Master of Fist

Chapter 128: think carefully

Fatty Pi's home is in the west of the city, not far away, just a few blocks away.

Jiang Heng hadn't been here before, but the guy mentioned something casually the last time he was drinking, and Jiang Heng kept it in his heart.

Holding a few jugs of good wine and meat that he just bought, Jiang Heng knocked on the door.

Fatty Pi's family is fairly well-to-do, and he still has a lot of money in the Town Fusi Office. There is no decoration on the outside of the house, which looks simple.

But after waiting for a while, there was no response, and it took a long time before the sound of footsteps was heard.

"You really don't have any scruples, it's in broad daylight!"

The door opened, and it was naturally the fat face of Fatty Pi. However, Fatty Pi's face was rosy, and he was simply covered with silk.

After thinking about it for a while, Jiang Heng knew what the fat man was doing in the house for so long.

"Hehe! Rare guest, rare guest! Brother Jiang, come and invite me!"

Fatty Pi didn't take it seriously, he stretched out his hand and made a gesture of please.

The two entered the lobby of the inner courtyard all the way. There were some servants in the courtyard, but Jiang Heng found that there was not even a single man.

"Tsk tsk! Brother Pi, you really enjoy yourself! This is every night at home, isn't it?"

"Where! Where!" Fatty Pi smiled and waved his hands, but suddenly he seemed to think of something, and looked at Jiang Heng again, and his expression suddenly changed.

"Jiang...Jiang...Brother Jiang, aren't you already dead? The Zhen Fusi said that you are dead. With such a serious injury, you might lose your breath when you lie down at home. you have become a ghost...don't hurt me! We had a good relationship before, buddy will help you take care of your wife and daughter in the future... oh

No! Brother Jiang, you don't have a wife or daughter yet... But don't worry, I will take care of those little girls in your house for you!

We are brothers! You can't hurt me! "

The more he listened to Jiang Heng's complexion became worse. This fat man didn't know it until he said it. It turned out that this fat man was thinking about these things all day long.

"Okay! Very good! As expected of my good brother! Let's take a step to talk!"

Jiang Heng grinned with a weird smile, twisted his neck, and made a series of crisp sounds of joints.

Half-tone Pi Fuzhong Hall—

Fatty Pi was looking at the opposite side with a depressed face, and touched his head, which was already swollen like a pig's head.

"Brother Jiang, you are really my good brother!"

Fatty Pi gritted his teeth in pain, the blow was too heavy, and he couldn't bear it at all with his body fat.

Fatty Pi looked at Jiang Heng with some doubts, as if he didn't understand why this guy looked like he was going to die yesterday, but why he was alive and kicking and beating people so hard today.

Although every time he was beaten, his blood surged and he was in pain. But it happens that the sparrow is just right every time. At first, the pain was unbearable, even if there was a body of fat to cushion the impact, it felt like every root was about to burst.

But then, as the number of fists dropped more and more, it became more and more just right, but the pain was severe.

But now that Fatty Pi felt horrified after thinking about it. His own blood actually condensed a lot.

Originally, his qi and blood were completely built up by medicinal materials due to lack of tempering. But at this time, it was solidified quite a bit, and there was a tendency to faintly step into the second-rank realm!

"Brother Jiang, your fist is interesting!" Fatty Pi said strangely.

"Oh!" With a smile on his face, Jiang Heng looked at Fatty Pi meaningfully: "Then why don't you try again?"

"No no! No more!"

Fatty Pi waved his hands again and again, although this thing is good. But this feeling of being punched into the flesh, who can resist it!

"But Brother Jiang, I'm getting more and more incomprehensible with your current abilities. I don't bother to ask, but you've been showing up less in the Zhenfu Department recently!"

"Yeah!" Jiang Heng nodded slightly.

"Brother Jiang, I have already seen that you must be extraordinary. If you develop in the future, you should take care of your little brother!"

Fatty Pi is very spirited. Although he is lazy, he still has the ability to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, and he still has the ability to judge people.

"You! If you are willing to suffer a little bit and lose this body fat, maybe you will be wearing silver clothes now!"

Seeing Fatty Pi's scowling face, Jiang Heng laughed and cursed.

This guy's foundation is not bad at all, it can be said that as long as he is willing to work hard, he is now a first-class master among the lower three ranks, at least.

"Hey! Brother Jiang, it's not like you don't know. I've been here for so many years. If I want to change it, I've changed it long ago. I'm not as ruthless as you, Brother Jiang. I'm ruthless to myself, and I'm even more ruthless in doing things!

I can't do it, I'm still free to do whatever I want! "

Fatty Pi spread his hands and said helplessly.

"Okay! I didn't come here today to preach to you! I know that you, Peter, are well-informed in the Zhen Fu Division, so tell me what happened to the demon incident that day!"

Jiang Heng didn't bother to care about the fat man and directly explained his reason for coming.

Hearing Jiang Heng's question, Fatty Pi frowned slightly.

"What? Is there any news that you Peter doesn't know?"

"That's not true, it's just that you have experienced this incident yourself? If you want to say that you know the inside story, no one knows better than you, right?"

Fatty Pi looked at Jiang Heng with a strange Hearing this, Jiang Heng looked a little embarrassed, and coughed lightly.

"Don't ask too much about this, just tell me what the monster is doing now!"

Faced with Jiang Heng's unreasonable request, Fatty Pi had no choice but to think for a while before opening his mouth.

"The demon is dead!"


Jiang Heng wasn't surprised at all.

"Did anyone see it at the time?"

"This... has never happened before!"

Fatty Pi frowned and pondered, and then explained: "At that time, Commander Lu led his subordinates to come quickly after receiving the news of the demon's death.

When they arrived, it was said that almost the entire wall of the entire Hengjiang City was completely destroyed, countless houses were damaged in the city, and nearly 3,000 soldiers were killed in battle and people who affected Yuchi. But only the corpse of the monster was found! "

"Only the corpse? Who killed it?" Jiang Heng frowned and continued to ask.

Hearing that Fatty Pi became even more weird, he stared at Jiang Heng helplessly and said: "Of course these are the two adults of Zhenyou Division!"

"When the corpse was discovered, I also found that these two adults were sitting on the corpse to rest. Both of them had some terrible injuries. It is said that there are all kinds of scratches and bite marks! I can't imagine that the two Zhen Yousi What kind of strength is the monster that adults are extremely embarrassed!"

Fatty Pi was filled with emotion, he had never experienced that desperate fight. But it can be seen from the brutality of this battle alone.

"Oh! Are you saying that the monster was done by those two Lord Zhenyousi?"

"Can this be fake? That hideous injury can perfectly fit the claws of the monster. Can it be fake?" Fatty Pi retorted.

"There are two people in the town of Yousi, and what I saw that day were also two figures..."

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