Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 1165: full strength

Chapter 1165 Full Power

"It seems that there is still some strength." Phantom God smiled while carrying the dark red stone blade.

Jiang Heng raised his eyes slightly.


Flipping the palm of the hand, an imaginary giant ax appeared in the palm of the palm, and the next moment the giant ax suddenly fell, as if piercing through time and space, and slashed towards the phantom **** in a strange and unpredictable manner.

"Peng." The phantom **** held the dark red stone sword blade, and with a flick of the blade, it hit the giant axe, and the giant axe shattered instantly.

"Huh?" Jiang Heng's face changed, "Chop! Chop! Chop!"

The illusory giant ax emerged one after another and cut down continuously.

The phantom **** walked forward leisurely, swiping the dark red stone blade casually several times, the tip of the sword drew circles, and easily smashed on the giant axes that seemed mysterious and unpredictable, puffing and puffing , and shattered several slashes one after another.

"That's the only move?" Huan Shen half-closed his eyes, his expression very helpless, "That would be too boring."

Speaking of this, the phantom **** rushed forward with a dark red stone sword blade, which turned into a dark red stone light.

"Swords are forbidden here!" Jiang Heng thought together, and the Tao of Order erupted instantly.

Immediately after grabbing with both hands, a big ax appeared on the left and right, and at the same time, a majestic interior force poured into it, and the six paths transformed by the way of reincarnation were also poured into it, so that the speed and power of the giant ax suddenly increased, making it even more powerful. Quickly, cut towards the phantom **** in a strange and unpredictable way.


The Phantom God finally showed a dignified expression, and the sword blade he was holding gradually changed to holding the blade with both hands.

Wow, with a flick of the blade, countless streams of sword energy appeared in the air, and layers of hurricanes seemed to form hurricane vortexes to continuously form around his body.

Immediately afterwards, these hurricanes quickly condensed into a wind beam, and the wind beam condensed into a thin line, which was cut out instantly.


It hit Jiang Heng's giant ax again, even though it contained the inner scene and the way of reincarnation, it still collapsed instantly.

"Not bad, not bad!" Phantom God's eyes lit up, "Hahaha, it's interesting this way, keep going!"

I saw the phantom **** rushing towards him quickly, his figure was unfathomable, sometimes turning into a gust of wind, sometimes turning into a wisp of wind line, with an unknown trajectory, constantly turning left and moving, and quickly flying towards Jiang Heng .

Obviously, this is the phantom **** going all out.

"Can this be blocked by him?" Jiang Heng felt inexplicably terrified. Using the power of inner scene in this way is extremely huge for him. If he uses it continuously like this, he may be exhausted within dozens of times!

"Town!" Jiang Heng shouted in a low voice, with veins all over his body.

With a flick of the wrist, this time it was punched one after another, and each punch was caused by the internal force in the body.

"Hahaha, happy! Happy! Happy!" Phantom God laughed wildly and sneered.

Boom boom boom!


The constant bursts of multi-law and interior power, no matter how frequent the attacks are, are still smashed by the blade of the phantom god, and the hurricane level he controls seems to be extremely high.

"Not good!" Jiang Heng suddenly felt that this was a big trouble.

At this time, the phantom **** had already arrived in front of him, and Jiang Heng didn't have time to think about it. His physical body changed again, shining golden light, and transformed into the body of the three-eyed and six-armed Holy Physique in the next instant.

At this time, the Brahma Martial Saint Physique is no longer what it used to be. The Brahma Martial Saint Physique is a supernatural power of the physical body with the core of infusing more essence and blood.

Since Jiang Heng stepped into the inner scene, he has been constantly collecting the blood of various powerful beings with physical bodies, and even integrated into the martial arts, Wuwei Taoist, and Li Shen used the blood of these three inner scene-level powerhouses.

Even after the resurrection, a lot of blood essence from ancient times was found in the storage space of Taoist Wuwei.

With a stretch of Jiang Heng's figure, it was like a **** of war killing the phantom god.


With a powerful blow, the phantom **** flew backwards at the moment of the fight.

His complexion changed, and his whole body quickly swayed the hurricane to control his figure.

"It's very strong!" Jiang Heng spun in mid-air, and also gave a low shout, and with a bang, he stomped his foot into the void, and the void suddenly surged with an extremely manic hurricane, and his figure was like a shooting star. Headed towards Jiang Heng to cull and kill.

Whoosh whoosh!


There was a loud noise, Jiang Heng's body rolled slightly backwards and went tens of meters away, and then quickly turned into a shooting star to kill the phantom god.

"Good boy, I didn't expect that the flesh body is your biggest hole card. Such a powerful flesh body secret technique, I have an idea! Haha! I have an idea!"

Phantom God laughed wildly there, while Jiang Heng felt a headache. This guy seems to have a lot of strength, and he seems to be able to overwhelm the other party when he compares his strength.

However, with so many powerful blood essences incorporated into the Brahma Martial Saint Physique, with full strength, I'm afraid it won't last long.

"Haha! Keep going, boy! It's so fun! It's so fun! The real martial arts before was just porcelain, and I was afraid that I would accidentally break him. But he is also smart, and the speed of escape really gave me a headache.

But you are right, interesting, power and strength, let's see who is more powerful, you or me! "

The phantom **** laughed wildly, leaping towards Jiang Heng.

Jiang Heng used the Brahma Martial Holy Physique, and when the phantom **** came in front of him, he suddenly moved.

Facing the stabbing sword, Jiang Heng didn't care. His six arms greeted the phantom god. If you hit you, go ahead and hit. Superposition, physical way, space-time barrier and you head-to-head.

I don't care, I just want to be reckless. I just need to catch you a chance, and it will be over.

With a stretch of Jiang Heng's figure, it was like a **** of war killing the phantom god.


With a powerful blow, the phantom **** flew backwards at the moment of the fight.

His complexion changed, and his whole body quickly swayed the hurricane to control his figure.

"It's very strong!" Jiang Heng spun in mid-air, and also gave a low shout, and with a bang, he stomped his foot into the void, and the void suddenly surged with an extremely manic hurricane, and his figure was like a shooting star. Headed towards Jiang Heng to cull and kill.

Whoosh whoosh!


There was a loud noise, Jiang Heng's body rolled slightly backwards and went tens of meters away, and then quickly turned into a shooting star to kill the phantom god.

"Good boy, I didn't expect that the flesh body is your biggest hole card. Such a powerful flesh body secret technique, I have an idea! Haha! I have an idea!"

Phantom God laughed wildly there, while Jiang Heng felt a headache. This guy seems to have a lot of strength, and he seems to be able to overwhelm the other party when he compares his strength.

However, with so many powerful blood essences incorporated into the Brahma Martial Saint Physique, with full strength, I'm afraid it won't last long.

"Haha! Keep going, boy! It's so fun! It's so fun! The real martial arts before was just a piece of porcelain, and I was afraid that I would accidentally break him. But he is also clever, and the speed of escape really gave me a headache.

But you are right, interesting, power and strength, let's see who is more powerful, you or me! "

The phantom **** laughed wildly, leaping towards Jiang Heng.

Jiang Heng used the Brahma Martial Holy Physique, and when the phantom **** came in front of him, he suddenly moved.

Facing the stabbing sword, Jiang Heng didn't care, his six arms greeted the phantom god, you hit you, go ahead, I rely on the strength of ** Xuangong, Fanwu Holy Body, and inner scene Superposition, physical way, space-time barrier and you head-to-head.

I don't care, I just want to be reckless. I just need to catch you a chance, and it will be over.

In order to grasp that glimmer of hope, Jiang Heng even used all kinds of magical powers at the same time, all kinds of magical powers also greeted the phantom **** all over his body, in order to force out a slight flaw in the opponent.


The blade in Phantom God's hand twisted violently, and the hurricane resurfaced, forming a huge hurricane tornado, entwining Jiang Heng's physical power in it.

Under the terrifying hurricane, Jiang Heng's space barriers covering the surface shattered one after another, the divine light of the divine body also rapidly dimmed, and even the divine soul seemed to be attacked by the hurricane.

What the **** is this hurricane? Can actually hurt the soul?

Immediately afterwards, the blade of the phantom **** suddenly pierced through the hurricane towards Jiang Heng!

Clang! ~~~~ The sword blade pierced Jiang Heng's divine body, making a crisp sound.

The huge kinetic energy caused by the stabbing also caused Jiang Heng to fly backwards, crashing into the bottom of the sea with a bang.

Jiang Heng's figure was about to rush out of the sea, but the next moment, horrible hurricanes began to roll up on the bottom of the sea. This hurricane formed a terrifying underwater vortex, and the vortex had an extremely irresistible pulling force.

Pulled by a huge force, Jiang Heng's figure wanted to rush out with all his strength, but this thing was like a big hand that kept grabbing his limbs and even all parts of his body.

Bind him firmly to the bottom of the sea.

Immediately afterwards, a strong sense of suffocation also came from all directions, accompanied by a sense of squeezing and oppression.

It was as if a horrible weight was forming on the bottom of the surrounding water, and the sea water seemed to have an extremely terrifying weight.

Far more than the one-element heavy water in this universe, the Taiyi True Water is heavier, as if gathering the majestic current of a universe.

Creak creak!

With a glance of Jiang Heng's eyes, he saw golden cracks appearing on the surface of his divine body.

The luster of many golden inscriptions also began to dim, which meant that the magical powers could no longer be maintained.

"Junior Nephew Jiang Heng, be careful, this phantom **** is good at controlling water and wind, and is even better at transfiguration."

At this moment, a thunderbolt exploded in the sky, and then Zhenwu appeared in the sky amidst the thunderstorms.

"Huo Huo, one can't win, are you planning to fight with the two?"

Seeing Zhen Wu appear, Huan Shen grinned, and saw that Faceless, who was somewhat translucent, began to flow out into two groups like water, turning into two identical figures, and his aura and combat power seemed not to have weakened at all.


Almost the moment Zhenwu appeared, one of the incarnations of phantom gods rushed towards Zhenwu.

Seeing this, Zhenwu cursed secretly, knowing the characteristics of this place, he gritted his teeth and threw a thunderbolt at the incarnation below, and at the same time turned his head and fled without looking back.

The next moment when Lei Guang appeared, he had disappeared in place, and the incarnation of the phantom **** also chased towards Lei Guang.

At this moment, Jiang Heng let out a low cry, and the sea area began to tremble violently as if boiling.

The divine body began to grow a little bit, and the physical body was propped up a little bit, and the entire sea area seemed to be lifted up by tens of meters.

It's not as if, but the real sea is rising.

Jiang Heng is also so angry that he is cursing his mother, how come this phantom **** has gathered most of the power of the nearby sea area, otherwise how could he be like lifting a whole when he wanted to rush out of the water?

What the **** thought it was fighting against the nearby waters, this was fighting against this sea.

Of course, this is an exaggeration. This sea seems to be endless. It can only be said that it has already competed with those within billions of light years nearby.

And the sea water here is also very unusual.

"Get up!"

Jiang Heng let out a loud shout, and as the surface of the sea was lifted, the entire sea began to tremble violently.

Cracks also began to appear on the surface of the body, and pieces of mottled golden streamer fell off the surface of the body.


Jiang Heng shouted loudly, and punched out, Peng!

The entire sea was suddenly crushed by the huge fist, and turned into a torrential water that rushed down in all directions.

"Phantom God! You are courting death!"

Jiang Heng yelled furiously, and rushed towards the phantom god.


"Haha! Little guy, how is it, how does it feel to be pressed by a sea? But you are not bad, you can have this strength, and you are still so young. It seems that you are the first in so many years! Not bad!"

The phantom **** didn't care about Jiang Heng's fury at all, but nodded approvingly, as if he was very satisfied with Jiang Heng's performance.


A punch that contains anger, contains multiple laws, the physical way, the holy body of the Brahma Martial Arts, the power of the inner scene, and the core power to destroy the two ways.


The phantom **** flew backward like a cannonball, and dense cracks began to appear on the transparent film on his surface.

Cracks appeared finely, but he didn't take it seriously, and these cracks healed enough! not enough! not enough! If you want to get past me, you have to come up with something else! "

Phantom God laughed, although he was very satisfied with Jiang Heng, but it was not enough, this is the rule.

In fact, if he could make a decision, he would definitely let him go.

But the rules set by the master are the rules, and he will never break the rules of the master.



Jiang Heng's eyes were red, and wisps of blood-colored flames began to emerge on the surface of the god's body, and a crazy fighting intent was brewing in his body.

It was Xing Tian's power that allowed him to gradually comprehend the God of War's law, which is more advanced than the law of war.

At this moment, even Jiang Heng himself didn't know that under the laws of war, his sanity had begun to fade slightly, replaced by a kind of extreme war excitement.

The violent fighting intent was boiling, but the fighting instinct remained undiminished, and a faint red spot began to appear in his eyes.

This is the weakness of the phantom god. Before that, he could not see through the opponent's weakness when he opened the fight with his nine-character formula.

But at this moment, he could see that it was because of the influence of the God of War Law, which led him to comprehend the Law of Fighting.

Sometimes genius is like that, and in certain areas, talent is greatly developed.

Maybe Jiang Heng didn't expect that he should have been silent for many years, but he would make a breakthrough at the law level under such a coincidence.

And this is because the pressure is too great this time, and Jiang Heng has not encountered such a large pressure for a long time.

Counting down the years, Jiang Heng has made rapid progress every time under extreme pressure. The greater the pressure, the greater the progress. Previous chapter table of contents bookmark back page

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