"Tony, I've already dealt with the situation on the scene. Don't fight here. Many people will be accidentally injured by you."

Li Xin said to Tony on the phone on the elevated platform of the exhibition;

"Are you sure? You are so efficient. I thought you would need my help."

Tony was flying rapidly over the city while arranging Jarvis to invade the war machine's system and dodging the firepower from behind.

""Sir, there is a Stark technology city simulation community in the Central Park area. It is empty and can be used as a battlefield,"

Jarvis said as he brought up a globe-like landmark building on Tony's system panel.

Tony saw that Jarvis could not invade Rhodes's armor, so he quickly changed direction and flew towards the target location.

After seeing that Tony had led everyone away, Li Xin flashed out of the scene, ready to clean up the scene and help some injured people.

But at this moment, a mechanical whistling sound suddenly came from overhead. It turned out that four of the air force that had just chased Tony were transferred here, and this time, their target was Li Xin!

Far away in the Hammer Factory... In an office of the company, Ivan Vanko, who was typing quickly on the keyboard, was also full of worry.

He never expected that his steel soldiers would be chopped down by the masked man in an instant. He had just changed the order and wanted to target the masked man as well, but all the steel soldiers at the exhibition site turned into scrap metal!

Li Xin looked at the four flames coming towards him, and he knew that Ivan Vanko had finally changed his target to him; so Li Xin ran quickly towards the venue again, because now the outside of the venue was full of panicked people, and the crowd in the middle of the venue had already been evacuated, and the space was spacious enough to be used as a temporary battlefield.


After the air force steel soldiers in the sky entered the shooting range, they fired machine guns at Li Xin who was running fast on the ground. As the firepower of the four steel soldiers burst out instantly, the whole venue was full of sparks. Bullets shuttled around Li Xin frantically, and the places where the gun lines swept were instantly turned into debris and ruins.

But Li Xin's speed was too fast. His figure running fast had already exceeded the limit of the naked eye. The afterimage left behind made an S-shaped move and jumped above the venue in a few flashes.

At this time, the four steel soldiers suddenly stopped firing after losing their target. They just stopped in the air, and the signal indicator lights on their heads were flashing rapidly.

After a few seconds, they found that the target had jumped onto the iron frame above the venue without knowing when. So the steel soldiers who locked the target again began to raise their right hands, revealing the micro missile launchers on their arms.

""Swish, swish, swish~"

Several flames flashed behind the steel soldier's arm, and he actually launched a missile towards Li Xin!

"Boom, boom, boom!" The missile exploded above the venue in an instant, flashing a fierce flame.

Just when the people who were still watching the battle in the distance thought that the masked man was going to be blown to pieces, Li Xin had already appeared on the back of a flying steel soldier without knowing when!

A flash of knife light passed by, and the broken army knife with high-temperature heat energy pierced the steel soldier fiercely, and then jumped suddenly, and several sharp knife lights passed by, and the remaining three steel soldiers also lost power and fell from the air;

"Bang! Bang!..."All the iron soldiers were smashed from the air and fell to the ground;

"Alas, it's really a human-machine, a simple trick fooled them."

Li Xin smiled after landing gently like a wild goose. He didn't know how much this steel soldier would be sold for, but he had chopped it all down. After saying that, Li Xin prepared to take away the remains of these robots and throw them all in the center of the venue, because they were equipped with a self-destruct system and had to be placed in a safe place.

He happened to see a security guard who was evacuating the scene, so he said seriously;

"Tell people to leave here, it will be blown up soon!"

A black security guard swallowed his saliva immediately after hearing this, and then quickly started talking to the intercom; and Tony finally arrived at the giant globe building in Central Park;

Tony quickly flew to the wall of the globe, paused slightly, and then flew upwards;


All the steel soldiers of the air force flying behind them hit the wall neatly and turned into sparks;

"Haha, Hammer Technology?"

Tony, who was suspended in the air, said happily while watching the robots lining up to crash into the wall.

But just when he was wondering why War Machine didn't crash into the wall, a rapid flame rushed towards Iron Man.


With a loud steel collision sound, Iron Man was thrown by War Machine who attacked from behind and fell heavily into a Japanese ecological park nearby.

Then War Machine quickly pressed Iron Man under him, and the thick gun barrel on his back began to spin rapidly.


Before Tony could react, the Gatling gun on War Machine's back started to fire wildly at Iron Man. But Iron Man was an upgraded version after all. He kept holding the barrel with his hands, and then found an opportunity to push War Machine away with a knee strike.

Then the two Iron Men staged a passionate fight in this Japanese-style ecological park. They punched and kicked each other, and the whole ecological park was filled with the sound of"bang bang bang~" of metal collisions.

At Hammer Industries far away in Queens, an Audi R8 sports car stopped at the door of the company. Natasha, who was originally wearing a sexy evening dress, had changed into a close-fitting agent costume.

This black agent costume. In addition to perfectly outlining her curvy figure, her beautiful and serious face also brought out a different style. At this time, she was no longer a sexy and charming assistant, but a dangerous and deadly Black Widow.

"You stay���"Don't turn off the engine in the car,"

Natasha said to Happy as she used the universal decryption card to crack the access control system of Hammer Company. After all, the situation inside was still unknown.

"I’m not staying in the car, I want to help"

Happy looked left and right warningly, then rushed in the moment he saw the door opened;

"Hey, you can't come in...."

A security guard holding a baton saw the two strangers who broke in and quickly stepped forward to drive them away;


But before the security guard could finish his words, Happy immediately took a boxing stance and punched him in the face; but after all, Happy was not Tyson, and this punch not only failed to knock out the opponent, but also aroused his ferocity. Soon, the irritable security guard began to fight back quickly, and then the two of them started to wrestle with fists and flesh;........................

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