Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 1126: 8 masters

"Hehe, junior! You are already fine, why don't you quickly condense your godhead ranks and step into the realm of true gods?"

After some venting, Li Shen immediately looked at Jiang Heng.

At this time, Jiang Heng also saw the face of Li Shenjiang, who had always turned his back to him before.

I saw that Li Shenjiang had a middle-aged face, but he had a very dignified and solemn face, with a long beard and beautiful beard. Xu Shi hadn't taken care of him for too long, and he was crazy, which made his majestic face look a bit out of place.

"Thank you, senior!" Jiang Heng hastily cupped his hands in a bow.

Regardless of whether the other party is crazy or not, the etiquette should not be forgotten.

"Haha! Alright, you are a proud generation, and your future achievements will definitely be as good as this **** general. It's a pity that this **** general can't find His Majesty the God Emperor, otherwise I will definitely recommend you to His Majesty the God Emperor!" The look of immersing yourself in your fantasy.

Jiang Heng just nodded silently, and didn't say much. He was afraid that if he told the truth directly, this guy would go crazy even more thoroughly, and he wouldn't be able to cry if he was slapped to death by this person.

Ignoring God General Li, it was even more critical to break through to the Real God Realm. Jiang Heng quickly crossed his legs in the void, and absorbed the power of the baptism of the Heavenly Tribulation that escaped when the Heavenly Tribulation was eliminated.

This is the purest energy, which can nourish the soul and even the body and principles.

A mouthful of heavenly tribulation breath poured into his body, Jiang Heng only felt that his lungs were lightened, and then all the viscera, meridians, and bones burst out with vitality.

At the same time, the Sea Consciousness Space began to change. The Sea Consciousness Space, which was originally only a few million square meters, expanded rapidly at this moment.

One hundred million square meters, hundreds of millions of square meters, tens of billions of square meters, hundreds of millions of square meters, hundreds of millions of square meters, the sea of ​​consciousness gradually began to expand to one light-year, two light-years until the size of ten light-years.

The Sea of ​​Consciousness is the predecessor of Inner Scene, but the Inner Scene at this time is still only an illusion, and the existence of the fiction of the soul only exists in the illusion.

Only the dantian of the physical body begins to open up space, and the space of the dantian of the physical body begins to combine with the space of the sea of ​​consciousness. The combination of virtual and real means starting to step into the inner scene.

The symbol that represents the half-step interior is fusion, that is, the two begin to merge, which means stepping into the interior, while the real interior has already been merged.

The gap is not insignificant. During the half-step interior scene period, because the virtual reality has not been fully integrated, many methods seem to be able to use the power of the interior scene, but in fact there are many loopholes, especially when facing the real interior scene.

The complete combination of virtual and real means that the interior scene is flawless, and the power of the interior scene can be truly used unscrupulously.

If the half-step internal scene uses the power of the internal scene multiple times, it may cause the fusion progress to collapse, and a huge loophole will appear in the virtual and the real, thus destroying the way.

Jiang Heng didn't know it at this time, the sea of ​​consciousness space he opened up at this time is not insignificant.

You must know that the expanded sea of ​​consciousness space of a general true **** is only hundreds of millions of square meters, and this is already not a small space.

And Jiang Heng's True God Realm has such a majestic sea of ​​consciousness space, once stepping into the master's sea of ​​consciousness space, it will expand. When stepping into the peak master, the size of the expanded final sea of ​​consciousness means the size of the interior scene.

The size of the inner scene means the strength of the inner scene level powerhouse.

It can be said that Jiang Heng has laid a solid foundation, which is also related to his strong foundation before.

Because of the good luck jade butterfly, once Jiang Heng stepped into the realm of the true gods on one avenue, the other avenues could also use this to smuggle into the realm of the true gods.

This is also a trick that Jiang Heng has mastered many times when he used the Jade Butterfly to break through the realm, and it is related to the judgment of Tianjie.

Taking advantage of the power of Heavenly Tribulation not completely dissipating, Jiang Heng, regardless of Good Fortune Jade Butterfly's objection, began to frantically invest in various pills and treasures, and at the same time poured into it the redundant laws of the Space Dao Law that had already stepped into the Real God Realm.

"Don't go too far, kid!" Fortune Yudie cursed.

Of course he knew what bad idea Jiang Heng was planning.

But don't say what you say, Good Fortune Jade Butterfly still converts the energy pouring into it, not too much

Jiu Jiangheng felt the power of majestic and pure law emerging from his dantian.

Without any explanation, Jiang Heng Qiqi poured all these laws into the other Dao of Laws that were still at the ninth level.


The Tao of physical body follows the Tao of Space and takes the lead in stepping into the Realm of God.

A surge of fleshly body, Taoism, and Dao Dao is like a blood dragon galloping across the river with hundreds of limbs, and finally a blood-red sun is suspended above the space of Jiang Heng's Sea of ​​Consciousness.


Time Dao also stepped into the realm of true gods.

A gray-white power of time quickly floated above the space of the sea of ​​consciousness, forming a white vortex, which quickly disappeared and disappeared in the space of the sea of ​​consciousness.

Time is different from the physical body, it is an invisible thing, but Jiang Heng can clearly feel that the Tao of Time has stepped into the rank of a true god, and he has completely mastered a law of the Tao of Time.

Then there is destruction!

The Dao of Destruction forms a black hole vortex in the sea of ​​consciousness space, followed by the Dao of Reincarnation. The Dao of Reincarnation is divided into six, flying in all directions in the sea of ​​consciousness space, forming six vortexes of different colors, which also quickly disappear and disappear.

Immediately after that is order, and a scale is floating in the space of the sea of ​​consciousness. The scale symbolizes order, and it also disappears in the space.

Then comes power, which quickly wraps around the blood-red blazing sun that symbolizes the way of the flesh, causing the surface of the blood-colored blazing sun to swell several times.

The last is the air channel, which is a gaseous planet formed in the space of the sea of ​​consciousness and rises up.

So far, the avenues that Jiang Heng has mastered have stepped into the rank of true gods, and a surge of power surged in his body.

As the last ray of power from Heavenly Tribulation was absorbed by Jiang Heng, and finally merged into the limbs and bones to carry out a reborn transformation of the physical body, this also means that Jiang Heng has completely stepped into the true god!

And it is also a powerful true **** realm with eight complete avenues mastered at the same time.

"Good boy, as a teacher, it was only a complete rule when you stepped into the realm of true gods. Once you step into the realm of dominance, you will immediately be in the realm of dominance!" Taoist Wuwei praised.

He was a little excited, who would have thought that the situation where he would die before, would be resurrected in a blink of an eye, and he would become the true **** of the Eight Great Ways in one fell swoop.

Jiang Heng is also very happy, because after all the laws of the Eight Paths appear in the sea of ​​consciousness, the space of the sea of ​​consciousness expands again, ten light years, twenty light years, one hundred light years, one thousand light years, until the last three years. It took thousands of light years to stop.

The enlargement of the Consciousness Sea space may not be obvious in the Domination Realm, but this is the essence when stepping into the inner scene.

What's more, this is not completely without gains. The larger the space of the sea of ​​consciousness, the more terrifying its own martial arts coercion.

At the same time, Jiang Heng could clearly feel that he used the power of space law a little bit, which symbolized that the existence of other law levels would burst out correspondingly.

This kind of fluctuation will give multiple benefits to Jiang Heng's method of law!

"Is this the strength of the Dominant Realm?" Jiang Heng sighed, if the two rules entered the Dominant Realm, it would be a double increase.

The master of the achievement of the eight complete laws is the eight-fold increase, and every move contains terrifying power.

And this kind of increase is still increased again under the previous gain, that is to say, the increase of the two rules is 1+1 equal to

The three laws begin with 2 times 3 equals 6,

The rule of four is that 6 times 4 equals 32. By analogy, the eight rules are strictly equivalent to 53,760 gains.

This also means that Jiang Heng's punch is equivalent to 53,760 true god-level powerhouses all shooting at one point. Maybe the gain is not so clear, and there is a superimposed decay state, but no matter what, this punch will beat all the dominators!

As for the interior level, I'm sorry, even if it gains hundreds of millions of points, it can't compete with the interior level, because this is already the difference between jumping out and not jumping out.

Jiang Heng may be able to jump out of the interior-level powerhouse by virtue of the terrifying space path in the current 53760 buff situation, but that's all, he can only jump out, but he can't attack after jumping out.

The interior level can jump out, and it can also jump out of the outsider's means to realize the target


Jiang Heng can jump out and see it, but he just can't use the means of outsiders to attack.

It is not possible to attack with the means of outsiders by jumping out. Before forming your own inner universe, you cannot violate the laws of the local universe.

The reason why the inside-level powerhouses can attack with outsiders is because they can use their own inner universe to counteract the power of the local universe rules, so as to carry out strikes.

Xu was in order to verify Jiang Heng's idea of ​​wanting to test one or two, at this time Hogos came to stab again with a gun.

This time Jiang Heng also didn't notice it, but he seemed to feel that a crisis was approaching in the dark, he didn't hesitate, and the space of the real gods was running.

The benefits of many laws of the Dominion Realm shrouded, and the means of space Tao became extremely handy at this moment. Jiang Heng's senses began to change in an instant, and everything around him began to flatten.

The starry universe, which was originally gorgeous and real, is now displayed in Jiang Heng's field of vision like a picture scroll.

Not far away, there was still a figure that was incompatible with the surrounding picture-scroll scene. Jiang Heng saw the other party, and the other party also saw him, both of them were taken aback.

Although it was Jiang Heng's second time to jump out, it was the first time he jumped out to see a three-dimensional real living person.

Hogos didn't expect that the person in the painting just now appeared in front of him so vividly in the blink of an eye.

"Do you also have interior-level treasures? It shouldn't be. If you have, why didn't you just use them?" Hogos frowned in confusion.

But soon he suddenly realized that his face suddenly became gloomy.

"You broke through the Dao of space!"

He had seen Jiang Hengdujie break through the True God Realm the whole time, so he guessed that this must be a breakthrough in the Space Dao

up. It's just that with his imagination, he couldn't imagine that Jiang Heng had already broken through all the laws in one go.

"Boy, why did you come here suddenly?"

Just when the two were guarding each other with big eyes and small eyes, suddenly a figure emerged from the painting, suspended between the two of them.

The person who came was none other than General Li.

He looked around and locked his eyes on Jiang Heng and smiled.

"Senior, why are you here?" Jiang Heng was a little bit dumbfounded, this senior was stupid but he was really kind to him.

"Your boy is a talent, I have to keep an eye on it. I can't let other powers cut off the bull. Tell me, have you joined other big powers? If not, you might as well join my court. It's very good to hang out with His Majesty the God Emperor! "Li Shenjiang said very seriously.

Hearing this, Jiang Heng felt both dumbfounded and sad at the same time.

"This junior has not yet joined the forces, but if the senior can kill this person, the junior is willing to join the court!"

Jiang Heng thought for a while and smiled.

He really didn't lie about what he said. If he was defined by Li Shenjiang, then he really didn't join any force.

After all, the forces Li Shenjiang knew were the four ancient forces, but what he joined was the Great Zhou Empire, which was related to the four ancient forces.

As for being a teacher of Taoist Wuwei, it is true, but it does not mean that he has joined the court of God.

According to Taoist Wuwei, to formally join the court of God, you must have the tiger charms of one or more generals stamped, and you have to meet the generals to do this.

At least Jiang Heng had never met a divine general before, and this divine general Li in front of him was the first one.

"Oh? Just kill this kid?" Li Shenjiang was a little suspicious when he heard that, as if he felt that Jiang Heng was lying to him, he couldn't help but shouted majesticly, "Boy, do you know that it is a serious crime to deceive a **** general at will, if the **** general knows you If you lie, that **** will never forgive you!"

"Senior, don't worry, this junior will never lie. As long as the senior kills this person, the junior will have nothing to say about joining the court!"

Jiang Heng said very solemnly, it doesn't matter anyway, he was considered half of the gods, and even got the inheritance of the **** emperor, strictly speaking, he is still the disciple of the **** emperor.

"That's good! Cut this kid

not difficult! " Li Shen put on an expression of hugging me.

"You guys" Hogos couldn't stop trembling at this moment.

He has already seen that the person who suddenly appeared is the main god! Definitely a powerhouse at the level of the main god.


With this in mind, he no longer hesitated to slam the spear in his hand and projected it towards Li Shenjiang, hoping to block Li Shenjiang for a while.

But Li Shenjiang made a casual move, and dense chains suddenly appeared in his palm, and the chains bound the long spear.

The spear itself was extremely powerful, and its forward momentum seemed unstoppable, but being restrained by chains was like losing all spirituality, and it fell into General Li's palm all at once.

Li Shen frowned when he got this half-step interior-level treasure.

"A disgusting smell, I seem to have seen this kind of treasure with a disgusting smell before."

He squeezed the spear in his palm began to twist a little bit, and the surface quickly turned red, like a soldering iron.

The spear with all kinds of flesh and blood vessels attached to its surface was trembling and whining, and the flesh and blood on the surface were burning and burning.

As the flesh and blood were burned and turned into juice and dropped, the spear's true colors were finally revealed.

This is a silver-white long spear, and it seems that there are many animal totems of unknown exotic styles engraved on the surface.

"The disgusting aura inside has been destroyed by me. This treasure itself is still a good half-step internal scene treasure, which contains a little internal scene power. Here it is for you, kid. It is a gift from you for joining the Divine Court.

This thing will give you some insight into the future when you step into the interior scene, let's experience it carefully! "

As he said that, he had thrown the spear in his hand towards Jiang Heng casually.

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