Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 959: showdown

"This... if you give me a certain amount of time to prepare, I can still do it."

After Liu Lang finished speaking, he felt that he was not very confident.

"Hmph! I don't know what you are capable of. Assassinating an ordinary fifth-level demigod is not a problem, but you are not good enough in the flesh. But if you have a fifth-level divine weapon that matches your ability, it may not be so.

But no matter what, Master Shen, you have to pay attention when you look back. With such a realm, he not only possesses Tier 4 combat strength, but also possesses a terrifying level of refining weapons and engraving formations.

This kind of talent is probably not possible for the few highnesses in our palace, right? "

"Master Hou, you may be exaggerating this person too much. Your highness is also a dragon and a phoenix among people, which one is not a monster who can leap over the ranks. And most of your highnesses have mastered some powerful top secret techniques, and it is not heard Does His Royal Highness seem to have mastered a supernatural power?

If he can cultivate supernatural powers, His Royal Highness is the real pride of heaven. "Liu Lang laughed with him, he felt that his master Hou was a little bit uplifting to others.

Ji Yinghou was noncommittal, but murmured for a moment: "Who can say for sure whether this person has supernatural powers or not?"

I don't know why Ji Yinghou always feels that this Master Shen is not simple.

At this time, as Jiang Hengyue fought more and more bravely, the first catastrophe swept across with unstoppable momentum. During the period, there was no injury at all, and there was not even a scratch on his body and stomach.

It was only now that many people realized that the man in the middle of the sky seemed to have passed through the first catastrophe, and the low-level first and second ranks could not see the movements of Jiang Heng and even the catastrophe at all, and even the third-level demigod could feel some traces. But still can't feel clearly.

Only Mohu found that the people above seemed to have successfully survived the first catastrophe.

"No, in this state, the increase is indeed not small for me, but the consumption is also not small!" Jiang Heng felt it a little bit, he was not as relaxed as outsiders saw.

This first catastrophe has a frequency of hundreds of thousands of attacks, and each attack frequency is at the normal fourth-order level.

And if these sword lights don't defeat them, they will continue to attack. Simply avoiding them won't work, so Jiang Heng must defeat them one by one with his own hands.

"It's okay if my own strength has reached the fourth-order level now, but if I step into this realm with a strong body, I want to fully explode the fourth-order power, which will consume too much of my law."

This is the point where Jiang Heng is a little embarrassed at this time.

To put it simply, the body is now a Hummer, but the inside is just the engine and fuel tank of an ordinary small private car.

It's just that the consumption is too high, but the internal storage and capacity are not enough to support such a large high consumption.

"Maybe you can try to rely more on armor boost!"

Jiang Heng came up with a tricky way after thinking about it for a while, that is to minimize the use of all the abilities of the physical body, use only half of the consumption to fight, and rely more on the power of the armor increase.

"not bad!"

After some adjustments, Jiang Heng felt okay. Even if the power of his physical body was reduced, the increase in armor still allowed him to have the peak combat power of Tier 4.

"Then come the second catastrophe!"

Jiang Heng looked up at the sky again, and at this time, the catastrophe above had already begun to brew.

The previous first Heavenly Tribulation was broken by Jiang Heng so forcefully, which made Heavenly Tribulation feel humiliated. At this time, the phantoms of the gods and soldiers above came and went more closely. They seemed to be arguing about the second wave of Heavenly Tribulation faction. Shadow falls.

This kind of humanized discussion did not last long, and soon the second wave of catastrophe came.

But this time it's not just a phantom of a magic weapon, but a phantom of eight magic weapons at once.

Seeing this scene, Bai Lao's pale brows trembled.

"This is... the magic weapon robbery and the eight-tone repeating robbery!"

"Teacher, what is Octave Duo Zou Jie?" Mo Bai beside him was puzzled.

Although he dreamed that he could refine a divine weapon by himself, he also knew that this was an unrealistic idea, so he didn't know much about the disasters that these divine grades required to experience.

"The so-called Octave! It is a heavenly catastrophe that is attacked by eight different sound waves at the same time. Just look at the phantoms of these magic weapons, which are Xun, Fou, Zhu, Panxiao, Konghou, Zheng, The Guqin and the Se, these eight instruments are like magic weapons!"

"Teacher, there is such a strange attack method among the magic weapons, but isn't the sonic attack always belonged to the trail?" Mo Bai scratched his head and became more confused.

Because sonic attacks would be greatly reduced in a vacuum environment, even high-level sonic means.

"What do you know! From the time of the ancient gods, there have been many divine weapons of the highest grade, and until now there have been countless magical weapons of all kinds, such as sonic attacks.

As for the sonic method you said belongs to the small way, this is really watching the sky from the bottom of a well. Have you ever seen the demigod of the sonic way? There are powerful means to be able to step into the avenue of demigods no matter how small the path is.

As for the vacuum environment that the world thinks can't transmit sound waves, do you know the eight sounds of the soul? And Tianyin Soul Return? "

As he said that, Bai Lao looked at his named disciple and sighed: "The demigods of sound waves may not be very good at the material level, but they have unique abilities in dealing with the soul.

I have seen a domain master-level sonic powerhouse silently massacre a domain-master-level standing army division composed of thousands of people. I have also seen a sonic demigod silently kill these enemies with sonic waves under the protection of his companions when facing the siege of ten demigods of the same rank. These people didn't even notice the abnormality until they died, and even still smiled, and died very peacefully and beautifully.

Their physical bodies became empty shells, and their inner spirits disappeared. Are you still saying that the sonic method is not good? "

Mo Bai was terrified when he heard that.

As far as what method many cultivators are most afraid of, it is nothing more than a method that can target the soul.

Because the soul has always been strictly guarded by the world.

Although it is said that the soul can leave the body at the level of the domain master, the more powerful the demigod is, the more afraid it is that the soul travels far away, and it is not easy to leave the body and wander outside unless it is absolutely necessary.

Almost the vast majority of demigod powerhouses have a consistent attitude towards this.

If there are exceptions, of course there are. There are only two types of people who dare to travel around with their spirits at will. One is those with extremely powerful spirits and protective equipment. The other is casual cultivators, who don't care about these things, and don't have so many worries, especially some demigods who live in the edge of the universe all the year round,

These people don't care about so many people. They usually dominate a super galaxy cluster. There may be no strong people of the same level in the tens of thousands of light years nearby, so there is no need to worry so much.

As for traveling in the spiritual world, you don't need to think too much. Visiting Wanbaozhai and the huge spiritual world in the spiritual world is one of the few choices for many demigods to wander.

But you also need to consider the risks. Some demigods with extremely powerful souls like to hunt and kill some demigods who descended into the spiritual world on the outskirts of the spiritual world.

The purpose, one is to strengthen oneself, and the other is to hunt and obtain the currency of the spiritual world to exchange for many treasures.

Of course the topic is off topic.

At this time, the phantom of the Eight Paths Divine Soldier had already arrived, but it stopped when it was still an extremely long distance from Jiang Heng.

Seeing that Jiang Heng was suspicious, he was a little wary of these phantoms of magic weapons that were suspected to be shaped like musical instruments, but he didn't know what methods the other party would have against him.

Jiang Heng knew very little about sonic methods, mainly because the number of sonic demigods in the universe was extremely rare, and Jiang Heng hadn't even fought against sonic powerhouses.

"Be careful with spirits, they can hurt people's spirits!"

At this moment, Bai Lao's voice sounded in his mind, and it was a sound transmission.

Hearing this, Jiang Heng immediately became vigilant, staring cautiously at these strange musical instruments.

The heart orifice has already operated on its own, the soul has begun to grow, and a thin shield of the soul has begun to form on the outer layer of the soul.

"Soul-like means? How exactly did you attack my soul?"

As soon as there was this kind of doubt in my mind, the next moment the eight divine weapons began to tremble slightly in unison.

Accompanied by the trembling, from the perspective of outsiders, Jiang Heng's figure above him suddenly froze in mid-air, motionless.

"What's the matter with this catastrophe? Haven't seen them make a move yet?"

As time passed, many people below were puzzled. The above is like a still picture, which is hard to figure out.

"This wave of catastrophe won't just pass by? Is this catastrophe stupid?"

Many people talked about it, and it was the first time they saw this situation.

"No! Is this somewhat similar to Heart Demon Tribulation!"

Alice spoke suddenly.

Hearing what my centurion said, many soldiers really looked alike when they thought about it.

The Heart Demon Tribulation is so silent, outsiders seem to be standing still, but they are actually experiencing a more tragic fight than the outside world.

The facts are indeed similar, at this time Jiang Heng is enduring waves of extreme pain in the sea of ​​consciousness.

The pervasive sound waves eroded the entire space of the Sea of ​​Consciousness, and the terrifying and invisible force of vibration made Jiang Heng's spirit body start to appear fine cracks uncontrollably, and the ground of the Sea of ​​Consciousness space was vibrating everywhere.

"Noisy! So noisy!"

Jiang Heng held his head in pain in the state of ecstasy, enduring the pain that was simply unbearable for human beings, and at the same time, various emotions in his consciousness seemed to be mobilized.

"This is a sonic attack?!"

When Jiang Heng felt the noise and severe pain, he couldn't help being shocked.

"If it weren't for the big armor mobilizing the pattern of anger to affect me, I'm afraid that my emotions and six desires will be mobilized at this time, and my mind will be completely opened up by this **** sound wave!"

This is also a coincidence.

Originally, the formation pattern used to stimulate anger inside the Great Armor was just to mobilize more physical strength for himself by borrowing anger, but he didn't expect that the overwhelming anger could strengthen his will.

This painful experience continued, and after about an hour, the phantoms of the eight sonic soldiers above seemed to be a little confused.

Because after such a long time, they couldn't even take down a low-level second-tier guy, which obviously disrupted their process.

According to the strength of their sound waves, it stands to reason that even if the victim is a fourth-rank spirit soul, there is a danger of the spirit soul collapsing and dying.

But Jiang Heng here is like a stubborn rock, even if you let the flood flood the sky, he just won't move.

This is very confusing!

"Thanks to my knowledge of the changes in the sea space!"

Being able to withstand the impact of this ** is of course the reason why Jiang Heng has experienced many soul crises and the soul is far more determined than the same level, part of the reason is the opening of the heart orifice, and part of the reason is that the big armor arouses anger.

But the main reason is that the two clusters of divine fire jumping and converging into one ball above the sea of ​​consciousness space, at this time the small sun formed by the convergence of the two clusters of divine fire bears most of the pressure.

It's just that the light emitted by the little sun seems to be much weaker, but it is still strong.

About half an hour later, after the high-intensity delivery of the spirit killing method, the phantom of the Eight Paths Divine Soldier was finally exhausted, and the phantom of the Eight Paths gradually faded until it disappeared.

Feeling the dissipation of the sound wave shock, Jiang Heng took a breath.

"To be able to temper my soul, this is a little gift after surviving the catastrophe!"

Feeling that the Sea of ​​Consciousness Space and Soul have been strengthened a lot, this is good news.

"My lord!"

Just as Jiang Heng was immersed in the power of his soul, a sound transmission from a strange and calm man sounded in his mind.

"Who? Who's talking?!"

"My lord! It's me. I have just survived the second catastrophe, and my spirituality has fully matured!"

Hearing this, Jiang Heng knew who the owner of the voice was, it turned out to be Da Kai.

After the forging of the big armor is completed, it actually has a little wisdom, which is true of many weapons.

It's just that this kind of semi-artifact that has just been forged is often conceived with extremely low spiritual intelligence, similar to a newborn baby, with chaotic consciousness and no understanding of anything.

Weaponry equipment, whether it is magic weapons or domain master-level weapons, there are nothing more than two ways to breed wisdom.

One is the conventional one, after countless years of finished product, followed by generation after generation of masters, under such continuous accumulation, the spiritual intelligence of the weapon spirit in the weapon will naturally become higher and higher, until it has the ability to transform into shape.

For example, Jiang Heng's Beauty Saber is the is the result of many years of cultivation.

The second is to cross the catastrophe. After going through the catastrophe, especially the catastrophe similar to the catastrophe of the heart demon, it will achieve a quick effect on the spiritual wisdom of the divine weapon.

It's just that this approach is uncommon and difficult to replicate.

"What's your name?"

"I don't know my lord! You gave me everything, it doesn't matter whether I have a name or not, but if you want to give me a name, lord, then I can call it that name!"

The timbre of the big armor is somewhat similar to that of an iron-blooded soldier, the timbre of a middle-aged man, but his tone of voice has always maintained an extremely serious attitude, and he is extremely respectful to Jiang Heng, the master. It's like facing your own boss.

Jiang Heng didn't even know how this thing could form this type of intelligence. He thought that this armored stomach would give birth to a female intelligence like a Valkyrie.

I don't know why, but I always feel that the joy of just passing through the double catastrophe has diminished a lot.

"Don't worry about the name yet, let's wait until we have passed the triple catastrophe!"

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