Master of Fist

Chapter 122: Power of 1 person!

The huge beam directly cut through the dust, revealing a demon with a grinning face!

But when he saw the oncoming beams, he first showed a very humane look of surprise, and then sneered.

In just a moment, the extremely powerful wooden pillar directly hit the monster, but the next moment Jiang Heng's face froze.

Got it? !

However, when the monster raised its hand, its huge palm suddenly clasped the huge forehead pillar, but the next moment the monster's face changed, it seemed that it did not expect the power contained in it, the terrifying force directly hit the monster's arm directly to the chest, In the eyes of the monster, it was directly bombarded with that kind of force, and it retreated several steps.

It was a little annoyed, it seemed to be annoyed by its own carelessness, and it was even more annoyed that it was almost hurt by mere ants.

But just as it was about to explode, another ear-piercing sound of piercing the air hit, and a huge black solid iron ball the size of half a human body rushed towards it, piercing through the dust and directly hitting its abdomen!

This solid iron ball caused the monster's already injured body to suddenly spew out a mouthful of black blood, and when the blood fell into the ground, a huge hole was corroded instantly.

The black solid ball rubbed and rotated rapidly on the scaled belly, sparks splashed, and it took a long time before exhausting all its strength and falling heavily to the ground.


A roar accompanied by terrifying sound waves directly blew away the dust in front of it, and it finally saw clearly the ants in front of it.

But the next moment its pupils shrank, and several ear-piercing sounds of piercing the air came quickly.

"Kill kill kill!"

Jiang Heng didn't intend to block this ominous thing by relying on that wooden pillar and a solid projectile just now!

He picked up one by one from the pile of solid bullets next to him, and at the same time punched them out with all his strength with his right fist. The solid bullets seemed to be carrying several times the force of Jiang Heng and slammed into the distance at high speed. The monster at the gate of the city.

There is only one chance!


Jiang Heng knew that just now he just took advantage of the unexpected situation of the opponent to attack suddenly, he could only take advantage of the emptiness during this period to quickly deal a heavy blow to the opponent!

At the same time, more than a hundred arrows are also flying towards the monster!

Hundreds of soldiers were already quickly loading an arrow, because they saw that the tall figure in front was punching and ignoring the blood on the fist, trying to stop the monster in the distance!

At this moment, everyone forgot the fear in their hearts, and with all their strength, they wished that they could not simply fire the crossbow arrows!

These soldiers are equipped with excellent one-stone crossbow arrows, which are Dayan's most sophisticated individual combat equipment. In terms of armaments, Dayan's control has always been strict. It can be said that soldiers will rot and become soldiers, but Dayan's ordnance will never!

bang bang bang!


A series of piercing sounds sounded, but Jiang Heng didn't dare to be careless in the slightest. Enduring the burning of his lungs and the severe pain in his arms, he was about to continue hitting a solid bullet.

But it was a solid projectile flying towards him at high speed.

"how is this possible?!"

Jiang Heng's face was terrified, but he saw that the monster seemed extremely furious. Its eyes were like snake eyes, and it suddenly locked on one of the flying solid bullets. The projectile that was struck quickly and carried terrifying power was shot back quickly as if there was no power to resist!

The reason why he was able to achieve something just now was because he caught the opponent by surprise.

Looking at the solid projectile flying upside down in the blink of an eye, Jiang Heng immediately felt a chill behind him.

Can't escape!


too fast!

Then stop!

The third floor of the Nine Dragons Prison Lock Code!

As the qi and blood in the body were further stimulated, the terrifying qi and blood hit Jiang Heng's entire body like a roaring tsunami at this moment.


The sound of bone cracks resounded quickly in the body, and even the spine that was about to be fully tempered behind had slight cracks!

At this moment, Jiang Heng only felt that his eyes were blood red, which was the backlash caused by too much pressure.

Can't bear it!

It can only erupt in an instant, otherwise, after a few breaths, the bones of the whole body will burst, and the internal organs will burst in an instant, and there will be no cure for medicine and stones!


Like a broken gong, Jiang Heng let out a roar, and the veins in his whole body began to burst.

Blood Fiend!

Ninth floor!

The right arm surged again! The flesh like iron sheet began to crack bloodstains, exposing the bright red muscles inside.


The scorching heat wave exploded from Jiang Heng's whole body, blowing a violent hot wind, billowing dust extremely.

Take half a step forward with your left foot, and step back with your right foot.


The bluestone floor sank suddenly.


The solid projectile bombarded directly, and the whole shape had been beaten into strange shapes. One was the trace that Jiang Heng pulled out before, and the other was the trace that the demon punched back.


boom! !

The soldiers closest to him bled from their seven orifices, and a wave of air visible to the naked eye suddenly surged, even overturning several people.

Jiang Heng's eyes were wide open. The moment he came into contact with the solid iron pellet, he felt his whole mind go blank, and then there was an explosion sound that was several times denser all over his body.

The bones of the right arm exploded first and merged into a ball of flesh and blood, followed by the scapula, sternum and spine, and finally transmitted to the right arm behind him.

At this moment, Jiang Heng, who was three meters long and covered in muscles, seemed to be hit by a force that ordinary people could not even The whole person slid backwards for tens of meters under this huge force.


The bullet exuded a smell of burnt flesh, and there was still a piece of flesh tightly attached to the bullet that landed.


A mouthful of blood spurted out, and Jiang Heng half-kneeled on the ground like a broken piece of meat. However, most of his spine was shattered, and he couldn't support his upper body at all.

It's over!

Jiang Heng only felt that every cell in his body was moaning in pain. This was a mighty power that he had never thought of before!

How strong is the three-layer stacked Dragon Strength?

He doesn't know very well, but it is definitely a mighty power of more than thirty cattle!

But even so, facing a casual blow from a demon, he was still as fragile as a child... Vulnerable to a single blow!

Jiang Heng raised his head with great effort, opened his blood-filled eyes and looked into the distance.

At this time, Jiang Ting and several silver armored guards and Xuanyi guards had already lifted down several bed crossbows first, and took the lead in pulling the ten bow bed crossbows next to him with all his strength!

The ten-bow bed crossbow is definitely a big killer on the battlefield, even a relatively strong county like Hengjiang County can be shot through with one arrow!

But such a bed crossbow usually needs several oxen to pull it to full string!

Jiang Ting still pulled it to the full string with his own strength, and he also worked hard. This fat body was already sweating profusely with blue veins.

Fortunately, Jiang Heng interrupted for a moment just now, otherwise he would not even have the chance to pull the string.


With a loud shout, Jiang Ting let go of his hands full of veins, and a very dull sound of bowing resounded, and the huge arrow, which was as long as a person, flew away with great force.

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