Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 1186: inherited!

Chapter 1186 Inheritance!

"Above the Wonderful Living Realm, it's called the Good Fortune Realm. You can penetrate the good fortune. This realm is too far away from you and me. I don't know, and I can't tell you the details."

Re-engraving Jiang Heng's dull way, obviously he didn't want to say anything more.

"Almost, it's useless for me to tell you this information." The gatekeeper smiled, "I have nothing to compare with you, well, you can go, you can go to the fifth palace, go to the fifth palace, But you can leave the Da Neng Dojo."

"Go." The gatekeeper smiled and then disappeared.

The surrounding darkness also receded, and the scorching sun in the sky was also revealed.

Jiang Heng turned into a light and continued to move forward.

After moving for about a few hours, I saw a magnificent and majestic palace. There are small ponds on the palace, which are dazzling. Some ponds are like gems and pearls. Blood red, some are full of sparkling light, and the divine light flickers like a god.

At the end of the corridor, there was a middle-aged man with exquisite armor and long fiery red hair floating, looking at Jiang Heng with a smile.褋

"Huh?" Seeing the middle-aged man with fiery red long hair floating not far away, Jiang Heng felt strange, "It doesn't seem like a living person, like a polymer of laws?"

"This is the last palace of Da Neng Dojo, the Zhongming Palace." The middle-aged man with long red hair smiled and looked at Jiang Heng, "Little friend Jiang Heng, you are the only one who has arrived here, and your strength is stronger than that of the previous year. Hongjun needs to be even better... well, you come with me first, and I will take you to choose the reward, which is also the reward for this time."

Jiang Heng nodded.

Every time a palace is used, the subsequent palaces can get three rewards.

Soon Jiang Heng finished his selection.

Jiang Heng checked. The rewards here do not have the origin of the world, but there are many treasures that are of great benefit to other people in the human universe. These things, the strong in the human universe have long longed for them. Jiang Heng himself can't use them, but he Can help one's own strong.

"Give me back the Qiongqi and Zhuyin rewards." The fiery red long-haired middle-aged man said.褋

"That's it." Jiang Heng had prepared it a long time ago, handed it to the other party, and asked doubtfully, "Don't you need to hand in the rewards of Senior Yuanfeng and Senior Chi?"

Chi beheaded Yuanfeng at the beginning.

And he killed Chi, those rewards naturally fell into his hands.

"This is your trophy, and it belongs to you." The fiery red long-haired middle-aged man said, "Follow me to the next place. Once you go, you can leave the Almighty Dojo."

Jiang Heng secretly sighed, the spoils belong to himself, obviously the Da Neng Dojo doesn't care about the fighting and competition between each other, and perhaps encourages this kind of fighting.

After all, this can be regarded as a kind of training, which belongs to the selection of survival of the fittest. In fact, the Hairen in the Da Neng Dao Field killed many people, so it can be seen... the screening mechanism of the Da Neng Dao Field exists all the time.

Jiang Heng also followed the fiery red long-haired middle-aged man to walk in the fifth palace 'Zhongming Palace'.褋

The Bell Ringing Palace exudes an ancient and majestic aura, which makes people frightened.

The previous palaces were very ordinary palaces, but this place in Jiang Heng felt unusual.

The palace here seems to contain an inconceivably terrifying coercion, which seems to be the aura left by some extremely terrifying strong man, enough to suppress and kill him in an instant.

"The senior in the dojo spent so much effort to screen everyone, what is the reason for this?" Jiang Heng secretly said, "Send us out after a while? It shouldn't be, there must be some other purpose. Well, go to this place now. place, it should be able to solve the mystery.”


Jiang Heng and the fiery red long-haired middle-aged man walked all the way, and came to a floating island. On the floating island, there were seemingly ordinary thatched huts piled up with thatch.

"This is the master's Taoist temple." The fiery red long-haired middle-aged man pointed at the ordinary, even dilapidated thatched cottage. Although it looked dilapidated, it was faintly the core of the entire Zhongming Palace.褋

In front of the thatched house, there is a huge stone.

"The people you brought with you, let them all come out." The fiery red long-haired middle-aged man ordered

"Yes." Jiang Heng nodded, and as soon as his mind moved, many people appeared around him, including a group of seniors from the universe, Zhu Yin, senior Qiongqi, Zhenwu, Yan, etc., all looked around in amazement. Many seniors showed signs of surprise.

"It's not the Ancient Demon Palace."

"It's the new palace."

"This must be the last palace, we are about to leave this place, and we will be able to get out soon."

The seniors were excited almost instantly, and they also noticed Jiang Heng and the middle-aged man with fiery red long hair.褋

"Jiang Heng, this is the last palace, right?" As one senior spoke, the rest of the seniors also looked sideways.

Jiang Heng nodded and smiled: "This is the last palace, Zhongming Palace."

"Hahaha, wonderful! Wonderful! Brother Jiang Heng did a great job!"

"Brother Jiang Heng, in the future, I will be dispatched, so you can send me whatever you want, even if you let me wait to die in battle, I don't care. Haha! His mother is finally able to go out!"

"Brother Jiang Heng, I won't say too much, thank you!"

These seniors were all very excited, and even shed a lot of excited tears. For them, this was no less than a new life.

They are all senior experts, and once they make a promise, they will definitely fulfill it. If Jiang Heng wants to ask them to take action in the future, if they don't take action, it will affect their cultivation.褋

"Okay." The middle-aged man with fiery red hair said calmly.


An invisible coercion spread from the thatched It was like an invisible big hand, pressing on everyone in an instant. This large group of seniors were all crushed to the ground, only Jiang Heng did not be affected in any way.

Jiang Heng was terrified, and all the seniors were terrified at this moment. It was too scary. There were nearly ten of them. Together, they would be crushed to the ground without any resistance in an instant.

This is not physical suppression. If the master of this coercion takes action in real life, it will only make them die.

"It's really powerful. The realm and means of a senior who can create an extraterritorial dojo are beyond my imagination." Jiang Heng secretly said.褋

"You only follow Jiang Heng to hope to leave this place. You are nothing more than ants." Dan Mo, a middle-aged man with long red hair, said, "Now you all take turns injecting your spiritual thoughts into that boulder."


All the seniors were very excited before, but now they are cautious, and they dare not neglect at all, lest they lose their lives.

Zhu Yin walked in the front and was the first to inject his spiritual thoughts into the boulder. The moment he injected the boulder, he saw his body start to freeze. This scene made all the seniors feel worried.

Seeing this, Jiang Heng also showed worry, but worry was of no use, the coercion emanating from the thatched hut alone could easily obliterate all of them.

The middle-aged man with fiery red long hair glanced at Jiang Heng, felt Jiang Heng's worry, and said calmly, "Don't worry, it will be fine."

Spiritual thoughts were poured into the boulder for about tens of breaths before he came to his senses.褋

Withdrawing her divine sense, Zhuyin looked at the boulder with an unbelievable expression on her face.

"Get off!" shouted the middle-aged man with fiery red hair.

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