Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 980: Road injury

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"I'm sorry!"

Silently muttering a word in his heart, Jiang Heng completely regarded himself as an outsider, an inconspicuous fourth-order demigod.

Seeing Yuan Ming being taken away by several masters like this, Jiang Heng was somewhat relieved.

"But I won't be able to participate in the second round, so it's not bad to quit."

In the blink of an eye, a hundred years have passed, and it has been a hundred years since the last legion contest, and the negotiations between the southern border and the super-dimensional kingdom of God are still going on.

Two such huge cosmic giants, this time such a big conflict broke out, the negotiation and game between the two sides on this matter will definitely not end in a day or two.

Almost every five years, there will be ten-year-long negotiations, and the two sides are wrangling at the negotiating table.

Jiang Heng didn't pay much attention to this. After the last match, he has been silent in the Jiying Legion Arsenal, doing everything possible to reduce his sense of existence.

Even at the beginning, Jiang Heng used his serious injuries as an excuse to retreat for ten years, but it turned out that this retreat lasted for a whole hundred years.

Looking at the things in the quiet room, Jiang Heng fell into deep thought for a while. At this time, his face was withered. Even without any disguise, he looked extremely old. The previous handsome appearance no longer existed, replaced by a full face. Haggard and vicissitudes.

Jiang Heng sighed and looked at his left arm. Not only did the condition of the broken arm not improve at all, but there was a lot of carrion, and this was the reason why Jiang Heng scraped it off with a sharp instrument.

If you don't deal with it, I'm afraid it will be full of maggots.

And his severed arm was gray and white, like the arm of a dead man, for which Jiang Heng could only temporarily seal it up by freezing it.

If it is normal, even if this arm abandons Jiang Heng, it can be reborn in a short time, but now.

Rubbing the center of his eyebrows with his right hand, Jiang Heng frowned.

"The broken arm situation seems to be impossible to solve at the moment, let alone this, the Tao injury seems to be getting more and more serious now, and I underestimated this so-called Tao injury before.

It seems that the reason why Dao Injury is the existence of which all the demigods are talking about is not unreasonable. "

Feeling the power of the Tao law of the body slowly passing away in his body, Jiang Heng's heart was dead silent, and the expression on his face was also wrinkled for a hundred years.

The appearance of Dao injury is like drawing a hideous wound on Jiangheng Avenue, and this wound is continuously draining the power of Dao law in the body.

"In a short period of time, I can still use the power of law that I have stored in the past to make up for the shortfall, but this injury seems to be getting bigger and bigger. It will become an explosive point in a thousand years. I may be able to hold it for ten thousand years, but two years Tens of thousands of years?"

Jiang Heng's face was gloomy and terrifying. He never expected such an accident at all.

"Maybe there are other ways!"

Pushing open the door, Jiang Heng ran into Master Bai not long after. Master Bai seemed to be studying an ancient blueprint and was modifying it beside him. When he saw Jiang Heng approaching, he smiled and waved.

"Xiao Shen, you can be regarded as a passer-by. Come, come, come and take a look at this blueprint with me. This is the forging blueprint of a standard long spear collected by the old man from an ancient ruins. Come with me. Take a look, from the ancient forging blueprints, you can see some of the forging skills of that year, which is very helpful for us refiners!"

Bai Lao looked very excited, Jiang Heng was worried now, and wanted to refuse, but seeing Bai Lao's invitation so warmly, he had no choice but to watch patiently.

Bai Lao didn't have any personal possessions about Jiang Heng. While watching, he focused on introducing the differences between the ancient forging techniques and the current forging techniques, and carefully pointed out the cleverness of them, as well as the shortcomings of the ancient blacksmiths back then.

Jiang Heng didn't have much thought at first, but after watching it, he somewhat calmed down and gained a better understanding of the forging method.

The two of them are like friends who have forgotten the years. They often chat for several years.

When this blueprint was thoroughly considered by the old and the young, the two of them cleared their mouths, with satisfied smiles on their faces.

Perhaps this is the joy of absorbing knowledge and talking with like-minded people.

Jiang Heng enjoyed the process of chatting with Bai Lao very much, as did both of them.

Just when Jiang Heng was leaving, he thought that Bai Lao was not only a master craftsman, but also a senior who had read a lot of books and experienced a lot, so he paused after thinking about it.

"Old Bai, this junior wants to ask a question or two."

"Oh? What's the problem? Why are you and I so polite? Just ask if you have any questions. How can I hide my clumsiness!" Bai Lao smiled and stroked his beard.

"Um...not a problem on the refinement, it's just that the junior has recently studied and cultivated, and found a kind of injury called Dao injury. It is said that Dao injury is the existence that all demigods talk about, junior I want to understand, how to solve this situation, and how to heal it?"

Jiang Heng didn't dare to say too clearly, so he could only speak in a vague way.

"Tao injury?!" Bai Lao thought at first that Jiang Heng wanted to ask about the knowledge of refining weapons, but when he heard the term "Tao injury", his expression changed drastically.

"Tao injury! Why do you ask this? Generally speaking, it is almost impossible for me and other practitioners to encounter such a situation. What's the use of asking?"

"Old Bai, this junior just wants to know more about it, this... just prevent it before it happens!" Jiang Heng scratched his head with a look of eagerness for knowledge.

Hearing this, Bai Lao frowned, but after thinking about it for a while, he didn't think there was anything strange about Jiang Heng's words.

He pondered for a moment, thought for a while and said: "The fact of Dao injury is rare. Generally speaking, there are two situations that cause Dao injury. When breaking through the catastrophe, there is a high chance of being injured by the Tao when encountering this situation.

Second, it is wounded by some of the most filthy and purest things in the world. What the old man said was some extremes, some magical weapons or some filthy things, but reaching a certain extreme may cause damage to the opponent. Dao hurt. "

"Achieving a certain extreme? This... this junior doesn't understand very well." Jiang Heng frowned, not quite understanding what the other party meant.

"It's very simple. Let's use an analogy. For example, if a certain kind of extremely sharp blade is cut and cannot resist, it will cause dao damage. And some extremely filthy things, if touched, Then the law of the great way will be polluted, and its nature is similar to that of the Tao."

"Then how to cure it?" Jiang Heng somewhat understood.

The knife that Qingwu used back then must have been weird, maybe the blade itself was made of some extreme or extremely pure thing, or some filthy thing, in short, that knife was in line with what Bai Lao said was extreme.

"Cure..." Speaking of this, Bai Lao's brows frowned again into a "Chuan".

He shook his head lightly, and sighed softly: "It's as difficult as going to heaven to heal Dao injuries!"

"Tao injury is a fatal injury to the origin of the Dao, which is equivalent to moving its foundation. Once the foundation is damaged, it is very difficult to repair it."

Hearing Bai Lao's words, Jiang Heng's heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

"Old Bai, is there really no other way?" Jiang Heng asked unwillingly.

"Why do you ask so, you won't be hurt?"

Seeing Jiang Heng so anxious, Bai Lao looked over suspiciously.

"Ahem, Mr. Bai was joking. If you want to be injured by the Dao, the conditions are too harsh. Didn't you also say that you need to be injured by the ultimate thing.

And the ultimate thing in the world is so rare, and the magical weapon forged from such a treasure is even more unimaginably rare, how can the younger generation encounter it. "

Jiang Heng smiled dryly, Bai Lao did not doubt him, thought for a while and nodded in agreement.

"Well, what you said is good. But don't say it, there is really a way to heal Dao injuries."


"For example, some high-ranking and powerful people can slowly heal Dao injuries by themselves with time. Although it will consume a lot of energy and time during the process, it is true that they can heal Dao injuries.

And if those of us who are below the high position are injured by the Dao, there are two situations. Dao injury, then Dao injury is nothing to worry about, it is an unimaginable price for high-ranking powerhouses.

Second, if one can get a drop of blood essence from a mid-level or high-level life law expert, after taking it, one only needs to rest slowly for a period of time and heal as before. "

"Besides that, there is no other way."

After hearing what Bai Lao said, Jiang Heng nodded, bowed to him, and left alone.

He could understand what Bai Lao said, and because he could understand, he knew that it was almost impossible for him to meet the requirements.

The first way is not to think too much, I don't have a senior demigod who is willing to pay such a huge price for him to make a move.

The second method is also impossible.

It goes without saying how rare life demigods are, and there are even rumors that the lineage of the law of life has gradually withered and ceased to exist in the universe.

Some people say that even if there are demigods of life in the universe, they are only around the lower third rank. There may be a few demigods of life at a higher level, but those people must be well protected by the temples and belong to extremely important strategic resources.

Thinking of Jiang Heng walking silently here alone, he felt inexplicably lonely for a while.

It seems that I don't have anyone who can help me, I can only carry it alone, or wait quietly for the approach of death.

"It's time to leave here, go out for a walk, maybe it's time to see other bright things in this universe in the last corner of the eye!"

I don't know why Jiang Heng only felt that such an idea suddenly popped up in his mind, and this idea began to grow rapidly in his mind and spread rapidly.

"Yes! Get out of here! Go for a walk! Go and see!"

As if making up his mind for himself, Jiang Heng muttered to himself in a voice that only he could hear.

In the past, maybe I was too influenced by other people or things in the environment, and I have been walking in the next step of development under the controllable rules.

But at this moment, Jiang Heng wanted to go against the established track and go for a walk.

With this idea in mind, Jiang Heng soon had a plan.

Not long after, Bai Lao saw Jiang Heng, but this time Jiang Heng came to ask for leave.

That's right! Just ask for leave!

The so-called leave of absence is not uncommon in the empire. Domain master-level powerhouses have thousands of years of vacation every ten thousand years, while demigod-level powerhouses have 100,000 years of vacation every million years.

Some long-term positions mostly choose a one-time rest for a fixed period of time, while some ordinary positions are self-scheduled. In short, the total vacation period should not exceed the maximum limit.

Of course, the southern border will not pay salary during the vacation.

So it seemed reasonable for Jiang Heng to ask for leave, but he just wanted to ask for a hundred thousand year leave.

In other words, he wants to take all the holidays in a million years at once!

Hearing Jiang Heng's words, Bai Lao opened his mouth wide and was a little confused.

After a while, he frowned and asked softly: "Xiao Shen, do you have any difficulties? It's not impossible to take the 100,000 years of vacation in one go, but it's rare in the southern border to ask for a 100,000-year vacation at once. Yes, unless there are special circumstances, it is generally not allowed."

Old Bai tried to persuade him, because this kind of situation needs to be strictly inquired about in detail, otherwise, after such a long time, the ghost knows what the people under this hand are going to do. Who knows if it's defection or something.

And it is still in the war Although the two sides are currently discussing a truce, no one can say for sure.

A master craftsman like Jiang Heng, if he wants to take a vacation at this time, and it is still such a long time, even Bai Lao doesn't have much authority.

"Old Bai just misses his wife and a few children at home. He has never been back to visit after many years of fighting abroad. To put it bluntly, this junior is ashamed. But if you make things difficult for this junior, it's okay if you only need thousands of years."

Jiang Heng also knows the difficulty. This is because the status he created before is too good. As a refiner second only to Bai Lao, this status is that Bai Lao is the second-in-command of the Jiying Legion, so it doesn't make sense. Let Jiang Heng leave for a hundred thousand years.

Furthermore, his identity could not stand the investigation, Jiang Heng thought he could leave here as soon as possible.

Hearing that Jiang Heng was willing to give in, Elder Bai was also relieved. He smiled and said: "Well, I allow you to go back and visit for ten thousand years. When you come back ten thousand years later, I will talk to Lord Hou. From now on Judging from the current situation, the front line should not be able to fight, the war is not so important, and the task of our craftsmen will not be so heavy."

Seeing Mr. Bai, he directly made a decision, and Jiang Heng felt a little guilty about giving it away, because only he knew that whether he could come back after he left was a matter of two opinions.

Either find a way to heal Dao injuries, or die in a foreign land.

"I heard that you used to serve in the legion all the year round, and then moved to the Eye of Tianyu. You haven't returned for nearly hundreds of thousands of years. This time, I will not let you go back empty-handed. These are some savings of the old man. You take them. If it’s not enough, ask the old man again!”

As he said that, Bai Lao took out a small and delicate ring from his bosom, and stuffed it directly into Jiang Heng's bosom.

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