Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 960: king of beasts

At this time, many people in the outside world inferred from the vision just now that the second catastrophe should be similar to the catastrophe of the inner demon.

Seeing the phantom of the magic soldier fade away, he naturally guessed that Jiang Heng had successfully crossed the tribulation.

"Good boy, that's fine, how many surprises does this guy have to give me!"

Looking at this scene, Bai Lao was also amazed, and felt even more incredible in his heart.

Because Jiang Heng's external performance is at the second level, but he can do many things one after another that even the fourth-level demigods may not be able to do.

This is completely unimaginable to many people.

It also made Bai Lao more confident in Jiang Heng.

With the end of the second wave of Heavenly Tribulation, the third Heavenly Tribulation has come as promised. The third Heavenly Tribulation is no longer a single or a variety of magical weapons, but a set of full-body armor that is obviously empty inside, but it behaves like a A living man in full armor.

This is a phantom of a wise armored stomach holding a big ax in one hand, and it appears above Jiang Heng in a flash, and it can't be explained that the big ax is slashing down.

The huge ax and the hugeness of the armor stomach itself make no one doubt the terrible destructive power of this blow!


Almost instantly, Jiang Heng also reacted, his body swayed, and he quickly avoided the blow with a small evasive movement of his body.

The expected sense of shock did not appear, but what followed was a familiar force, which belonged to Jiang Heng's own force, and was rebounding at an extremely fast speed.

Jiang Heng staggered, and shook off the force with one hand.

"It turns out that you have a powerful rebound pattern engraved on your body."

Before Jiang Heng finished speaking, Jiawei held a big ax without giving Jiang Heng a chance to breathe, and another ax swept across.

Jiang Heng turned his head to dodge the opponent's blow again, and he could see that this Jiawei didn't have much advantage in speed, maybe it had great strength, but as long as Jiang Heng was careful with his speed, it would be difficult for him to be hurt by the opponent.

"Since you have the rebound pattern, there must be a limit, let's see if you can hold my limit!"

Jiang Heng sneered, his skin became redder all over his body, and his physical strength was also mobilized to the peak. With a flash of his figure, he leaned close to him like a phantom, before the other party could react. The joint skill smashed towards Jia Wei with a slap in the face.

The terrifying attack frequency made Jiang Heng look like a high-speed fighting machine at this moment, and the terrifying and efficient strike method made Jiang Heng's every blow seem powerful, and when it hit the surface of the armor stomach, it emitted bursts of dull gold. The sound of iron strikes was like a dull forging hammer hitting the surface of a stomach.

At the same time, it is also possible to see ripples on the surface of the stomach with the naked eye, and these ripples will be fed back to Jiang Heng's body at the same wave frequency after resonating for a while.

Accompanied by the high-frequency blow, Jiang Heng's mouth slowly overflowed with blood, which is the manifestation of visceral organs being attacked by the terrorist rebound force.

Jiang Heng didn't say a word about this, but just stared at the point where he concentrated his mad attack, where the lines representing the rebound pattern shone with dazzling light, as bright red as a soldering iron.

This means that the array is in high-intensity operation.

"Then let's see who can't hold it up first!"

Jiang Heng roared furiously, and the speed in his hands accelerated several times.

The ever-increasing attack speed made the pattern finally start to run sluggishly and slowly, which means that the pattern is not running fast enough and is a precursor to collapse under high-load operation.

Jiang Heng couldn't help being secretly surprised at this moment, this is definitely a formation inscribed by a genius formation engraver.

At this time, with the powerful destructive power of almost the fifth-level physical body, he continuously bombarded the stomach with high-frequency and high-speed mad attacks for several minutes.

At this moment, Jiang Heng's physical body was almost completely shaken by the force of the rebound. Even so, the rebound pattern of Jiawei could still barely maintain normal operation.

This kind of formation inscription has a strong quality and also has this impressive effect.

Involuntarily, Jiang Heng's eyes burst into divine light, and he seemed to observe the pattern texture running on the opponent's surface a little bit, and wanted to understand the thoughts and ideas of this genius formation engraver through the pattern operation method.

Time passed by little by little, and the outside world was shocked by Jiang Heng's violent and domineering fighting style.

Although everyone had seen it during the first wave of catastrophe, it seemed that it was not as crazy as it is now.

Everyone couldn't help but think differently. If they were the ones being beaten by the other party, how long could they last?

Even if there are sufficient preparations in advance and many shields and other means, it seems that they cannot withstand such a high-frequency mad attack method.

Some elemental demigods were also slightly relieved.

Elemental demigods are not very afraid of physical attacks.

Of course, this is because they don't know that Jiang Heng still controls the airway. Jiang Heng has already tried to kill some energy aggregates and element aggregates quite well.

It can be said that as long as Jiang Heng thinks, even an elemental demigod can blast him into scum!

But facing the Jiawei Jiang Heng in front of him, he felt that he had nowhere to put it. This was because the other party was not wearing it by a living person, if there was a fourth-order demigod wearing it inside.

That will definitely activate all the formations of Jiawei completely, and at the same time, wearing it can also use many of its own methods to counter Jiang Heng.

After all, this armor stomach is simply a tortoise shell, Jiang Heng didn't think the opponent would give him a chance to attack violently for a few minutes.


After about six minutes, accompanied by a crisp sound, the rebound formation was announced to be broken, and the subsequent rebound force quickly dissipated.

Seeing this, Jiang Heng took advantage of the victory to pursue the attack, punching several joints on the Jiawei human body, and finally punched the opponent's chest again.

The Jiawei man flew upside down, and the Jiawei slowly dissipated and turned into wisps of glowing light that sank onto the large armor worn by Jiang Heng.

This is the gift after the success of the third catastrophe.

The third Heavenly Tribulation will select its form of Heavenly Tribulation according to the type of Divine Soldier.

With the integration of these rays of light, Jiang Heng felt that the spirituality of the armor seemed to be higher. Not only that, but the texture and pattern stability of the armor's stomach seemed to have been comprehensively improved.

Looking again, I found a faint purple-gold pattern on the outer layer of the breastplate.

Jiang Heng was relieved to see this thing.

This is the mark of the divine rank, but the surface of the divine rank divine weapon will more or less have some mutations on the surface of every successful crossing calamity.

Ordinary people call it the blessing of the Dao, and the power of the blessed pattern will be greatly improved.

Similarly, this formation pattern also represents the symbol of the divine grade, usually a purple gold texture, but there are also two and three stripes, and the most is three.

Three means the best of the gods.

But even if there is only one Jiang Heng, he is very satisfied.

After all, it was completely unexpected that he could forge a god-grade Jiawei this time. These are all unexpected things, which is equivalent to making Jiang Heng no dissatisfaction.

At this time, the vision above began to slowly rise. Although it cannot be denied that the quality of this catastrophe is still very high, it may be slightly inferior to the catastrophe when the demigod level broke through, but it is undeniable that such a catastrophe Most of the fourth-order demigods may not be able to survive the catastrophe.

It was a blessing that Jiang Heng was able to succeed, and in the eyes of outsiders, it was so easy, and he did not have the slightest embarrassment of having just survived the catastrophe.

The figure fell slowly, and Jiang Heng smiled when he came to Bai Lao.

"Good boy, you are the envy of this old man. Think about how helpless this old man was in the face of the catastrophe. You are good boy. It's a shame that you can refine a fourth-order god-grade armor by stepping up. The force crossed the catastrophe successfully."

"Thanks for the guidance of the senior!" Jiang Heng sincerely thanked, Bai Lao's help has been too much, if there is no Bai Lao's help, Jiang Heng may even have a lot of troubles in forging.

The two chatted with each other for a while and then quickly went to the arsenal.

Only then did the surrounding audience leave one after another, but what happened today has been contracted for their conversation for a long time to come.

In the arsenal, Bai Lao officially introduced Jiang Heng in front of all the refiners.

Knowing that Jiang Heng will be the second-in-command of the arsenal in the future, everyone has no opinion. It is a joke that who dares to have any opinions at this time. Didn’t they see that he made a god-grade armor stomach? This alone is enough for them to take good care of Think about how to get along with this second in command in the future.

About a few days later, after Jiang Heng got acquainted with many refiners in the arsenal, he received an invitation from Ji Yinghou again.

"Little friend, Lord Hou called you to come here this time. It should be because of your magical armor. If Master Hou wants to buy you at a high price and you don't want to sell it, he will not embarrass you because of his personality. Of course, if you want to sell it Master Hou will not treat you badly, you can rest assured about the price."

Bai Lao said with a smile, and it could be seen that Ji Yinghou was a very good boss in his impression.

Jiang Heng nodded silently, feeling a little apprehensive in his heart, not knowing why he always felt that something was wrong with this Ji Ying Hou.

"Perhaps it was because the incident left a deep impression on me at the time. The so-called fear of well ropes after being bitten by a snake for ten years. I am a bit of a soldier."

Rubbing the center of his brows, he headed to the secret realm of Dongtian where Ji Yinghou was located under the leadership of Wanfu Zhang Liulang.

When I came to this secret place again, everything here was the same as last time, but I found that there seemed to be guests in Jiyinghou Mansion today.

In the hall, besides Ji Yinghou who was sitting upright in the first seat, there was another sitting at the bottom wearing a loose robe. Through the open area of ​​the robe, one could see that this person was extremely muscular, and his appearance was quite rough. It was obvious that he was sitting upright. A majestic lion sitting like a human, but sitting like a human.

This is a middle-aged man with fluffy hair and a beard. His voice is also unusually loud, like a lion roaring in the wilderness.

Of course, this is the usual tone of middle-aged people. In fact, the two of them are just reminiscing about the past like old friends.

"Haha! Just as I said, Master Buchen is here!" Seeing Jiang Heng arriving, Ji Yinghou stroked his beard and said with a smile.

Hearing that the male Wuhan son also turned his eyes to Jiang Heng, this man's gaze was like that of a beast boy, the eyes were erect and looked fierce.

Being stared at with high eyes by the other party, Jiang Heng always felt that he was more like a prey than a beast staring at him.

This feeling made Jiang Heng feel a little uncomfortable, but it was hard to express.

The opponent's aura was obscure, and Jiang Heng couldn't perceive the opponent's specific state, but from the encounter between the opponent and Ji Yinghou's peers, could it be that this is another high-ranking powerhouse?

"This is the Master Shen you mentioned? Look at me or cultivate my physical body. This physique, the strength of energy and blood, is really not as famous as meeting him. I think it is more domineering than some starry sky behemoths of the same level! But this is really Jiying, are you talking about Master Shen who forged divine weapons?"

The big man looked Jiang Heng up and down, his face full of doubts and suspicions.

After all, this is very abnormal, but judging by Jiang Heng's physique, vitality, and blood, he is clearly an extremely powerful man with a strong physical body. Can the power of the physical body be related to the occupation of the craftsman and formation engraver?

This kind of concept can't be formed in Dahan's mind at all.

However, what he said made Jiang Heng even more startled. It is not surprising that the other party can see through his own realm. It is possible that he could see through it so carefully, and even be able to roughly tell the strength of his physique, which Jiang Heng did not expect.

"Haha, brother, don't make generalizations. Master Shen is not only good at actual combat, he is also a respectable master of refining weapons and formation engraving masters. I and everyone in my station can agree on this point." ensure!"

Ji Yinghou explained to Jiang Heng with a smile, as if deliberately bragging in front of his friends.

Looking at the interaction between the two, Jiang Heng felt a little puzzled. He didn't expect that today's situation was that Xu had always been wary of Ji Yinghou, so Jiang Heng always subconsciously guessed the meaning of each evil move of the other party?

"Oh, brother Jiying, if you say so, it must be true. I didn't expect Master Shen to be so amazing. Not only is his skill in refining and engraving formations superb, but he is also so good in actual combat."

The burly and wild man looked at Jiang Heng in surprise, his eyes seemed to be sizing up an incredible creation.

"Ahem, Master Shen hasn't introduced you yet~ This is my friend, and also a casual cultivator hired by the prince recently, Your Excellency the Beastmaster!"

Ji Yinghou coughed lightly, and then remembered that Jiang Heng had been ignored, but Jiang Heng didn't know whether the other party did it intentionally or deliberately.

However, the beast king mentioned by the other party, Jiang Heng's mind soon surfaced the information about this powerful man.

Beastmaster, a high-ranking seventh-rank demigod, belongs to one of the medium-sized casual cultivators not too far from the southern border. It is rumored that this person has a violent personality and is cruel and bloodthirsty. He is known for his particular fondness for dating people.

Secondly, this person also likes to reproduce. To put it simply, his needs are particularly great, and there is no taboo about race. Almost as long as it is a female, if he is interested, no one will care.

It is said that the nearly 100,000 domain lord-level powerhouses in this person's power are all descendants of him and the females of various races, and most of the nearly 2,000 demigod powerhouses under his command are his offspring.

It is even rumored that this person once gave birth to a hybrid starry sky behemoth heir with the starry sky behemoth.

From this, it can be seen how disorderly the Beastmaster, a high-ranking and powerful man, lived in his daily life.

But he is also smarter, cruel means cruel and bloodthirsty is bloodthirsty, but he knows who can provoke and who cannot, so there is some reason why the large force he formed alone can maintain.

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