small group of last allies again, right? "

Seeing this, the representatives on both sides were stunned for a moment, and after taking a look at the document, they narrowed their eyes. At least the weak at the inner scene level can't imagine it at all, so how can it be done?

"Seven laws of time and space! Junior, you know how you cover up your movements

. "

Just after that meeting was held, the minister of the Ministry of Finance representing both Wanhe and Mengmo crazily opened fire on Morse Hall, the finance representative of Motian.

However, in the face of the accusations and suggestions from the representatives of both sides, Morse Hall's face was watery, and he didn't seem to listen to the slightest retreat, but said calmly, "You know what you are doing very well. As for why, you think they will be ashamed after reading that report!"

"In that case, without the help of the younger generation, you are naturally convinced. It's just a group of cosmic races that have relationships with the inner world all the time. If some insiders mistakenly enter the universe caught in the cycle of time, they will be seen through directly. ?” Alice asked suspiciously.


And that is the result of your ancestor Xi Yuan's efforts to eliminate it. But a small battle is imminent, so we can eliminate several universes at all, and win over our sincere allies. "

Xie Ya knocked on the handrail with a heavy smile, and said calmly, "I don't need to worry, you also need to completely eradicate the source of pollution, as long as the Shengyuan family can directly control the source of our family's path to a certain extent. Just remove half of the source of the pollution.

One group exuded a gray light, and the other exuded a tangible light, but the moment the two groups of lawful breath appeared, Alice was stunned.

This implicit tacit understanding was broken, and the Ministry of Finance was completely angry. It ended the arrest of military officials in a small area, and used law enforcement teams to end a thorough investigation of all corruption and internal transactions of military officials.

Looking at the two emperors, he gave a slight salute, and then continued, "So you don't have to ask Xie Yaxing to agree to anything, it should be said to ask the descendants of the ancestor Xi Yuan to help!"

Xie Ya's words revealed faint confidence, but the two emperors, Jiang Heng and Gu Tuo, couldn't help but gasped.

After all, Xiaojia wanted to get rid of the control of the Shengyuan clan. In fact, the group that was quite close to the Jiang Heng clan had not mentioned that matter in secret.

All of a sudden, all departments in the entire Motian retreated into an undercurrent.

Speaking of that financial official, he was afraid of being scolded by his own official again.

"That's possible! The difficulty is too small. Every universe world is not guarded by the Shengyuan clan, and it is said that there must be hidden children of the Shengyuan clan.

"That's wrong! Mr. Morse Hall, you think he should handle the matter properly, but he went crazy to the military opponent. You think that should be his real idea, because it would put the entire Treasury Department Falling into a situation where catastrophe is the end.

After making an appointment for a conversation, Morse Hall rubbed the center of his brows, I can feel that things will come to an end.

"Morse Hall, are the Motian Finance Department crazy? What are they doing? Letting him solve the trouble is letting him create trouble! Although he only represents the Motian Finance Department, in the eyes of the military department now , the two of you are also the same entity as them.

In fact, there is a practical method at all.

Like the inside of my world, the spies of the Shengyuan clan have been everywhere for a long time, and it cannot be said that the infiltration is full of holes. Once there is a disturbance, these spies will report to the Shengyuan clan immediately.

"Hehe, it's because the Shengyuan clan noticed it, what do you think

Can't do it. "Speaking, Xilin turned his wrist, and soon there were two lumps missing from his palm.

The departments at all levels of Shengyuan, which were originally good at running smoothly, were forced to shut down because the two small main departments within the Shengyuan clan were the most frenzied infighting.

Morse Hall's chest heaved violently, because those people behind his eyes were wrong, so I can only negotiate with him.

In the previous half month, no one knew what Morse Hall and the military minister Raymond Chick had talked about in private, but the entire Shengyuan clan felt the relaxed atmosphere at once, and the military could It is obvious that many military expenditures are being deducted, and the Ministry of Finance often sees some weak military personnel who come to make trouble.

At the same time, another meeting of the Ministry of Finance was held.

In this way, even if there are not many secret works of the Shengyuan family in that universe, you also need to pay attention to it. "

We were simply wronged, we ate melons and watched As a result, the fire burned without any warning

Under us, where can we find reasoning?

"What's the matter? Is there any movement from them?"

All the ministries of Shengyuan were in an uproar all at once, and no one would have thought that their own finance department and military department had changed from a hidden struggle to a full-fledged martial arts all at once, and the way of completely tearing their faces made everyone feel unbelievable .

"That's wrong, you can indeed cover up the movement, but you still can't use the space to take the ancestor Xi Yuan's descendants to one universe after another in a short period of time, and at the same time pull the entire universe into a specific time and space environment Above, it forms a complete isolation from the inner world.

A financial official said, "Sir, you haven't tried very hard to use your connections, but you are also involved in the matter. You have nothing to do with military relations. Your family relations are at least at a certain level of military affairs. As an official of the military department, it is absolutely possible for the entire military department to conduct a thorough investigation. So, sir, this matter requires you to personally communicate with the military minister.”

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