Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 1125: mad general

"The second catastrophe is coming, don't relax! Recover quickly!" the voice of Taoist Wuwei sounded.

Jiang Heng also came to his senses, disregarding his rest, he quickly took out a lot of healing things and took them.

It's okay to say that the physical injury can be recovered quickly by operating the laws of the physical body. However, the consumption of the law can only be recovered slowly.

Jiang Heng was quite worried about how to face the next catastrophe in this state.

But soon a large amount of pure power of law gushed out from the dantian in his body, which not only made up all the power of law that Jiang Heng lost, but even had a surplus.

"Don't thank you boy! This old man is not helping you!"

The voice of Good Fortune Yudie suddenly sounded in his mind, and Jiang Heng was a little speechless, thinking that this old man was still as arrogant as ever.

But seeing that the other party helped him so much, he didn't say much.

Looking upwards, I saw that the five-color clouds had disappeared in the void, but something was looming back and forth, as if there were some living things moving in it.

Soon some scales appeared in the void, and Jiang Heng Tong Kong shrank suddenly. Is that a dragon?

dragon? !

Jiang Heng was surprised that the upper and lower limits of creatures like dragons are very high, and the lower limit may be like the reptile-like dragon that was bred in his small emerald jade cave, which was also called a dragon, and the upper limit of strength is also high.

That can't even be called a dragon, it can only be regarded as a snake with some signs of returning to the ancestors, and some of the more powerful ones are the beast dragons seen in the Milky Way.

The upper limit of the strength of those dragons is the domain master, which belongs to the race bred after the demigod's corpse is deformed, and is also bred with the help of the demigod's deformed existence with some signs of returning to the ancestors.

In fact, after the catastrophe in ancient times, many creatures in this world are actually the products of the transformation of the gods' bodies.

Except for the crazy and distorted creatures bred after the distortions in the first few generations, the offspring bred by them will gradually return to normal.

It can be said that the distortion is a kind of decomposing effect on the powerful life form of the gods, and after the decomposition, a large number of weak creatures will be bred again.

And some of these creatures will gradually show a little atavism. As for Jiang Heng, he is very clear that the phantom of the giant dragon he sees in front of him does not belong to any kind he has seen before.

He had an intuition that he might see the source of creatures like dragons!

"Ancestral dragon phantom!"

Taoist Wuwei's almost gasped voice told Jiang Heng the truth.

"Once the ancestral dragon phantom appears, it usually means the disaster of the dragon and phoenix true god! This is the most difficult disaster in the realm of the true god. How unlucky is your luck!"

Daoist Wuwei was in the inner universe at this time, and he felt a toothache. He should be happy that his apprentice can trigger such a catastrophe.

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But he is not happy at all now.

If it was before the last catastrophe, he would not be so entangled, he would only be ecstatic.

Isn't it the dragon and phoenix true **** disaster, he can help him avoid this disaster by paying some price with his inner scene level cultivation base. But now...what are you carrying?

Daoist Wuwei was a little desperate. This kind of heavenly tribulation, the general peak master, would be wiped out in the face of a single accident.

It is estimated that the help will not be successful, but the immature inner universe will be shattered by the powerful catastrophe. Even the real inner-level powerhouses dare not help easily.

Daoist Wuwei felt that he was still confident in his peak period. With the interior scenes achieved by the two top avenues of space and time, it is not a problem to block this catastrophe.

But what should I do now?

Jiang Heng looked at the sky with scorching eyes. At this moment, he already felt a biting crisis coming, the hairs on his back stood on end, and his martial arts will felt suppressed for a while, as if he was about to be crushed.

Before the catastrophe came, Jiang Heng's spine was already bent, and his bones were crackling.

How can I carry this?

Jiang Heng was bitter for a while, he felt that he didn't have to wait for the catastrophe to come, as long as he maintained this coercion, his body would disintegrate within a few minutes, and his soul and even his will to martial arts would be worn down a little bit.


There was a sound like the roar of the universe shaking, and a ferocious dragon's head was slowly poked out from the void.

The moment the dragon head appeared, Kacha Kacha crackled!

A series of shattering sounds sounded, and the bones engraved with densely packed natural inscriptions were as fragile as tofu at this moment. Jiang Heng had never felt so weak in the face of such catastrophe.

Feeling that the catastrophe of the outside world is beginning to take shape, the phantom of the ancestral dragon will come, Taoist Wuwei keeps pacing back and forth in his inner universe, which shows his complicated mood.

"Senior Good Fortune! Senior Good Fortune, can you..."


Hearing Taoist Wuwei's voice, Good Fortune Yudie hurriedly said.

"What are you thinking? This old man is the greatest and most powerful artifact, but I'm not an interior-level powerhouse. Don't ask me to help you with this thing. Even this old man can't stand it!"

Good fortune Yudie didn't have a good mood, he was not unable to resist, but he would suffer a lot of spiritual damage after resisting this catastrophe.

With the help of outsiders like this, the power of the dragon and phoenix will only be doubled, and resisting this catastrophe will kill his soul.

Although the remaining body still possesses the supernatural power of creating a jade butterfly, it is no longer himself.

Seeing that he couldn't fool the good fortune jade butterfly, Taoist Wuwei felt a headache for a while. The disciples he had paid so much to train were not for the sake of being killed by the catastrophe.

But so what?

He has nothing to do now!

For the first time, Taoist Wuwei was annoyed at why he didn't have the strength of the past. If he was still the same person as before, such a catastrophe would not be a problem at all!


A deafening dragon roar resounded, and the majestic and majestic dragon began to fly out of the void, and every scale was very clear in Jiang Heng's eyes at this moment.

Immediately after the dragon chant, there was a phoenix cry, and a huge fiery red bird with wings spread out to an unknown number of meters flew out of the void.

With the emergence of two phantoms, Jiang Heng felt a sharp pain sweeping his body, his body began to burst into **** mist, cracks began to appear on the surface of his soul, and the divine fire in the sea of ​​consciousness began to falter, as if he was encountering terror. windy.

"It's over! It's over!"

Seeing all this, Taoist Wuwei was almost desperate.

"Oh, Wuwei, you have a good vision, but it's a pity that your vision is too good. Your disciple is too good. How can you survive this catastrophe? You must die! What a pity! What a pity!"

The original ancient tree on the side is also full of emotion.

Who would have thought that it would not be wrong to accept a disciple who is too good. Isn't this catastrophe a death catastrophe?


Thunder and lightning wrapped around the giant dragon, and a dazzling and terrifying thunderball was brewing inside the dragon's mouth, and a fiery red, dazzling white fireball was brewing inside the beak of the fiery red giant bird.

Jiang Heng felt that the space within a few meters around him had almost solidified, and he had lost control over the space.

This is because the suppression of the terrifying rank has solidified the surrounding space and time, and there is no escape in this situation.

These two phantoms have far exceeded the coercion of the peak ruler, almost at the level of a false half-step interior scene, and have initially possessed the power of the original ancestor dragon and ancestor phoenix.

They would be the most terrible punishment of God except that they were not interior scenes and had no self-awareness!


In Jiang Heng's field of vision, everything is white, the attack has arrived, and the catastrophe has come!

Peng! Peng!

Unexpectedly, Jiang Heng closed his eyes and waited for a few minutes, but the expected feeling of being destroyed by the catastrophe and flying ash did not appear.

On the contrary, when the catastrophe came, I seemed to hear another strange noise!

this is?

Suspicious in his heart, Jiang Heng slowly opened his eyes, he didn't dare to let go of his perception, if he used his spiritual sense to perceive him, he was afraid of being shocked by the coercion of Heavenly Tribulation.

I saw above, in front of the two terrifying phantoms of the dragon and the phoenix, there was a majestic figure floating at this time. The opponent's body was in tatters, and it could only be seen from the tattered clothes that it seemed to be a very dilapidated ancient armor stomach.

And in the palm of the opponent is dragging an old pagoda. The surface of the pagoda is full of traces of time, but the terrifying fluctuations emanating from it can be vaguely felt.

who is this

Jiang Heng was puzzled and confused.

The current situation is very obvious, it is this strange and tattered person who defeated the catastrophe that almost caused him to die!

"Master! Do you know that this senior is..."

Jiang Heng had no choice but to turn to Taoist Wuwei for help, but Taoist Wuwei also fell into a momentary confusion at this time.

"This... smells a little familiar, but who is he?"

Too many years have passed, and he is just a remnant, and many things are not remembered clearly.

Moreover, the person in front of him really didn't have a good appearance. It is estimated that Taoist Wuwei would not be able to recognize the person in front of him even if his soul and body were intact.

"My little boy, this kind of talent must be the true inheritance of a certain powerful direct descendant. This **** will not bear your demise and come to help!"

The other party uttered the truth, but Jiang Heng found it strange no matter how he listened to it, it was a bit of an opera tone.

"The two of you are half-step powers who are close to half-step inner scenes, how can you bully the younger generation? Do you think that the rules set by the powers of the gods are false?"

Seeing this weird middle-aged man began to point at the dragon, phoenix and heavenly calamity above and scolded angrily.

Jiang Heng looked dumbfounded, and said that this senior's mind seemed to be a little abnormal.

"A general? Is he a general?" Taoist Wuwei seemed to think of something when he heard this.

"Master, this senior doesn't seem to have a good mind." Jiang Heng complained.

"Impossible! How could it be him?" Taoist Wuwei ignored Jiang Heng and muttered to himself, as if encountering something difficult to understand.

"Master, did you remember who this person is?"

"Judging from the fact that the pagoda is held in his hand, the other party claims to be a general. If the teacher guessed correctly, he should be one of the four great generals in Shenting, Divine General Li, also known as General Tota.

This person is at the peak of the Domination Realm. I remember that he once fought against the God Emperor when the catastrophe came. He once went out of the territory. At that time, our Shenting philosophy was to keep out the enemy.

It's a pity that it failed, and it didn't take long to hear the news of the death of this general Li Shen. At that time, he was not among the people who returned to the realm with the emperor's crown.

So now as a teacher, I dare not confirm whether it is this person! Moreover, his aura has also changed a lot. It is very different from the former Li Shen general, and his realm is also different. This person is at the inner scene level! "

Taoist Wuwei's words were full of uncertainties, and it was obvious that he was not sure either.

At this time, Li Shenjiang had already fought with Tianjie, and Jiang Heng retreated far away for fear of being affected.

Perhaps it was because of the involvement of outsiders that the power of this Heavenly Tribulation was stronger than before, but this Li Shenjiang is also very powerful, especially the pagoda in his hand is full of brilliance, and there are extremely terrifying dragons of law emerging from time to time , turning into chains that continuously entwine the galloping giant dragon and giant phoenix.

Judging by that posture, it is actually intended to suppress these two catastrophes with the pagoda in his hand.

"He smelted the inner universe into that pagoda. This pagoda is extraordinary. It is comparable to the original treasure, but now it seems to have been tempered, and the law and even the inner universe have been smelted. It's incredible!"

"Master, aren't you still convinced that this person is that Divine General Li?" Jiang Heng was suspicious.

"I had a lot of doubts before, but now it's gone. He is indeed God General Li. This method and aura do have a bit of the shadow of God General Li back then. This cannot be faked."

Daoist Wuwei stroked his beard with emotion, "Although I don't know what he has experienced as a teacher, if he really survived that catastrophe, and after so many years, he may have a chance to step into the Interior scenes are not impossible!"

"Hehe, Li Xiaozi is still alive, this old man didn't expect that." Even Old Shu was deeply moved at this time.

The three of them belonged to the same system, they were considered colleagues, and General Li Shen often sat in the Shenting on weekdays, and dealt with the ancient trees the most times.

In contrast, Taoist Wuwei who has his own dojo is a little less familiar with these two people.

"He seems to be in good condition, but his spirit seems to have been greatly stimulated. I don't know if it's because of his lack of spirit or what."

"Hehe, as long as he is still a human race, he is one of us. And the old man still has the confidence to wake up this kid!" Gu Shu smiled triumphantly.

Not to mention the conversation between the two old men, at this time Tian Jie has gradually shown his fatigue, and this general Li Shen is truly extraordinary.

Especially the pagoda in his seems to have become solid and thick for no reason because of the smelting of the inner universe of one side.

Coupled with the continuous blockage and interception of the chains of laws, the two catastrophes began to shrink and weaken until they were completely bound by the chains transformed by laws, and then they were dragged into the pagoda little by little.

It's just that before it was dragged in, Tian Jie seemed to know that the general situation was over, and he no longer maintained his shape and collapsed in all directions.


Watching his prey disappear, Li Shenjiang was stunned.

"Huh? What a cowardly little thief, he is actually proficient in such an unpredictable escape method. Even my **** general's eyesight can't detect it!"

Li Shenjiang looked very angry, and cursed into the air.

After cursing, he was still a little upset, and he used the pagoda to hit the void again, piercing through the void, and the high-dimensional world corresponding to the node here is a big hole.

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