Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 1166: Earth Temple

Chapter 1166 Earth Temple

Suddenly swift!

Suddenly fierce!

Fanwu holy body, six arms, crazy attack, kill, kill, kill!

Faster! quick! quick!

The Phantom God only held the blade, and the blade surrounded the manic hurricane, and the shadow of the sword turned into a huge wind net, completely blocking all Jiang Heng's attacks.

"Fast! Even faster! Power! Stronger!"

Jiang Heng's Brahma Martial Saint Body is covered with a misty golden light. This is a dazzling golden light, and at the same time, it is lingering with **** power and Dao law. But no matter how crazy and fierce Jiang Heng was, he was still restrained by that seemingly ordinary sword.

It was as if there was a big net firmly restraining him, making his attacks invisible.

After a fierce battle for a long time, Jiang Heng's internal strength began to be exhausted rapidly.

"Hehe, you are not enough, but with this level of strength, you are still not enough!" Phantom God laughed, and the blade completely suppressed Jiang Heng.

Jiang Heng was still attacking wildly, covering and attacking like indiscriminate bombing.


Seeing the Holy Physique of Fanwu, he trembled all over, and the divine body once again erupted with terrifying power!

"Continue to use the power of interior scene? Hehe, the technique is too bad!"

The phantom **** didn't care at all, even though Jiang Heng continued to explode with power, and even he was in front of the phantom god, but the phantom god's sword still touched Jiang Heng, and the blade of the sword immediately dispelled Jiang Heng's onslaught, The onslaught of six arms and six punches only touched the corners of Huan Shen.

But at this time, Jiang Heng opened his arms wide.


The six arms suddenly soared and rushed towards the phantom god!

This time it was too abrupt, the previous explosion of inner scene power was just a feint, Jiang Heng's purpose was always to make himself closer to the opponent! From the beginning to the end, he just wanted to seize the opportunity! Opportunity to be near each other!


Huan Shen was startled and was about to move quickly, his speed was also extremely fast, Jiang Heng's pounce only grabbed Huan Shen's left arm.

"Heh, so what if I give it to you?" Phantom God sneered, he was condensed by the hurricane, his whole body could be turned into a part of the wind, and at the same time he could be quickly condensed by the wind.

His arm quickly weathered and disappeared.

The other hand held the blade, and continued to restrain Jiang Heng's swift pounce.


Suddenly a big hand pierced through the chest of Phantom God.

In an instant, the horror in the phantom god's eyes was beyond words, and he...was actually injured?


Immediately afterwards, the phantom **** quickly turned into nothingness, and immediately condensed a figure nearby. He was full of disbelief, and Jiang Heng was suspended there.

"This is an incarnation?!" The phantom **** looked at the two identical Jiang Heng.

"You just wanted to catch me. In fact, you still want to create a chance for the avatar to hurt me?" Huan Shen stared at Jiang Heng with a serious expression on his face.


Jiang Heng nodded. He has nothing to admit, "Your skills are indeed far better than mine. In this respect, I am no match. So I can only use my brain."

"First, the power of the inner scene broke out, and then he suddenly pretended to be close to me, and then it was still fake, and it was still a chance for you to make a move next time!" Huan Shen said with an ugly expression.

"That's right, to be precise, each of my avatars has exactly the same strength, so it's more than enough to divide them!" Jiang Hengdan laughed.

"Although my physical supernatural powers are powerful, my attack is also very strong and domineering, but your speed is too fast, even if it is so, I can only grab your arm." Jiang Heng shook his head and sighed.

"If a plan fails, it's another blow. Your idea is very good." Huan Shen shook his head and said, "Strategy is also part of the skill, and I have nothing to say about it."

"No way, since you can't beat it, you can only use tricks." Jiang Heng sighed.

In the case of unequal strengths, you can't expose too many hole cards at the beginning, you can only surprise them, and first show them weak.

Even in the case of constantly exploding the power of the inner scene without thinking about his own body, it was just to paralyze him.

The opponent is so strong and has extremely high skills, Jiang Heng can only make a bad move.

"This is what I didn't expect you to have such a powerful incarnation." Huan Shen shook his head and sighed, "Not only are each incarnation exactly the same, but they also have almost the same supernatural powers as the main body. You should have more than one incarnation."

Jiang Heng smiled.

"Forget that you have passed the level!" Phantom God stood up with his sword back, turned his head and left, turned into a hurricane and quickly disappeared in the hurricane.

Seeing this, Jiang Heng let out a sigh of relief.

"It's finally over." Jiang Heng breathed out lightly.

"Although I have known for a long time that this phantom **** is very powerful, but this is too exaggerated. I have tried my best, and the internal power in my body is almost exhausted. If the last trick is still useless, I can only escape back to the palace." Jiang Jiang Feeling helpless.

Everything is for the final blow to decide the world.


Jiang Heng paused for a moment, and soon the sound of thunder came from not far away, and soon Zhenwu's figure also appeared.


"Huh? Uncle Zhenwu, are you throwing away that phantom **** incarnation?" Jiang Heng also asked suspiciously.

"It's impossible to get rid of him. Once he sees him, he will chase after you. I stayed in the palace for a while and came here after he left. But then I can only stay In your interior, so that you can enter the next palace."

Zhenwu looked at Jiang Hengdao.

Hearing this, Jiang Heng also nodded, he understood, after all, he also knew that if he wanted to pass the customs, everyone had to pass the customs in a real way.

Otherwise, you can only be a smuggler like a real martial artist, and of course you must have companions who can pass the level.

Zhenwu is extremely good at speed, but weak in attack and kill.

In terms of speed, his speed is comparable to the top sequence of interior scenes.

At this level of strength, the suppression of law attributes may be one aspect, but rank is more important.

Zhenwu is the cultivation of the Law of Thunder to an extremely high level.

Zhenwu quickly turned into a ray of thunder, directly submerged into Jiang Heng's body, and immediately Jiang Heng stopped staying, and quickly moved in the air and flew to the distance.

Although it is difficult for the Space Dao to completely tear apart this space, short-distance teleportation is not a problem.

After moving for half a day, about tens of thousands of light-years away, Jiang Heng slowly slowed down.

I saw a small island appearing directly in front of it, and there was also a khaki palace on the small island, and on the small island, I could feel the strong power of earth elements inside.

"Tuxing Palace?" Jiang Heng quickly landed on this Tuxing Island.

This is also the second palace among several palaces.


At this time, there is a big mountain on the island. On the wall of the mountain is a pair of stone carvings. On the painting of the stone carvings are various moves demonstrations of the Faceless Man.

Jiang Heng's attention was immediately focused on this.

A mural of phantom gods is holding a sword blade and practicing sword moves. The sword moves range from simple to complex, and the moves become more and more mysterious. Jiang Heng fought fiercely with the phantom **** before, and when the phantom **** mural showed every move, Jiang Heng had a feeling. After a long time, that feeling gradually became clear.

"Huh!" Jiang Heng exhaled softly.

"Sure enough, it's a very miraculous move. Unfortunately, I'm walking in the physical way." Jiang Heng's body suddenly froze, and he stood there in a daze.

Suddenly, something suddenly came to his mind, isn't the sword also part of the war?

My current law of war has transformed into the law of the **** of war.

And the way of the sword, the way of the sword, and even the laws of various weapons that can contribute to the war can all be integrated into it.

"So that's how it is!" Jiang Heng closed his eyes and realized it carefully.

Gradually, a wave of sentiment gradually diffused around Jiang Heng, and then formed a series of phantoms of war, gold and iron horses, all kinds of swords, guns, swords and halberds, all kinds of weapons appeared around Jiang Heng, forming phantoms one after another, surrounding Around Jiang Heng.


Jiang Heng stood up slowly, raised his hands and feet, and waves of blood-colored evil energy surged and circled around him.

"War! This is the real power of war! No wonder Xing Tian was so strong back then, but maybe Xing Tian didn't go this far.

He is only displaying his strength by virtue of his innate talent as a god, which makes his power of war appear very superficial and superficial.

Obviously it is the power of war, but they don't know how to tap the power, and this great talent is wasted for nothing! "

Jiang Heng felt extraordinarily happy. He didn't expect that the law of war obtained by relying on Xing Tian's power would change to this point step by step.

From the law of war that was only a demigod at the beginning, it transformed step by step to complete mastery, and then transformed into the law of a **** of war, reaching a state equal to that of Xing Tian back then.

But now it directly raises the level of this law by one step.

And at this point, the law of God of War has reached the point where it is comparable to the order of reincarnation.

Compared with order and reincarnation, the God of War law is almost equal to the law of attack and killing of the Dao of Destruction.

Mastering the laws of God of War right now is no less than allowing Jiang Heng's strength to make a huge leap in a short period of time.

After calming down for a while, Jiang Heng turned his eyes to this earthen palace. There are more intense earthen laws around the earthen palace, which is full of incomparable sense of weight.

"Huh." Thunder light flickered on Jiang Heng's body, and a figure appeared beside him in the next moment, it was Uncle Zhenwu.

"Nephew Jiang Heng." Martial Uncle Zhenwu came out and shouted with a smile, and then looked around, he was stunned.

The incomparably thick earth-moving law, as well as the land and palaces all earthy yellow, have a completely different style from the Illusory God Palace.

"This is, here unexpectedly..." Uncle Zhenwu looked at it and muttered to himself.

"This is the second island, the Earth Palace." Jiang Heng said.

"You're really here. Hahaha...Okay, okay." Uncle Zhenwu turned his head to look at Jiang Heng, his eyes filled with excitement, "Nephew Jiang Heng, that's great, great, I didn't expect that I still have one more Hi can step into this second palace!"

In fact, Zhenwu still didn't have much confidence in Jiang Heng before.

After all, Jiang Heng hadn't shown much strength in front of him before, but he just vaguely felt that Jiang Heng's law strength was very good, but his rank was very low.

However, the interior scenes are exceptionally stable, not much different from those top interior scenes.

It was also because of this that Zhenwu decided to gamble on Jiang Heng, wanting to see how far Jiang Heng could go. It would be best if he could pass all the palaces smoothly.

Although in this way he won't get anything from real martial arts, and the inheritance has nothing to do with him, but being able to see all the scenery of this powerful dojo can be regarded as an increase in knowledge.

Especially the laws here, the characteristics of the laws of various exotic styles, it is also a great thing to understand more.

If there is a Thunder Palace, it would be great, even if you don't do anything, just feel there, and believe that you can go further with the Thunder, and reach the point where one dharma overwhelms ten thousand dharma.

Jiang Heng had been comprehended for a long time because of watching the stele. Even though Jiang Heng felt that it was very short-lived, it only passed for a moment, but in fact it took two days.

"Luck is the majority." Seeing Zhenwu appearing, Jiang Heng smiled and said.

"Being able to pass the level is part of strength no matter what." Uncle Zhenwu said with emotion, "No matter what, I finally left that damned phantom island, and I don't have to look at that damned phantom again. I've had enough of that damned place. gone."

Zhenwu did have a great resentment towards the phantom god, after all, he was trapped in that ghostly place for hundreds of millions of years, and it was really disgusting to look at the phantom god's face all day long.

"Senior Phantom God is actually not bad, he gave me a lot of insights." Jiang Heng said sincerely.

"Hey. The phantom **** is indeed not bad. Although this old boy's words are a little bit damaged, when he meets a strong opponent, he will throw some water from time to time, so that he won't really kill you. But when you are alone, stay in the The same place has been in the same place for hundreds of millions of years, and it is always in fear. No matter how good the place is, it is still a purgatory." Uncle Zhenwu continued.

"Let's go, let's stop talking here, go up and have a look. See who is guarding this palace."

"Let's go, then go and have a look." Jiang Heng also nodded.

Jiang Heng and Uncle Zhenwu walked and watched on the Tuxing palace, and soon discovered a towering palace complex with continuous ups and downs. UU reading

Before I went inside, I saw a man with disheveled hair sitting cross-legged at the gate of the palace.

Terran? !

The moment they saw this man, Jiang Heng and Zhenwu both looked tense, but they were taken aback immediately.

Why is it a human race again.

Jiang Heng couldn't help looking at Master Zhenwu, and said to himself, didn't you always say that you are the only one left here? How come there are still living human races?

At this time, Zhenwu was also full of confusion. He looked at the old man with disheveled hair and shaggy face, and frowned.

"I wonder if this senior is..."

When Zhenwu asked, he was vigilant and suspicious. He did not rule out that this was a disguise of the guards. After all, there was a lesson from the phantom god.

Before the guardian's ability is known, no one knows whether the person in front of him is an enemy or a friend.

Hearing the movement, the old man slowly opened his eyes, recovering from the almost tortoise-like state, he opened his cloudy eyes to look at Jiang Heng and Zhen Wu.

" have a junior here, my name is Yan!"

Xu Shi hadn't spoken to outsiders for too long, this person spoke intermittently, but soon gradually became more agile.


Hearing this, Jiang Heng couldn't help looking at Uncle Zhenwu, he was unfamiliar with this name, although he had heard about many things in ancient times from his master. But the details are still too little.

And it goes back to before the time of the gods, the ancient times, the ancient times, and even less is known.

"Yan? This name, I really want to have a little impression." Zhenwu also frowned and thought. Previous Chapter Contents Bookmarks Next Chapter

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