Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 947: stop being human

Artifact refining is a very boring thing. During the nearly one-year course break period, Jiang Heng almost stayed in the artifact refining room and never came out.

"In the end, only fifty pieces were successful."

Jiang Heng was a little depressed looking at the almost hillock-like refining waste accumulated in his cave.

I thought that I had almost mastered the knack of forging the first-order semi-sacred weapon when I finished the first semi-sacred weapon, but I would fail or fail later.

However, Jiang Heng maintained a 100% success rate for the last ten semi-artifacts, and their quality has also risen sharply.

Hmm....should barely meet the standard, right?

Jiang Heng stroked his chin. I feel that I am more or less a qualified first-order refiner.

Because refining is indeed more uncertain than alchemy, a first-level refiner who can guarantee an 80% success rate is considered a qualified first-level refiner.

Jiang Heng felt that it shouldn't be a problem for him to reach 80% of his level now.

"I don't have enough materials, but I should be able to accept the military's mission and use the military's materials to practice!"

Military missions have been hanging outside the gate of the alchemy refining room all year round. For example, the demand for first-order semi-artifacts has always been high.

Take this one for example, the task of refining 100 semi-sacred artifacts, the task requirements: the quality must be of medium quality, and the military will provide materials for 130 pieces.

Once this task is accepted, the military will eventually collect 100 pieces of semi-artifacts required for the task. If the task cannot be completed due to inexperienced skills, at least one hundred pieces of semi-artifacts can be made up with materials at their own expense, or they can be distributed to the front line!

It is such a regulation that makes many first-level craftsmen dare not try it lightly.

Therefore, such first-level refining tasks are often accepted by second-level refining masters. They can almost guarantee a success rate of more than 90% in refining first-level semi-divine weapons, and the quality can be maintained above the middle level. This is for them to improve their skills and earn extra money.

But it was the next year's teaching task, so Jiang Heng had no choice but to leave the refining room.

It's just that Luo Mingming also opened the door at the same time as himself, and the two ran into each other again.

This time Luo Mingming's mental state is obviously much better than a year ago. His eyes seemed to shine again.

There seems to be a bright galaxy in that light, with magnificent and dazzling light, and full of strong self-confidence.

"Brother Shen, I succeeded! I succeeded. You see, this is the fourth-order golden body pill that I have practiced this year. I have refined a total of forty furnaces. Except for the first alchemy rate that is not too high, the latter alchemy is not too high." Keep it at eight or even ten! I... I found it, and my alchemy skills are back!"

At this moment Luo Mingming was as happy as a child, even though he was a little rough now, but his energetic appearance was more energetic and exciting than when he saw him for the first time.

"That's why I said you need a change of scenery."

"Yes! Brother Shen, what you said is right, I will listen to you from now on, and I will give you these pills!"

Speaking of which, Luo Mingming gave Jiang Heng a storage ring.

"But I haven't been refining array disks recently..."

"No! Brother Shen, I thank you for this. These are very useful to you, but to me they are no different from jelly beans. If the materials were not more expensive, I would not have asked for your array before."

Luo Mingming waved his hand, the excitement on his face did not abate at all.

He waved his hand and hurried away, as if he wanted to go home and try alchemy.

Looking at the extra medicine in his hand, Jiang Heng was a little dazed, when will he be so rich.

This is the fourth-order Golden Body Pill, the best choice for body-hardened martial arts warriors.

However, this thing is very expensive to buy on the black market. One is 50,000 imperial coins, ten is 500,000, and 100 is 5 million.

The reason why the price of this thing is constant and not too expensive is that the material of this Golden Body Pill is simple, but it is more dependent on the alchemist's skills.

Secondly, Jinshen Dan has extremely low resistance to martial arts, and it is still effective after taking hundreds of pills.

There was even a son of Lord Hou who tried to test the limit of the golden body pill's resistance to the physical body. Finally, after taking 500 pills, he took the golden body pill and it was no longer effective.

However, the tempering of the physical body is also extremely astonishing. With such terrifying financial resources, the physical strength of the son of Lord Hou at the fourth level is comparable to that of the starry sky behemoth of the same level.

His physique even surpassed the fifth-order powerhouse of the physical body.

Jiang Heng thinks this has certain reference value, but it also varies from person to person.

"The strength of my physical body is a crime of the same level. The current strength has reached the peak of the third level, and faintly touched the level of the fourth level. But my realm is low, and the effect of taking the fourth-level pill may be better, and it can accommodate more Golden Body Pills .

But time is really not enough! "

Jiang Heng really felt that there was not enough time, even if he could differentiate many clones at the same time, it was not enough.

This is also the reason why Jiang Heng is too urgent, there is no ordinary demigod like him. Most of the specialization is enough for them to study for a lifetime.

Time passed day by day like this, teaching and practicing both.

Because teaching is needed this year, Jiang Heng's arrangement is to practice in one month and go home to take the Golden Body Pill to quench the body.

After all, there was only one month between intervals, so Jiang Heng didn't bother to go to the refining room, and simply used the time to quickly improve his strength.

The effect of the Golden Body Pill was as good as the rumors said, and the effect was the best when he took it for the first time. Jiang Heng could obviously feel that his physical strength had increased a lot, which was comparable to the effect of pulling the power of the stars to temper his body for nearly a hundred years.

Although the effect of continuing to take it later declined, but as rumored, the decline was extremely limited, so Jiang Heng rapidly increased his physical strength at the rate of ten pills per month.

Another year passed in a blink of an eye, and the next year was a rest period when Jiang Heng came to the refining room again.

Like last time, Jiang Heng saw Luo Mingming again and said hello. Jiang Heng didn't enter the refining room in a hurry, but looked at the task list and chose the regular first-order refining task.

After waiting in the refining room for several hours, someone soon delivered 130 parts equivalent of refining materials.

Looking at the materials in the storage ring divided into 130 parts, Jiang Heng felt full of motivation.

The duration of such a task is ten years, and the completion of the submission within ten years can be considered a success. If it is completed perfectly, some instructors will be rated.

Without any hesitation, Jiang Heng dived into the ocean of refining equipment.

This kind of mission issued by the military has strict requirements, and even a very detailed description of the requirements is sent with the materials, and a specification drawing is attached.

This is an order placed by a company named Jiying Legion. It is estimated that a total of 10,000 pieces will be needed, so it is divided into 100 equal tasks and issued.

Although this Jiying army is not an ace army, but the Changjiang Heng army of their army is still impressive, and it is Jiyinghou, one of the several princes in the southern border.

And most of the members of the Extreme Shadow Legion are based on the law of speed, so the standard weapons they need to forge are also rather strange.

Because they are good at speed, and other areas are relatively weak, so their weapons are not conventional weapons, but a circular weapon called ten thousand guns.

On weekdays, it can be shrunk down and used as a bracelet. Once it defends against enemies, the bracelet can quickly transform into thousands, and quickly form a dense ring-shaped shield on the body surface.

Gong can see the ten thousand guns for high-speed rotary cutting, and even ten thousand knives can be used as a ring to trap and restrain the enemy.


In short, it is infinitely useful.

Therefore, the requirements of this order are relatively strict, and there are many terms.

After reading these terms and requirements, Jiang Heng finally understood why there are still nearly 90 copies of this first-order task that no one has accepted.

Other first-order missions either require a short amount of time, or provide only 120 copies of materials, giving only a very small error tolerance rate.

Jiang Heng chose this task because he valued the long time and sufficient materials.

As a result, the mission assigned by the army under Lord Hou's command is really not something that ordinary people can accept.

"Trouble, I haven't tried this multifunctional demigod yet."

Jiang Heng rubbed his brows and hesitated, but he accepted all the tasks, and there was no way to go back on his word.

"Let's try it first, the principle is still the same, but the process is much more cumbersome than ordinary demi-artifacts, but as long as I'm careful, it might be okay to try more."

Jiang Heng decided not to waste time, and started to try.

Wan**'s forging was indeed beyond Jiang Heng's expectations. At the beginning, there were 20 consecutive scrappings, but none of them succeeded, and the reasons for each error were different.

This brought Jiang Heng's refining operation to a standstill.

"I have to think about it. I remember that the more functional a demigod is, the less stable it will be when forging, so the difficulty will be greater. So if I can improve its stability, maybe I can increase the forging efficiency.

Just how to improve stability? "

Jiang Heng began to recall the many theoretical knowledge of refining tools he had seen. After thinking about it, he found that although those methods can be tried, they need to be practiced continuously to improve their success rate. It is impossible to scrap dozens of materials.

"The difficulty of this thing is no less than that of ordinary second-order semi-artifacts. Isn't this a scam!"

Jiang Heng was depressed, the advantage of the Legion is really not so easy to take advantage of!

"Ah! If the inscriptions are inscribed on the utensils before they are finished, won't this improve their stability?"

Mengdi Jiang Heng thought of a possibility.

The theoretical knowledge of weapon refining in my mind does not have this relevant memory, which is normal, after all, formation inscription master and weapon refining master belong to two completely different professions.

Usually, a person who only studies one of them will not achieve great achievement after exhausting his whole life, so few craftsmen even specialize in the study of formation inscriptions.

In fact, the engraving of the formation method involves not only the formation method but also the inscription, and it also requires high attainments in both aspects.

But the fact that other people can't do it doesn't mean that Jiang Heng can't do it.

He switched from the line of engraving formations to the line of refining weapons.

"Maybe you can really try it, whether it succeeds or not, this is indeed a direction!"

Thinking of this, Jiang Heng no longer hesitated to start the next forging, but this time he kept his eyes on the progress of the forging, and quickly and urgently inscribed the solidified formation in the weapon before the finished product.

Because there is only one step away from the formation of the weapon, Jiang Heng must be fast.

Jiang Heng almost used his current peak inscription speed to engrave a formation inscription on the blade.

With the formation engraved successfully, it can be clearly seen that the surface of the weapon is rapidly formed, and countless nodes are quickly and closely connected in an instant, and there is no collapse or broken chain as before.

It worked the first time!

Moreover, combined with the technique of engraving formations, the fineness of this forged product of Wanlong has almost reached the upper-middle level.

Reached above the passing line required by the Legion, and...


Jiang Heng lightly flicked the surface of the ten thousand gun with his fingers, and there was a pleasant chirping sound on the surface instantly.

Touching the surface of the object with your fingers can feel a very soft feeling.

These ten thousand guns belong to the sharp outer ring, while the inner ring is very soft. This is because the outer ring needs to perform high-frequency rotation to kill the enemy.

"Not bad! The tenacity has reached the first-order high-grade level, but the sharpness is a little bit worse."

Looking at the first functional semi-artifact he forged, Jiang Heng nodded in satisfaction. Although it was not satisfactory, it was a big attempt for him.

"Maybe I can try to engrave more formations. In addition to the solidification formation, I can also add the sharpening formation and the armor-breaking formation! Maybe I can also add the lightning formation!"

The more Jiang Hengyue said, the more excited he became.

The curing array can greatly guarantee the durability of this sharpening array increases its sharpness, and the armor-breaking array increases its lethality.

As for the Lightning Array, it enables it to run short distances, and its speed soars again, which has the effect of surprising the enemy.

Thinking of doing it, Jiang Heng started to try again.

This time he tried to add a hardening array and a sharpening array at the same time.

It also worked.

"My guess is indeed correct. It is feasible to engrave the formation in advance, and the engraved formation can still increase the characteristics of the weapon."

Jiang Heng tried again, this time he decided to put all his previous ideas into action.

However it failed.

"Did it fail because too many formations were engraved at one time, or because the lightning formation was too advanced and contained a certain amount of destructive power, which caused the internal structure to be damaged?"

Jiang Heng continued to try, this time eliminating the Thunder Array.

This time it worked.

"It seems that an unstable formation like the Lightning Thunder Array is not suitable for engraving it into a weapon that has not yet been fully plasticized."

After clarifying this idea, Jiang Heng had a solid foundation for this attempt, so he began to eliminate some destructive formations, and began to superimpose some more interesting formations.

For example, curing formation plus sharpening formation plus armor-piercing formation plus psychedelic formation plus hiding formation.

Such superimposed weapons have the effects of killing armor and psychedelic invisibility, which perfectly fits the combat style of the Jiying Legion.

"I don't know if I will have any objections to tampering with their standard weapons like this, but it should not be the case. I am thinking of them."

Just thinking about it for a while, Jiang Heng enthusiastically started his own magic reform.

Even if he was flooded afterwards, let's talk about it when he feels better.

After discovering that engraving formations during forging and shaping can increase the probability of forging and various special effects, Jiang Heng felt that he had opened the door to a new world of forging.

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