You can search “Marvel’s DNFDisassemble Master Miaobige Novel Network (” in 100 degrees to find the latest chapter!

Colson’s eyes were dazed, and he was alert.

Then he looked towards his body. Apart from a layer of pale golden rays of light, there was nothing strange.

“Type 3 contact? Are you an alien?”

If you don’t understand your current situation, even Phil Colson will inevitably start to wonder.

“Actually… almost.”

Suddenly he heard a voice in his ear, he saw a group of people separated, and gave up a youngster.

Coulson’s pupil shrink: “Instructor? Why are you here?”

“Accurately, I brought you here.”

Xia Zhiye shrugged said: “You were already dead, and there was only one last breath left. I froze your time, sealed up your injuries, and took you here to seek medical treatment.”

“How is New York? What happened next?”

Coulson seems to be relaxed: “I’m really worried that you suddenly told me that Earth has been destroyed, so this is a reorganized human resistance.”

“…I suddenly felt that your hair loss probably originated from this exaggerated imagination.”

Xia Zhiye laughed: “New York is very good, Earth is also very good. Perhaps the greatest benefit of mankind lies in forgetfulness. With the efforts of SHIELD, ordinary people have long forgotten the large-scale entertainment activity a year ago. Now.”

“That’s good… wait, a year ago?”

Coulson was still keen and instantly locked the key point: “You mean… a year ago?”

“Obviously, I didn’t say wrong, and you didn’t miss it.”

Xia Zhiye waved his hands, and the Asgard doctors around him had left the room. Xia Zhiye dragged the chair and said, “You have been taken away by me for a full year.”

“Then I should be a dead man at SHIELD now.”

Colson’s expression was slightly melancholy, and sighed said: “It seems that my job is lost.”

“Why do you say that?” Xia Zhiye froze.

“I have no way to explain my experience over the past year, because I don’t know what’s going on.”

Coulson helplessly said: “Once the agent encounters a crisis of trust, there is no way to start any work.”

This is something Xia Zhiye didn’t think of.

Whether he is a monk halfway through, he is obviously not as thoughtful as Coleson.

But in this case, it is better.

He has lost his job. It is not a bad idea to arrange a job for him to travel abroad and change his environment and mood.

Xia Zhiye thought about it in his heart, but he couldn’t tell the story so quickly.

After being with melancholy for a while, I said, “In short, don’t think about it anymore, now take a good rest here. By the way, this is Asgard, you should know it here.”

“Thor’s hometown?” Coulson froze for a moment. “Also Loki’s hometown?”

“That’s right.” Xia Zhiye said: “Loki is dead and Thor is on a business trip every day. I’m afraid it’s hard to see familiar faces here.”

“It’s okay if some familiar faces disappear.”

Coulson rubbed his chest, then exclaimed: “Wonderful technology, in this case, I can still be alive.”

“In fact, saving you is indeed a waste of my energy.” Xia Zhiye said: “However, these things will be discussed after you recover.”

Coulson seemed to be stunned, and then looked at Xia Zhiye thoughtfully and laughed: “You… Is there anything I need to help?”

Laughed by Xia Zhiye sorry: “Let you see through.”

“…” Coulson didn’t know what to say, it was all written on his face, okay?

“Wait until you recover.” Xia Zhiye said: “Although I am in a hurry, to be honest, this is not an anxiety. Just stay here and take a good rest, I…”

As soon as he said this, the bracelet suddenly flashed.

The displayed prompt is a communication from Tony.

Now nodded to Coulson, got up and went out to connect the communication: “How to do it?”

“Preliminary results only.” Tony’s voice is as unpredictable as possible, but in fact it has been extremely irritating: “This is the template that Banner has just made. The main functions have not been installed. The first thing to integrate is remote communication. Function. It really exists like black technology…especially by using the transmission information technology of Transmission Array principle, it can break the dimension wall!”

“…Is this what you should say?”

Xia Zhiye was speechless: “You called me so far, wouldn’t you just show me this?”

“of course not!”

Tony said: “Although we don’t rule out the ostentation, in fact, there is one thing, Natasha asked me must contact you to see if you should come back. But as far as I can see, I feel this matter Not particularly important.”

“You said.”

Xia Zhiye leaned on the railing and looked at the landscape of Asgard.

“Have you heard of… the Life Foundation organization?”


Xia Zhiye frowned, the name of the organization… listened, a bit familiar, but I can’t remember where I heard it.

“It seems that I haven’t heard of it.” Tony said: “According to Natasha, she is currently dealing with the situation of the information center, and has begun to prepare to establish a certain communication with several intelligence organizations. In SHIELD’s With the help of each other, the contact with each other is harmonious… Some intelligence transactions have been carried out to a certain extent, and the content started with the Life Foundation. Others are nothing, mainly about the Life Foundation, which was… half a year ago , A rocket was launched into space, and when it landed, an accident occurred that caused Natasha’s suspicion.”

“Are you reading according to the manuscript?”

Xia Zhiye always felt Tony’s voice sounded a little weird.

“…Don’t always take out something weird!”

Tony helplessly said: “You know a genius like me, who has all kinds of ideas in his head, no extra time to use these strange things, and I don’t know useful and useless things.”


After pondering Xia Zhiye for a while, I found out that Tony said most of these things are very strange to him.

So he asked again: “Is there anymore?”

“Well, there are some follow-up investigations afterwards, but the information parties seem to be not very interested in this. I am afraid that they just checked some things in the 100 subjects and added them to them.” Tony said: The data shows that 6 months ago, about the life foundation had a scandal, the Bullock Express host Eddie Brock had an exclusive interview with the chairman of the life fund Carlton Drake, it is said that they used wandering Han conducts inhumane human experiments!”

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