Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 1087: Babel tragedy

"Twenty million years old?!"

Jiang Heng raised his brows. If a ninth-level powerhouse is properly maintained, it is no problem to live for 50 million years. Physical Taoist warriors such as the Great Zhou Emperor can live for 60 to 70 million years. He has reached an advanced age of more than 80 million years, and he does not look old on the outside. Obviously, he has some special appearance stereotypes.

"Hehe, don't be surprised. The way of heavenly secrets is like this. The more you deduce, the more terrifying the target heavenly secrets are, and the more terrifying the consumption of life essence will be. But don't be surprised, the more surprising ones are yet to come.

In fact, this chief minister has actually existed since the founding of the Great Zhou Empire, with a different appearance but still the same person! So you understand what it means? "

Fengyunhou buys Guanzi.

"You mean that Da Si Ming has the method of reincarnation and rebirth?" Jiang Heng was even more surprised, and couldn't help being curious.

"That's right. Da Si Ming mastered the Dao of Heaven's Secret and also the Dao of Reincarnation. This Dao is seldom heard of by ordinary people. It is a rare and special Dao. It is not powerful enough to kill, but the owner of this Dao can continue to reincarnate. , which is equivalent to not being a true **** but having eternal life like a true god.

Of course, this avenue also has some risks. Every time you reincarnate, you need to go through a catastrophe like a demon, and you need to go through countless times of reincarnation in nothingness until you find yourself so that you can proceed to the next reincarnation.

And the target of the reincarnation is not randomly selected, you see that there is no woman in the same position after Da Si Ming. "

At this time, Jiang Heng also noticed a person behind Da Si Ming. It was a very beautiful and noble woman. There was a sacred and inviolable majesty in the noble temperament of the woman, as if this woman was an incomparably pure and pure woman. The Goddess is beyond reach.

In fact, the temperament of this woman is what makes some men go crazy the most, and this kind of temperament that is beyond reach is more able to arouse the desire of men. And this woman is like this, too sacred!

"This is the Young Commander, each generation of Young Commander will eventually become the Senior Commander after the Senior Commander dies, and at this time the original Young Commander will also become the Senior Commander!

Among them, Shao Siming's personality gradually fits with Da Siming's. In fact, she looks like Shao Siming now, but in my opinion, this woman is actually an incarnation of Da Siming. Da Si Ming is generally the same.

She is the body of the reincarnation of Da Si Ming in the future. "

Feng Yunhou is obviously very clear about these secrets of the imperial capital, and he is very eager to talk about it, as if talking about these gossips is a kind of enjoyment for him.

Jiang Heng listened thoughtfully, pondered for a moment, and then said: "Could it be that this young commander is willing to become someone else's body? Does this young commander not have his own life? I think this cultivation base is also at the fifth level This time, and also an imperial official."

"Marquis Wuwei is still too kind, but it's not your fault, you don't know the power and responsibilities of the position of Commander.

In fact, this kind of young commander was no different from us at first, and he was also a person with self-thinking. And the reason why he became Shao Si Ming was because he reached some deals with Si Ming.

Here, the old man has to talk about the power of the command department.

Siming does not engage in any combat-related things, but the power is enormous. All practitioners within the command can use all the resources in the imperial treasury at will, remember that it is free and unlimited supply.

At the same time, Commander can arbitrarily exempt the appointment and removal of all officials below the head of some departments, as well as the deployment of resources and wars in many areas.

At the same time, even His Majesty needs to listen carefully to what Da Si Ming said to a certain extent, and every prince and princess needs to receive the careful teaching of Da Si Ming for a hundred years before they reach adulthood.

Moreover, any official Hou Ye needs to be courteous to the senior commander, and some officials below the waiting position must be treated respectfully if they meet the ordinary commander in the superior's order, and they must do their best to cooperate with all requirements.

In this way, you will know how much power the commander has. Even if our Central Army Corps united with some dignitaries, they would not dare to confront Si Ming openly.

As for every young commander, he was more or less forced to make a deal with him in order to achieve some goals at the beginning.

And the young lady in front of me, who is said to be from a wealthy family in the imperial capital, was actually considered a prosperous family at that time, and later even married a prince in the imperial capital, which is even more extraordinary.

But in the end, I heard that something happened to this woman's family. If she made a big mistake, she might face the crime of being deprived of her title or even exiled to the high-dimensional world.

If you want me to say that this woman's parents are really nothing, I made a mistake and asked my daughter to find a way.

This woman is also pure and good. If she prays to her husband's family, with her husband's ability as a prince, she can more or less keep her parents from being exiled to the high-dimensional void.

But she was unwilling to affect her husband's future, so she reached a deal with Si Ming, willing to use herself as Si Ming to protect her parents' family with the help of the chief minister's authority.

So the later situation can be guessed even if you want to come to Wuwei Hou. The woman was finally found to have the talent of Tianji Dao, so she soon became the young commander.

As for her status, her parents' family also became prosperous again. It's only later..."

Speaking of this, Feng Yunhou paused a bit, his brows were furrowed into embarrassment.

"What happened afterwards?" Jiang Heng asked quickly with a serious expression.

"This woman's personality changed drastically after she became the Commander-in-Chief, and then her husband seemed to have caused some trouble. He was taken to the God Slaying Platform and his body was cut off. Zhong Nai is a taboo, and the old man is not good to talk too much, in short, seldom deal with these orders." Feng Yunhou shook his head and sighed.

"The young master's husband is Li Xi who knows everything!" Jiang Heng said without being moved, but said every word through the sound transmission.

"Hey, how did you know about it, Marquis Wuwei? It happened millions of years ago, and very few people knew about it at that time, His Majesty even issued a sealing order..."

Feng Yunhou was very surprised, but after thinking about it, the other party was the imperial son-in-law, and it seemed that His Majesty might have said this matter himself.

"Shao Siming's husband is indeed a master of the weather. It seems that Wu Weihou knows the inside story. This matter is really a big scandal. His Majesty was also furious because of this. In the end, he had no choice but to prohibit the rumor of this matter."

Feng Yunhou thought that Jiang Heng knew the inside story, so he sighed.

"Well, I think Tong Tianhou was also a talented person back then. The old man was very fond of talking with him and became a confidant. This person is dedicated to martial arts and is a martial arts school that advances swiftly and bravely. If you want to say that the surprise attack on the temples back then was actually the biggest His hero is Tong Tianhou, he is too eye-catching, with a sixth-level cultivation base, he beheaded several gods to the seventh level in a row.

If he hadn't died, he would have stepped into the seventh rank by now, and his combat power was unparalleled. His actual combat power might be able to crush me and other old people and **** warriors. Pity. "

Jiang Heng could tell that Feng Yunhou was a talkative type, and it was estimated that this matter had been hidden in his heart for many years, which made him suffocate, and now that he found an outlet, he couldn't help but talk too much.

"Why Tongtianhou is so dazzling, so outstanding in combat, and fell to such an end, could it be that His Majesty is in a daze?" Jiang Heng echoed casually.

"Hey, Marquis of Wuwei be careful. Although His Majesty is responsible at this time, the main thing is that the Chief Commander should be executed first and then acted later. Do you know what Tong Tianhou's crimes were at that time?"

With the rise of Feng Yunhou's talk, regardless of whether Jiang Heng answered the words or not, he continued on his own: "Tongtianhou's crime is to secretly communicate with the temples of the gods. So such outstanding military exploits are all due to his status as a meticulous worker, and the temples of the gods deliberately released water to elevate his status in the empire.

However, even if this matter is true, it is not a crime of death. After all, it is a fact that Tongtianhou killed several high-ranking powerhouses in the temples. At most, he will be deprived of his title and exiled to Gaowei Prison.

What's more, it turned out to be nonsense in the end. It's just that at the critical time when His Majesty was recuperating and preparing to break through the Real God Realm, the power of the court fell to the hands of the Southern King and the Chief Commander who were sitting in the imperial capital at that time. "

"Nanwang was in charge of the imperial capital at that time? Didn't it mean that Nanwang and His Majesty were at odds?" Jiang Heng asked suspiciously.

"Oh, it's just a disguise to the outside world. How can the four kings and His Majesty be brothers and sisters? It's just for the eyes of the gods. As for the Nanwang in the imperial capital at that time, it was because the gods attacked the emperor's capital not long ago. At that time, the Nanwang and The reinforcements of the other three kings are still in the imperial capital and have not left.

And Nanwang was ranked second, and at that time the most outstanding military achievements were under the command of Nanwang, so Nanwang occupied the power.

And the incident of Tongtianhou at that time was also strange, whether Tongtianhou was a matter of careful work by the temples or the evidence provided by his wife Shao Siming, not only presented various materials to contact the temples, but also many treasures presented by the temples.

Coupled with the relationship between Shao Siming and Tong Tianhou's wife, Tong Tianhou was hard to argue with, and was directly arrested by Nan Wang.

However, Nan Wang also knew that he was only occupying the power of the imperial capital after all, and he still had to wait for His Majesty to leave the customs before deciding on such important matters as the Marquis of the Empire.

But His Majesty will not be able to leave the customs for a while, until the chief commander came forward and decisively determined the guilt of Tong Tianhou, and he could be sent to the Zhanshentai to behead him.

At that time, there was a lot of commotion, and Nanwang wanted to stop it, but the power of the chief minister was almost second only to His Majesty, and he was an old man who had existed since the establishment of the empire. His prestige was too high, and a Nanwang was an absolute Impossible to shake. "

Feng Yunhou's narration of these seems very embarrassing.

"In the end, His Majesty came out of the customs and found out that something was wrong after careful investigation, but the matter has already been finished by the chief minister, and it is impossible for your majesty to touch the old man who founded the country like the chief minister, so the matter finally came to an end. We can only let it go, and strictly order this matter to be leaked.”

Hearing this, Jiang Heng felt cold all over his body. He took a deep look at the old man at the front of the command line, and the other man turned his head as if aware of it. When he saw Jiang Heng, he showed a meaningful face. smile.

"I don't know what the situation is, why did this chief minister dare to do this? From my point of view, His Majesty has always ruled the country by force. Even though the military equipment has been lax in recent years, he also attaches great importance to meritorious princes. How could he allow others to slander meritorious ministers? "Jiang Heng asked in a deep voice.

Now he finally knows the cause and effect, and if it is not bad, the blame for all this is probably the chief commander.

The change of Tongtian's wife's personality must have something to do with the chief commander. It is estimated that the young commander will no longer be himself at that time.

As for why Da Si Ming killed Tong Tianhou, Jiang Heng is not clear about this, but he will definitely find out afterwards.

The relationship between myself and Tongtianhou is actually a master-student relationship. But in fact, there is no such thing as a master and an apprentice. After all, it is just a feeling of imparting supernatural powers. But Jiang Heng is a grateful person, even if it is just to teach one exercise, it is enough.

He still remembered the soaring resentment of Tong Tianhou back then, fighting for the empire all his life, beheading powerful enemies for the empire, but ended up like this in the end.

"This... It's not easy to say. I dare not speculate on the person in command. This person is very mysterious. It is said that he can always predict everything. Alas, I don't know what it is to tell you these things now. Right or wrong, he guessed that you and I talked about this in private, and he has already figured it out." Feng Yunhou was a little tangled, he couldn't help but shiver down his spine when he thought of Da Si Ming's unpredictable and strange ability.

"It's okay, I'm just curious, I think the high position and weight of the chief minister will not embarrass you, and besides, I'm still the emperor's If something happens, I will bear it!" Jiang Heng comforted.

"Marquis Wuwei is better to be careful, and the commanding officer's ability is treacherous. Some people speculate that he may have been a true god-level powerhouse long ago, otherwise, why did His Majesty tolerate him again and again, and even the God of Valor values ​​him? It's hard to say, anyway you In the future, I will still give three points to the chief minister, so it is always good."

Feng Yunhou shook his head. It can be seen that he is very afraid of Da Si Ming who is full of mystery.

Jiang Heng is also considerate of this. After all, that person has been alive since the founding of the country. You must know that nearly 200 million years have passed since the establishment of the empire to the present.

The original founding monarch was Martial God, and then Martial God abdicated eight thousand years ago, and the new emperor, now the Great Zhou Emperor, succeeded to the throne. During such a long period of time, the court officials changed one after another, but this one was still stable. Sit in the position of Commander-in-Chief.

This alone is very daunting, and I always feel that this old thing is not simple.

"Master, have you ever noticed anything weird about this old guy? Does he really have a true god-level cultivation?" Jiang Heng directly transmitted his voice to Taoist Wuwei.

"You really look for a teacher for everything, kid. If you want to talk about this guy, a teacher really can't tell."

"Can't see it?" Jiang Heng was taken aback for a moment, this was the first time Taoist Wuwei couldn't see it.

"Hmph, if you are a teacher of other avenues, you can tell it at a glance, but forget about Tianji Dao. This avenue is the most troublesome. I met one when I was a teacher back then. He talked about it all day long and seemed to be of average strength. So-so, but you really can't help this kind of person."

Taoist Wuwei's tone was very strange, and there was disgust and helplessness in his words.

"Ah? Doesn't this Dao have some other special features besides deduction?" Jiang Heng was surprised, it is really rare for his master to be embarrassed.

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