Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 948: something is wrong with this thing

"It should be like this here, it should be like that here, very good!"

Jiang Heng looked at a row of twenty avatars carrying out streamlined operations with a clear division of labor, and he felt silky smooth.

"That's efficiency, streamlining is simply a great thing."

In order to improve the refining level as soon as possible, Jiang Heng deliberately allocated 20 avatars for refining, and divided the refining process into 20 parts, so that each of the 20 people can specialize in the process of one part. With the improvement, the proficiency of the refiner also increased rapidly.

They are all their own incarnations, and the proficiency gained from their hard work will eventually be aggregated to the main body.

It wasn't until twenty people completed the last step respectively that one million pieces were finally completed.

"Phew! Originally, it would take nearly eight years for an ordinary craftsman, but I finished it in ten months. If it wasn't for the time-consuming engraving of the formation, I'm afraid this time would be shortened, but the effect is still very good. Everything is inscribed. There are solidification, no front, armor-breaking, psychedelic, and invisible five-layer formations. The quality is at the top level, enough to compete!"

Jiang Heng was very satisfied, and his proficiency in refining first-order semi-artifacts was almost full.

"Although the success rate of refining first-order semi-artifacts is about 80%, I still need to try other semi-artifacts with other functions and shapes to deepen my impression, and then I can try second-order semi-artifacts."

Although the level of forging has risen sharply, Jiang Heng was not proud at all, and clicked submit in the bracelet.

It didn't take long for professionals from the military to come to check and accept.

Because he was afraid of attracting attention, Jiang Heng chose his own dormitory as the inspection location, and a mid-level demigod officer who came to inspect the inspection early the next morning came to the door.

This person is a heroic female demigod. Although she looks pretty, she is of the frosty type. Her expression is serious, as if everyone owes her tens of millions of imperial coins.

"Dear your Excellency the refiner, this is Alice, the centurion of the Extreme Shadow Legion, have you really completed all the refinement tasks? Sorry, I have to confirm it verbally. If you press the submit button by mistake, I will It can be assumed that this did not happen.

After all, according to the data, the time for you to receive tasks and complete tasks is beyond my expectation. It should be said that I have never seen this kind of efficiency before. So it is necessary for me to confirm, otherwise once I check and find that the passing rate has not reached the passing line, then I will punish you to a certain extent! "

This Alice female centurion has a businesslike attitude, and her stern appearance makes no one doubt the authenticity of her words.

"Of course! Everything is here and you can check it at will!" Jiang Heng put the storage ring that he had organized a long time ago on the table.

"Okay! Then I'll check it!"

Without the slightest hesitation, Alice picked up the ring decisively and checked it.

She was originally an officer of the Jiying Legion who arranged to prepare logistics for her own legion here, so she couldn't be careless to check the armaments of her own legion.

So Jiang Heng saw Miss Alice inspecting it very carefully.

Generally speaking, random inspections are enough, but this Miss Alice has almost checked one by one.

Of course, it would be too time-consuming to check the internal details of the weapon carefully one by one, so she also checked the completion and quality of the weapon.

It took about half an hour for her to raise her head and look at Jiang Heng.

"It seems that you are a very respectable craftsman, Your Excellency, the level of craftsmanship is very good, and your excellent efficiency also surprised me."

Alice spoke slightly flattering words, but her face did not change at all, as cold as ever, as if such a craftsman as Jiang Heng was just a mortal in front of her.

Jiang Heng didn't care about this either, although in the eyes of many demigods, a craftsman was an existence that needed to be treated with extra respect and courtesy.

But I am only a Tier 1 refiner, so it's not surprising that I don't have much respect for a mid-level demigod.

"I'm looking forward to our next cooperation. Our Jiying Legion is currently performing interspersed missions on the front line. The demand for weapons is huge. The damage rate of weapons in each mission is scary. So if you are still interested You can continue to accept the mission of our Extreme Shadow Legion."

Saying that, Alice put away the storage ring, bowed slightly and nodded towards Jiang Heng with a frosty face, then turned her head and left, her walking posture was as sassy as ever.

Shaking his head, Jiang Heng didn't care about this cold woman.

The ghosts continued to take on the mission of their Jiying Legion, not to mention the thankless effort, but they didn't have a good face.

Of course, the main reason is that Jiang Heng is now tired of playing with thousands of guns, and he wants to change to a different kind of weapon forging.

About five days later, the batch of ten thousand guns that Alice took from Jiang Heng was transported by the logistics transport fleet to the temporary space port where the Jiying Legion was stationed.

When the well-preserved long strips of metal snap fingers were lifted out of the transport ship by the members of the Extreme Shadow Legion, many legion soldiers onlookers couldn't help showing a smile when they saw the logo on the box.

"The new batch of weapons has finally arrived. The quality of the previous batch was so poor that it would be rotten with a charge. I just don't know how this batch is."

There were discussions.

It's not that the Jiying Legion has no weapons to use. In fact, they still have a lot of spare weapons, but this kind of standard weapon that cooperates with the team's charge has not been fully replenished.

"This batch is assigned to Alice Centurion's command, and this is also what Alice went to the rear to pull back, no one should **** it!"

The soldiers in charge of the **** yelled loudly, which was also a reminder to the rest of the centurion's subordinates in the port.

"What, isn't that **** Alice not going to the front line recently? Why do you need to allocate brand new weapons?" Some people were dissatisfied immediately.

"Hmph! Our centurion said that when these weapons are in place, our centurion will take us to the front line in turn. And it will be the death squad that will act as the vanguard! Why do you have anything to say?" an obviously Ellie The soldiers under Si's command immediately shouted.

These words immediately silenced the rest of the centurion's soldiers.

"Pioneer Death Squad! Is Alice Centurion crazy? Or are they all crazy, why are they rushing to die after finally being replaced?"

There were whispers, but it was all clear how much the Vanguard meant.

To put it simply, it is a sharp knife at the front of the Jiying Legion every time they charge. The so-called vanguard is the first to be impacted, and it is naturally known as the Death Squad.

Because its death rate and injury rate is far better than that of the middle and rear troops!

Although the Extreme Shadow Legion is not considered a frontal combat legion, their task is also very arduous, and they belong to a mobile force that finds the right time to rush into the enemy's center.

The Jiying Legion's high mobility is the most important, so the Jiying Legion's combat location is often the rear and center of the enemy. This also means that they are no less dangerous on the battlefield than other legions on the frontal battlefield.

On the contrary, after the Ultima Legion disrupted the battle formation of the Omnic Corps many times, the Omnic Corps also began to pay special attention to this army that is good at being a shit-stirring stick, so the strength against the Ultima Corps has become stronger and stronger recently.

At present, the casualties of the Jiying Legion have reached 4,000 people, nearly 1,000 people were killed in battle, and 3,000 people were seriously injured, and they are still recovering.

This is the current status of the main front-line corps. Now many corps are preparing to absorb some outstanding officers from the standing divisions to supplement the personnel of their main corps.

After this batch of one million pieces of guns was distributed to every soldier under her command, Alice also walked out of the transport ship. She was as cold as ever, and her stern face would only bloom when she saw the soldiers under her command. A shallow smile.

"I'm back, I've got to prepare this time, and I'm sure I'll have to get busy in the future."


! "

Hearing her centurion's order, all the soldiers under Alice's command shouted in unison one by one with high fighting spirit.

Until one month later, the war broke out again. This time it was not a large-scale battle, but a small-scale encounter between the Ultima Legion and the Omnic Legion.

But the situation still seems to be worse.

"The Centurion has an ambush, and the Omnic Legion has set up ambushes on both sides. This is obviously an operation against our Extreme Shadow Legion. We can only face the large enemy army in front of us!"

An elder said with a bitter expression on his face.

This time it can be regarded as a routine harassment attack by the Ultima Legion. Such an attack is a sudden attack by the Ultima Legion on some military units of the Omninic Legion from time to time.

However, this time the Omnic Legion seems to have been prepared. At this time, it has deployed combat units far superior to the Extreme Shadow Legion to cut their legion into several parts.

small book booth

And the opponent's purpose is also very clear, that is to concentrate superior forces to eliminate Alice's vanguard first, and then gradually erode the rear.

"Then make a gap, and then use the mobility of our Extreme Shadow Legion to harass and destroy the opponent's goal!" Alice showed no panic on her face.

"But there are too many enemy troops on the opposite side, we..." The chief felt that his centurion seemed to have not figured out the situation.

He didn't have to be so anxious to break through so easily.

"After three breaths, the target in front of you will concentrate on charging at twelve o'clock and execute the order!"

Alice's faintly aggravated tone made the chief no longer able to refute, so he nodded and immediately gave the centurion's order.

Hearing the order of their own centurion, many soldiers in the unique ranger starship of the Extreme Shadow Legion tightened their hands tightly.

The Ranger starship is a special combination starship specially built for the Extreme Shadow Legion.

There are two states, the first is the cruising state, which looks like a warship with a unique shape on the surface.

The second is the ranger state. In this state, the starship will instantly split into hundreds of small assault shuttles, abandoning all other advantages and only retaining the super fast escape speed.

As soon as the three-breath time was up, the starship quickly turned into a hundred small flying shuttles, and immediately rushed towards the orderly and densely packed Omnic Corps main formation in a sorted and pointed cone shape.

Seeing this scene, the Omnic Legion reacted quickly, and the surface of the starship was quickly covered with layers of shields, and at the same time, the dense and overwhelming energy rays attacked intensively.

At the same time, densely packed omnic warriors followed, each of which possessed first-order demigod combat power, formed densely and orderly, and moved towards Alice's team step by step in a way that imitated the battle formation of a legion.

The performance here is more like playing slow and fast, step by step.

On the other hand, Alice's team is more like using fast to beat slow. The soldiers in each of their shuttles are good at driving shuttles. Under the countless dense energy rays, their shuttles seem to be flexible. The flying fish dodged perfectly.

And it didn't affect their rushing speed at all. In the blink of an eye, their speed had soared to the limit and they were getting closer and closer to the opponent's battle formation.

"Wanlun Formation! Attack Form! Break!"

Alice, who was driving the leading shuttle, shouted voice transmission to her subordinates.

In an instant, a round of high-speed and high-frequency rotating metal rings were shot out from each shuttle. These rings hovered in the air for a while and then quickly merged with Alice's flywheel, forming a giant high-frequency ring. Rotating cutting ring.


The high-frequency cutting of the rings that were only assembled in an instant easily tore apart the powerful energy shield formed by the gathering of the opponent's starships.

This scene stunned Alice at the because in her expectation, the energy shield gathered by such a dense starship should be extremely hard.

Even if they use all kinds of attack forms, they won't be able to break through the defense in an instant.

But it happened to be so easy to break the defense.

Before she had time to think, Alice shouted again.

"Wan**, free form, attack!"

Accompanied by this instruction, the giant round wheel quickly disintegrated and turned into a hundred cutting flywheels, freely sweeping towards the line that the team was rushing along.

These thousands of guns seem to automatically clear the obstacles in front of the team's charge, and any omnic fighters who stand in the way will be instantly cut into two pieces.

"It's not right!"

Alice always felt that something was wrong, and it seemed that this was too easy.

"No! There is something wrong with this Wan**!"

Alice suddenly seemed to think of something.

It seems that it is no less than ten breaths to break into the enemy's main formation now.

According to the ten breaths of effort in the past, with the high-frequency, high-speed and efficient combat method of tens of thousands of guns, it seems that it is easy to be damaged due to successive slashing of the enemy. At least the sharp parts of the outer ring should be covered with grooves, resulting in a sharp drop in sharpness. , As a result, the efficiency of killing the enemy is reduced, and it is finally captured or even destroyed by the enemy.

Therefore, Wan ** is also called a one-time lethal weapon in the Jiying Legion.

This thing is a highly efficient beheading weapon on a battlefield with a large number of enemies, but because of this, the high-frequency killing efficiency of this thing is extremely easy to be damaged or even scrapped directly.

On weekdays, after breaking into the enemy's formation for two or three breaths, the killing efficiency of ten thousand guns will drop sharply. It is not bad if the ten thousand guns that can be used within ten breaths can maintain one-tenth of the original one.

But right now, Alice found that the killing efficiency of these ten thousand guns under her command didn't seem to drop at all, and it was almost perfectly consistent with the initial one.

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