Master of Fist

Chapter 123: rout

The arrow pierced the sky and shot straight at the monster in the distance!

Fortunately, due to the series of impacts just now, the monster was not able to stand firmly, and a giant crossbow bolt with a length of four or five meters suddenly pierced through the monster's chest!

The stretched strings of the bed crossbow almost endowed the crossbow with extremely strong penetrating power!

It pierced through the demon's chest almost in an instant, and the terrifying force even caught off guard and directly brought the unsteady demon out, and finally was directly dragged by this huge force to firmly land on the ground. Among them, the penetrating arrow tip is completely submerged in the soil!

With a buzzing sound, the sound of the bowstring has just ended.

At the same time, the monster's huge body fell backwards, kicking up a cloud of dust.

The first wave of offensive has been exhausted, a total of three crossbow guns, and one cannon ball hit the opponent.

Seeing this, Jiang Ting also breathed a sigh of relief, as did the silver armored guards who were panting to help pull the bowstring of the crossbow on the bed.

Looking at the situation in the distance, Jiang Heng also felt a little relieved. This monster is too terrifying. In terms of physical strength alone, all the people present together are not enough to kill him.


The previous obstruction finally played a role. Jiang Heng’s series of obstructive actions just now seemed cumbersome, but in fact they only happened in a flash. Fortunately, Jiang Ting was also in a timely manner, which led to the continuous attack with almost no gaps!

It just really hurts!

Jiang Heng's face was particularly distorted, and almost every part of his body was moaning in pain, but the black ball was still indifferent!

Jiang Heng was inexplicably nostalgic for the past. Before the black ball had transformed, it was obviously such a good child! It's changed now, and it won't store energy anymore.

Sighing secretly, Jiang Heng could only wait to recover after taking a large amount of medicinal materials, and he could not recover in front of Zhen Fusi and others. And it takes a while to report sick when returning home.

His mind turned, and Jiang Heng's eyes once again fell on the huge body in the distance.

With such a severe injury, ordinary warriors must be dead. But the opponent is a monster! The tenacity of this kind of life has no idea at all, and none of the people present has any experience in facing such monsters.

Even Jiang Ting had only seen the corpse of a monster once from a distance.

"Everyone! Don't relax, keep pulling the string!"

Jiang Ting breathed a sigh of relief and ordered everyone to continue filling again! For a while, all the soldiers and the people in the Zhenfu Department also took action one after another.

Several bed crossbows and artillery began to be loaded one after another.

But at this moment, the huge figure in the distance seemed to shake!

"It's still alive!" Jiang Ting gasped, and was about to order to launch again, but saw a figure in the distance suddenly flashed, and even the crossbow bolts on the ground disappeared in place.

how is this possible? !


Accompanied by a roar, the huge figure reappeared, and the entire barrel of the heavy cannon was smashed and burst, and countless fragments flew like sharp and extremely high-speed bullets, piercing through dozens of soldiers around in an instant!

"So fast!"

Jiang Ting was horrified, he didn't feel it when he was watching the battle on the city wall, but now he just feels his scalp tingling!

"Let the arrows! Let the arrows!"

At this moment, he couldn't care about anything else, so he could only desperately command his subordinates to shoot arrows to stop this crazy monster!

The terrifying monsters are like entering no one's land! His speed is almost impossible for ordinary people to catch with naked eyes. Even warriors can only see the afterimages between the movements. Every time the afterimages emerge, there will be a hideous grin of the monster, with the corners of the mouth reaching to the ears, and a row of snow-white teeth. .

But Jiang Ting's crazy command made the surrounding soldiers completely frightened! After they were knocked down by Jiang Heng's blow, most of their mentality collapsed. Although their morale had improved a little before, they were completely terrified when they saw the inexplicable and sudden death of their companions!

One by one, they threw away their helmets and armor, and the crossbow arrows in their hands had long been forgotten, wishing they could run faster with a few more legs.

Even the people in the Zhenfusi were frightened, they had never seen such a strange thing before, Yinsha is nothing!

Seeing that the situation was not going well, a silver armored guard turned around and fled, but suddenly a big hand grabbed his heel and pulled it violently!


The silver armored guard surged with internal energy, enduring the severe pain in his legs, resisting the black air that began to spread rapidly. But this is completely in vain, the black air is almost pervasive, ignoring the inner air shield directly, in just one or two breaths, the silver armor guard's complexion turned livid, but before he exploded into a ball completely The blood mist was directly swallowed by the monster's big mouth full of fangs.


The ear-piercing sound of bones being chewed made almost everyone's expressions change dramatically!

A pulse refiner died just like that!

Moreover, it was so easy to die. In front of the monsters, the pulse refining realm seemed to be no different from ordinary people.

"No! I can't die here!"

Jiang Ting's liver and gallbladder are broken, and he has no fighting spirit at all at the moment, and he has no courage at all in the face of such a big murderer!

As soon as he let go of his hand, he shot the bed crossbow arrow in front of him, and immediately ran backwards without looking However, this crossbow arrow seems to have no original sight and strength at all, not only missed, but also just Fly out and hit the city wall, only half a foot into it.

Looking at the battlefield that had turned into a **** on earth, Jiang Heng sighed and wanted to stand up again, but his bones were so severely broken that he couldn't do it.

It's over! It's all over!

Jiang Heng originally thought that with his current full strength, he would be able to resist for a while even if he was not good enough, but he couldn't even stop the opponent's casual blow, and almost died directly!

In my heart, I just hated those two people who suppressed Yousi to the extreme!

Perhaps for those two aloof Lord Zhenyousi, they are just pawns that can be discarded easily! But these chess pieces are all living people with flesh and blood!

Even for this city, in their eyes, it is just a delicacy used to lure demons.


With a shrill scream, Jiang Ting's plump body fell to the ground suddenly, his terrified eyes fixed on Jiang Heng not far away, as if he was begging Jiang Heng to help him.

But the big scaled hand holding him behind grabbed him, and then he was thrown directly into the big mouth full of fangs just like the silver armored guard before.

Then blood spattered, and every movement of the mouth represented the bursting and shattering of Jiang Ting's countless bones. At this moment, the inner qi was like a useless thing, and it did not bring the slightest protection to Jiang Ting at all!

Jiang Heng's eyes widened. A deputy commander of the Zhenfu Division died in front of him.

But at this moment, the pair of vertical pupils of the monster with a pair of horns skipped over many running soldiers and looked directly at Jiang Heng, who was kneeling not far away and lost the power to move.

As if watching an extremely delicious meal, the eyes are full of greed!

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