Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 1185: Break through 4th order

Chapter 1185 Breakthrough to Tier 4

Jiang Heng smiled slightly, and even with his full strength, the opponent could not hold his breath for one or two breaths.

Jiang Heng is very satisfied with this, which shows that his artistic conception of war is indeed very strong, and it also means that his direction is correct.


Jiang Heng's voice quickly pierced into the void, and his psychedelic figure seemed to be traveling through time and space, hiding quickly and violently.

As Jiang Heng continued to advance and came to an area, he suddenly found that the surrounding sky began to darken rapidly, and soon the scorching sun in the sky disappeared and completely fell into darkness.

The weapons and many other weapons on both sides of the corridor are faintly glowing. If there is no such faint light, I am afraid that this place has been completely plunged into darkness.

"It's not right!" Jiang Heng secretly said.

Soon, a black-haired man who was exactly the same as Jiang Heng was seen in the distance. He sat cross-legged on the ground, waiting for Jiang Heng to arrive, and suddenly opened his eyes to look at Jiang Heng.

There is no emotion in those eyes, and there is only darkness, like endless darkness, without any breath.

"Let's look at supernatural powers first." The black-haired Jiang Heng said indifferently.

Jiang Heng turned his head to look at the supernatural powers that appeared on one side of the wall. The supernatural powers began to be practiced, from simple to complex exercises. Looking at Jiang Heng, he couldn't help being shocked. After a full hour, Jiang Heng didn't even look back. Come on.

"Get ready to start." Jiang Heng stood up, and a spear appeared in his hand.

Jiang Heng woke up with a start.

"What kind of supernatural power is this?" Jiang Henglian asked.

"The supernatural power is called Zhanpo!" Jiang Heng said.

"Break the soul? Cut the soul? Is it a supernatural power specifically for the soul?" Jiang Heng felt a huge shock just by watching it. will become the living dead.

He is very clear that he cannot cultivate this supernatural power by himself, because the complexity of this set of supernatural powers is definitely not something he can comprehend with a single glance.

The complexity of this supernatural power is no less than his current God of War law, and his God of War law has incorporated almost all the laws he knows to have such a scale.

So what is the level of this magical power called Zhanpuo?

"Let's start." Jiang Heng said indifferently.

Jiang Heng nodded, and a golden light appeared all over his body.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

The two afterimages flashed, and they had already fought.

Two supernatural powers, one side is the artistic conception of war, and the fist shadow is violent. It is the fusion of the essence of many laws such as the two ways of order and reincarnation, the two ways of time and space, etc.

On one side is the soul-destroying artistic conception, which was left by the creator of the powerful dojo here back then. Although it is different from the human cosmic avenues such as the second way of order and reincarnation, it is also shocking.

Boom boom boom!


The two sides fought, and the two of them almost didn't want to give way, and they kept fighting together.

In a short period of time, the fighting was evenly matched.

The supernatural powers of both parties have their own special features, and both can be regarded as existences whose laws are infinitely close to the fourth level. If the strength can be stronger and the artistic conception is stronger, then it is the real fourth-order level. If the connotation is more powerful and contains the power of the world, then it is the old strong.

"It turns out that the law can still be like this!"

Jiang Heng had observed the soul-slaying supernatural power many times on the huge wall before, and seeing the gatekeeper perform it in person, he immediately began to understand some of the methods gradually.

In an instant, perceptions of this supernatural power flooded into my mind.

There is a huge difference between Jiang Heng and this gatekeeper.

This gatekeeper, what he used the most was that set of supernatural powers.

And Jiang Heng was able to draw insights from this gatekeeper, and even began to integrate into his own God of War laws.

Although the process of trying, because he is not very familiar with it, he is still suppressed at an extreme disadvantage, but Jiang Heng's own strength is constantly improving.

His supernatural powers began to become more treacherous, and many soul-like attacks appeared, becoming stronger and more lethal!

This battle continued until several months, years, and hundreds of years, and the two were still fighting fiercely.

Both sides didn't show their hole cards, they just simply competed with each other's fighting skills and the mysteries of magical powers.

Jiang Heng began to strengthen and integrate his perception of this supernatural power, constantly absorbing the artistic conception and use skills of this supernatural power.

The rapid progress visible to the naked eye made Jiang Heng very excited.

He is very clear that his current God of War law has reached the limit that he can achieve at present, even if he continues to improve, the progress of his improvement will not be too great.

At most, suppressing this gatekeeper is nothing more than that, and it is impossible to completely defeat the opponent. UU Reading

"Well is this...?"

Jiang Heng was stunned suddenly, and the speed of punching became stagnant for a moment.


The point of the spear suddenly pierced Jiang Heng's body, causing Jiang Heng to fly upside down and move away.

"Why did you stop all of a sudden?" The gatekeeper stood there and frowned, obviously the opponent's God of War was stronger than him.

If it continues, even if Jiang Heng's progress is negligible, he intends to let Jiang Heng enter the fifth palace.

But he noticed that Jiang Heng was slowly improving, so various cumbersome changes in supernatural powers were constantly oppressing Jiang Heng. He planned to keep oppressing this kid to see if he could improve.

It's just because the original intention of the Almighty who founded this place was to sharpen the people who broke through here, to cultivate real geniuses, and even heirs.

Since Jiang Heng is absorbing insights, he will naturally not stop.

But Jiang Heng stopped suddenly, which made the gatekeeper very confused.

Jiang Heng floated above the corridor, his eyes confused.

But in his mind, there seemed to be a scene of the creation of the universe, just like the scene of the strongest man opening up the universe of the human race back then!


The operation method of Zhanpoul supernatural power is completely different from the supernatural power of the human universe. But there are still similarities.

And this also directly points to a core, that is the essence of supernatural powers, which is the key to excavating the avenue of law.

So when Jiang Heng fused this exotic supernatural power, the mystery of the soul-slaying supernatural power and the God of War law into it.

Suddenly, boom, there was a roar in his brain, and he seemed to be completely enlightened.

The peak limit of the third level of God of War, and the layer of membrane that has always been separated from the fourth level, began to tear apart at this moment.

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