Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 981: Advent (on)

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"How does this work!"

Jiang Heng didn't dare to pick it up, because asking Bai Lao to help him had already caused him a big loss. If Hou Ye asked about it afterwards, the person in charge of the arsenal must be Bai Lao, the person in charge of the arsenal.

In addition, Bai Lao has always taught him as carefully as a personal disciple, Jiang Heng really doesn't want to take advantage of the other party.

"Don't refuse, if you feel that you are losing money, old man, then become my disciple!" Bai Lao smiled, and the old man's smile looked very warm to Jiang Heng, just like a late old man who cares and loves his relatives, It was a selfless feeling.

Jiang Heng watched the old man silently, and bowed solemnly after a long silence.

"Master! If you don't dislike it, then this junior will be Master's apprentice from now on, and I will..." Jiang Heng wanted to promise something, but after thinking about it, if he couldn't heal his wounds, he might even give him old age There is no chance of death.

Bai Lao is already old, and he may only live for hundreds of thousands of years in the future, but he may not even have hundreds of thousands of years.

"Haha, good good!" Old Bai didn't care what Jiang Heng was thinking at the moment, he was just full of joy at the moment, and even laughed until the last line of tears flowed down his face.

"Since you worship me as a teacher, then as a teacher, I will tell you about the inheritance of our school!"

"Teacher?" Hearing this, Jiang Heng raised his expression solemnly and listened.

"In the early years of being a teacher, I was just a casual weapon master. All the knowledge I learned was a little bit by relying on the blueprints I collected and the method of refining weapons. It is not to say that there is no mastery at all. The core of being a teacher is the early years. It was obtained from a library of the alchemist's classics that the master found when he followed a team of loose cultivators and demigods to explore the ruins of an ancient true god.

The specific name and taboo of this ancient true **** can no longer be studied. Under the erosion of the years, the ruins have become very dilapidated, and only one of the sect gates attached to this great man remains intact.

This sect is called Bailianzong, and its suzerain is named Ou Yezi, who is a true master of refining weapons in ancient times. It is rumored that one-fifth of the original source of the cosmic refiner came from Grandmaster Ou Yezi.

Therefore, Ou Yezi was also regarded as his teacher as his teacher, and he called himself a disciple of Bailian Sect.

The most outstanding work of the patriarch and his old man is a piece called Tianyao Divine Sword. This sword is a real artifact. It is said that it eventually became the sword of the owner of the ruins.

And the owner of the ruins is also the master of Bailianzong, but as a teacher, he didn't find the magic weapon in the ruins. It may have been left outside, or it may have drifted in the cracks of the universe.

Disciple, if you encounter this sword in the future, you hope you can take it back. "

Jiang Heng was shocked when he heard this, but he still nodded. Before, he always thought that Bai Lao's achievements were due to the cultivation of the palace, and the resource supply of Jiyinghou later.

Unexpectedly, it came from the inheritance of an ancient weapon refining sect.

As for whether there were sects in ancient times, it was actually very rare. At that time, most of the universe was still in a state of ignorance.

There is no such frequent trade and communication as today, and most of the civilizations and ethnic groups still live a very primitive life in their own home planets.

However, there are still some sects under the command of some ancient true gods. The purpose of these sects is only to serve the masters of the true gods behind them. For example, the Bailianzong is dedicated to serving the ancient true gods behind them.

"These are the classics that the teacher found from the ruins back then, and they were all rewritten for the teacher. After all, most of the ancient books in the ruins are written in the time, which is difficult to understand."

While talking, Bai Lao took out another storage ring and handed it to Jiang Heng.

After receiving the ring, Jiang Heng felt that this ring was heavier than the previous ring. This is what an old man has learned all his life, and it is his most precious thing.

"I don't know how long I can live as a teacher, but the requirements for being a teacher have always been relatively high. I don't like to accept disciples at will, and I don't like to pass on these unique skills of refining weapons to others easily. Idiots are not qualified to learn classics and books, and it is useless to read them.

But now that I have you, I can leave with a smile even if I die as a teacher. Your ability is known to the teacher, but I hope you can live up to the name of the Hundred Refining Sect in the future and pass on this classic to those who you think are qualified enough. "

What Bai Lao said was a bit like asking for Gu Gu at the end of his life, and he looked at Jiang Heng with a hint of pleading in his eyes.

"I will!"

Jiang Hengzheng nodded.

"Okay, this is the token of being a teacher. Holding this token will not embarrass you in the legion garrisons and star gates. As long as you are in the southern border, you can use this token to dispatch nearby permanent troops and even legion soldiers. .”

After receiving the token, Jiang Heng once again bowed deeply to the old man in front of him.

A year later, in a rather barren starry sky, a starship slowly moved forward. It didn't seem to have a clear purpose, it was just maintaining a very gentle and uniform motion.

And there is only one person in the starship, and that is Jiang Heng.

It has been a year since I left the hinterland of the southern border. Relying on the star gate Jiang Heng, I quickly came to the northeastern border of the southern border. This is a place close to the center of the universe and the most edge of the southern border. As long as I continue to sail for a few years, Jiang Heng will really leave The southern border and the affiliated forces in the southern border came to a neutral zone.

The so-called neutral zone says so, but in fact it is also a puppet force that has influence behind the empire and the temples.

These forces are neutral on the surface, but in fact they all have the shadow of the empire and the temples behind them. To put it bluntly, the meaning of their existence is to act as a buffer zone between the two major forces. In the event of a war, a buffer will be formed here, so that the flames of war will not burn to one's own homeland all at once.

Jiang Heng didn't care about this either. Anyway, the first stop of his trip was the territory ruled by the Temple of the Gods. With a mask that changed his face, Jiang Heng was not afraid of being discovered by hostile forces.

He now regards himself as a complete casual cultivator, wandering wantonly.

"Maybe we can use this time to solve the trouble over there!"

Jiang Heng sensed the golden ornament in his dantian, and it was indeed the golden ornament that could open a passage to another unknown starry sky.

On the other side, there is Jiang Heng's own physical Taoism collection group.

What it refers to is naturally the weak ethnic group that was once enslaved by the super-dimensional kingdom of God. That group served the super-dimensional kingdom of God all the year round, helping the super-dimensional kingdom of God to build and exploit resources.

Before Jiang Heng thought about stepping into the demigod, he entered it to help him solve his troubles, which can be regarded as fulfilling his previous promise.

It's just that after procrastinating and procrastinating, I forgot a bit.

With this in mind, Jiang Heng opened the passage to the starry sky again, and slowly penetrated into it with his perception.

At the same time, somewhere in the starry sky at the other end of the universe.

Countless metal creations are suspended in space, and through the portholes, one can see many dull corpses of planets around them. These planets are obviously over-exploited planets that have fallen into complete death.

And these are the masterpieces of the Ultra-Dimensional Divine Kingdom Arsenal.

This kind of arsenal is not only spread all over the high-dimensional world, but also exists in the main universe plane, but where these creations exist, hundreds or even thousands of galaxies will fall into dead silence and dry up.

They are like devouring monsters one by one, with a bigger appetite than starry sky behemoths, annihilating all of them.

Alto walked numbly in the somewhat quiet aisle. Although his figure was still burly, the divine light in his eyes was no longer there.

His cultivation at this time has reached the domain master level, but his heart is almost dead.

He was very confused and puzzled. He didn't know why, why God didn't pass down another oracle for so long.

He felt that the group might have been abandoned by the gods, that the gods had abandoned them.

"Liar! Liar! Just a liar!"

Alto roared in his heart, he was very disappointed, obviously the gods said that when he stepped into the domain master level, maybe everything would turn around.

But this is almost impossible, because it has changed again hundreds of years ago, and the arsenal seems to have been upgraded.

right! Indeed, this word can be used to describe it.

Because their supervisors, that is, the managers, said that several big shots from the headquarters have come down, and the big shots are not satisfied with the production capacity of their branch, and they want to carry out the so-called production capacity upgrade.

At first Alto didn't understand what the so-called production capacity upgrade meant, but when he saw the next batch of mechanical soldiers produced, his heart was completely chilled.

If it is said that the mechanical soldiers of the past could crush one-on-one with other domain master-level combat power, and they could easily crush one-on-five, but today's mechanical soldiers, he feels that even if there are a hundred of them in front of each other, he is just waiting. slaughtered lamb.

But the other party can mass-produce such mechanical soldiers. Although the production capacity is not as high as before, the quality has undoubtedly improved several levels.

Alto feels that he can't resist these rulers anyway. These mechanical soldiers are like gods, but they can manufacture gods in batches. What a great heart for Alto and the group behind him hit.

Over the past few hundred years, Orto also found that the tribesmen who were originally motivated to practice began to relax, and they were no longer willing to practice boringly.

There is a useless voice in the ethnic group, thinking that no matter how hard they try, they can't resist these rulers, and it's better to be bad than this.

So generation after generation of clansmen began to live a numb repetitive life again, and their hearts were dead.

Alto was very sad. He saw that the people of his tribe were forced to work like livestock by the managers. Women were forced to give birth when they reached childbearing age, children were forced to work when they reached the right age, and old people died even if they did not work hard when they reached a certain age. , as long as the work efficiency drops by more than 50%, it will be physically destroyed by execution.

And those destroyed bodies will be transformed by some machines, and will be made into food for other people.

Because the managers don't need to eat or drink, the ecological circle they created for Orto's group is completely a cycle, making the best use of everything.

Sometimes when he thinks that what he eats every day is the meat of his own people, Orto feels nausea and unimaginable anger in his heart, but he can't vent it.

Even if the food transformed and manufactured by the machine is still delicious, and even the presentation is not bad, it is a shame for Alto.

However, many ethnic groups are used to it and think it is very reasonable and normal.

Alto looked at the corridor, and he found that the number of clansmen was much smaller than before. There might have been hundreds of millions or even billions at first, but now there are only 100 million.

At the same time, Orto also discovered that they were not the only ethnic group here. There was another branch that was built a thousand years ago nearly ten light-years away, and another ethnic group was enslaved there.

Alto knew that the other party suffered the same as them, they were all slaves captured by the managers forcibly occupying their homes.

"God! If you really exist, why don't you save us? Why don't you respond to me? Why do you give us hope and make us despair?"

Alto, who returned to his room, prayed silently. He looked at the spotless idol in the corner that he had wiped.

He wanted to smash the idol many times, but he held back again and again.

He was still holding on to the last glimmer of hope, hoping that the **** that the ethnic group had always believed in would save them.

Just like the legends of the Clan long ago.

But after a while, the only light in Orto's eyes went out again, and the idol still didn't respond today.

"Is it still like this!"

Alto sighed softly, he stood up and came to the idol staring at the idol, after a while he grabbed the statue and raised his arms high.

He wanted to smash this **** **** statue, and completely destroy this thing that gave him hope and despair.

However, at this moment he was stunned.

Light! Such a strong light!

Alto felt that the light in the room suddenly became hundreds of times brighter, and his vision seemed to be enveloped by a burst of dazzling white light.

After a few breaths, when the light gradually dimmed, Alto stared at him in a daze.

A strong palm protruded from a wave of ripples, and a voice rang in his ears.

"Give me the statue!"

The voice was very familiar, and Alto immediately recognized the long-lost voice.

After being stunned for a moment, Orto was overjoyed immediately, and he quickly handed over the statue in his hand.

As the big hand held the statue, suddenly there was a sudden change, the ripples in the void began to tremble violently, and a ray of nothingness began to spread from the arm to the surroundings.

At the same time, in the command bridge in the core area of ​​the arsenal, the structure of the arsenal resembles a ring, part of which is the living and working area of ​​the Orto people, while most of it is the storage and production area of ​​combat soldiers.

In addition, there is a huge square creation protruding from somewhere in the ring, and this is the bridge of the arsenal, and it is also the command center of the entire arsenal branch.

At this time, a piercing alarm sounded in the command center, and dozens of managers who were doing daily data sorting and maintenance were stunned for a moment.

Soon the dense data quickly popped up on the large screen of the command center.

"Warning! Warning! Abnormalities detected in the nearby space!"

"Warning! Warning! High energy reaction detected!"

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