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If Xia Zhiye made it clear that Tianhou was dead.

That Loki will not believe it 100%. After all, he is a smart man and possesses a self-conceited qualification. Although his speculation is not 100% superstition, he also thinks pretty close!

But even if Xia Zhiye said that the queen was still alive, Loki would still have several points of swing.

If you are still alive, how can you tell yourself so easily?

What conspiracy is hidden in Xia Zhiye?

But now Xia Zhiye is saying, despite believing what you are thinking…I think mother is not dead in my heart, can I believe this?

After that, “Reality will not disappoint anyone”, who is it referring to?

Xia Zhiye, or yourself?


The smarter people are, the more they think about it at this time, but they will go around among the few possibilities, just like stepping into the maze and finding no way out.

“I have already answered your question, so help me investigate one thing.”

Xia Zhiye looked at Loki.

“…If I don’t agree, what is your answer?”

“You know, the person on Earth who has been harassed by you thinks you are dead.” Xia Zhiye doesn’t take the stubble at all, said with a smile: “I’m not threatening you, but if I want to , Even if I am myself, I can drag you to the front of all Asgard people and tear down all your tricks. So, this busy, you help!”

Loki blinked: “You have become a little shameless recently.”

“…Isn’t it until until now?” Xia Zhiye froze for a while. Did he perform badly recently?

“Those who are threatened, if there is the first time, there will be a second time. If I am used to being threatened by you, I will only become your men in the future.” Loki frowned and said: “As a Mortal, don’t you think this is an excessive thing?”

“I don’t think so,” Xia Zhiye said: “And, am I the kind of person who wants to ask for something? You only need to promise me this thing, and I promise, I will keep my mouth shut on this matter!”


After Loki was silent for a moment, nodded: “What are you going to investigate?”

“Recently, have there been major-shaking, earth-shattering major events in the entire universe.” Xia Zhiye said: “You only need to investigate this matter, and then tell me the relevant information.”

Loki wondered: “You wouldn’t be someone who came without any preparation. The scope is so large? Is it because you don’t want me to know the truth?”

“You will know.” Xia Zhiye said with a smile: “But knowing it clearly is better to let you guess it first.”


Loki’s teeth were irritated and he grinned.

Xia Zhiye gave him a deep look and smiled again: “Actually, if you sit in this position, will you feel…not free?”

“This has nothing to do with you!”

Loki gritted his teeth: “Mortal, don’t think he encloses War God for you, you are really Asgard Divine Race.”

“I’m not.” Xia Zhiye said: “Never was.”

Slightly smiled, he turned away and walked to the edge of the great hall, turned back and said, “Don’t keep me waiting!”

After speaking, the wings spread out behind her, and immediately disappeared without a trace.

Loki took a few deep breaths, and then slowly calmed down his mind. Fiercely punched on the throne, finally closed his eyes and lightly breathed out.

Then frowned.

After the last time Xia Zhiye came, he had speculated in his mind.

But after he checked Earth, he didn’t find any problems. Odin was still trapped there by himself and could not leave. Mother’s information was not at all.

“No, ah…”

Loki frowns: “If it’s really what I think in my heart, then I should at least be aware of the clues. His power has been weakened to such a degree, what impossible make a disguise. Unless… there is someone on Earth to help him? But…impossible! How can a mortal achieve this degree?”



Not to mention Loki’s misconceptions, Xia Zhiye came to the medical room again.

As soon as a group of people saw Xia Zhiye coming, they bowed and saluted. As for what they were thinking about, it was not understood.

After finding the old man, Xia Zhiye explained in the future.

The old man was dumbfounded after listening: “The injury has recovered? But the person has not yet awakened? This is impossible!”

From the moment Coulson came here, he took care of him.

No one knows the situation of Coulson better than this old man.

But now he tells himself that the injury has recovered? This is impossible! What can God not do?

When Xia Zhiye let Coleson out, the old man looked carefully, and his eyes almost fell to the ground: “How did it happen?”

Xia Zhiye also wanted to know that he was a complete layman in this respect.

However, if Disassembler can be promoted to the top level in the future, and you don’t need to worry about experience-like problems in the future, then you will certainly disassemble some related books, when the time comes to solve the doubts of this old man…but now Obviously not.

“If you have reached this level, then this person will be able to survive.” The old man glanced at Xia Zhiye: “Do you want him to wake up now, or wake up naturally?”

“What is it?”

“If you wake up now, it may have a little impact on your spirit, but after 2 days of rest, it will be fine. If you wake up naturally, you have to wait a bit… Of course, you can also use external force to cause the same Effect, and will not cause mental damage.”

“How long can he wake up if the latter is through external force?”

“Half hour.”



Coulson felt like he had a dream.

There seemed to be everything in the dream, but nothing seemed to be there.

It feels very uncomfortable, just like brushing glue on the brain, layer by layer, wanting to take it off, but in fear, can only endure, but have no choice.

He didn’t know when the sound came from his ears. It was like a strange device with a constant and weak sound. The body became warmer and warmer at first, and later became The heat eventually turned into itching and pain…

Then he opened his eyes violently, panting heavily.

Daze 4 Gu, saw a group of weirdos, dressed like clothes in the movie, is surrounding him.

“Where is this? Who are you?”

Colson brows tightly knit, Haoxuan didn’t ask who I am.

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