Master of Fist

Chapter 127: Changes in the situation

After all, within the Zhenfu Division, these are just the luck of this newcomer, and it happened that Luo Yangsheng, the head of the Great Sword Sect, ran away in a panic. Otherwise, how could this huge Dadaomen foundation be acquired by a boy who was only a mere black-clothed guard at the time?

But now it's different, not only Jiang Heng was seriously injured, but even Deputy Commander Jiang, who had a relationship behind him, died in the hands of the demon, and he still wants to occupy this huge cornucopia?

So Yang Dalang, Su Yu, and Jiang Heng's subordinates also had a headache. Strictly speaking, they are now only non-staff personnel of the Zhenfu Division, and they have no right to speak in the Zhenfu Division. Now they are very anxious.

Fortunately, Mr. Jiang finally summoned himself and others.

"Brother Yang! You said Master Jiang suffered such a serious injury, this..." But Su Yu quickly remembered that it seemed that his master was seriously injured this time. The doctor has said that ordinary people are looking for death, even if Mr. Jiang is strong and strong, he is only hanging on his life now, and he can let go at any time!

"Well, my lord was indeed seriously injured this time, which I have never seen before. I don't know what mission I was involved in, so that my lord was injured like this. It is said that even Vice Commander Jiang died on the spot. The Jiawei also lost a few digits, and now Zhen Fusi is impetuous and has lost a lot of strength!"

Yang Dalang was relatively well informed, and he recently made some friends with a lot of money at Zhenfusi and inquired about a lot of news.

"It's so serious? Doesn't that mean that the Zhenfu Division lost nearly half of its manpower this time? What kind of evil did it encounter?"

Su Yu's complexion suddenly changed. He hadn't been out of Fucheng a few times, and the one he heard about the most was Yin Sha.

"Whether it is Yin Sha or not, I have never heard of Yin Sha harming so many people at once before." Yang Dalang said to himself slowly with a solemn expression.

"But since your lord has summoned me, don't delay, let's go and have a look first! The feeling your lord has always given us is different, maybe the situation has changed!"

Speaking of Yang Dalang, he got up first and walked out. He was quick-witted, and at the same time, he was used to the dangers in the world and even in the officialdom. I can't afford to be sick.

Su Yu also nodded and followed out together, and the two came to the hall all the way.

But as soon as they stepped in, the two of them were stunned for a moment. They were both a little shocked. They seemed to think that their eyes might be blurred, so they rubbed their eyes again, but they were still the same when they looked at it. mouth.

"Congratulations, my lord, for recovering from your injuries this time!"

Yang Dalang was the first to react and quickly bowed his hands to Jiang Heng, who was seated inside, and saluted in a respectful voice, and Su Yu, who was beside him, also reacted and saluted quickly.


Jiang Heng pressed his hand, but his eyes had a panoramic view of the changes in the expressions of the two of them, and he couldn't help but nodded slightly in his heart. It seems that the two of them had no other thoughts during their injuries.

"In this catastrophe, it is really lucky for someone to survive this disaster!"

Seeing the two people seated, Jiang Heng said slowly.

"My lord's miraculous skills are unrivaled in the world, and he will be able to save the day!"

Yang Dalang was a little startled at this moment, he carefully glanced at his lord, the shock in his heart was even worse. How can the adult in front of him look like he was seriously injured and dying before, the change in just a few hours is like a world of difference, and his strength seems to have improved, what happened during this period?

Yang Dalang didn't dare to think about it deeply, he knew it must be an adult's secret.

"Okay, the flattery will be exempted. How is Zhen Fusi?"

Jiang Heng waved his hand, he doesn't have much time to listen to such nonsense now.

"My lord, Zhen Fu Si... this time..."

Yang Dalang nodded, and immediately described the recent changes in the Zhenfu Division one by one.

Jiang Heng listened carefully, and then heaved a long sigh.

Four silver-clothed guards, one deputy commander, fifteen black-clothed guards, and thirty-two black-clothed guards died!

But after a while, his eyebrows gradually relaxed, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"My lord, Commander Lu is now in charge of the overall situation. The entire Zhenfu Division is in panic, and the forces in the Jianghu are also making frequent moves. Especially now...our Daomen..."

Speaking of this, Yang Dalang paused slightly.

"Huh? Say!"

"There are a few Xuanyi guards who are eyeing the Dadaomen resident. Yesterday, a master Xuanyiwei surnamed Zheng visited Dadaomen. His tone...was a bit arrogant..."

Yang Dalang lowered his head and said, he didn't dare to add more details, he just described what he saw and heard one by one.

Wen Yan Jiang Heng just nodded silently, his expression did not change at all.

He already knows who it is! That day, the matter of Liu's family cheated my guy in the meeting hall of the Zhenfu Division!

"Well, don't meddle in this matter for now, is there any change in the city?"

"My lord, it seems that boys and girls are missing frequently in the city. The government office has received many reports. I believe this matter will be reported to our town governor soon!"

Su Yugong also talked about the recent changes in Cangzhou City.


Jiang Heng frowned slightly, deep in his eyes he was thinking about something.

"Okay, let's go down first! Please pay attention to the latest trends in the city!"

Jiang Heng waved his hand to make everyone retreat, Su Yu and Yang Dalang bowed their hands and retreated respectfully when they heard the words, and when they left the room, both of them breathed a sigh of They both looked at each other with a glance Showing a knowing smile, the previous worries have been swept away.

But the coercion of the adults seems to be getting more and more terrifying!

Looking at the two people who left, Jiang Heng stroked his chin, thinking slightly.

"It seems that some people are already a little restless!"

A smile appeared on the corner of Jiang Heng's mouth, and then he thought of Zhen Fusi's vital energy loss.

"It doesn't matter if it's damaged, the number is really useless in front of the real strong! It seems that I didn't make a mistake in practicing outside!"

Jiang Heng sneered endlessly, squeezed his fist, and a stern look appeared in his heart.

This trauma made Jiang Heng think a lot, and his mood changed a little!

This time, Jiang Heng has already experienced the feeling of being reduced to a chess piece. Even if he becomes a deputy commander or even a commander, he is only a bigger chess piece. Strength is the foundation of everything!

And those two Zhenyuji... bastards!

Jiang Heng gritted his teeth, and the veins on his forehead began to jump continuously.

He didn't stay in the mansion much, and he didn't go to Zhenfusi, but went directly to Pi Fatty's house. Now Zhenfusi is very noisy, so let's not go to this muddy water for now. Those who jumped out in front were just some small fish and shrimps, and those who were truly ambitious were all finalized in the final round just like Jiang Heng.

I didn't even want to go to Lu Zhen's side to make connections! The appointment of the deputy commander cannot be decided by Lu Tuneng, it will be appointed by the court, and now this group of people is fighting to win over more interest communities.

Jiang Heng didn't pay attention to these things, because he is so powerful, even if the imperial court sends people over, he can't do anything to him.

Now he wants to know what happened that day. Fatty Pi is more well-informed in the Zhenfu Division, so it is more important to find him to find out the situation.

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