Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 1088: luck path

"Do you think Tianji Dao is just good at deduction?!" Taoist Wuwei said in a tone that you take it for granted.

"Although the so-called Tianji Dao is not a top avenue, it is definitely the most special avenue. Although it belongs to the avenue of deduction, you can't completely attribute it to the avenue of deduction. Do you know what this avenue was called back then? ?"

"Could it be that it wasn't called this name before? How does this relate to the nature of the avenue itself?"

"The so-called Heavenly Mystery Dao was once called the Path of Luck, so you understand a little better?" Taoist Wuwei said with a smile.

"My teacher guesses that the reason why it is now called the Tao of Heaven's Secret is because the Dao has changed, and it is difficult for most of the Dao of Qi Luck to cultivate to a high level.

Generally speaking, luck can only be regarded as a truly unpredictable means if you step into the ninth level of the high position. For those below the high position, most of them are limited to deduction and have almost no other means.

After a high level, one can use the manipulation of luck, and one can know the past and past of this person by observing other people's luck at a glance. In short, there are some tricky means.

In other words,,,..version. 】

When I was a teacher back then, I saw a Dominator-level Qi Luck Dao guy, although he was a Dominator-level one, but he was the only one at that time who was a true God-level and above Qi Luck Dao guy.

At that time, it was said that this person was once a member of the Council of the Ancients, and later joined our Divine Court, and then entered the Temple of Stars.

From this, the teacher speculates that Qi Luck seems to be quite dependent on power, and must constantly change power. And the more powerful the forces at that time, the more they would agree with their goals.

He joined the Divine Court when the Divine Court was strong. After the rise of the Stars Temple, a large number of newly promoted demigods flooded into the Stars Temple. "

"Isn't this Erwuzi?" Jiang Heng couldn't help complaining.

"Twenty-five boys...that's an appropriate word. I can't understand that guy as a teacher. I once fought against this nagging guy once again, and wanted to try this guy's skills.


"Did Master win?" Jiang Heng couldn't help asking when Taoist Wuwei didn't say anything.

"That's not true, it's just that when I left in the end, I forgot everything about how I fought against him, and I even forgot why I went to find him at that time.

What also puzzled Wei Shi was that for a long time, Wei Shi couldn't remember the appearance and characteristics of this person, and he even forgot what the other person was called. It wasn't until after the catastrophe of the gods that I gradually remembered these things. Presumably, he had also fallen in that catastrophe, and the previous means of dissipating power had faded away. "

Taoist Wuwei's tone was rare to be dignified and confused, even with a trace of fear.

"Master, are you saying that Qi Luck Dao can erase or even tamper with other people's memory?" Jiang Heng felt very horrified.

This method is the most difficult to defend against. If even the memory can be tampered with by others invisibly, how can I still know who I am?

"It's not just as simple as erasing and tampering with memory. He once made a master-level powerhouse disappear from the world for 100 million years."

"Disappear? Did you kill him?"

"Kill? Killing is nothing more than killing the other party, but the traces left by this person still exist, other people's memories of this person, and the past traces left by this person in space and time. These will still exist. Teacher said The disappearance of this person is a real disappearance, not only other people's memory of this person, even space and time will not record the record of this person's existence.

From that moment on, there is no trace of that person in this world, even if that person stands in front of you, you will not notice the slightest trace of him. Taoist Wuwei sneered.

"How is this possible? This is a big way to directly affect the rules of the universe! Can a top Neijingtian-level power do this?" Jiang Heng said in shock.

"Of course not. No one can erase all the traces of other people in the universe, even the top power at that time could not do it. Only Qi Luck Dao can do it. My teacher guesses that this so-called may be Qi A higher-level application of luck, luck involves everyone. Mysterious and mysterious, we can't perceive it or detect it, but everyone exists.

However, the masters of Qi Luck Dao can control this kind of power that belongs to them alone. Perhaps their methods of fighting head-on are not strong, but this kind of weird method is enough for them to protect themselves, and even play with others at will.

So that kid was right just now, you'd better stay away from this guy who masters the way of luck. Although you don't know what grievances you have with him, you're still curious. It's best not to provoke him. This kind of existence is the most mysterious. The teacher doesn't want to be hostile to such people. Because you don't know when you are not yourself. "

Taoist Wuwei shook his head endlessly, obviously very taboo about this.

Jiang Heng fell into silence. It was the first time he knew about the theory of luck. This also explained why the Great Zhou Emperor and even the Martial God had no temper for this person. Anyway, he was given a job and allowed him to act freely. The attitude of being as tolerant as possible.

It's just that I really don't want to fight against this person?

Jiang Heng was against this from the bottom of his heart. With his relationship with Tongtianhou and his commitment to Tongtianhou, it was impossible to let Da Siming go.

It's just that now is obviously not the time to do it, he doesn't know what kind of existence the other party is.

If he is a true god-level Qi Luck Dao expert, Jiang Heng feels that with his own cultivation and strength, he may not be himself in an instant.

But soon Jiang Heng suddenly asked: "Master, is there a special avenue that is somewhat similar to this avenue, I mean that the authority is somewhat similar."

"Oh, you said it's similar... I don't know if I'm a teacher... Wait..."

Taoist Wuwei fell into deep thought. After all, he is only a remnant soul now, and many memories of the past are not complete.

"It seems that there is really a Dao similar to this Dao. I remember that it seems to be called the Dao of Stealing. It is also quite special, but it is a small Dao. When I was a teacher, the highest person who practiced this Dao was the one who cultivated in the Real God Realm. Because, the upper limit stops here.

But the master of this way caused quite a disturbance at that time. The Dao of Stealing can easily steal other people's laws, not only the strength of the laws but also its identity and memory.

My teacher remembers that once he stole the identity and memory of a traveler in my God Court. For tens of millions of years, many colleagues mistook this thief for a companion. In the end, this person was too arrogant and turned out to be Dare to openly participate in the court meeting of Shenting with the identity of stealing.

In the end, His Majesty the God Emperor used binocular magical powers to detect his disguise until he was beheaded.

Now that I think about it, the Dao of Stealing really has some similarities with the Dao of Luck. However, although this kind of trail is special, it is a trail after all. "

Wuwei Daoist said with emotion.

"Master, this disciple has seen someone who has mastered such a great way, but it is similar to what Master guessed. That person's cultivation base is not high, and the road ahead is very hopeless. It is estimated that this life will stop here." Jiang Heng remembered. The casual cultivator of the Dao of Stealing that I met in the former Hundred Nations Star Alliance.

"Oh, it seems that your kid really has a grudge against this big boss! Why do you want to do something to him?"

Taoist Wuwei can now see that Jiang Heng is going to kill the chief minister.

"Indeed, there was some hatred, but it's not urgent for now." Jiang Heng affirmed.

"Hmph, it's a good thing that the old man covered up the conversation between you and me in time with the power of Sedum, otherwise your current memory will be gone." Taoist Wuwei said in a deep voice,

"Don't talk about this person again in the future. If this person is the existence that I met as a teacher back then, even Neijingtian can't hide it, so be careful with your words and deeds, and even think about it less afterwards. With regard to the existence of Qi Luck Dao, everything needs to be careful and careful, and any behavior and thought directed at him will arouse this person's vigilance.

Even the teacher suspects that you have aroused his vigilance. "

Taoist Wuwei's warning was not unreasonable. Jiang Heng broke out in a cold sweat at this moment, his thoughts quickly went blank, and he glanced at Da Si Ming calmly.

Fortunately, under the cover of Nei Jingtian, Da Si Ming didn't seem to be aware of Jiang Heng's thoughts, and the other party was just an old **** with his eyes closed and rested, as if waiting for the court meeting to start.

After waiting for a while, the court meeting finally began. The Great Zhou Emperor, who reappeared after a month, was as majestic as ever, but the ministers could clearly find that the Great Zhou Emperor was still a little pale, as if he had not recovered from the last battle.

"I implore your Majesty to pay attention to your health. Your Majesty has been overworked during this time, and it is my negligence as a courtier!"

Almost instantly, Ba Yuehou hurriedly stepped out and bowed, this move made many people secretly despise and regret, why didn't he think of this.

"It's okay, there was a sudden war some time ago, and you all worked hard. As the emperor of the empire, I naturally have to take the lead."

The Great Zhou Emperor said casually, as if he didn't care about Ba Yuehou's flattery at all.

"Today, I mainly want to reward the lords. I thought that the lords have been spoiled for so many years and have already decayed. Now it seems that they are not useless at all. Yes, I am very pleased.

But still need to work hard! "

The Great Zhou Emperor first praised everyone present at the opening remarks, and immediately said: "General Manager Zhao will announce the rewards for this battle. I won't waste everyone's time."

Xin Zhao nodded, he stood out of the queue and turned to face everyone, and immediately began to describe the list of rewards.

The order is from the lowest to the highest, and of course not everyone will read it here, only the awards above the count will be recited here, and those below that will be rewarded individually by departments at all levels. Those who should be promoted Just get promoted.

As the names were read out, many people in the court showed joy. After all, being promoted is still something to be happy about, especially the award of a title is an increase in status and resources.

The last is the award of titles. Among them, a series of beings headed by Xue Zhanhou who used to be the Marquis received some real power, resources, treasures and fiefdoms.

Afterwards, some newly promoted nobles chanted, and many people also showed ecstasy. Being able to become a marquis is officially stepping into the ranks of the top dignitaries of the empire. How could they not be happy.

And the recitation reached Jiang Heng's place.

"Wuwei Marquis Jiang Heng! In this battle, he repelled and wounded two of the ninth-rank aliens, and a total of 231 of the eighth- and seventh-rank aliens. The contribution was incomparable, the most at that time. Therefore, Yuan temporarily Ren Wuwei Marquis was changed to the official Marquis of Wuwei, who originally commanded 100,000 Wuwei troops, but now it can be expanded to 300,000, and he will be rewarded with one ninth-level magic weapon, three seventh-level magic soldiers, and one supernatural power...."

When Xin Zhao finished chanting these, many courtiers present could not help but gasp.

In fact, many people don't know the number of Wuwei Army under Jiang Heng's command, and now they can't help being surprised when they find out that the exact number is more than 100,000.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Heng, the newly formed Wuwei Army, recruited a full staff of a large main battle army in just five thousand years.

You must know that the Central Army only has 100,000 people, and the various legions under the command of Nan Wang are actually only 10,000 people.

Therefore, a main battle army of 100,000 people is definitely a large group army.

And this was not enough, His Majesty actually increased the number of staff members to a full 300,000 staff members.

What the **** is this for?

The ministers present didn't care about Jiang Heng's rewards of treasures, resources, and titles, but they cared about this establishment.

Three hundred thousand is this going to do?

Soon Ba Yuehou came out and said respectfully: "Your Majesty, I feel that this matter is inappropriate. Marquis Wu Wei has indeed achieved outstanding military exploits, but this matter has already been rewarded with a title. There are more rewards for resources. But the number of people in this legion cannot be increased. Three hundred thousand...that's really too much!"

Ba Yuehou was already mad with jealousy, he hadn't gained real power yet, Jiang Heng suddenly became the biggest warlord besides the Four Kings.

However, at this moment, the Great Zhou Emperor suddenly slapped the armrest of the seat, and the loud sound immediately shocked everyone.

"Ba Yuehou, do you think it's wrong? Huh! You still have the face to say it's wrong. I've seen your record, and it's really good. As an eighth-level powerhouse, you only won a seven Foreigners. Think about your ancestors!

Don't think that I don't know how many resources and how many fiefdoms you have embezzled by virtue of your power and prestige over the years? As the saying goes, do as much as you eat. What did you do? Just a seventh-order foreigner? Is this your answer to me?

Look at the Blood War! His family's wealth is less than one percent of yours, and his cultivation is also weaker than yours, but Xue Zhanhou has killed 32 statues of the seventh rank, and hundreds of ranks of the sixth rank, fifth rank and fourth rank!

Do you still want to ask me for a reward? "

"This... this... this lowly position dare not!" Ba Yuehou was a little timid and even fearful, because a killing intent had already locked on him, and the source of this murderous intent was not someone else, but the emperor of the Zhou Dynasty. !

"Hmph! If you don't want it, then I will give you a reward. Don't you want real power? Then I will give you real power!" The Great Zhou Emperor snorted softly.

Hearing this, Ba Yuehou was taken aback for a moment, and then he was overjoyed. Could it be that there is a turning point?

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